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The Sims 4 announced (PC/Mac, 2014), series 150 million, has offline [Up: Call Info]

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Sims 4 Announcement Conference Call Transcript (transcribed by Aquamarine for NeoGAF):

EA Maxis Spokespersons Nicole and Rachel said:
"Hi everybody. My name's Nicole. I am so excited to talk to you guys today, and to welcome each of you into our inner circle here at Maxis, because you guys are our VIPs. You are the ones who made this The Sims 3 such a wonderful demonstration of player-driven creativity, and so I'm here to give you big news today.

And like we mentioned, we've seen speculation on the internet over the weekend and there's tons of theories about what we're announcing today, but you are the first people to hear the news. Today, in just under three hours, we are formally announcing that we're developing "The Sims 4."

So, the Sims is fueled by the passion and creativity of our millions of fans around the world, and we make The Sims because of you guys. It's your continued devotion to The Sims that inspires us every day and gets us here, on the team at The Sims Studio, creative.

We're working hard to make The Sims 4 the best Sims game yet, and we're looking to bring the biggest critical component to the dev process, which is you. So we're relying on your passion and your expertise to help us make The Sims 4 even better. And, it's to bring each of you into the mix early and often, so you have insider access to the game that we're making.

And I want to make it clear right now that with The Sims, it's fans first, all the way. In fact, we have not yet spoken to the press. You are the first people in the entire world to find out more about the team making The Sims 4, as well as our vision for the game.

So first of all, I want to tell you about the team behind the scene. We have over 100 people working on The Sims 4, and many of them are the names that you recognize from The Sims 3. Some of them are even members that extend all the way back to the first Sims.

One of our producers is Lindsay Pearson, and she's been with The Sims Studio for ten years now. She's worked on a variety of The Sims projects from the original Sims, to The Sims 2, and The Sims 3, and Lindsay's been a key driver behind not only The Sims base game, but subsequent expansion and stuff packs as well. And we just feel so lucky to have her on this team.

Our audio maestro is Robbie Crocker, and I hope you all know his name, because he's been with The Sims since the very beginning. Robbie was one of the original creators of "Simlish," which I think is the coolest thing ever. He is just such a cool guy. And it's Robbie more than anyone else, who has helped shaped the sound of our in-game language and music, and I can't wait to hear what new sounds he's going to be making for The Sims 4.

I could throw a ton of names at you guys, Kevin Hogan, Kevin Gibson, Josh Hendron, Samantha Mizelli, Grant Vo{inaudible}, and these are some of the names you already know and love, and these are some of the people you'll be meeting and talking to, in the months to come.

As for me, I've been a huge fan of The Sims since the first game, and personally I've jumped at the opportunity to work on one of my dream projects. I love games, I've been in gaming forever, and I'm so excited to be here to bring our team's vision to life for The Sims 4. I'm impressed daily by the depth and knowledge of the studio team members, and I'm very much looking forward to the day where I can introduce all of you to some more of them.

So, why now? Well for The Sims 4, we took a look at the history of the series, and we pinpointed what we believe is the core of the experience. When the original came out in 2000 it was like nothing before it, it was just fascinating look into the world of The Sims, those little people that we've come to love so much, and then three years later came The Sims 2, and it introduced wonderful concepts like generational gameplay, a big fan favorite, and of course, little people in 3D.

Then The Sims 3 came out in 2009, and with the introduction of traits we added even more personality to those little people. So at the very center of every game are "the sims." And that's what our fans love, and we know that because you tell us that, every day. So we're listening to our fans like you, and we're going back to our roots—"the sims" themselves.

We felt it was important to unlock new ways for your sims to interact with one another, so we're focusing on the complexity of sim-to-sim interactions, and the way your sims behave. New breakthroughs in technology are letting us give you the coolest sims ever. And today we're giving you an exclusive image that will provide some clues into what's new and exciting about The Sims 4.

We're not quite ready to spoil it for you yet, but when we are I promise it will all make sense.

We're also making some big improvements to CAS [Create-a-sim] and Build / Buy [modes], and I think you'll love the changes that we've made to each of our tools. We couldn't be {inaudible} about the news, and what all our fans around the world have to say, because you know this studio loves reading your articles, and we've spent tons of our lunchtimes on your sites, and we're probably some of your biggest fans.

So I want to tell you one more thing, you are the influencers who will help shape our game. You guys are the ones we will be reaching out to on a regular basis. And we want your input. And, I have to say we're so impressed by the amount of creativity throughout all that you're doing out there. {inaudible}, your videos are amazing. It's just that the time and the creativity is absolutely amazing. And Curtis, O M G bravo!--over 42 million videos viewed on YouTube--wow! Incredible! Greg, your worlds are unbelievable, really amazing work, especially since {inaudible}. And Kristin, your tutorials are appreciated by so many of our players, thank you.

