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These Arizona Voters think both sides are to blame.


The GOP was pretty much forced to accept him due to their rules(and the other candidates, lol). This is a large reason why there is and has been so much pressure against him in the GOP. The problem for the GOP is it would have taken a major rule change to stop that train which would expose them as not being representative of their voters.

The DNC were better at staving off the outsider. This Was shown by them letting a Clinton run virtually unopposed.

The GOP embraced him as soon as he became the presumptive nominee. They could've tried harder to oust him and they didn't. After that one tape leaked Preibus started getting calls from GOP politicians begging him to cut ties with Trump and pull funding from his campaign. He didn't.

Bernie got closer to winning than anybody expected. Clinton didn't "run virtual unopposed." The reason she won was because nobody else in the party (except Bernie) had the clout or experience to court donors and win over voters, and even Bernie only saw success because he ran an unorthodox grass-roots campaign that spoke strongly to a base that was already reliably Democrat. That's fine, but does dick for you in the general.


Fuck you are right

In some ways Trump has effectively stalled what could have been an even more terrifying power structure with his constant fuck ups

I dont want to think about a competent GOP member in the seat now

Trump is horrible obviously but also kind of a blessing in disguise. He's becoming a lame duck president when Republicans have the most power they have had in decades, and even better, every stupid thing he does reflects badly on the party.

If he loses in 2020, which I expect he will, the Republicans are going to be in a mess of a state.


The good news here is that voters will be ready for change in the next elections. Trump became the establishment. Now he's part of the problem, to their thinking.
The bad news is that after Trump's out they'll elect another moron and then blame everyone else for his inevitable mistakes.
Funny thing about coal is that in 2014 it only employed 76k workers. It shouldn't even be mentioned next to manufacturing, which has good programs for offshored jobs (albeit less powerful than before 2010).
Funny thing about coal is that in 2014 it only employed 76k workers.

These same people will vote against democrats regardless. It's like it's cultural.

They will blame democrats for their problems too

Even though progressives are trying to get us cheap education so we could have the jobs of the future

Except... the future is going to have less jobs on average every generational cycle...

Oh well at least populations are expected to drop as humans get pushed out of the economy?


Funny thing about coal is that in 2014 it only employed 76k workers. It shouldn't even be mentioned next to manufacturing, which has good programs for offshored jobs (albeit less powerful than before 2010).

More people teach yoga than work in coal.

I do think coal and manufacturing can loosely be linked as these are the "old" jobs we're trying to keep but are losing via new models and methods.

They represent the ideals of America of the 20th century, as the 21st is focused on services, and that comes with the rise of the gig economy and zero hour contracts.

Per Barack Obama's last major speech as President, automation is the middle class job killer. It loops right into the death of the 20th century ideals and the rise of the 21st.


Trump is horrible obviously but also kind of a blessing in disguise. He's becoming a lame duck president when Republicans have the most power they have had in decades, and even better, every stupid thing he does reflects badly on the party.

If he loses in 2020, which I expect he will, the Republicans are going to be in a mess of a state.

Even better though is how much they've messed up their end with healthcare....lets see how tax reform goes.
“The Democrats still have to put forward an economic vision that is persuasive,” he said. The 2018 election “isn’t just all about being anti-Trump. It’s not.”

This dude should be careful before he gets labeled a member of the dangerous alt-left
More people teach yoga than work in coal.

I do think coal and manufacturing can loosely be linked as these are the "old" jobs we're trying to keep but are losing via new models and methods.

They represent the ideals of America of the 20th century, as the 21st is focused on services, and that comes with the rise of the gig economy and zero hour contracts.

you know whats weird is that you would think people in coal country would be aware of what is actually taking their jobs away

Like... if you are on site and see automated trucks doing all the work... wouldnt you connect the dots

Teh Coal barons paid a lot of money and lied out their teeth to cover up the fact that they knew what was coming I think.

