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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


leng jai said:
Same here until I saw it in the pick up post thread.
It's nice, and I'm glad I have it, but I know it's going to get gnarly quick. I just put all my albums into a binder and threw away the cases the other day, and all the paper cases were a mess, despite initially looking much nicer.


StuBurns said:
The UK collectors edition isn't steel, it's cardboard. I'd have imported if I knew there was a steel one.
Yes, it's cardboard. Kind of disappointed actually. I wanted the steelbook. I just got my Explorer Edition and it has the same cardboard Special Edition.



Rez said:
What's the deal with Asian Elena, anyway?

Synless said:
Both Chloe and Elena look more asian-ish.

Glad other people noticed. Thought I was going insane.

Grisby said:
It's weird. I guess they look more 'improved' but I vastly prefer their sequel counterparts (well, expect the eyes I suppose). It's like they crossed a line from being fantasy into more realistic territory?

Nate looks amazing though.

Except Elena looks less like Emily Rose than ever before.


I think I enjoyed Chapter 10 more than some of the best missions in UC2.
Walking through the crowded market and hearing the Arabic chatter (that I could understand) was such a great moment, gorgeous sights and a really nice change of pace. I loved it even more than the village missions in Among Thieves

Oh, and the Special Edition Journal is much > the Steelbook.
NotTheGuyYouKill said:
Chapters 12-19 were fucking sublime. Some of the best gaming this year. 18 and 19 were damn cool.

Plus fully decked out Desert Drake looks badass. The weird thing is, at this point, the aiming has finally clicked with me. I dunno why, but it works almost perfect now.

You just got used to it so its no longer a issue. 12-19 provide some of the best gaming moments for me of this gen.


Chapter 20 man, one of the most impressive scenarios in any game ever, makes the
similar vehicle scene from Uncharted 2
look like childs play. Can't think of many other games that would give you basically 100% control in such an unusual and unique scenario. Chapters 18-20 are up there with the best in the series.

Also, late game spoiler but if you've watched the trailers etc you'll know about it
the GOD DAMN PLANE SCENE. Holy shit. As soon as you disconnect the package to knock the brute out the game takes like some sort of fucking cyber steroids, seriously amazing
. Makes up for the shit in chapter 11 or 12, can't remember now. A few chapters left but I still kind of feel this falls in the middle of the pack quality wise. The highs are as high (some perhaps even surpassing) as U2 but the few lows are much, much lower.

Also I'm beginning to think the aiming is just weird for certain guns. The silenced pistol, the AK... you have to fight the game to aim. But the GMAL and M9 work beautifully; the M9 making me enjoy the combat thoroughly, finally! The Dragunov also felt like crap yet the other sniper rifle which I can't remember the name of, flawless. idk, just my mind perhaps. Or maybe its just the weapons being automatic making up for the dodgy aiming, which sounds much less far-fetched... wouldn't explain the sniper but whatever.


Meisadragon said:
The Journal really looks unique, but the Uncharted 3 steelbook looks spectacular. :(

I shouldn't be admitting this, but the feeling of that Journal is amazing. I stroke it like a cat hahaha.

I am a huge Steelbook fanatic, I choose them over everything, but I absolutely would choose the Journal if I had a choice between the two.

EDIT: StuBurns, do you mean because it is going to get ruined?


Sinthetic said:
EDIT: StuBurns, do you mean because it is going to get ruined?
Yes, it feels very delicate to me, I've kept it in the plastic sleeve, but I still think it's going to get nasty over time. Saying that, I've had issues with steelcases looking lame over time too. It'd be easier if they just gave UCs standard covers I liked really.

It would have been great if they'd have made the journal one like a real book, with brass pressed edges etc. It'd cost more, but I'd have paid it personally.


The aiming issue seems to not be as serious when handling automatic weapons - for some reason, the 'stickiness' seems more pronounced when using pistols. In other words, I think the game makes a poor showing upfront with its pistol-only combat.


Sinthetic said:
I shouldn't be admitting this, but the feeling of that Journal is amazing. I stroke it like a cat hahaha.
Yep, it's lovely. But that plastic cover loses colour and gets a lot of scratches over time. I actually had a hard time removing the Uncharted 3 disc from the Journal; almost felt like I was going to rip the cardboard out lol
HixxSAFC said:
Chapter 20 man, one of the most impressive scenarios in any game ever, makes the
similar vehicle scene from Uncharted 2
look like childs play. Can't think of many other games that would give you basically 100% control in such an unusual and unique scenario. Chapters 18-20 are up there with the best in the series.

Also, late game spoiler but if you've watched the trailers etc you'll know about it
the GOD DAMN PLANE SCENE. Holy shit. As soon as you disconnect the package to knock the brute out the game takes like some sort of fucking cyber steroids, seriously amazing
. Makes up for the shit in chapter 11 or 12, can't remember now. A few chapters left but I still kind of feel this falls in the middle of the pack quality wise. The highs are as high (some perhaps even surpassing) as U2 but the few lows are much, much lower.

