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Ubisoft: Unsure if Watch Dogs will be 720p or 1080p on PS4/X1; confirms 30fps


This far into development, they know exactly what they're doing with resolution in terms of target performance. Most likely, they have two options available to them:
  1. The Xbox One version cannot sustain a playable game at 1080p, whereas the Playstation 4 version can - maybe with an acceptable dip or two. This requires the Xbox One version to have a significant degradation in image quality in comparison to the Playstation 4 version, such as lowering it's target resolution to 720p. Platform holder pressure from Microsoft would make this option undesirable, as it undermines their entire platform with a single, high profile game.
  2. Presenting the game at 720p across all platforms makes the next-gen versions of the game seem weaker, undermining the entire "next-gen" aspect that they're selling with Watch_Dogs, and that made Watch_Dogs the headliner it has become. On top of this element, the assets were most likely created for high resolutions; not supporting 1080p on any version invalidates a good deal of work that went into creating the high definition assets.
This doesn't even touch the comparisons that are going to be performed between the demoed content and the final release versions. If every version is 720p, Ubisoft will doubt-ably be aware that it will damage the goodwill they've built with their new IPs, because they demoed 1080p footage. Too many compromises to accommodate a weaker platform will cost them greatly.


Trucker Sexologist
This far into development, they know exactly what they're doing with resolution in terms of target performance. Most likely, they have two options available to them:
  1. The Xbox One version cannot sustain a playable game at 1080p, whereas the Playstation 4 version can - maybe with an acceptable dip or two. This requires the Xbox One version to have a significant degradation in image quality in comparison to the Playstation 4 version, such as lowering it's target resolution to 720p. Platform holder pressure from Microsoft would make this option undesirable, as it undermines their entire platform with a single, high profile game.
  2. Presenting the game at 720p across all platforms makes the next-gen versions of the game seem weaker, undermining the entire "next-gen" aspect that they're selling with Watch_Dogs, and that made Watch_Dogs the headliner it has become. On top of this element, the assets were most likely created for high resolutions; not supporting 1080p on any version invalidates a good deal of work that went into creating the high definition assets.
This doesn't even touch the comparisons that are going to be performed between the demoed content and the final release versions. If every version is 720p, Ubisoft will doubt-ably be aware that it will damage the goodwill they've built with their new IPs, because they demoed 1080p footage. Too many compromises to accommodate a weaker platform will cost them greatly.
MS holds no sway over how the game performs on any console other than their own. And even then, there's very little they can do about it.


Junior Member
This is exactly why i got a decent gaming PC with a 3770k and a 7970 Ghz Edition,etc,etc because you can have the best of both worlds in next gen gaming while owning a decent gaming PC and a PS4. PS4 will be for everything that do not make it over to the PC and my PC will be used for everything that does...its simple math folks! Any gamer enthusiasts will own both a gaming PC and at least one next gen console.

Ahh...i will be in heaven once the PS4 drops and those awesome console exclusives start coming out and next gen multiplats begin to come over to the PC. While all you guys are fighting and whining over tedious stuff..i'll be busy gaming on my PC and next gen console...I don't understand what all the fuss is over when we are in this nasty cross-gen cycle that hinders multiplatform titles so much..are some of you guys new to gaming or what? It sorta sounds like it from the crazy reactions going on lol.

PS No offense but i am just saying :)


Junior Member
mid range is a bit disingenuous in this case, a 7850 absolutely stomps the majority of cards used according to the steam hardware survey. Although I understand it is mid range in the Newest and latest GPU lines, it's is most certainly far above what the majority of PC gamers actually have.

Shhhh....you are making toooo much sense bro...you may make some guys in here pissy with providing this factual statement. These sorts of statistics need to be kept hush hush if you catch my drift lol
I'm a Sony guy to the end (heck I actually won a 360/Kinect bundle a few months back and sold it the next day for PS3 games lol), but has this been confirmed?