It reminds me of the union and auto industry where people were getting mad at foreign cars and mexican cheap labor when on average they were losing jobs faster to automation than anything else


you know whats weird is that you would think people in coal country would be aware of what is actually taking their jobs away

Like... if you are on site and see automated trucks doing all the work... wouldnt you connect the dots

Teh Coal barons paid a lot of money and lied out their teeth to cover up the fact that they knew what was coming I think.

It reminds me of the union and auto industry where people were getting mad at foreign cars and mexican cheap labor when on average they were losing jobs faster to automation than anything else

Honestly, a great deal of not connecting the dots is based on wealth and race.

White people have the capital to move, and for this reason, are more likely to believe trade jobs are what took what they have, not automation.

Not true for blacks. They've seen reality.

It's also an issue of understanding technology. Many people still believe in a type of vitalism in human consciousness, especially religious people in rural locations. Deep learning and the early stages of AI kind of breaks the idea of human beings having unique capabilities, so there's a type of denialism that unfolds, typically seen with the "machines are dumb and can never be smart as humans!" retorts when automation is brought up as a central theme in a discussion. That illusion of specialness fueled by dualistic thinking is precisely the same view that climate denial comes from, likely from mostly the exact same people. This is where anti-intellectualism plays a part: people are ignore-ant to trends and situations, and fall for personal narratives. After all, which does the GOP depend upon?


This dude should be careful before he gets labeled a member of the dangerous alt-left

2018 won't be, but I think ultimately 2020 will be.

Still, Democrats should focus on policy and strategy. Hell even releasing an ad saying that there is no need to say anything negative about Trump because his presidency speaks for itself and then instead go on about how Democrats are going to change things, would play well.

Change, change, change, people are going to be so thirsty for it after Trump.


”I loved him because he was different. I thought that he was really going to do a lot of change, good changes," said one Republican woman. ”I hated Obama, so I was ready for a change."

Fuck this woman. Anyone that hates Obama enough to vote for that orange fuck deserves everything that's coming to them. I have absolutely no sympathy for these idiots. The most depressing part is that she probably doesn't even know why she hates Obama in the first place.
From some of those quotes it's obvious that they still hate Obama, but are just disappointed in Trump. These people will never reconcile the cognitive dissonance of the black man they demonized for 8 years turning out to be a pretty damn good president.


From some of those quotes it's obvious that they still hate Obama, but are just disappointed in Trump. These people will never reconcile the cognitive dissonance of the black man they demonized for 8 years turning out to be a pretty damn good president.

History will remember Obama as a great president while these uneducated idiots will die and be forgotten for the rest of existence. Trump being an incompetent piece of shit only helps Obama's legacy even more.

Obama is the perfect example of "you don't know what you have until it's gone"


Fuck this woman. Anyone that hates Obama enough to vote for that orange fuck deserves everything that's coming to them. I have absolutely no sympathy for these idiots. The most depressing part is that she probably doesn't even know why she hates Obama in the first place.

"Obamacare is terrible!"

"Why are the Republicans taking away the Affordable Care Act?"

I would bet she thinks this exact thought.


These people are fucking stupid, they're finally realizing they're fucking stupid, and now they're trying to pull some "both sides" shit in an attempt to not look so fucking stupid. Fuck them.


These people are fucking stupid, they're finally realizing they're fucking stupid, and now they're trying to pull some "both sides" shit in an attempt to not look so fucking stupid. Fuck them.

It's 6 months in. I prefer to believe that in 3 more years they will finally have arrived at acceptance (that they made a mistake)


In a certain indirect sense, they're right. Liberals are useless and conservatives are malevolent.

The stuff that will actually make your life better and free you from the hell you currently live in is considered unthinkable, un-electable extremist far left wing fantasy by most.



Obviously saying "both sides are the same" is foolish.

But with that said, it's true that both sides are at best useless when dealing with some fundamental issues facing the country.

The fact that "too big to fail" became reality was a joke and one of the biggest symbols of the rich vs poor divide in this country.

When Trump is at his rallies, talking to the "uneducated people" he loves so much,and is crowing about the stock market reaching all-time highs... he might as well be kicking dirt in their faces. Those people aren't invested in the stock market.

