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This thread is for stupid GAMING questions that don't deserve their own thread

Does anybody have any hints for how to not get completely and utterly disoriented in Xenogear? It's not the plot, that's what's got me hooked. It's the damn camera and auto battle. I can't see shit and even when I half find my bearing the inevitable random encounter happens and, as I'm prone to do even in 3rd person action games, I get utterly turned around and discombobulated.

So, GAF, I'm serious about beating this game. Do I just have to choke it down and play with a guide? I'm loving the plot and gameplay but SHIT all the building look identical and the camera locks in like 2 places and UGH.

Early PS1 blues.


can someone briefly tell me what gamergate is? I googled it and it brought be to wiki but I just didn't understand it. I'm under the impression gamergate is bad but some people defend it? I'm aware it is about sexism.


can someone briefly tell me what gamergate is? I googled it and it brought be to wiki but I just didn't understand it. I'm under the impression gamergate is bad but some people defend it? I'm aware it is about sexism.

It's a bunch of people that use excuses to harass people they don't like. And other people falling for said excuses.
can someone briefly tell me what gamergate is? I googled it and it brought be to wiki but I just didn't understand it. I'm under the impression gamergate is bad but some people defend it? I'm aware it is about sexism.
Depending on who you ask, it is a reaction to game's media being really terrible about disclosing relationships between journalists and media, plus social activists' tendency to be super judgmental about things that do not meet certain criteria when it comes to race and sexuality, or it's a bunch of butthurt gamers who get pissed off every time people talk about gender and race in games.

Also, it started as a hashtag, so it's entirely possible that trolls started using it to harass people, even if the majority of users were pretty polite or reasonable.
I just came across this game called Chasm and heard it was being released on PS4. But after looking for more info, I find nothing. Anyone know if this game exists or is it vaporware?


I just came across this game called Chasm and heard it was being released on PS4. But after looking for more info, I find nothing. Anyone know if this game exists or is it vaporware?

According to their Twitter it is still active, they are doing Twitch streams for backers etc.

Considering it was supposed to launch on PS4 in 2014 and they are still in Alpha, I would imagine that development hasn't gone smoothly or they have expanded the scope a lot.

But it does still exist!


There's bound to be a better place to ask this, but here goes.As I need to send my PS4 for warranty. I'd like to remove my users from the system (to be on the safe side ;)). The thing is:

Does removing the user from the PS4 removes the saves on my could or just on the PS4?

It would be weird if it would remove them fro PS Cloud and I'm 80% sure it's not doing this, but just to be on the safe side.

Is Nintendo's refusal to develop games for other platforms and continue making it's own hardware based on economics or that Japanese business stubbornness?

It just seems to me that they could absolutely explode their market if they developed multiplatform and invested in something like a major theme park in Japan and an animated movie studio or formal tie in with Dreamworks etc.


Is Nintendo's refusal to develop games for other platforms and continue making it's own hardware based on economics or that Japanese business stubbornness?

It just seems to me that they could absolutely explode their market if they developed multiplatform and invested in something like a major theme park in Japan and an animated movie studio or formal tie in with Dreamworks etc.

Or because the DS sold over 150 million units, and the Wii sold over 100 million units - Both at a profit from day one. Hell, even the 3DS, which isn't doing great by Nintendo standards, has still shifted 52 million plus in 4 years.


Had a look on Ebay recently and found this:


It's the Twilight Princess preview trailer on a DS cart given out at E3 9 or 10 years ago. This seller doesn't have the original slip case, and is wanting $1000 for the cart.

Is this a realistic price nowadays, or is the seller completely barking?
I ask cos I have one of these (with original slip case) and wonder if it's worth selling it now.
Had a look on Ebay recently and found this:


It's the Twilight Princess preview trailer on a DS cart given out at E3 9 or 10 years ago. This seller doesn't have the original slip case, and is wanting $1000 for the cart.