Also I'm beginning to think the aiming is just weird for certain guns. The silenced pistol, the AK... you have to fight the game to aim. But the GMAL and M9 work beautifully; the M9 making me enjoy the combat thoroughly, finally! The Dragunov also felt like crap yet the other sniper rifle which I can't remember the name of, flawless. idk, just my mind perhaps. Or maybe its just the weapons being automatic making up for the dodgy aiming, which sounds much less far-fetched... wouldn't explain the sniper but whatever.

Muwahaha I love how people all come around once they get to the good stuff. Plus your just getting used to the variations between the guns. You could pretty much snipe people using any gun in UC2 but in 3 they all have varying degrees of accuracy.


Chapter 19 and on are pretty spectacular really, especially considering the series history of completely falling apart at the end.
StuBurns said:
Chapter 19 and on are pretty spectacular really, especially considering the series history of completely falling apart at the end.

Well technically it still
does fall apart huh huh ;)

Damn I need a drink.

jax (old)

Synless said:
Both Chloe and Elena look more asian-ish.

elena is an aberration in this. I mentioned it in my rant about the faces earlier. When we first meet her in the game. I was like WTF did they do? Whoever "fixed" the models needs to be fired.

Chloe looks horrific. Drake sometimes look like a racoon (-6-) and then elena. just awful.
StuBurns said:
Chapter 19 and on are pretty spectacular really, especially considering the series history of completely falling apart at the end.

I still think it does a little bit. The graphics are incredible, no doubt, but the
hellfire demons things were so bad and basically amounted to running around trying to find the power weapon.
The shootouts after that were just total cannon fodder filler
then dudes still shooting at you despite the whole place crumbling.

Feels bad to not be as impressed as a lot of others seem to be as I was really hyped for this. Can't see it making my personal GOTY list now.
BruceLeeRoy said:
You just got used to it so its no longer a issue. 12-19 provide some of the best gaming moments for me of this gen.

It's so awesome!
The ship capsizing was fantastic. Then the plane and crossing the desert was amazing. Hell, Chapter 18 where it's just Drake dying of exhaustion and heat was so atmospheric and moody. I am in love with this game.

As of Chapter 19, unless something drastically changes, this is one of the best games I've ever played.


Jax said:
elena is an aberration in this. I mentioned it in my rant about the faces earlier. When we first meet her in the game. I was like WTF did they do? Whoever "fixed" the models needs to be fired.

Chloe looks horrific. Drake sometimes look like a racoon (-6-) and then elena. just awful.

I thought all the characters looked much-improved in 3, in particular Chloe.


Oh, the other thing that was a bit of a let down was the length. 7hrs 15 mins on Normal, and that's when I don't know the puzzle solutions beforehand.


Jax said:
elena is an aberration in this. I mentioned it in my rant about the faces earlier. When we first meet her in the game. I was like WTF did they do? Whoever "fixed" the models needs to be fired.

Chloe looks horrific. Drake sometimes look like a racoon (-6-) and then elena. just awful.
Chloe looks infinitely better, minus them shrinking her ass.
It was so damn ballsy for ND
to let that you spend that much time just crossing the desert.
As you said its so atmospheric and it just makes it that much more exciting when you finally find something.
jigglywiggly said:
Oh, the other thing that was a bit of a let down was the length. 7hrs 15 mins on Normal, and that's when I don't know the puzzle solutions beforehand.
Damn that's fast. I zipped through at a reasonable pace and my final time was 7hrs 58mins. Although I remember UC2 taking closer to 10hrs first time through so it was a fair bit shorter.


Elena just looks really strange in some scenes. The one where
she picks up Nate and Sully at the airport
. Comes to mind. But in others, like
the airstrip and the ending
, she looks fine. It might be the angles or something.


Sidzed2 said:
I thought all the characters looked much-improved in 3, in particular Chloe.
Elena looked perfect in Uncharted 2. All they needed to do was fix Chloe's eyes. They definitely have more polygons in UC3 though.


The models are mostly better, in my opinion, they had some outright scary bugs and quirks on them in UC2, especially those creepy ass eyes. Some folks might not like the art direction on characters as much but the actual modeling is wayyyyy better.


The thing about Uncharted 2's length, though, is that I couldn't wait for some parts to be over, and even now there are sections which I don't want to replay. The trainyard was pretty awful, and I thought the Monastery at the end just dragged on for far too long.
StuBurns said:
Chapter 19 and on are pretty spectacular really, especially considering the series history of completely falling apart at the end.
I actually preferred Uncharted 2's boss battle to the
QTE fest that is this one

Sidzed2 said:
The thing about Uncharted 2's length, though, is that I couldn't wait for some parts to be over, and even now there are sections which I don't want to replay. The trainyard was pretty awful, and I thought the Monastery at the end just dragged on for far too long.
And there aren't any in Uncharted 3?