One of the things that brought resentment toward Obama (besides the obvious racism stuff) was the crowing of "things are getting so much better" when for many people it wasn't. Eventually people get tired of hearing about how well rich people are doing and start wondering when their turn is going to come. Republicans ran on "it's the fault of the blacks/browns/poors/liberals that you're not rich" and now that's falling apart because they control all parts of government now and nothing is changing.

One thing I constantly hear from republicans when I mention the constant embarrassment that is the White House these days is "well they should be investigating Hillary" or whatever. I just respond with: "Well your party controls all parts of government. If there was really something there, why haven't they done anything? They held control of Congress for years and years and investigated this stuff for years. If her criminality was so blatant, why aren't they doing anything?"

Usually I'm met with a shake of the head and a "they're all corrupt" response at that point. This is where I think these Arizona voters are at. They've realized that the GOP never had a health plan despite bitching about Obamacare for 8 years -- that they fully expected to be facing a Democrat in the white house yet again and not have to really do any governing. They've realized that they're in control of everything and now the victimhood that Fox is preaching to them is sounding wrong, because who can they blame it on really now?

The hate for the Democrats is too deeply ingrained, but now they're getting a MISTRUST of Republicans, and as long as that keeps them home, that's all that matters.
Obviously saying "both sides are the same" is foolish.

But with that said, it's true that both sides are at best useless when dealing with some fundamental issues facing the country.

The fact that "too big to fail" became reality was a joke and one of the biggest symbols of the rich vs poor divide in this country.

When Trump is at his rallies, talking to the "uneducated people" he loves so much,and is crowing about the stock market reaching all-time highs... he might as well be kicking dirt in their faces. Those people aren't invested in the stock market.

One of the things that brought resentment toward Obama (besides the obvious racism stuff) was the crowing of "things are getting so much better" when for many people it wasn't. Eventually people get tired of hearing about how well rich people are doing and start wondering when their turn is going to come. Republicans ran on "it's the fault of the blacks/browns/poors/liberals that you're not rich" and now that's falling apart because they control all parts of government now and nothing is changing.

One thing I constantly hear from republicans when I mention the constant embarrassment that is the White House these days is "well they should be investigating Hillary" or whatever. I just respond with: "Well your party controls all parts of government. If there was really something there, why haven't they done anything? They held control of Congress for years and years and investigated this stuff for years. If her criminality was so blatant, why aren't they doing anything?"

Usually I'm met with a shake of the head and a "they're all corrupt" response at that point. This is where I think these Arizona voters are at. They've realized that the GOP never had a health plan despite bitching about Obamacare for 8 years -- that they fully expected to be facing a Democrat in the white house yet again and not have to really do any governing. They've realized that they're in control of everything and now the victimhood that Fox is preaching to them is sounding wrong, because who can they blame it on really now?

The hate for the Democrats is too deeply ingrained, but now they're getting a MISTRUST of Republicans, and as long as that keeps them home, that's all that matters.

Yeah, this is exactly what it is. They control all branches of government but they still act like shit is going on in the background and If only (insert scape goat here) would do something then American would be great again. And they keep eating the shit Fox News and right wing radio puts out. Republicans aren't the underdogs. And the fact that they've been able to frame themselves this way for the last 8 years is astounding.

I heard some crazy shit on the radio today where a guy was talking about investigating Hilary and how trump has done so much for vets. And he just rambled. That the russia investigation was Hilary's people and all of this is just a witch hunt because democrats are putting on a witch hunt. You know, like they witch hunt they went on with Hilary.

It's hard for me not to think of this person as the average American now. It's ASTOUNDING the cognitive dissonance that's present. Rather than face the reality that they've been lied to, these people just want to put their heads in the sand and keep blaming Hilary and Obama and the democratic Legion of Doom. Because obviously they're the reason why republicans can't get shit done.


The last few years Trump has pretty much voiced support for every conceivable position on healthcare to the extent anyone with a brain should have realised he was full of shit and said whatever people wanted to hear, but would defer to Republicans in Congress when push came to shove.

