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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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That was just wonderful.
The Super Mitchum Bros. and Dougie combo is the sweetest thing in the world. I love that entire clique and I wish we could stay with them.
Meanwhile, the town of Twin Peaks continues to be a fucking nightmare. Hey Mark, hey David, guys, there's still time to rebrand this shit. I know "Las Vegas" doesn't have the same ring to it, but it's such a pleasant place compared to Twin Peaks, let's not go back to that little dumpster town.

I love it. Dark Peaks is best Peaks. The more sinister and brooding the better.

Not exactly a long shot call here but thinking the Mitchum bros will have Dougie's back once Cheeto Queen and Cleetus Roth swing into town.


That dude looks nothing like Angelo, guessing that's an error in cast list or they meant who wrote that piece. Or does anyone know if that's a known composition that he perked up at? At first I thought it might be a theme from the original series but couldn't parse it.

Ah you're right I'm an idiot "written and performed", dunno why my mind jumped to that meaning was him.


That was just wonderful.
The Super Mitchum Bros. and Dougie combo is the sweetest thing in the world. I love that entire clique and I wish we could stay with them.
Meanwhile, the town of Twin Peaks continues to be a fucking nightmare. Hey Mark, hey David, guys, there's still time to rebrand this shit. I know "Las Vegas" doesn't have the same ring to it, but it's such a pleasant place compared to Twin Peaks, let's not go back to that little dumpster town.

The scene of the dispatcher taking 911 calls non-stop one after the other was so foreboding


There's somewhat of a theme of bad parenting this episode. There's Becky's story, which it was revealed her parents seem to have an estranged relationship with Shelly hoping onto other men for her own desires even in moments where her daughter needs her the most. Then right afterwards gunshots are heard....and it turns out it was because the parents put a loaded gun in the backseat with their child. Then right behind her was a mother that was more concerned with going home than her own daughter's well-being. Then later on in the episode it was mentioned the Mitchum Brothers were raised in an orphanage.

That doesn't include the child that watched Dougie's car explode as well.

I think in Bobbys case it was just a bit of foreshadowing.
Becky making the same mistakes as her mother, her mother not being a good role model as she repeats the same mistakes she always made.
Heck, I bet she left Bobby as soon as he got his life sorted and became a good guy.

I think we're gonna see something similar to what Major Briggs had with Bobby and their rather famous dialogue.
The respect/love/trust that he put towards Bobby, despite knowing about the problems he had.

Really enjoy the episode.

Mitchum brothers worked out really well, compared to their scenes last episode.
Allthough I wonder why the hell did the plot to kill Dougie like that. Bushnell knew exactly where Dougie was heading and if he went missing, it wouldn't be hard to find the culprits....

What I didn't like about the episode was the scenes involving Lynch.
They're suspicious about Diane, yet they keep taking her along and possible showing her stuff that's interesting to Bad Coop.
Unless they're waiting for her to act, it's not exactly the best idea from FBI agents.
The whole scene with the smoking and coffee was just far to long.

Also Lynch with a weapon walking out there seems a bit weird.

Now that they connected those scenes, there doesn't seem to be much left for Dougie though. Curious what the next episode is going to be about.
Apart from the stuff in TP, which is obviously Truman,Hawk and Bobby.
Along with Chad getting exposed.


The next episode's title is literally, "Let's Rock!"

So it might be something exciting.

It is known.

This is where Cooper realizes he's Cooper. The episode ends with him, machine gun in-hand, looking at the camera and saying "Let's rock."

And then all of the negative nancies stand up from their living room lawn chairs, tears in their eyes, and proclaim "this is the greatest, moment, in my life."

Never thought I would be saying that Bobby Briggs is one of the most likable and relatable characters in Twin Peaks, but here we are. So glad they took that character in the direction they did, especially because it works given who he was in the old show. Sure bobby was scummy as a teen, but he was actually a clever and very emotional kid. It's easily believable that he took that emotional center and learned to control and focus it into a desire to help people.

