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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 4 - Sundays on HBO

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Turn sends it's regards.
Jesus that looks awful


I would like a final word on Littlefinger's accent, to be honest. Is it the directors directing him? Is something wrong with his throat? I have a hard time believing that Gillen would just keep changing the accent of his character without any kind of feedback from the showrunners.

It's been a long time since we've seen Littlefinger at court or in public. Is the change in accents supposed to represent his duplicity? Like, he is one way for a certain audience, but different for others? Just throwing the actor and directors a bone here.


I'm somewhat disappointed in their portrayal of Reek. I heard he is described in the book as looking 40 years older after his torture, among other horrifying details. They have the biggest fucking budget of any TV series in the history of man. Why the fuck didn't their makeup artists cut loose?

The dude looks almost exactly the same, except with a limp. What a pacifist decision by the art crew. At least CG some of his teeth out!

To be fair, I understand Tyrion's scar is supposed to be hideous as well. But Reek is less excusable.

Because he has to pass as Theon in next week's episode.

Authors don't have to be concerned with such details, but showrunners do.
- Full Rolling Stone interview with GRRM
Martin is an affable, candid, terrifically smart man, and he is loquacious. We talked for 10 hours that day, breaking only for dinner. His way of discussing Game of Thrones surprised me: He often spun questions into larger dissertations about history, war and society. Because Martin is a big man, with an infectious laugh and white hair, there might seem something of a Santa Claus aspect about him, except for his eyes, which are constantly flickering with thought – some of it quite dark – conveying a mind as shrewd as that belonging to any of his characters.



I really really like his bit about Jaime and whether he "deserves" to be a redeemable character.

Remember, Jaime isn't just trying to kill Bran because he's an annoying little kid. Bran has seen something that is basically a death sentence for Jaime, for Cersei, and their children – their three actual children. So I've asked people who do have children, "Well, what would you do in Jaime's situation?" They say, "Well, I'm not a bad guy – I wouldn't kill." Are you sure? Never? If Bran tells King Robert he's going to kill you and your sister-lover, and your three children. . . .

Then many of them hesitate. Probably more people than not would say, "Yeah, I would kill someone else's child to save my own child, even if that other child was innocent." These are the difficult decisions people make, and they're worth examining.

I don't know. Bran with those big brown eyes staring up at me and I know that if the kids lives it would cost me my wife and son? I can't say I wouldn't think of a way to quiet him, even if my first thought might not...might not...be to push him.



Just had a thought about that scene. Bearing in mind how happy the show-runners are to depict/talk about rape in the show and even basically turned Jaime into a rapist, I'm surprised they left out Roose's famous "before you make me rue the day I raped your mother" line.

El Daniel

Just had a thought about that scene. Bearing in mind how happy the show-runners are to depict/talk about rape in the show and even basically turned Jaime into a rapist, I'm surprised they left out Roose's famous "before you make me rue the day I raped your mother" line.

They will make that Jaime's line in his next conversation with Tommen.


It's been a long time since we've seen Littlefinger at court or in public. Is the change in accents supposed to represent his duplicity? Like, he is one way for a certain audience, but different for others? Just throwing the actor and directors a bone here.

I don't mind either way, to be honest. I just think it's a "big enough" thing that someone should be asking them about it in an interview somewhere. ;)

fathers berating their sons:


This one seemed more encouraging than berating.
Just had a thought about that scene. Bearing in mind how happy the show-runners are to depict/talk about rape in the show and even basically turned Jaime into a rapist, I'm surprised they left out Roose's famous "before you make me rue the day I raped your mother" line.

That line doesn't happen until later right? Though considering they've moved Theon's stuff up I might be wrong.


This one seemed more encouraging than berating.

hmm the way I remember it he's berating Jamie for not being that man already. but it's already been three years so I'm not sure.

three years already man. love how much success this show has enjoyed. the books and GRRM certainly deserved it, although as book readers we of course have plenty to complain about.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
but in the show it was "I did it because lol."

(Sorry, I had to.)

I would like a final word on Littlefinger's accent, to be honest. Is it the directors directing him? Is something wrong with his throat? I have a hard time believing that Gillen would just keep changing the accent of his character without any kind of feedback from the showrunners.
I'm curious too. In the previous seasons I didn't notice the accent/voice thing much but this time it was blatant even for me. And it really sounded goofy, especially with that "loud whisper" Batman-like voice.

"He should have spent those ten hours writing!"
lol, I did think it... >_> Gonna read that interview anyway.
I had no problem with Littlefinger's voice...I thought that he sounded different in the last episode because he was sort of whispering because "voices carry across water".