Is this a realistic price nowadays, or is the seller completely barking?
I ask cos I have one of these (with original slip case) and wonder if it's worth selling it now.

Anything is worth as much as someone else is willing to pay for it. Keep an eye on that and if it sells you have your answer.


Why do some games disappear from your ps4 library while other give you the option to download again? Its the same with games you have on disc, some stay like AC black flag while others disappear when you delete them, like Dragon age inquisition.



So I just got my third 3DS (got rid of other ones long story but was justified at the time)

How do I link my NNID to it now? I get an error saying it's linked to another 3DS but I know I removed the profile and formatted the memory on the other one before getting rid of it. Do I just need to call Nintendy?


So I just got my third 3DS (got rid of other ones long story but was justified at the time)

How do I link my NNID to it now? I get an error saying it's linked to another 3DS but I know I removed the profile and formatted the memory on the other one before getting rid of it. Do I just need to call Nintendy?
You can try calling them, but usually the only way is to do a 3ds transfer.


Had a look on Ebay recently and found this:


It's the Twilight Princess preview trailer on a DS cart given out at E3 9 or 10 years ago. This seller doesn't have the original slip case, and is wanting $1000 for the cart.

Is this a realistic price nowadays, or is the seller completely barking?
I ask cos I have one of these (with original slip case) and wonder if it's worth selling it now.

It's a Buy it Now that's a week old and still up. He's overestimating it.

If you google around you can see one some selling in the 200-600 dollar range though so it's worth some scratch.


Are there any video games that are compilations of various designers working separately under the same IP or theme? The equivalent that jumps to mind is the Animatrix, in that it should be more substantial than a minigame collection. I'm thinking sorta like how the Serious Sam developers lent out their IP to smaller devs to make their own games like Serious Sam Double D and The Random Encounter but instead I'm looking for it to be combined into a single package that ties it all together.

To what extent? Many games are developed such that certain levels are the responsibility of certain designers within the company. You won't often get an explicit breakdown of who did what in many cases; for instance, it wouldn't surprise me if Little Big Planet had certain levels the responsibility of certain designers.

As a specific example that is quantifiable, it's mostly known which of iD worked on which levels of the Doom family of games; for instance:

American McGee
Sandy Petersen
John Romero

There are a few in the world of interactive fiction; more thematically similar than on the same IP, but interesting nevertheless.

I wrote a while back about The Textfire Hoax

There's also Coke Is It!, a parody work about advertising in text adventures.

There's the IF-Arcade project, which strove to rewrite arcade games as if they'd been concieved as text adventures.

Those are explicit ones that may fall into the 'minigame collection' bracket.


Why don't I see an image on the gamma/brightness calibration screen on certain XB1 games on my plasma TV?
It will say to move the slider until the image is barely visible, but even on max I don't see anything. This has happened on a few titles now, the most recent being The Witcher 3.
I've played with a few display settings on the Xbox and calibrated my screen to no avail.
I should note that I can see each distinct box on the shades of gray scale below the "image" and I can see it when I switch to THX mode

As a corollary to this question, I have a differing problem with this setting. I tend to be able to set it very low and still see the dark image clearly enough... but when I carry that setting into the game, it looks way too dark for me. I usually have to put it a good few notches above that level to make the game itself look acceptable.

Is it possible to just be very good at seeing those darkened images without that translating into being able to perceive darkened detail in the game itself?


As a corollary to this question, I have a differing problem with this setting. I tend to be able to set it very low and still see the dark image clearly enough... but when I carry that setting into the game, it looks way too dark for me. I usually have to put it a good few notches above that level to make the game itself look acceptable.

Is it possible to just be very good at seeing those darkened images without that translating into being able to perceive darkened detail in the game itself?

I've found that I have a different ending result depending on if I start with the image completely visible or not visible.

If I start with the image completely visible and go down until it is "barely visible"I will usually make it much darker as I can still sort of see an imprint of the image even when it's super dark because I know where it is and what it looks like.