Whereas, where is James? Still off riding his motorcycle like a poser-ass nerd. Fuck you, James.
Any thoughts on why Bobby kept lingering his gaze on the kid that fired the gun? I know he looks at the father and sees matching fatigues, but curious if there was anything else there going on. Also the heavier presence of children in general in this episode makes me wonder what possible connections are going on, there were the ones playing catch that find Miriam, the one that shoots the gun, and the sick/zombie one in the car with the crazy honking woman. Hmm.


Any thoughts on why Bobby kept lingering his gaze on the kid that fired the gun? I know he looks at the father and sees matching fatigues, but curious if there was anything else there going on. Also the heavier presence of children in general in this episode makes me wonder what possible connections are going on, there were the ones playing catch that find Miriam, the one that shoots the gun, and the sick/zombie one in the car with the crazy honking woman. Hmm.

Probably just realizing that this kid is turning out like his father the way his daughter is turning out like her parents.
Kyle Maclachlan's performance as DougieCoop is an amazing study in patience. It's like he turns up his alertness / eye focus 0.00001% every episode, but you see it. Damn good.
Probably just realizing that this kid is turning out like his father the way his daughter is turning out like her parents.

Yeah there's definitely parent relation theme there, with the sick kid though it gave me some flashes to the frogmoth. All those calls at the police station...mass illness? Invasion a comin?


I love it. Dark Peaks is best Peaks. The more sinister and brooding the better.
No, it's not. The entire point of the town of Twin Peaks was that it's that one place on Earth that hasn't gone to shit. Now Las Vegas looks like a paradise compared to that hell hole.
The darkness was supposed to be hiding in the shadows (and the woods). There was always room for incredible darkness in the town, but the town itself wasn't supposed be feel like the last place you'd want to visit.

		Albert, I hope you can hear this. I've only been in Twin
		Peaks a short time. But in that time, I have seen decency,
		honor, and dignity. I have seen grief to break your heart.
		Murder is not a faceless event here. It's not a statistic to
		be tallied up at the end of every day. Laura Palmer's
		death has affected each and every man, woman, and child.
		Because life has meaning here. Every life. And that's a
		way of living I thought had vanished from this earth. It
		hasn't, Albert. It's right here in Twin Peaks.
Now imagine Cooper entering the 21st Century town of Twin Peaks.

"Diane, 11:30 a.m., October Something-Something. Entering the town of Twin Peaks, five miles south of the Canadian border, twelve miles west of the state line. I've never seen so many assholes in my life.
Diane, I've just passed a woman covered in blood crawling in the direction of the town's Sheriff's Station. Judging by the crawl tracks, she's been shuffling like that for over a day now."
No, it's not. The entire point of the town of Twin Peaks was that it's that one place on Earth that hasn't gone to shit. Now Las Vegas looks like a paradise compared to that hell hole.
The darkness was supposed to be hiding in the shadows (and the woods). There was always room for incredible darkness in the town, but the town itself wasn't supposed be feel like the last place you'd want to visit.

		Albert, I hope you can hear this. I've only been in Twin
		Peaks a short time. But in that time, I have seen decency,
		honor, and dignity. I have seen grief to break your heart.
		Murder is not a faceless event here. It's not a statistic to
		be tallied up at the end of every day. Laura Palmer's
		death has affected each and every man, woman, and child.
		Because life has meaning here. Every life. And that's a
		way of living I thought had vanished from this earth. It
		hasn't, Albert. It's right here in Twin Peaks.
Now imagine Cooper entering the 21st Century town of Twin Peaks.

"Diane, 11:30 a.m., October Something-Something. Entering the town of Twin Peaks, five miles south of the Canadian border, twelve miles west of the state line. I've never seen so many assholes in my life.
Diane, I've just passed a woman covered in blood crawling in the direction of the town's Sheriff's Station. Judging by the crawl tracks, she's been shuffling like that for over a day now."

