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Tons and tons of Cloverfield Information

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If the BlueRay features are intended to be cannon, then it suggests that the monster escaped. Why else would they still be speculating about its size? If they had killed it, they would have just measured it.


keep your strippers out of my American football
ckohler said:
If the BlueRay features are intended to be cannon, then it suggests that the monster escaped. Why else would they still be speculating about its size? If they had killed it, they would have just measured it.

Oh snap! That is true. But maybe they blew it to pieces?


This is a Tagruato-owned VLCC class petroleum tanker. Notably, no substantial amount of oil spillage was detected in New York Harbor after CLOVERFIELD events.
Re-reading it I'm not so sure, but does it seem to anyone else that that implies that the creature came from the sunken tanker? I mean, it was a large oil tanker that was the first thing to be destroyed when the monster showed up, and they're now pointing out that there was no oil in it. Transporting the creature as it escaped, maybe?

I love Cloverfield. It was an awesome popcorn movie on the surface, but there's a ton of speculation about what happened if you want to go into that. Personally I've like to see a straight-to-DVD sequel presented as a documentary about what happened, like the ones you always see on TV around the anniversary of 9/11. That would be more interesting to me than another shaky cam movie and more in keeping with the aesthetic than a more orthodox film.
Seabed's Nectar is a key ingredient in Slusho! and was advertised as having been approved by the "American Food Association" (unrelated to the FDA), who classified the substance as a "high-grade stimulant."

probably the most interesting thing is how they keep mentioning the Slusho! drink and it's key ingredient being the "Seabed Nectar".

It is now confirmed that the parasites blood contains a high concentration of Seabed Nectar. This kind of confirms that the Seabed Nectar causes the explosion of Marlena’s stomach. The investigators think pouring water over the wound accelerated the reaction.

So basically the corporation that Rob was going to work for used the nectar as their main ingredient, and their deep sea mining for it in the atlantic ocean probably woke the monster up, and the parasites which were living off of it.

I can't wait for a sequel. There are probably more of these things in this world, and doing it in another city, or even have this from another point of view (which i think they mention a few times) would be pretty cool.

edit: and it also seems that nectar in its purest form was incredibly poisonous to humans, which is why everyone exploded when they got bit.


This film was so shit, I was expecting alot more considering JJ was involved. The characters were repugnant and unlikable which ruined the entire point of the film, if you dont make the audience want the protagonists to survive then you've failed in your "survival horror" film.
eXxy said:
And BTW, the monster
is dead. Abrams confirmed it.
I think that Abrams was full of shit when he said that, and I thought that while I was reading the actual interview. The person interviewing him says there's a photo of half-destroyed remains on the beach, is that the monster? Abrams probably has no idea what he's even talking about since that was part of the ARG, and he just says "Yeah it's dead they finally killed it with bombs." However it's been confirmed that all the bits of bodies in the photo he's talking about are regular sea animals (Sperm whale, dolphin, etc) that Clover killed and ate, and their carcasses washed up on shore.

I was pretty pissed at him for just brushing it off like that when he obviously didn't know what he was talking about. Now everybody's going to take it at face value because it's what Abrams said.

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
Would it matter? A sequel most likely wouldn't deal with the same creature, anyway. It's probably not alone in the ocean.
That helps explain all of the Viral stuff. Makes it seem Canonical. After Drew Goddard denied it, then Reeves supported it, then JJ agreed then disagreed, I kinda stopped caring whether or not it was. This brings me back though. Tagruato, TIDO Wave, Chuai, Slusho!, good times....

eXxy said:
Would it matter? A sequel most likely wouldn't deal with the same creature, anyway. It's probably not alone in the ocean.
Supported by the OP's saying that the Parasites are what pissed it off enough to come out of the water.

MC Safety

eXxy said:
Would it matter? A sequel most likely wouldn't deal with the same creature, anyway. It's probably not alone in the ocean.