Instead people treated it like some weird Rorschach test that he REALLY agreed with them and any evidence to the contrary was simply Trump trying to win over people but would never, ever do it to them.

And when they inevitably get burned instead of admitting they have garbage instincts and don't possess the ability to look past dogwhistling they just give up and pretend everyone is a liar until the next snake oil salesman comes along and the process repeats.
I wouldn't call my cost doubling an improvement-ish.

Obama didn't push universal because he was paid off just like most candidates pushed by the DNC/GOP.

Sanders was our chance but he is negatively labeled simply because he follows his morales and doesn't bend to that sweet sweet corporate cash or private entity pressure.

Obama's plan had a Public Option in it that Pelosi passed through the House and had to be taken out in the Senate because they had lost their 60 votes majority and thus had to get Lieberman on board and he threatened to Filibuster and of course no GOP were gonna vote for it... so blame Republicans... as usual and Lieberman (and like a handful of Blue Dogs weren't probably high on it but if they had had the 60 majority they'd have probably been whipped into voting yes on the plan with the Public Option)

So I'd tell you to stop inventing shit but that's all you do.


It's 6 months in. I prefer to believe that in 3 more years they will finally have arrived at acceptance (that they made a mistake)
They won't. Fox News will see to that.

In a certain indirect sense, they're right. Liberals are useless and conservatives are malevolent.

The stuff that will actually make your life better and free you from the hell you currently live in is considered unthinkable, un-electable extremist far left wing fantasy by most.
Another both sides-ism that's factually correct is that they're all in bed with Israel.
Yeah, this is exactly what it is. They control all branches of government but they still act like shit is going on in the background and If only (insert scape goat here) would do something then American would be great again. And they keep eating the shit Fox News and right wing radio puts out. Republicans aren't the underdogs. And the fact that they've been able to frame themselves this way for the last 8 years is astounding.

I heard some crazy shit on the radio today where a guy was talking about investigating Hilary and how trump has done so much for vets. And he just rambled. That the russia investigation was Hilary's people and all of this is just a witch hunt because democrats are putting on a witch hunt. You know, like they witch hunt they went on with Hilary.

It's hard for me not to think of this person as the average American now. It's ASTOUNDING the cognitive dissonance that's present. Rather than face the reality that they've been lied to, these people just want to put their heads in the sand and keep blaming Hilary and Obama and the democratic Legion of Doom. Because obviously they're the reason why republicans can't get shit done.

This is why I hold out hope and put pressure on any GOP to follow Flake's footsteps and bite the bullet to throw off the yoke of special interests, unelected whips, and John Birch-levels of conspiracy theory after having to impeach/run off "their own" president and eat a blue tsunami. I see signs of this starting now but there's no "block" of them working as one on this issue yet, so they have no safety in numbers to survive the counterattack.

This country cannot take one functioning party and one fantasy land, obstructionist, lacking in personal responsibility party that knows only how to get elected for the most part. Either the current GOP (and the conservative movement as Buckley envisioned in the 50s its tied to) dies a natural death and comes back right (or, should I say, LEFT of what they are now) and the country recovers or they kick the can down the road and the country goes irrecoverably dysfunctional.
I actually have high hopes for Arizona. These people sound deflated.

Without the Black man or the email witch to get their blood boiling, I'm guessing most will stay home.

Oh they'll have a witch. If nobody else is going to run, the Democrats Senate candidate for Arizona will be a Muslim woman. You already know what the Republicans attack ads are going to be like when you have such an easy target for racists.
And when they inevitably get burned instead of admitting they have garbage instincts and don't possess the ability to look past dogwhistling they just give up and pretend everyone is a liar until the next snake oil salesman comes along and the process repeats.

yep, I agree, and this is a frightening thought indeed. A large voterbase voting on an unreality that never runs dry as long as there's one corny bit celebrity willing to say anything for power.
Arizona is such a shit state. I can't think of a single good thing about that place. It's the west coast version of florida in terms of stupidity.
They deserve to be laughed at. At least with some of them it seems that they're slowly realizing that they might've been had. That's more than you can say for the majority of his base which is basically a cult.