Well, clearly the times are a changin :p

I'm done with the candy coated version of the town anyhow...I don't think tonally it would have worked in the transition away from the soap feel that they've gone with too. Vegas is more goofy from a story standpoint but that's entirely due to how Dougie's journey is set up. There really isn't a parallel in TP maybe with exception to Andy and Lucy, and well they're not really getting much screen time as is. More of a Laurel and Hardy act at this point.
The scene with the horn-honking woman is a fucking masterpiece. That might have been the hardest I've laughed this entire season. I love how her terrified yelling had the same rhythm as her honking.

I know some people are going to complain that the Dougie stuff was too pandering, but as his scenes went on and on, there was this welling feeling of too-good-to-be-true bittersweetness. By the end when the woman from the casino showed up, that feeling almost got my eyes watering. You just know this isn't going to last. Cooper's dreamlike peace is fragile and precious, and threatens to shatter at any moment.

On a less enthused note, Shelly's characterization is incredibly frustrating. I hope Lynch has some kind of ace up her sleeve with her, because right now she is kind of a horrible person for all of the awful decisions she's made.

Also, none of the scenes were frightening. I'm curious what the SDCC viewers were referring to. The portal in South Dakota? Shelly on the hood of the car?


I liked how Lynch was staring directly into the camera for that line. It's like he was talking to/about me.


Well, clearly the times are a changin :p

I'm done with the candy coated version of the town anyhow...I don't think tonally it would have worked in the transition away from the soap feel that they've gone with too. Vegas is more goofy from a story standpoint but that's entirely due to how Dougie's journey is set up. There really isn't a parallel in TP maybe with exception to Andy and Lucy, and well they're not really getting much screen time as is. More of a Laurel and Hardy act at this point.
Okay... but why would you prefer the town to be coated in shit instead? You're supposed to dig your way out of the shit!

It's not about Candie coating anything anyway, I just don't understand the appeal of the town of Twin Peaks which is a less alluring place than Las Vegas or Fuckhorn, South Dakota.
The scene with the horn-honking woman is a fucking masterpiece. That might have been the hardest I've laughed this entire season. I love how her terrified yelling had the same rhythm as her honking.

I know some people are going to complain that the Dougie stuff was too pandering, but as his scenes went on and on, there was this welling feeling of too-good-to-be-true bittersweetness. By the end when the woman from the casino showed up, that feeling almost got my eyes watering. You just know this isn't going to last. Cooper's dreamlike peace is fragile and precious, and threatens to shatter at any moment.

On a less enthused note, Shelly's characterization is incredibly frustrating. I hope Lynch has some kind of ace up her sleeve with her, because right now she is kind of a horrible person for all of the awful decisions she's made.

Also, none of the scenes were frightening. I'm curious what the SDCC viewers were referring to. The portal in South Dakota? Shelly on the hood of the car?

I liked how Lynch was staring directly into the camera for that line. It's like he was talking to/about me.

Yeah Shelly doesn't seem like she's grown at all, still hooking up with jagoffs. I suppose her continued employment at the RR is a reminder of this, though poor Norma is stuck in a purgatory of worried looks and receipt-checking.

Also not sure what the super scary moment was supposed to be...guessing the portal and Hastings crater face /shrugs
Yeah Shelly doesn't seem like she's grown at all, still hooking up with jagoffs. I suppose her continued employment at the RR is a reminder of this, though poor Norma is stuck in a purgatory of worried looks and receipt-checking.

Also not sure what the super scary moment was supposed to be...guessing the portal and Hastings crater face /shrugs

I want a random shot of Norma checking recipes in every episode till the end.


The old "you don't want to know" from Hawk to Truman. Yes we do!

But for now I just have to assume that knowing about it makes you more vulnerable, and that's why hawk can't or won't tell him. When Mr c. showed the card image to dariah she was physically sickened or something and couldn't or wouldn't even speak.

