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TLC's 650-Pound Virgin Regained 300 lbs

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Three years ago America celebrated with David Smith as he showed off his new buff body on TODAY. After losing more than 400 pounds, he’d become the poster boy for extreme weight loss after his battle with the buldge was spotlighted in a TLC documentary titled "The 650-pound Virgin."

But the makeover didn’t last. Over the past two years, Smith regained more than 250 pounds and he now stands as the cautionary tale for those who seek to lose vast amounts of weight without first dealing with the underlying problems that led to their obesity.

“I looked really good on the outside, but inside I was a terrible mess,” Smith told TODAY’s Janet Shamlian in a report that aired Wednesday.
Though Smith had, in his words, gone from “dud” to “stud,” he was jarred by that metamorphosis each time he looked in the mirror.

“I saw somebody that didn’t know who they were,” he told Shamlian. “All my life I was a monster in my head. And all of a sudden to be, you know, this good-looking guy — it blew my mind away. I didn’t know how to deal with it.”

Smith seemed to be on the right path the first year after his dramatic weight loss. His life had turned around. He got a job as a personal trainer at a gym. He met his first — and current — girlfriend, Megan Povar.

But in the mirror Smith didn’t see the same person that Povar, and the rest of the world, did. His body never looked right to him.
“I wasn’t happy with the way I looked,” he said. “No matter what I did, I thought I could never achieve the perfect body.”

Frustrated and depressed, Smith first turned to alcohol and drugs for solace. Then he went back to his familiar friend — food.

“I’d eat in my car before I’d get home,” he told Shamlian. “Or, you know, if everybody’s out, I’d go and eat something really quick and then throw it away before they would come home.”

Though he felt he was letting people down, Smith couldn’t stop trying to fill his internal void with food.
“It was tough,” he said. “You know, a lot of people were counting on me to be inspiring. And I didn’t want to let anybody down. But I just felt so bad. And I didn’t know how to cope.”
And all the while, Smith knew he was once again putting his health at risk.

“I’ve gained more than 250 pounds in two years,” he said. “And with all that extra weight so quickly added to my body, I don’t know how I’m still living right now.”
Smith said he hit rock bottom when he reached 535 pounds. He’d dropped completely out of the public eye. He’d lost his job. And his close friendship with his trainer had become frayed.

But Povar stuck with him through it all. And maybe that’s what’s given Smith the strength to once again try to turn his life around. Just knowing that the woman he loves, loves him back through thick and thin.

Smith is now going to the gym again, determined to get back to a healthy weight.
“He’s finally ready for it this time,” Povar told TODAY. “Of course I’m going to be there. I mean, this is the moment I have been waiting for since he started gaining — for him to really want to be healthy again.”

For his part, Smith is convinced that this time the makeover will stick because it’s coming from the inside out.
“As much as you’ve worked on the outside, you still have to work on the inside,” he told Shamlian. “And if your foundation isn’t built up, you’re going to crumble down. And unfortunately I fell down. But I know I can climb back up.”


First before and after:

Second before and after:

Damn. This is so depressing. I remember this dude's story was super inspirational. He dropped like 400 lbs and became a great looking guy.

Apparently, his psychological issues with his transformation were just too much for him to process, and he ended up gaining all of the weight back.

Interestingly, his former trainer (and ex-friend, now that he's fat again) is now the host of Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.

You'd think he would have sought out more psychological help as well... He's got no one else to blame...


But Povar stuck with him through it all. And maybe that’s what’s given Smith the strength to once again try to turn his life around. Just knowing that the woman he loves, loves him back through thick and thin.

very subtle.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
All I can see is this:


Like the body was building back up half-way, went lazy, and just went wild


I feel bad for all of these people that put their weight loss on public display. That's a lot of additional pressure added to a situation that is tough enough as it is. I hope he's able to get himself healthy and stay that way.


I hope he at least lost his virginity in between.

He got a girlfriend when he lost all the weight, and she's still with him. So I would presume he's been laid by now.