So I know I'm not mentioning all of you and I apologize, but we are looking forward to meeting each and every one of you, {inaudible}, I can't wait to see you in person in the near future. So, on that subject, we have a big event planned later this summer, and we want you to be a part of it. We're going to be getting in touch with you soon, but all I can say right now is you might want to think the third week of August open on your calendar, please trust me it will be worth it, book your time off now, and to finish I want to say thank you for being the best fans in the world, because you are. And from this point on, you're part of a special group that we're calling "YISM," and a "yism" is Simglish for "best friend." We'll be coming back to all of you "yisms" soon, and for now, thank you for joining me on this conference call. There is much more to come and I look forward to meeting you, thank you."

"This is Rachel. I have some really amazing news coming from The Sims Studio. The Sims 4 is coming to PC and Mac in 2014, and just to {inaudible} what {inaudible} said earlier, we want you all to be a part of this team. Just to recap, here are a few reminders: an email will be coming to you in just a few minutes. It includes the very first asset from The Sims 4 that will give you a little sneak peak into the future of this game. You all are the very first to receive this asset, and it's exclusive for the next three hours. Feel free to share this right away with fans, friends, and followers, and then be sure to mark you calendars for the third week in August. We are planning something big, and we want you to be able to be free and experience it with us. Thanks again for joining today, you are an amazing group and we look forward to sharing more information with you in the future."


I hope that The Sims 4 gets a soundtrack that's even half as good as the one in the first game, they were always fine in The Sims 2/3, but never even close to as great as the one for The Sims 1.

Couldn't be more wrong in my opinion... I think it looks great.

Well, these things are as subjective as they get of course, but I always really liked the logo for the first game, and haven't really liked any of the sequel's.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
No consoles SKUs? Or they'll just annouce them later?


Third week of August? Odd timing for a big reveal (assuming that's what the event is).

No consoles SKUs? Or they'll just annouce them later?

Those are definitely coming. Every generation of the Sims has had a (stripped down) console counterpart.


No consoles SKUs? Or they'll just annouce them later?
The main The Sims series has always been PC first. Consoles get various spinoffs, but the main attraction is the PC (and Mac) game. Glad to see that isn't changing for Sims 4.


Split bump.

We'll update this thread as more details come in since the other thread has a lot of pages about lack of information.

Edit: In retrospect there's not much info.


No consoles SKUs? Or they'll just annouce them later?

If they're going to make them like the previous ones, hopefully not. Sims belongs on PC.

I wouldn't mind a perfect PC port on Vita or Wii U due to their respective control options making this possible, but it really would have to be 1:1 from the PC version.

But it's EA so lol Wii U and Vita


Why are they doing the Jay-Z/Beyonce sign?


It's The Sims Diamond

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Really? 4 already?

The first game was something of a revelation, I spent hours playing it simply because it was something totally new. I could build my guy a house and then watch him do stuff. It was brilliant.

The series has really changed since then, however. It's far too in-your-face and youth oriented now - it's all about PETS! VACATIONS! PARTIES! BEING A MOVIE STAR! and doing stupid shit, when all I really want is a realistic sandbox where I can watch my Sim do his thing and intervene if I choose to.

The focus should be on modelling human behaviour as realistically as possible, and giving you the tools to create just about any house you can think of. Instead, you can bet that they'll be focused on generating as much money as possible through DLC and micro-transactions.

Basically I want this:

not this:

Also, Sims looks REALLY creepy now. Can we please have something that doesn't creep into the Uncanny Valley, EA?

You do know that that's a terrible analogy right? Stuff packs are terrible I agree, but Sims 1 is pretty primitive and how shall I say it, lacking in depth, compared to 3. I think it's best to pick which expansions are good value and stick to those. I mean, by the comparison you're arguing, Sims 1 has Vacation and Superstar. At the very least the later Sims tried to add more depth to them. Sims 2 and 3 made the interactions a bit more depth and have some more value to the Sims and even the AI themselves are improved.

And you argue about uncanny valley? Go to Sims 2. Now THAT is uncanny valley. I'm glad 3 managed to give you actual fat characters and other details.


Speculation time for August!

When Sims 3 was in development, EA released the Create-A-Sim tool ahead of the game (I think as a pre-order bonus), so you could try out making new Sims for the game. Of course, they could be imported from demo to the full game when you bought it. When Sims 3: Pets was in development, they released Create-A-Pet ahead of the game with the same idea.

So, in August, I'm thinking we'll have a gameplay demonstration and a release date for the Sims 4 Create-A-Sim demo. It'd fit with what EA usually does for this series. Then the game itself would be out in March 2014.

I'm getting the feeling that EA might be a little afraid to mess too much with a winning formula, here. They might still not be entirely sure why this series is so popular, but they know what they're currently doing is working very, very well. So, no taking stupid chances.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Well, it's out in 2014, which means five years will have passed since the release of The Sims 3. I don't really see a problem there.

I was kinda expecting a bit more of a blowout final expansion though. "World Adventures part two" feels underwhelming.


I would love the chance to mess with the CAS tool in August.

I was kinda expecting a bit more of a blowout final expansion though. "World Adventures part two" feels underwhelming.

The time travel expansion pack is actually the last Sims 3 expansion. It'll be one of the few expansion packs unique to the Sims 3 generation and have room for cool new ideas. Pretty nice way to end the generation.


