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Tree of Savior Update Thread: The 2.5D MMO you've been waiting for

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Some thing that hasn't been really clear to me reading the wiki:
Has it been confirmed that every class has 3 circles as an option?

It hasn't really been confirmed how this works in the later circles that haven't been in any betas, but all classes so released so far (with the exception of Rank 5 which currently has 2 and Rank 6 which has 1, as that's as far as you can go) have 3 circles.

I wonder if maybe the 'hidden' classes will be what take up space if you were to 'end' your class path early. For example, assuming there are 8 regular ranks:

Swordsman -> Swordsman 2 -> Swordsman 3 -> Rodelero -> Rodelero 2 -> Centurion -> Centurion 2 -> Centurion 3 -> (No rank 9 class to advance to) Choose secret class? -> Another secret class or advance the first?
Swordsman -> Swordsman 2 -> Swordsman 3 -> Rodelero -> Rodelero 2 -> Centurion -> Centurion 2 -> Rank8Swordie -> Rank8Swordie2 -> Rank8Swordie3

That way they can have 3 for every class without some paths missing out on additional skill points!


One thing I liked about Ragnarok (and probably will about Tree) is that Korean MMORPGs of this style always seem closer to anime MMORPG shows than anything that ever comes out of Japan.

Dr. Buni

Its kinda funny that even though the game looks awesome I only want to play because the soundtrack is soooo gooood. Same thing happened with RO - liked the soundtrack better than the game.
That is part of the reason I want to play ToS as well. Music is extremely important in games to me, even more than graphics and some other stuff.


Really curious about the game, didn't know about the english beta until just now. Oh well, maybe I'll catch the next one.

Will be fun to check it out.


Didn't get into English beta, but have been playing the Korean one since I have an account from long, long ago. Don't get any story, but at least I can get by with stats/skills since I just use phone + google translate app so I could understand to a certain extent.




What timezone is the beta in? Site says the beta starts at 10:30 pm Tuesday, but doesn't specify the timezone anywhere.

Edit: Just checked my e-mail, and it appears to be EDT.

START : August, 4th @ 22:00 PM EST
END : August, 10th @ 02:00 AM EST


Didn't get into English beta, but have been playing the Korean one since I have an account from long, long ago. Don't get any story, but at least I can get by with stats/skills since I just use phone + google translate app so I could understand to a certain extent.

Thanks for the screens! I think there is an english translation patch guide on the official forums somewhere (in general?).

Steparu put a PVP video up on his channel. Looks pretty chaotic and fun!

Any streams of the English version?

Edit:eek:h nm I guess Tofu is playing the Eng version. I thought he was playing something international version when I first looked.

Dr. Buni

I wish the first e-mail I got was correct and the beta would start today. D: Can't wait to play Tree of Savior already.

I have no idea what class to pick first...


Can’t stump the diablos
Any streams of the English version?

Edit:eek:h nm I guess Tofu is playing the Eng version. I thought he was playing something international version when I first looked.

Last I checked he is playing the Korean version with an English patch. Much of the stuff (and chat) is in Korean.


Not sure if anyone is going to be putting up a new thread tomorrow (or editing the other beta one) for beta discussion. If not, I'll edit the title/OP a bit to reflect the beta.

I'd love to hear everyone's class plans! Since I didn't get in, I'm not going to be able to execute mine, but I was going to do this:

Swordsman (2) -> Peltasta (3) -> Squire (2)



For any of you that got the beta invites, after you installed, did you guys have a problem where the resolution was off on launch? When I launch the client, all I can see is the very top left of the login screen. I'm assuming there's a setting to change it somewhere, haven't had much time to look yet.

Dr. Buni

A new thread would be nice, if you are willing to create it, Kyuur.
What does that stand for?

Anyways, after posting my previous post, I remembered I made a YouTube playlist with videos of the classes I liked the most (conceptually) in ToS. These are: Sapper, Dievdirbys, Druid, Wugushi, Hunter and a couple other Archer and Cleric-related classes.

To be fair I am not sure how the class ranks actually work in the game, but I will learn as I play it.
For any of you that got the beta invites, after you installed, did you guys have a problem where the resolution was off on launch? When I launch the client, all I can see is the very top left of the login screen. I'm assuming there's a setting to change it somewhere, haven't had much time to look yet.
Yes, the resolution is (or was, I only launched it once) messed up for me as well.


Not sure if anyone is going to be putting up a new thread tomorrow (or editing the other beta one) for beta discussion. If not, I'll edit the title/OP a bit to reflect the beta.

I'd love to hear everyone's class plans! Since I didn't get in, I'm not going to be able to execute mine, but I was going to do this:

Swordsman (2) -> Peltasta (3) -> Squire (2)


I'm totally unfamiliar with how the Class system works in this game so far, but I'm hoping there was something like RO's High Priest. I had so much fun with my AoE's in an undead populated zone. Plus running around with so many buffs was awesome.

Yes, the resolution is (or was, I only launched it once) messed up for me as well.

Thanks, I'll post in the thread if I figure out something, it probably isn't too tough.
That PVP video looks like a lot of fun!

I'd love to hear everyone's class plans! Since I didn't get in, I'm not going to be able to execute mine, but I was going to do this:

Swordsman (2) -> Peltasta (3) -> Squire (2)

You mean Swordsman (1) -> Peltasta (3) -> Squire (2) right, else I would be super confused.

I wanna go for maximum burst DMG. The boring version would be Wizard (3) -> Elementalist (3), maybe Wizard (3) -> Elementalist (2) -> Necromancer (1) if what ever comes after is cool.


You mean Swordsman (1) -> Peltasta (3) -> Squire (2) right, else I would be super confused.

You got it!

Managed to get my hands on a KCBT3 key, so I'll get to play a bit! Will be revising this thread or creating a new one for beta discussion tonight when the ICBT launches.
You got it!

Managed to get my hands on a KCBT3 key, so I'll get to play a bit! Will be revising this thread or creating a new one for beta discussion tonight when the ICBT launches.

I wish I could get a beta key for anything in Korea.

Getting those IDs or whatever as a non-Korean seems difficult.


Totally missed the beta sign up. I wish they took the card system as RO made it. That was my favorite item system out of every MMO I ever played. With all those cool vending shops and all. It really is too bad they didn't go for it.


I'm really excited to try this tonight. Looks like 22:00 EDT will be 7PM for me (Pacific), which gives me just enough time to get some shit done before I play. I still have no idea which class I want to try. None of the swordsman classes really do much for me, so I'll probably go mage or priest. I need to see how the class system really works.


Can’t stump the diablos
Bah, they pushed it half an hour from what my email said. Them buggers.
Oh well, 20 more minutes of waiting.

Dr. Buni

I wonder if a new thread is even needed? We already have two threads and neither are very active. The Beta thread isn't even on the second page if you're using 100ppp setting. :S

The other thread could use a title change if it's going to be kept up tho.
Well, there is that rule of new stuff requiring a new thread. I don't mind sticking to this one, though. I didn't even know there was a beta thread, lol
Working on it right now! Will ask a mod to have this thread closed since they've all but stopped the blog updates.
Nice :)
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