Don't bother. It's like people covering their ears and yelling "I am not listening!" when you tell them that not only was Boba Fett killed by a blind guy with a stick and that he died screaming like a little girl, but that he's also completely and totally dead.
MC Safety said:
Don't bother. It's like people covering their ears and yelling "I am not listening!" when you tell them that not only was Boba Fett killed by a blind guy with a stick and that he died screaming like a little girl, but that he's also completely and totally dead.
What are you talking about? I don't care if the sequel has 10 monsters in it. (Plus they said Clover is looking for its mom, so...) I just thought it was stupid that the writers and the ARG team made this intricate world and then JJ comes in, has no idea what he's talking about, and shits on everything that's already been set up.

It'd be like if I came up with an idea for a movie, gave it to some writers, they create everything, and then after all is said and done and set up, I come back and go, "Oh, yeah, X happens, whatever" without checking in with my writers. All the fans go, "Uhh... what?"

It doesn't even make sense that the carcasses JJ is talking about are Clover because they washed up on the beach before it even attacked New York. *facepalm*


Gold Member
Just watched this today, great film apart from the somewhat weak ending. Can someone explain to me where the monster came from exactly and why there were loads of bomb like things shooting down at the buildings when it 1st appeared? Is that known yet?


GHG said:
Just watched this today, great film apart from the somewhat weak ending. Can someone explain to me where the monster came from exactly and why there were loads of bomb like things shooting down at the buildings when it 1st appeared? Is that known yet?

came from the bottom of the ocean. been there for a very long time (we don't know). The monster is looking for its mother. The monster is a newborn. It's hungry. Tries to get SOL, finds out its inedible.

We don't know what the initial explosion is. Even the government doesn't know. It's not the tanker as it was intact later on.
BTRA said:
I'm still waiting on this supposed "claimed by JJ Abrams that the monster is dead quote"

Rolling Stone Magazine said:
RS: But based on photos on the Website, it looks like the monster eventually gets killed by the army.
JJ: Yes, he's dead. Ultimately the bombs kill him.

From Cloverfield Clues.

Dennis @ Cloverfeld Clues said:
I assume that Kevin O'Donnell, who doesn't appear have enough knowledge about the ARG to write a full article, is referring to the dead creature photo on 1-18-08.com. It's also not made clear what the time-frame is for his death - after two or three sequels?

Photo in question:

Those are pretty obviously not the monster, and the Sperm Whale even has a bite-mark taken out of it :lol :lol
Just watched the movie again while reading the facts from this page, and I was in awe the entire time. What an amazing experience...i wish I could see this in theaters for the first time again.
MC Safety said:
Don't bother. It's like people covering their ears and yelling "I am not listening!" when you tell them that not only was Boba Fett killed by a blind guy with a stick and that he died screaming like a little girl, but that he's also completely and totally dead.
Boba Fett shot his way out of the Sarlacc's stomach. WTF are you talking about?
Green Shinobi said:
Boba Fett shot his way out of the Sarlacc's stomach. WTF are you talking about?
As much as I completely hate Star Wars, somehow I was convinced to read one of the expanded universe books in 6th grade and I totally remember this. Is it cannon, though?
WordAssassin said:
As much as I completely hate Star Wars, somehow I was convinced to read one of the expanded universe books in 6th grade and I totally remember this. Is it cannon, though?
I've only read a few of the books, but yes, Boba Fett surviving the Sarlacc is 100% canonical.


It is estimated that over 2,000 parasites emerged from LSA during CLOVERFIELD.



i really can't wait for the sequel. cloverfield was sooo damn good. hopefully my blu ray arrives asap.


Green Shinobi said:
Boba Fett shot his way out of the Sarlacc's stomach. WTF are you talking about?
Pics or it didn't happen!

Green Shinobi said:
I've only read a few of the books, but yes, Boba Fett surviving the Sarlacc is 100% canonical.
They even killed CHEWBACCA in one of the books.
Fuck the Expanded Universe!

Whimsical Phil

Ninja School will help you
Green Shinobi said:
I've only read a few of the books, but yes, Boba Fett surviving the Sarlacc is 100% canonical.
Welllllllllll....it's a little more complicated than that. There are actually multiple classes of Star Wars canon, so it's not really 100%.


