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Three new Evil Within Videos featuring Adam Sessler

Whether or not you're trolling, focus on the reticle, and the way a shotgun works. In any other game, that first shot would have been a "headshot" a-la Gears of War. Instead, it was way more realistic; most of the spread from the shotgun went past him and hit the wall, while some of the other fragments tapped off his shoulder. Top-notch precision is always impressive and should be admired.

He very clearly missed the enemy. Missing the enemy in a lot of other games would also mean, eh you know missing them. It's standard stuff, I'm hyped as all hell for this but c'mon.
Oh look, it's fake Gordon Freeman derailing another TEW thread again.

I thought the segment looked good to gif, what is your issue here?

I found it funny too that apparently bullets hitting a wall is some crazy attention to detail. It's like saying a character who's head orients towards an interesting thing is some awesome thing, when it's been with us for more than a decade.

Still love that gore!
check out the way this character walks and the footsteps accurately make a sound when he moves

fantastic attention to detail
Whether or not you're trolling, focus on the reticle, and the way a shotgun works. In any other game, that first shot would have been a "headshot" a-la Gears of War. Instead, it was way more realistic; most of the spread from the shotgun went past him and hit the wall, while some of the other fragments tapped off his shoulder. Top-notch precision is always impressive and should be admired.

There are plenty of other games that do it tho? Am I trolling now?? REALLY???


Was hoping we'd seen the last of Sessler tbh.

Never! The Sess lives on forever.



Gold Member
Am I missing the entire bullets-hitting-the-wall experience?

You're missing the entire game because it isn't out yet. I'd say you'd miss a quality experience. Don't be so easy to judge it. Enjoy that this genre hasn't been forgotten yet. That the people behind the original RE are still around to make another game like this.


Okay, sorry that I brought it up - next time I will check with Gordon if posting a TEW gif is okay and if they correspond the parameters for good gifs that are written in the book of internet. I am ashamed of myself and hope that the game design experts will forgive me for pointing out a visual detail that can be found in Pong, sorry


Gold Member
I'm looking forward to playing the game just so you know.

Oh I was expecting hate. I'm sorry. My bad. I thought you were mocking the shootouts. I apologize. You can't be too careful anymore. I expected people coming in and shouting something rancid. At first I didn't get what you were trying to say.
Am I missing something? The dude missed what's special about this GIF?

You can see bullet dust from the walls. Normally games would just register hit input for enemies. Likewise, this gif. automatically affirms one thing, even a missed shot from a single target can still hit another.

That is some good persistent feature we need to see more of in games.
Don't start the Mikami interview video at the beginning....... There's some pretty massive plot spoilers........ sigh

I should have stayed on media blackout :/


Son of a bitch man.........


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Oh, I mean, anything gaming related. Still cool to see him talk about games.
Exactly! I miss Sessler. Also this is the first time I've ever been even remotely interested in The Evil Within. Just by virtue of being a Sessler video I watched it. I'll update to see if it interests me when I'm done.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I know people are joking, but one thing I pulled from the demo was the excellent attention to detail in things.

There's other attention to detail things like a particularly brutal kill will spread blood across the nearby environment and had a nice coating detail, blood splatters around at the angle you kill and such. And if close to Sebastian it will coat him too, and the more typical 'stepping on blood leaves blood footprints' thing.

Sound have amazing detail, interesting effects when far off and the sound sounding 'spread' and somewhat dissonant and echoey until you got closer to the source.

Enemies continue looking for you once you've been spotted and will wander around looking for you. They will work together and respond fairly intelligently to your own actions as a player. They'll either be more evasive or more apprehensive based on how you're approaching them and have unscripted tricks up their sleeves.

There's more details than that, but the attention to detail on things was something that stood out to me playing it for a few hours.


The spoilers are heavy, but they wouldn't tell you anything they didn't want you to know. It is promotional material after all.