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Just read that interview. A really good interview. Few things that I didn't already know or hear/read him say before, but still interesting. The man is very thoughtful and intelligent. Every time I read or watch his interviews I find myself admiring him.

If only he wrote faster. :(


Am I the only one not bothered by Aidan Gillen's voice?

I never cared as much as the rest of the Internet did (same for Tyrion, but English is my second language so I'm probably less likely to feel off about non-stereotypical Hollywood accent (NY accent?)), but his accent this year is really grating because it's COMPLETELY unlike his previous accent. It's almost like something from a comedy movie, I'm being serious.


I had no problem with Littlefinger's voice...I thought that he sounded different in the last episode because he was sort of whispering because "voices carry across water".
He's just shifted it from English (S1) to Welsh (S2 onward), which makes a bit more sense given where the Vale is modelled after.
I never cared as much as the rest of the Internet did (same for Tyrion, but English is my second language so I'm probably less likely to feel off about non-stereotypical Hollywood accent (NY accent?)), but his accent this year is really grating because it's COMPLETELY unlike his previous accent. It's almost like something from a comedy movie, I'm being serious.

Yeah, but we really haven't heard him talking "normally" this season. He was sort of speaking under his breath, because they were close to King's Landing still and trying to be quiet. He even reprimanded someone for speaking too loud (can't remember if it was Dontos or Sansa).

He's just shifted it from English (S1) to Welsh (S2 onward), which makes a bit more sense given where the Vale is modelled after.

It's been a long time since I saw S1 and S2, so I probably just don't remember the accent changes.

I'll admit he tends to overact, but I generally enjoy his performance.



That is awesome. Loads of interesting stuff.

"In the books – and I make no promises, because I have two more books to write, and I may have more surprises to reveal – the conclusion that the careful reader draws is that Joffrey was killed by the Queen of Thorns, using poison from Sansa's hairnet, so that if anyone did think it was poison, then Sansa would be blamed for it."

I find it really hard to imagine anyone else poisoning Joffrey, especially now we've literally seen her grab the poison in the show, so why is he being all evasive about it?


I thought Littlefinger's voice simply sounded different because he was kind of whisper talking on the boat. It didn't sound all that different to me compared to when he talked to Sansa in the stands during the Hand's tourney way back in season 1, for example.

In vaguely related news, I broke my right hand last night and have a big old cast on it now, pretty much making it useless at the moment. Made typing this pretty difficult. Feeling a bit like Jaime with his golden hand :p


This year he inexplicably shifted to Irish accent though.

Well, he is Irish, so maybe it just leaks out a bit sometimes.

He's also a Dubliner, which seems to me to be a little less stereotypically Irish accent than say, Cork (they sound like freaking leprechauns). I know some Dubliners who Americans assume are English because their accents are fairly light to the American ear.


I would like a final word on Littlefinger's accent, to be honest. Is it the directors directing him? Is something wrong with his throat? I have a hard time believing that Gillen would just keep changing the accent of his character without any kind of feedback from the showrunners.
I now wish he would change his tone and accent for every scene he's in. It would make for an amazing Naked Gun-like running gag.


That is awesome. Loads of interesting stuff.

"In the books – and I make no promises, because I have two more books to write, and I may have more surprises to reveal – the conclusion that the careful reader draws is that Joffrey was killed by the Queen of Thorns, using poison from Sansa's hairnet, so that if anyone did think it was poison, then Sansa would be blamed for it."

I find it really hard to imagine anyone else poisoning Joffrey, especially now we've literally seen her grab the poison in the show, so why is he being all evasive about it?
Maybe the Queen of Thorns was trying to poison someone else (so the obvious hints at her being Joffrey's poisoner are just misdirection but not completely imaginary stuff), but someone other than her managed to poison Joffrey first and whoever QoT was trying to poison was saved in the aftermath of Joffrey's poisoning (at that point she'd probably be wise enough to delay her poisoning, as two possibly important characters dying at the same time would make the Tyrells too suspicious). Or both were trying to kill Joffrey and maybe the possible mystery poisoner just made it first before QoT, so while she might've had the intent of killing Joffrey, she didn't actually do it and someone else did. Those are the only ways it would make sense for Queen of Thorns to not be the actual poisoner of Joffrey.

Or it could be that there are simply some surprising factors behind the poisoning and not just the Tyrells wanting to save Margaery from this monster of a human being, like say Tywin being a part of it all after noticing Joffrey being a horrible person & king. or something
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