If I start on the lowest setting (not visible) and keep going up until it is "barely visible" I will usually make it much lighter as I put it up until I can not only see the image but understand what it is.

This is a weird analogy but its kind of like taking off your glasses after reading something and then reading it again vs starting with them off and trying to make out letters. If you already know what the letters are in advance it is much easier to make them out.

Now, my solution for this is to start at the "darkest" setting and then push it up until you can barely see the details in the image.


Can i clear my PS4 games history on the first page in the menu?I have rented a bunch of games that i will never play again and i dont want them to be there anymore



Can i clear my PS4 games history on the first page in the menu?I have rented a bunch of games that i will never play again and i dont want them to be there anymore

Not sure what you mean. You can delete the apps and they won't show up anymore. Or you could just load up some other games and push them out of there. If you mean the Library, I don't think so.


The Last Guardian or Half Life 3 - Which has the most hype & expectation surrounding it?

I was going to make a thread about this, but I thought I'd just ask here.
I own a PS3 and PS4. I love Dead Nation and own it on PS3. Should I get it on PS4? Is there a huge difference between games or is it just a port.
Why are most VN developers (and maybe fans?) head over heels for Dutch shots? Are they deep lovers of Battlefield: Earth? Every other promo shot is at a 45 degree angle.
Why are most VN developers (and maybe fans?) head over heels for Dutch shots? Are they deep lovers of Battlefield: Earth? Every other promo shot is at a 45 degree angle.
I'm guessing it's because they don't want to have the protagonists in the frame for self-insert reasons and want a good look at the character you're supposed to interact with, but since they suck at photo composition, they figure the Dutch angle shot is the best choice, even if it makes no sense for use on a regular monitor.
How can Mario have so many abilities and interests, but not once have I seen him do plumbing?


How come in P.T., you can't just pick up the bloody talking bag and just take it around with you? The conversations you may have with it could be really interesting...


Gold Member
It's still possible to game share DLC on the ps4 right ?

Like games? Yeah I do it with my brothers. Usually pay a little extra for the game and it doesn't unlock until the exact release date rather than shipping a day early though.

You need to have your account on one PS4 set to primary - the games can be played by anyone online or offline.

On a second PS4, you need to have your account set up, and you will need to be signed into PSN to play any games.

Unless you're talking about specific episodic DLC of which I have no idea.


Gold Member
So Steamboxes..

Can they run PC games that aren't through Steam? Battlefield, World of Warcraft etc.

If the games have Linux versions yes, otherwise you'd need to stream them. Alternatively take SteamOS off and put Windows on it, although I'm not sure what results you'd get with it.


My question... Is there a tool online where you can see what percentage of your library has Linux support, Mac support, and Windows support?

So Steamboxes..

Can they run PC games that aren't through Steam? Battlefield, World of Warcraft etc.

I'm pretty sure you could run WINE through SteamOS and play WoW that way.

Red Hood

Does anyone else have an issue with Mass Effect 2 on Origin? I own the game but it's greyed out and I can't install it, let alone play. Battlefield 3 and PvZ work fine, so I don't think it's account related. I've tried logging off and in again, but nothing happens.


My question... Is there a tool online where you can see what percentage of your library has Linux support, Mac support, and Windows support?

Do you mean Steam library? I don't know about any tool, but if you have Steam installed on Linux it tells you how many games you have on Linux and how many in total when you move the mouse over the 'Library' button.
On gog.com you can just go to your library, select Linux/Mac, and count.


Neo Member
I always have a trouble playing pc game with xbox controller because I get used to use nintendo pro-con (different button layout).

The real problem is when the game has a QTA.

Is there any suggestion?


In Final Fantasy 9, the Chocobo Hot & Cold mini-game theme has a guy uttering a word near the end of the song. What's the word? Sounds like "trabajando". Isn't that Mexican or Spanish? Seems logical since the theme itself draws inspiration from Mexican music.
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