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UK: Four Neo-Nazis Arrested Over Terror Charges

Four men suspected of being members of a banned neo-Nazi group called National Action have been arrested on terror charges, West Midlands Police say.

Those being held are a 22-year-old from Birmingham, a 32-year-old man from Powys, a 24-year-old from Ipswich and a 24-year-old from Northampton.
All four are being held at a police station in the West Midlands.

Police said a number of properties were being searched in connection with the arrests.

They said the arrests had been pre-planned and intelligence-led, and there had been no threat to the public's safety.

The men are being held on suspicion of being concerned in the commission, preparation and instigation of acts of terrorism under Section 41 of the Terrorism Act 2000; namely on suspicion of being members of a proscribed organisation.

The notification through to my phone also said that four of the members were former soldiers. As this lists four, I'd assume its them.

Horrible though, its bad enough that we have Radical Islamic Terrorists™ but for these chuckle-fucks to get involved is horrible.

God bless the MoD for arresting them before anyone came to harm, didn't want our version of Charlottesville.


Watch them be called "lone wolves" with mental health issues that were bullied at school.

Mehh, I know where you're coming from but the BBC are leading with the Neo-Nazi headline at least. I feel like that's a more powerful association in the UK than maybe in the US. Also, they were arrested under the Terrorism Act - they didn't commit acts of terrorism (thankfully).


Mehh, I know where you're coming from but the BBC are leading with the Neo-Nazi headline at least. I feel like that's a more powerful association in the UK than maybe in the US. Also, they were arrested under the Terrorism Act - they didn't commit acts of terrorism (thankfully).

Yeah but this will be forgotten very quickly and I doubt that it will the headline news on TV, but had the folks had brown skin or were Muslim you would know that wouldn't be the case.

The media is making it very easy for white alt-right to plan and carry out a major terrorist attack because they know that they will get away with it.
Watch them be called "lone wolves" with mental health issues that were bullied at school.
This is the UK so I'd be surprised. The right wing newspapers aren't so dumb as to not distance themselves even though they fan some of these flames for political gain.

In fact here's the headline for the worst rag (The Mail)
BREAKING NEWS: Four serving members of the Army are arrested for 'preparing terror acts' as members of banned neo-Nazi group National Action

Can groups like this get banned in the US? Why is membership of the KKK legal in the US?
Its your freezing of peach, isn't it?

These groups are banned because hate speech and incitement to racial hatred are illegal in the UK.


Just to back up what others have said - right wing extremism and terrorism is part of the national counter terrorism profile, and considered during the risk assessment. It's handled in exactly the same way as religious fundamentalists terrorism and northern Irish related terrorism. We're not America - far right terrorists are terrorists.


All members of the army? Who would have guessed that people who join the army could also be potential terrorists.


Seeing reports that the four arrested were serving members of the armed forces. That's slightly concerning.


Seeing reports that the four arrested were serving members of the armed forces. That's slightly concerning.

Yeah. Obvious recruitment route I guess - weapons are much harder to come by in the UK, so members of the armed forces can probably obtain semi automatic or automatic weapons, which are virtually impossible for anyone else now that the IRA has gone away. They're also likely to be less incompetent with said weapons than most modern terrorists have proven to be.

That said, that may also have been how they were caught.
The Guardian has some background:

The group, which lauded the murder of the Labour MP Jo Cox, has held demonstrations in UK cities with banners declaring: “Hitler was right”.

The slogan on its former website was: “Death to traitors, freedom for Britain,” which was the only statement given in court by Cox’s murderer, Thomas Mair.

The group has been filmed telling a small group of supporters about “the disease of international Jewry” and that “when the time comes they’ll be in the chambers”. It has also been filmed training supporters in hand-to-hand combat.

Jo Cox is the British MP who was shot dead one week before the Brexit vote.



I just can't quite imagine a Welshman thinking they're a member of the master race

Unfortunately Wales has quite a racism problem because there was a significant migration of English racists to Wales in the mid to late 90s seeking somewhere to live with fewer non-white people and less immigration, and demographically that was Wales.