I've scanned through the thread and read accounts of this site being full of shit, as well as some "gamedeveloperguy" proclaiming it was a lie so to say.
I go through a lot of these "PS4 vs. XB1" hardware/game threads as well as jump to other "less reputable" gaming forums and I continually don't know what to believe lol.

I mean, I don't really care. I got both on pre-order, PS4 for myself and an XB1 for my son who's in his "I'm 12 and gaming equals Xbox+CoD+360º No-Scopes YO!" phase...but it be nice to have some legit ammo to toss at the little guy to make him come over to Sony side lol.


I'm a Sony guy to the end (heck I actually won a 360/Kinect bundle a few months back and sold it the next day for PS3 games lol), but has this been confirmed?

I've scanned through the thread and read accounts of this site being full of shit, as well as some "gamedeveloperguy" proclaiming it was a lie so to say.
I go through a lot of these "PS4 vs. XB1" hardware/game threads as well as jump to other "less reputable" gaming forums and I continually don't know what to believe lol.

I mean, I don't really care. I got both on pre-order, PS4 for myself and an XB1 for my son who's in his "I'm 12 and gaming equals Xbox+CoD+360º No-Scopes YO!" phase...but it be nice to have some legit ammo to toss at the little guy to make him come over to Sony side lol.

Lol family console wars. I love it.
Lol family console wars. I love it.

I almost had him after E3, but most 11&12 year olds were born into the "360 + CoD" is gaming generation. Every single kid on his soccer team is gushing over the the XB1 and CoD:Ghost so I had to do the righ thing and let him go where his buddies were.

I asked them about Titan Fall/Kinect/Media functions (3 would be selling points to me if it was my console of choice) but every single one I've chatted with while at his practices could give 2 shits about those things...Its all Xbox are cooler and CoD is thr best game ever!
I even tried to get the little butthead to pre-order Titan Fall so I could play it, but he wouldn't do it so we compromised and got the DR3 bundle lol.


This is exactly why i got a decent gaming PC with a 3770k and a 7970 Ghz Edition,etc,etc because you can have the best of both worlds in next gen gaming while owning a decent gaming PC and a PS4. PS4 will be for everything that do not make it over to the PC and my PC will be used for everything that does...its simple math folks! Any gamer enthusiasts will own both a gaming PC and at least one next gen console.

Ahh...i will be in heaven once the PS4 drops and those awesome console exclusives start coming out and next gen multiplats begin to come over to the PC. While all you guys are fighting and whining over tedious stuff..i'll be busy gaming on my PC and next gen console...I don't understand what all the fuss is over when we are in this nasty cross-gen cycle that hinders multiplatform titles so much..are some of you guys new to gaming or what? It sorta sounds like it from the crazy reactions going on lol.

PS No offense but i am just saying :)

Some of us can't afford a gaming PC like that and a console. There is a reason people choose sides, they can't afford to be on everyone's side.

I have a i5 3750k and a GTX 480, not great, but they've gotten the job done for a while. I can't afford to upgrade my PC and get a new console. I see much more value in spending $400 on a PS4 than upgrading my PC as there are probably more games exclusive to console I'll want to play. And I can't do both so I have to choose. I feel like there are a lot of people in similar situations and its something the PC crowd tends to forget. Sure you can afford a hefty gaming rig, but not everyone can.
It'd be a tad funny if a PC with similar or weaker specs manages to run/perform better than the PS4 version while looking on par. Yeah, new generation hardware and all that but it really shouldn't happen. The idea of forced parity between the XBO and PS4 is just ridiculous and something that IMO could hurt developers/publishers eventually.


Have they said anything about the Assassin Creed 4 fps on PS4? I assume it's 30 but have they said anything?

Last build I played, it was an unlocked 60, but that was multiplayer and months ago. I was also quite drunk.

I could see them locking it to 30.


This game lost me at "yearly release schedule" which translates into pointless plot that ends in a shitty cliffhanger: thanks, no.

I'm glad to know I'm not even missing some magical tech demo.
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