I'd be in the dick
Just finished. Last chapter was great and the ending made me smile. I'll write up more later as the credits are still rolling.
Wonder why ND hasnt included dual pistol wielding yet (or in general). Im on Chap 8 on my 2nd run and this just occurred to me. Maybe The Drake just isnt good enough to dual wield? Aw hell naw.
When playing splitscreen multiplayer is it possible at all to fix the issue where half of the screen is occupied by black squares?

Why even do this? resolution?


Net_Wrecker said:
I still think it does a little bit. The graphics are incredible, no doubt, but the
hellfire demons things were so bad and basically amounted to running around trying to find the power weapon.
The shootouts after that were just total cannon fodder filler
then dudes still shooting at you despite the whole place crumbling.

Feels bad to not be as impressed as a lot of others seem to be as I was really hyped for this. Can't see it making my personal GOTY list now.
While I'm not keen on the demons, everything else about the last four chapters I was impressed with, and the demons weren't especially difficult,
by comparison, the ending of UC1 sucked complete ass post the second time you visit the church for me, the last mission with a horrible final boss sucked. The end of UC2 was wall to wall poop, from the second you get in the hidden city. This time I felt like they learnt from most of their mistakes with the ending of the last one.

As a whole, I'm with you in that I didn't enjoy it as much as lots of gaffers did, and it's not in my top five of the year or anything, but I was really happy to see the game end strong. While I think it is the weakest of the three, the way they did this entry, and just looking at the journal case, it feels like the summation of the series, I think it's a good time to leave the series alone and crack on a new IP next generation.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Ehhh well uhhh alright.

I haven't even tried Uncharted yet, but all these widespread issues have made me decide that I will be rewarded for waiting. I can play Skyrim first (because I already know and expect that one to be a buggy mess) and then by the time I'm done with that, ND will have patched this and fixed the aiming issue so many are experiencing. It's a win both ways.
Solo said:
I haven't even tried Uncharted yet, but all these widespread issues have made me decide that I will be rewarded for waiting. I can play Skyrim first (because I already know and expect that one to be a buggy mess) and then by the time I'm done with that, ND will have patched this and fixed the aiming issue so many are experiencing. It's a win both ways.

you fucking hope. seriously dude. remain cautiously optimistic. severely cautiously optimistic.

Everyone suffering from aiming issues needs to learn one word: ADAPT. If you cant do this then I dont know what to tell you. I KNOW Im not the only one who didnt have this issue, unless ND only shipped like 20 copies with proper aiming mechanics.


DevelopmentArrested said:
And there aren't any in Uncharted 3?

There are certainly less - but I take your point, 3 has some of those spots, too. One particular night-time level went on far too long, I thought.

I'm still of the view that, overall, the Nepal urban stages in Uncharted 2 are the best to come otu of the series so far. A perfect mix of gameplay pillars and some amazing visuals and choreographed setpieces.


Solo said:
I haven't even tried Uncharted yet, but all these widespread issues have made me decide that I will be rewarded for waiting. I can play Skyrim first (because I already know and expect that one to be a buggy mess) and then by the time I'm done with that, ND will have patched this and fixed the aiming issue so many are experiencing. It's a win both ways.
The aiming isn't that bad as people are saying here. I'm already on my crushing playthrough and don't really find it that annoying. You really need to adjust a little bit at the start though. Besides, it will take you like 9-10 hours to beat the game, unless you're getting the Skyrim review copy or something tomorrow.
JumpingTheGun said:
Wonder why ND hasnt included dual pistol wielding yet (or in general). Im on Chap 8 on my 2nd run and this just occurred to me. Maybe The Drake just isnt good enough to dual wield? Aw hell naw.

Yeah especially as the holster he picked up in chapter 12 had two available handgun mounts. I'd love some frantic John Woo style fire fights. Maybe in UC4.

Is everyone assuming that Uncharted 4 will be a PS4 launch title. Can't imagine them making another on PS3 when Sony's next console is bound to launch late 2013/ early 2014 and they'll no doubt want a big title to sell some systems day one.


JumpingTheGun said:
you fucking hope. seriously dude. remain cautiously optimistic. severly cautiously optimistic.

I know that so far they've taken an arrogant denial stance, but I have to believe that with so many people experiencing the issue and all these videos clearly demonstrating that the aiming portion of a shooting game is completely fucked that they will have to fix this.
One thing that's kind of strange in this game.. to the point where I thought maybe it was hiding some loading:

the very tight space sections you walk through, there are 5-6 in the game. there were none in either of the first 2 uncharted's.

jax (old)

Synless said:
Chloe looks infinitely better, minus them shrinking her ass.

In UC3; her head looks like a ginormous melon. Maybe its the hair; I do agree that her model is better looking but overall it looks kind of strange.

Elena however is .... all wrong. Its like last years clearance model.

I will pay for a DLC patch that fixes her face.
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