I was kinda expecting a bit more of a blowout final expansion though. "World Adventures part two" feels underwhelming.
Island Paradise isn't the final one. "Future Life" (working title) is. No one really knows too much about that one, except it's going to be the Sims 3 finale. We already got a time machine in Ambitions, though, so I have no idea.



Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
The time travel expansion pack is actually the last Sims 3 expansion. It'll be one of the few expansion packs unique to the Sims 3 generation and have room for cool new ideas. Pretty nice way to end the generation.

Oh, so they're saving one more after the re-tread of World Adventures? Nice.

Not that I'm knocking WA. I actually liked WA's concept. I kinda wish they just added more content for WA in increments via the expansions.


Oh, so they're saving one more after the re-tread of World Adventures? Nice.

Not that I'm knocking WA. I actually liked WA's concept. I kinda wish they just added more content for WA in increments via the expansions.
WA is probably my least favorite expansion. I'm not sure who thought making The Sims 3 a dungeon crawler as the first expansion was a good plan.
This probably isn't reasonable but I'm kind of pissed this has offline but SimCity didn't.
SimCity died so The Sims 4 could live. We honor its sacrifice.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I find it really weird that I enjoyed the non-Wright-involved Sims the most (that is, Sims 3).

Time to strip away a bunch of stuff currently in 3 and sell through expansions in 4.

While I understand the idea, this doesn't really makes sense. The engine used from 1, 2 and 3 aren't really the same. Especially when you consider how vastly different each supposed "similar" expansions are.

For example, the Pets line. Sims Unleashed made the neighborhood bigger, added gardening (albeit shallow), and had pets (which looked more like deformed puppies and kittens). Sims 2 Pets made pets a more "Sim-like" in depth, added smaller pets, and lycanthropy. Sims 3 Pets overhauled pets to have a full blown customization feature on them, added horses, added a new career which has its own job gimmick, unicorns, and even pet NPCs. And the features Sims Unleashed became pretty much part of base game for Sims 3.

WA is probably my least favorite expansion. I'm not sure who thought making The Sims 3 a dungeon crawler as the first expansion was a good plan.

It's the town design that made me like it, as well as the role-playing aspect of a dungeon adventuring. With that said it can get repetitive.

Will it make you feel better to know that Sims 4 will probably have all kinds of dumb twitter/Facebook sharing content packed in?

Sims 3 already has that terrible stuff though. Thankfully I kept the game offline since it does terrible things like cluttering.


Yeah and most Sims unveils happen there since Europe is the much larger Sims market.
And how!

When Sims 3 was released, it made the news. No other game is mentioned in the news on release. It was nearly an event in itself, newspapers having the green plumbob on the front page, people lining up in stores just to get The Sims 3.

I'm hoping The Sims 4 can pull off the hype in the general public that The Sims 3 did. It was awesome to see.


Reeks of "Well we're redesigning how the sims interact so none of the additions that we always add through expansions in all previous versions will be in and you'll have to rebuy them again". No thanks Maxis. Especially not after SimCity.


The only reason I ever played the sims was to build awesome houses... The better have improved that part, you can't do alot of things in modern houses in it still.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Reeks of "Well we're redesigning how the sims interact so none of the additions that we always add through expansions in all previous versions will be in and you'll have to rebuy them again". No thanks Maxis. Especially not after SimCity.

Refer to

While I understand the idea, this doesn't really makes sense. The engine used from 1, 2 and 3 aren't really the same. Especially when you consider how vastly different each supposed "similar" expansions are.

For example, the Pets line. Sims Unleashed made the neighborhood bigger, added gardening (albeit shallow), and had pets (which looked more like deformed puppies and kittens). Sims 2 Pets made pets a more "Sim-like" in depth, added smaller pets, and lycanthropy. Sims 3 Pets overhauled pets to have a full blown customization feature on them, added horses, added a new career which has its own job gimmick, unicorns, and even pet NPCs. And the features Sims Unleashed became pretty much part of base game for Sims 3.

The only reason I ever played the sims was to build awesome houses... The better have improved that part, you can't do alot of things in modern houses in it still.

Huh, you can do a lot of modern houses in Sims 2 and 3.


Reeks of "Well we're redesigning how the sims interact so none of the additions that we always add through expansions in all previous versions will be in and you'll have to rebuy them again". No thanks Maxis. Especially not after SimCity.

That happens every time.
Though after playing Sims 3, it was hard to go back to 2, with its stupid AI.
Hopefully this will be a similar increment.


I can usually only play the Sims for like an hour at most. Then I start to feel depressed because I could do most things I am making my Sim do.


That's not that easy. Hm. I was looking for the word SIMS. But there is no 4 character word that starts and ends with the same symbol.

Probably because the first S would be uppercase and the last one lowercase.

It's not standard Simlish either, I tried looking up the alphabet on Google lol

EDIT: Actually, no, there's no difference between lowercase and uppercase, sorry.


Hmm, second line, two two letter words ending in the same letter. "At" and "It"? Anything else that would fit?
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