- but twice she asks about her own death, I know I'm just spit balling here but whatever the black symbol alludes to sounds worse than death.
Okay... but why would you prefer the town to be coated in shit instead? You're supposed to dig your way out of the shit!

It's not about Candie coating anything anyway, I just don't understand the appeal of the town of Twin Peaks which is a less alluring place than Las Vegas or Fuckhorn, South Dakota.

Well for starters my intro to Peaks in general was via FWWM, and that's the work that stuck with me the most. It isn't that I want the town to be shit, it's just that depiction is far more compelling to me overall than endless rehashes of coffee and pie. Admittedly the latter affectation worked on me handily with the Mitchums and Dougie.

It's time to let go of the old Peaks ;)
Maybe Twin Peaks eroding into a redneck hellhole is the result of the events of the S2 finale. Maybe more than just Dopple Coop got out.

This is what I was thinking, and would go along with the general sentiment we've been seeing that the world seems out of balance. I'd be fairly surprised if things returned to normal though after Coop becomes Coop again.

Taken from dugpa, didn't realize this was Gersten Hayward (Alicia Witt) on first viewing:

that was one hell of an episode
Yes it was. Hell of an episode to send Katy and I off to North Bend on Wednesday. Super excited to watch Part 12 at the roadhouse (hopefully!).

The new series of twin peaks is the best series of TV I have ever seen. I have no hesitation saying that 11 episodes in.


Well for starters my intro to Peaks in general was via FWWM, and that's the work that stuck with me the most. It isn't that I want the town to be shit, it's just that depiction is far more compelling to me overall than endless rehashes of coffee and pie. Admittedly the latter affectation worked on me handily with the Mitchums and Dougie.

It's time to let go of the old Peaks ;)
Fire Walk With Me still took place in the idealized version of Twin Peaks. Remember how Deer Meadow was used to illustrate the contrast between Twin Peaks and the outside world? That place suddenly sounds like a lovely tourist destination compared to 21st Century Twin Peaks.

I'm not letting go of anything. The horror of what happened to Laura wouldn't be half as effective if Twin Peaks was always a fucking nightmare.
Fire Walk With Me still took place in the idealized version of Twin Peaks. Remember how Deer Meadow was used to illustrate the contrast between Twin Peaks and the outside world? That place suddenly sounds like a lovely tourist destination compared to 21st Century Twin Peaks.

I'm not letting go of anything. The horror of what happened to Laura wouldn't be half as effective if Twin Peaks was always a fucking nightmare.

You might be taking this a wee bit too seriously, relax. All I said was I preferred the dark aspects of the town more. Why get so ruffled over someone's personal preference?
I havent read the comments on this episode yet, but I absolutely positively loved this episode!

Okay, so Gordon found the portal. Now what?

Bobbie Briggs most certainly made this episode. That was possibly the most unsettling scene i've scene in Twin Peaks yet. 28 Days Later af!

Also, some things never change... Shelly moves from one bad boy to another. Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

Dougie... That scene in the desert and the final scene in the restaurant... SO GOOD!
The scene in the restaurant especially!
When the song on the piano changes and the lady shows up with her son, that goddamn near melted my heart. the looks on the brothers' faces just made it even better.

goddamn, i really enjoyed that
It's so strange seeing scenes play out when you've seen leaked photos or read about certain snippets filmed from over a year ago from various sources. Case in point, the scene with Dougie meeting the Mitchums in the desert had some set pics leaked with Belushi doing the howling thing, and everyone wondering what the hell that was all about.

Same for the Becky and Shelly Fat Trout scene...when I was out watching them film one of the locals that lived in the actual trailer park related details like the character name and waving a gun around as she exited the trailer. I think they even said she fired off a shot but that clearly didn't happen.

It's probably wishful thinking but I hope we get a decent behind the scenes featurette for the dvd/blu ray release, though I know those are somewhat sparse for Lynch projects.
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