The thing that gets me about all this is the fucking loose skin. He had tons of surgery to get rid of it the first time around (and still had a lot left over), but what now? If he loses it all again, he'll have to have yet another round of surgery. Dude would be covered in scars.
i think this is the guy on the show who went to a club or place to meet women or something, and had NO clue how behave normally. he literally did not function socially around them, and couldn't handle the attention of someone actually thinking he was date-able and such. he also was extremely self-conscious about the flaps of skin left from the weight loss.

pretty inspirational and saddening at the same time. i want to simply say "man up dude!" regarding talking to women and all that, but years of years of certain interactions with others is hard to break suddenly. glad to see his girlfriend stayed with him, but i'm hoping the other day-to-day pressures didn't contribute to the weight gain.


i think this is the guy on the show who went to a club or place to meet women or something, and had NO clue how behave normally. he literally did not function socially around them, and couldn't handle the attention of someone actually thinking he was date-able and such. he also was extremely self-conscious about the flaps of skin left from the weight loss.

pretty inspirational and saddening at the same time. i want to simply say "man up dude!" regarding talking to women and all that, but years of years of certain interactions with others is hard to break suddenly.

Yep. They showed him attempting to date on his TLC show. He had the social IQ and maturity of a 10 year old. It was fucking PAINFUL.

I'm surprised the girlfriend situation didn't help him more. You'd think once he landed a pretty hot chick, he'd able to relax and that it might ease his psychological issues a bit.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
He got a girlfriend when he lost all the weight, and she's still with him. So I would presume he's been laid by now.

The thing that gets me about all this is the fucking loose skin. He had tons of surgery to get rid of it the first time around (and still had a lot left over), but what now? If he loses it all again, he'll have to have yet another round of surgery. Dude would be covered in scars.

He could just call em battle wounds and call it a day.
Depressing. Anti-inspirational? "Well I was gonna lose 400lbs. but if I'm just gonna gain it all back...".

Real talk: He was never going to have a normal sex life. I wish he hadn't put such an emphasis on that, and instead just enjoyed being healthy. It may have been his downfall.


Depressing. Anti-inspirational? "Well I was gonna lose 400lbs. but if I'm just gonna gain it all back...".

Real talk: He was never going to have a normal sex life. I wish he hadn't put such an emphasis on that, and instead just enjoyed being healthy. It may have been his downfall.

I think the fact that he hung out with this guy:


probably didn't help his body image issues. It's like going from being homeless to having $100k in the bank account, but suddenly all your friends are multi-millionaires. I bet he saw his transformation as being meaningless when he realized that he could never look like his new found friends.
Who even gave this guy food in the first place? After a certain point he wouldn't be able to feed himself which means someone else fed him and allowed him to balloon back to that size again. Seriously, whoever did that should be prosecuted, it's no different than plying a recovering heroin addict with Heroin.
Who even gave this guy food in the first place? After a certain point he wouldn't be able to feed himself which means someone else fed him and allowed him to balloon back to that size again. Seriously, whoever did that should be prosecuted, it's no different than plying a recovering heroin addict with Heroin.
Thank you GAF, you never fail to provide the crazies.


Who even gave this guy food in the first place? After a certain point he wouldn't be able to feed himself which means someone else fed him and allowed him to balloon back to that size again. Seriously, whoever did that should be prosecuted, it's no different than plying a recovering heroin addict with Heroin.




having 30lbs of loose flesh removed.

David says: “The surgery helped a lot. I went from looking like a deflated man to being almost normal. The only place they didn’t have to operate on was my forearms. I even had the skin that overhung my private area removed. The doctors and hospital donated the services, which cost $150,000 in total, as they were so impressed with what I’d achieved.”

Although the surgery left him with scars, David isn’t embarrassed about them. He says: “I see them as a way of sharing my story with other people, and inspiring them.”

David had surgery to repair his teeth, which had been damaged by sugary food and drinks.

I can kinda understand him.
All that extra flappy skin probably didn't help his self-confidence, so he reverted to his old habits when he was feeling down - eating.
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