Rube, hoople-head, mark, are there any other appropriate terms for a segment of the country who was duped into voting for this charlatan whose idiocy and crass impulses were on full display? Trump is the epitome of a carnival barker and they bought it hook, line, and sinker. This is something you would see in the 1930's. And yet, here we are at this crossroad in time.


Derpedy dooper.

How can you look at the way Trump conducts himself at any public engagement and think he's capable of improvement? How can you think he has any substance to improve to begin with?

The man's an obvious idiot clown, complete with dumb phrases and stupid expressions. He doesn't even have the potentially endearing hapless quality of W. He's a nasty arrogant doofus who is blatantly clueless. Oh and also he literally uttered the phrase "grab them by the pussy." But yeah, he's gonna turn this ship around!

Counterpoint: He's not black. That Obummer, there's something unsettling about him that I just hate. Can't put my finger on it. But I can see it!

Arizona is such a shit state. I can't think of a single good thing about that place. It's the west coast version of florida in terms of stupidity.
Well, there's the weather. That searing, stifling heat that makes you feel like you're trapped in the Devil's asshole. Mmm.

Wait a minute, that's another thing that sucks about Arizona.
The last few years Trump has pretty much voiced support for every conceivable position on healthcare to the extent anyone with a brain should have realised he was full of shit and said whatever people wanted to hear, but would defer to Republicans in Congress when push came to shove.

Instead people treated it like some weird Rorschach test that he REALLY agreed with them and any evidence to the contrary was simply Trump trying to win over people but would never, ever do it to them.

And when they inevitably get burned instead of admitting they have garbage instincts and don't possess the ability to look past dogwhistling they just give up and pretend everyone is a liar until the next snake oil salesman comes along and the process repeats.

Garbage instincts. I love that description.
Arizona is such a shit state. I can't think of a single good thing about that place. It's the west coast version of florida in terms of stupidity.

We discovered Pluto, have the Grand Canyon, the tech sector is quite strong here, and the state universities do some fantastic research (especially in fields pertaining to space, where U of A is a leader), to name a few things.

I mean, a lot of this state is pretty shitty, I definitely won't argue that, but you don't gotta be an ass and totally ignore the bits of good/throw out the entire population either.

Well, there's the weather. That searing, stifling heat that makes you feel like you're trapped in the Devil's asshole. Mmm.

Wait a minute, that's another thing that sucks about Arizona.

Sure, but the other 3/4 of the year are the reason that, actually yes, climate in Arizona is a huge draw for folks. (personally I actually do enjoy very cold weather though, so the climate's far from ideal for me, outside of Flagstaff. I want my snowy winters!)

I actually have high hopes for Arizona. These people sound deflated.

Without the Black man or the email witch to get their blood boiling, I'm guessing most will stay home.

It's worth noting that Arizona will go blue. It's a matter of when, not if. 2016 was closer than ever, with Maricopa (the largest county in AZ by far) getting very close to the tipping point. Trump won the county, and the state as a whole, each with less than 50%. There's a chance the scales finally tilt as soon as 2019, but 2023 seems virtually guaranteed. Especially if the GOP keeps imploding.
Both sides are the same my black ass. One side is trying to make me suffer because of my skin color. Anyone who says both sides are the same are goddamn morons and idiots.
I love how these fucks hated a president with as much dignity and class as Obama, but they won't say they hate Trump.

"Oh, I just wish he'd stop with Twitter."
"I just wish he'd get rid of Obamacare."
"I just wish he'd stop watching the news and run the country..."
"I just wish he didn't golf as much..."

Can't stop being racists. Comparing Trump to Obama is not even fair at this point. Obama is a class of President, that even with the issues that did occur during his presidency, is so much higher than Trump, that Trump isn't even level with Obama's Shoe.

The truth is dumbasses with continue to dumbass and racists will continue to pretend their racism isn't actually racism, because they never say it outloud.


Guys it's astounding that the man with the gold plated toothbrush didn't turn out to be a man of the people.
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