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Using the existing structure, let's rewrite the Star Wars prequels

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The coming of Episode VII and the new Disney Infinity 3.0 has me thinking about all things Star Wars right now. At the heart of that, how the prequels ended up and what could be changed about them( using existing characters and story structure) to have made them as adored as the OT, or at least be good enough to not be ripped to shreds by Redlettermedia lol.


- First, the totally needless things. Jar Jar being the most obvious. Take him completely out of the story. Ditto for midiclorians, I think most people were happy enough to accept Yoda's definition of the force, without giving us Qui-gon's speech and then throw on top that natural selection determines force users and potential.

- Speaking of Qui-gon, either cut him from the story, or have him as a background jedi on the council. Ultimately not really needed in the role he was given.

- Anakin in EpI should have been the age he was in Ep2, in other words Hayden. Have him be the padawan learning under the tutelage of Obi-Wan Kenobi who would already be an established Knight. Or, start the story with Kenobi on an adventure where he meets Anakin using the force, which obviously attracts Obi-wan's attention. Maybe Anakin saves Obi-wan somehow, which leads to him taking Ani to the council to be considered for jedi training, leading to the whole 'too old', 'sense fear and anger' routine. Somehow Obi-wan manages to convince the council into begrudgingly accepting Anakin into the order.

But either way, this is where we see the 'friendship' between Obi and Anakin develop at ground zero and grow through the prequels, instead of it being told to us through various 'nest of gundarks' tales that we can't connect with. I also like the idea that Obi-wan was the one who discovered Anakin, not Qui-gon, which makes the destruction of their friendship all the more tragic.

- At some point in Ep1, Queen Padme is captured and Anakin saves her life. Have Padme be 16/17 to Anakin's 18, so the age gap isn't there. Through similar age, attraction/hormones, and Ani's good deed, the two form a bond. Obi-wan senses the attraction, and warns Anakin that commitment to the order forbids him from romantic attachments. Anakin, of course, doesn't listen to this and the seeds of the ill-fated relationship are planted.

-Darth Maul would have been the 'Vader' throughout the PT, which would either eliminate or shift Dooku to another role. Maul would have been the one that Anakin eventually kills to become Palpatine's apprentice.

- I would reimagine the Jedi, instead of the republic defense force with a giant tower smack dead in the middle of Coruscant, as an underground order, myths, sort of good samaritan force users who largely stay hidden out of sight unless a situation calls their attention. I know that Obi-wan called them 'the keepers of peace in the old republic' but I always looked at that as something they did 'unofficially', sort of like vigilantes, instead of republic policemen. Obviously, that was my wrong interpretation of what the Jedi actually were, or just my preferred vision of them to what we got in the PT.

Of course, some of these shifts would result in changes to the storyline, maybe less focus on all the political drama which took place. Interested in the thoughts of others as to how they'd (re)write the PT.


These make sense.

Also, Episode 1 simply needs better villains. The Trade Federation are a) boring and b) lame.

The vast majority of the senate crap should go.

The first introduction to Padme needs to be of her not in her queen persona where she has to be so cold and aloof. Anakin should meet her in some scrape while she's in disguise, they hit it off, and then the twist is that you find she's the queen, not the other way around. It would make her a much more likable character, much like our first "real" introduction to Leia is when she grabs a gun and starts shooting back, it marks her as feisty and not just a princess to be rescued.
The first introduction to Padme needs to be of her not in her queen persona where she has to be so cold and aloof. Anakin should meet her in some scrape while she's in disguise, they hit it off, and then the twist is that you find she's the queen, not the other way around. It would make her a much more likable character, much like our first "real" introduction to Leia is when she grabs a gun and starts shooting back, it marks her as feisty and not just a princess to be rescued.

Interesting idea, I like that.


I'd rather have Obi-wan be the protagonist, with him and Anakin being the close friends, same rank and students of a Jedi.
Rogue One is the only prequel we need. Maybe have the blind samurai be someone who met Anakin during the Clone Wars or something. He can drop a few allusions at Anakin's years as an ace pilot. That's all we need.
I'd rather have Obi-wan be the protagonist, with him and Anakin being the close friends, same rank and students of a Jedi.