The reviews are sure to spoil even more.
I saw too many new locations in the video so I closed it, luckily I won't remember them by the time the game comes out, if I'm even getting it. Is there an idea of how long the game is?

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I saw too many new locations in the video so I closed it, luckily I won't remember them by the time the game comes out, if I'm even getting it. Is there an idea of how long the game is?
Betesda has claimed 15-20 hours. We know that Game Informer said it took them 4-5 hours to get through the first 5 chapters (of 15-16) in the game.


Junior Member
He very clearly missed the enemy. Missing the enemy in a lot of other games would also mean, eh you know missing them. It's standard stuff, I'm hyped as all hell for this but c'mon.

There are plenty of other games that do it tho? Am I trolling now?? REALLY???

The point is that this is further confirmation that Shinji Mikami and team are paying attention to the smallest of details, regardless of whether or not 90% of the people that'll play this will realize.

For example in older games, physics contact and such, between the BULLET's and that guys HEAD, wouldn't be as smooth. As long as you are within the general vicinity of the dude's head when you aim, it counts as a headshot. This has proven that that's not the case. Which is cool. I guess that's also why this game includes varying levels of auto-aim assist.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
is it a spoiler that he said
the whole game is playing inside someone's head?

pretty epic!
I don't think so at this point. Pete from Bethesda said the same thing a few months ago, and the newest trailer made it pretty obvious too.

To be seen in the actual game, though.
HNNNNNG! That new footage was seriously amazing. So much variety! But I just can't for the life of me figure out how the aiming works in this game.

When aiming sometimes you see Sebastian and other times it goes into a FPS perspective - the placement of Sebastian doesn't seem to effect it too.


Junior Member
It's as much of a spoiler as saying Biohazard is about a viral outbreak.

Nah that really is a spoiler... we were supposed to keep guessing as we played through. In the old days, he wouldn't need to even address such an annoying statement, and should just let the player's think for themselves. Imagine if the core mysteries behind the early Silent Hill's were just flat-out told in an interview like that.
I don't think so at this point. Pete from Bethesda said the same thing a few months ago, and the newest trailer made it pretty obvious too.

To be seen in the actual game, though.

Honestly, looking at all the various enemies and the variety in enviroments, it makes sense really. I think it will be a good thing. I mean its called, The Evil Within :D


Nah that really is a spoiler... we were supposed to keep guessing as we played through. In the old days, he wouldn't need to even address such an annoying statement, and should just let the player's think for themselves. Imagine if the core mysteries behind the early Silent Hill's were just flat-out told in an interview like that.

I really think you're selling Mikami short if you think the basic premise of the game is the only trick he has up his sleeve for it.


Honestly, looking at all the various enemies and the variety in enviroments, it makes sense really. I think it will be a good thing. I mean its called, The Evil Within :D

It's also still going to be throwing you off, regardless. As you will not know what is coming next or if a particular moment might not be within the mind.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Nah that really is a spoiler... we were supposed to keep guessing as we played through. In the old days, he wouldn't need to even address such an annoying statement, and should just let the player's think for themselves. Imagine if the core mysteries behind the early Silent Hill's were just flat-out told in an interview like that.
There's a leak that's been basically proven true at this point, I won't recite it here, but I'll just say they've done a very good job at not talking about a few elements of the story, and I don't think the game's central mystery is about whether this takes place in a killer's mind or not.


Game Journalists are most interesting with someone else is talking.

Oh look, it's fake Gordon Freeman derailing another TEW thread again.

I thought the segment looked good to gif, what is your issue here?

No, he is the real Gordon Freeman.
It's really not all that surprising, but it still blows my mind to see just how far this game has actually come.

Looking back at really early footage and comparing it to now, it looks like a completely different game! :D


The guy's an English major, there's no denying that. But he's certainly not wrong.

I know, just that ever since someone pointed out that Sessler sounds like he always has a thesaurus handy I can't help but notice it every time he speaks. :p
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