And back on topic, am I the only person who dislikes all this extra Cloverfield information? One of the main things that I enjoyed about the movie was that we never really learned what was happening. In so many monster movies, we generally find out everything about the situation--the monster's name, where it came from, its motives, etc.

Here, we saw the experience from the POV of a group of random people who couldn't possibly know what was going on. The whole "we don't know what we're running from, but we'd better hurry because the city's collapsing around us" aspect of the situation was what made it stand out to me.

I try to avoid all this viral backstory because it takes away from my experience with the movie. Even more so because so much of it strikes me as remarkably stupid. I mean, a Japanese beverage made from a special ingredient beneath the sea that is highly addictive and kills people? And it somehow pissed off the giant monster? And it's called Slusho? Really?

In my mind, all this backstory just kills the mystique and turns Cloverfield into this:

Whimsical Phil said:
Welllllllllll....it's a little more complicated than that. There are actually multiple classes of Star Wars canon, so it's not really 100%.


And back on topic, am I the only person who dislikes all this extra Cloverfield information? One of the main things that I enjoyed about the movie was that we never really learned what was happening. In so many monster movies, we generally find out everything about the situation--the monster's name, where it came from, its motives, etc.

Here, we saw the experience from the POV of a group of random people who couldn't possibly know what was going on. The whole "we don't know what we're running from, but we'd better hurry because the city's collapsing around us" aspect of the situation was what made it stand out to me.

Well, to be fair it is presented as an extra, something you can turn on or off. Also it does fit into the world the film presents as the first thing we see in the movie are DOD title cards, so it does make sense that there would be an annotated version of it.
I definitely liked Cloverfield. Didn't really expect to get into it but I did. And now that I have a PS3, considering getting the Cloverfield DVD. Would definitely be interested in a sequel.


I love this movie and watching it with the expanded stuff is kind of cool, though I don't see why they didn't just use overlays instead of shrinking the video for alot of unnecessary, and wasted, GUI/HUD space in that mode.

I'm still not sure on how all the parts fit together. So the Slusho! parent was getting the nectar, but somehow the satellite crashing into the ocean has something to do with it too, and then there's also the Dharma Initiative logo at the start of the film, so maybe this is canon with Lost too? Hmmm, Lost/Cloverfield crossover movie after the Lost series finale?
Monster was okay; parasites were better. Nice work on damaged New York.

However, gut-wrenching acting and subpar dialogue made me cringe a bit too often.

Not worth the hype, but passable on its own perhaps.


ToyMachine228 said:
I definitely liked Cloverfield. Didn't really expect to get into it but I did. And now that I have a PS3, considering getting the Cloverfield DVD. Would definitely be interested in a sequel.

You mean... the Blu Ray, right? It's the only thing which makes sense when you own a PS3.
teiresias said:
I love this movie and watching it with the expanded stuff is kind of cool, though I don't see why they didn't just use overlays instead of shrinking the video for alot of unnecessary, and wasted, GUI/HUD space in that mode.

I'm still not sure on how all the parts fit together. So the Slusho! parent was getting the nectar, but somehow the satellite crashing into the ocean has something to do with it too, and then there's also the Dharma Initiative logo at the start of the film, so maybe this is canon with Lost too? Hmmm, Lost/Cloverfield crossover movie after the Lost series finale?

Oh rly?

Ive never seen that...Is it possible for your to be more descriptive as to where in the beginning?


yeah i've never seen that logo as well, you can't just blab out something about LOST and not show us!

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
There is no LOST connection. Abrams just puts in references throughout his theatrical movies as an easter egg. The Hanso Foundation is mentioned in the special thanks section of Mission Impossible 3.


eXxy said:
There is no LOST connection. Abrams just puts in references throughout his theatrical movies as an easter egg. The Hanso Foundation is mentioned in the special thanks section of Mission Impossible 3.

That's what they want you to think. Of course, they also want you to think Lost is nothing but fiction too.
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