I've heard generally the Welsh regard these people as assholes and speak Welsh at them whenever possible just to piss them off.
Just to back up what others have said - right wing extremism and terrorism is part of the national counter terrorism profile, and considered during the risk assessment. It's handled in exactly the same way as religious fundamentalists terrorism and northern Irish related terrorism. We're not America - far right terrorists are terrorists.


Also, as worrying as this is - this isn't some evidence of the 'alt-right' creeping over here etc.

We've had fringe far right elements in the UK for decades.

NF/BNP etc.



Also, as worrying as this is - this isn't some evidence of the 'alt-right' creeping over here etc.

We've had fringe far right elements in the UK for decades.

NF/BNP etc.

Yup, those gross organisations have been around for a while. I had the privilege of being from one of the BNP/NF strongholds - Luton.
I had friends in school who later became skin heads and would walk around town threatening black and brown people. No one bigger than themselves, mind.

Some of them were smart kids too, I can see how they suck them in.

Fortunately, one, I heard has given up on his ways and recently trashed or sold his Norse mythology memorabilia. Glad to hear he's given it up, but I still don't really want anything to do with him. Mud sticks, as they say.
Unfortunately Wales has quite a racism problem because there was a significant migration of English racists to Wales in the mid to late 90s seeking somewhere to live with fewer non-white people and less immigration, and demographically that was Wales.

I've heard generally the Welsh regard these people as assholes and speak Welsh at them whenever possible just to piss them off.

I'm going to need some evidence for this claim.


Unfortunately Wales has quite a racism problem because there was a significant migration of English racists to Wales in the mid to late 90s seeking somewhere to live with fewer non-white people and less immigration, and demographically that was Wales.

I've heard generally the Welsh regard these people as assholes and speak Welsh at them whenever possible just to piss them off.

Nah, plenty of racists in Wales in the 70s I'm sorry to say.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
It's Powys. What else is there to do.

The further north you go, the more you're dealing with lunatics.

Never go north of Ceredigion (and even that's pushing it)..

I hear NeoGAF's finest poster hails from just north of there.
I'm going to need some evidence for this claim.
Might be a reference to Mike Parker's experiences:

”I have lost count of the number of times when people from England who have spoken to me in pubs and shops have made racist remarks like, ‘Isn't it nice here without the Pakis?'. They notice I have a Midlands accent and immediately assume I am going to share their prejudice."

”As a travel writer, I sought to understand more about what had drawn people to move to rural Wales. I knew my own reasons why; this is a part of the world that had always fascinated me. Moving here, I felt instantly at home thanks to the tolerant and compassionate community here."

”It came as a real shock that during many of the conversations I had in those early days, a number of people stated openly to me that they'd moved to this area to escape multicultural communities in more urban areas. The BNP were on the rise at the time, with their leader and other chief officers having all moved to rural mid Wales."

”This sort of extremism depressed and angered me. I have never said nor implied that these were the views of the majority of people who'd moved to rural areas, but the numbers weren't insignificant and I have never shied away from challenging discrimination in whatever form it takes."

”My anger at these racist attitudes fuelled some high-octane language that I wouldn't use to express myself now – however, I maintain the view that racism should never be ignored nor accepted, and should always be challenged and tackled.

”Would those who criticise me for saying what I did prefer that this issue was swept under the carpet? I hope not."



Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I thought cyclops was from northern England?


Also, don't talk about the north of England again, or we'll have Uzzy in here telling us about the bloody chip spice again.


I'm going to need some evidence for this claim.

My nextdoor but one neighbors for one.

First time I met them they told me they had moved from London because they wanted more space and there were "too many black people in London"

Amusingly the wife devolved agoraphobia not long after, so they don't leave the house now.

They are known as our racist agoraphobes neighbors.
National Action; brave lads, they are. Like how they held their own from the safety of a half-shut 'Lost Luggage' store at Lime Street, after being chased there by crowds including grandmothers and children. Truly they are the master race.


I'll never get tired of being reminded of this.
Can groups like this get banned in the US? Why is membership of the KKK legal in the US?

The KKK has yet to be designated a domestic terrorist organization. Hell, a chapter was allowed to adopt a highway in Georgia last year.

I think the way current laws are written, it's actually difficult for the US government to designate a domestic extremist group as an international terrorist organization and catch the full brunt of federal enforcement.
The topic has the title neo-nazi arrested over terror charges, as well as the news from the link.

Take your concern trolling elsewhere. The UK is not the US.

BBC represents all UK coverage now? What?

Let's look at how the Britain First shooter was covered by the med-
"Jekyll and Hyde' assassin was a loner who scoured himself with Brillo pads because of cleanliness obsession and spent his life on mental health drugs"
"Thomas Mair: extremist loner that killed Jo Cox"
"Jo Cox murderer Thomas Mair became deranged white supremacist after mum left him for black boyfriend"

Oh my. Can you take your two-bit moral superiority of the UK somewhere else? It's not
"concern trolling" when it's demonstrably real.


National Action; brave lads, they are. Like how they held their own from the safety of a half-shut 'Lost Luggage' store at Lime Street, after being chased there by crowds including grandmothers and children. Truly they are the master race.


I'll never get tired of being reminded of this.

This was a good day for us in Liverpool, had a great big piss up after kettling the Nazis til they pissed themselves :)


BBC represents all UK coverage now? What?

Let's look at how the Britain First shooter was covered by the med-
"Jekyll and Hyde' assassin was a loner who scoured himself with Brillo pads because of cleanliness obsession and spent his life on mental health drugs"
"Thomas Mair: extremist loner that killed Jo Cox"
"Jo Cox murderer Thomas Mair became deranged white supremacist after mum left him for black boyfriend"

Oh my. Can you take your two-bit moral superiority of the UK somewhere else? It's not
"concern trolling" when it's demonstrably real.

Um, not entirely sure your point here. Thomas Muir was tried as a terrorist in exactly the same way the guys who beheaded a soldier in London were. To quote the CPs on this:

"Motivated by hate, his premeditated crimes were nothing less than acts of terrorism designed to advance his twisted ideology,""

And he *was* a lunatic loner - he wasn't part of an organization and he had significant mental health problems.

Seriously, take your lack of knowledge about them UK elsewhere. Right wing extremism and terrorism is absolutely an issue for this country and treated in the same way as other sources of terrorism. We still hold a memorial to the victims of the Brixton Nail Bomber each year, and that was far right terrorism that happened almost 20 years ago.
BBC represents all UK coverage now? What?

Let's look at how the Britain First shooter was covered by the med-
"Jekyll and Hyde' assassin was a loner who scoured himself with Brillo pads because of cleanliness obsession and spent his life on mental health drugs"
"Thomas Mair: extremist loner that killed Jo Cox"
"Jo Cox murderer Thomas Mair became deranged white supremacist after mum left him for black boyfriend"

Oh my. Can you take your two-bit moral superiority of the UK somewhere else? It's not
"concern trolling" when it's demonstrably real.

I don't have the time to bring up links to counter this, but isn't this the case in UK media with other extremism too?

How they were a 'quiet family man' or a 'lonely university student where they became radicalised' etc etc etc
I don't have the time to bring up links to counter this, but isn't this the case in UK media with other extremism too?

How they were a 'quiet family man' or a 'lonely university student where they became radicalised' etc etc etc
Yes, with the most recent terrorist cases a lot of the stories were about 'he's a family man', 'he has kids', 'he was a good school student', etc...

And ironically the right always respond to this with 'sympathsing with terrorists! They'd never say this if it was a white person'

I think what it comes down to is that in the UK we have this fundamental need to understand people and understand motives but in the US it seems to be 'I don't agree with 'X' so 'X' is an irredeemable piece of shit and we can't discuss any motives that may even give one good aspect, dimension or reflection to his person's life.'

and as we've seen in this thread, even though the media hasn't yet and didn't in any link I shared, more left wing people jump in with the idea that these people will be called 'mentally ill' or 'lone wolves' (even though the article is about four people).

So you never really can win these discussions because some people bring baggage from their national news which is largely so partisan than people get shit for acknowledging racism.
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