Ben Kenobi established in the OT that Anakin( well Vader) was a pupil of his, so there had to a difference in rank between them ( Obi-Wan being the ranking Jedi). The main problem is that the Obi-Wan/Anakin friendship is a central theme, but the PT committed the sin of 'telling' us their friendship through little adventure stories, because beyond that in AOTC we mainly see Obi-wan scolding Anakin, or Anakin complaining that Obiwan is holding him back. Nothing in that movie establishes any kind of genuine friendship, or why Anakin would even be compatible with Obiwan as a friend. Even though in ROTS they are depicted more as equals and friends, that dynamic( in the movies) hadn't yet been earned. Obviously things happened off-screen that cemented their friendship, but that's bad storytelling within the context of the movies to require outside elements ( books, TV shows) to fill in the gaps.

To take it further, there's really nothing shown in the movies that indicates why Padme, depicted as a highly logical and rational politician, would fall for Anakin. Anakin in the movies was not a well-written character in terms of motivations or showing fallibility that we could at least relate to ( and why people like Obi-wan and Padme would call him a friend or fall in love with him), something that was corrected in the clone wars TV show.
Make all three of them about the Clone Wars. The first with Anakin as a teenager padawan when the war breaks out. The second one is all about the awful shit that happens in the wars. The third is a culmination of Anakin falling due to the corruption of the far side and him ssick of seeing all of his friends and innocents die around him.


I like Qui-Gon (and his death scene) so I'd like to keep him.

Definitely agree about Anakin being older from the get go but I'd have him be about 15 years old. He'd be some kind of orphan (we never see his parents) and be a scavenger/smuggler struggling in the desert to make ends meet.
Basically a little more mystery around him and a little bit more 'rough and ready'.

I'd like there to be more of a brotherly rivalry between him and Obi. If he was slightly closer in age to young Obi then there could be some interesting friction between them at the beginning that eventually blossoms into brotherly rivalry as they get older.

Would definitely keep Maul and would have fleshed out his character a lot more.

Padme can stay the same age as wasn't she supposed to be 14 in Episode 1?


Make them adult movies instead of poorly done kid movies.

They needed to have a big list of quotes from parts 4,5,6 up on the wall at all times to remind them that certain characters/events were mentioned in the original trilogy. Such as Leia claims that she remembers brief images of her real mother, then in the prequel Padme dies minutes after giving birth to her.
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Obi-Wan and Anakin go on adventures. Anakin is shown as a bit cocky and brash with some troubling experiences, flashes of anger. Obi-Wan was given the responsibility before he was ready due to some special circumstances or something so he is having trouble controlling and mentoring such a powerful student. Palpatine starts as like senate liaison with the jedi council and advises Anakin who sees him as a father figure. Go on mission to rescue hot queen, Anakin falls in love, starts to question Jedi teachings, Sheev plants the seeds of mistrust maybe after seeing jedi do some questionable things or make bad decisions. Combine with the forbidden love, Sheev turns that into hatred of the jedi and boom Darth Vader. The Jedi are an ancient and powerful order so I would have them be sort of complacent and corrupt after such a long period of peace. Their morals are compromised in some ways.
Padme can stay the same age as wasn't she supposed to be 14 in Episode 1?

Yes she was, I personally think a few years older would be better, but mainly I don't like the dynamic of Anakin being 8, Padme being 14, they form some kind of odd bond, then fast forward 10 years, Anakin's grown and been dreaming about Padme all that time, and he initially creeps her out but then they grow on each other. It just didn't work how they portrayed the relationship on screen.


Yes she was, I personally think a few years older would be better, but mainly I don't like the dynamic of Anakin being 8, Padme being 14, they form some kind of odd bond, then fast forward 10 years, Anakin's grown and been dreaming about Padme all that time, and he initially creeps her out but then they grow on each other. It just didn't work how they portrayed the relationship on screen.

Yeah I definitely agree about that.
Anakin at 15 and Padme at 14 would work for me - horny teenagers basically.
I wouldn't have had such huge gap in time between Episodes 1 and 2 either, five years rather than 10.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
It's not salvageable. You'd have to tear down several frameworks of garbage including stuff that hasn't been mentioned yet like the Senate, Trade Federation, the Blockade, which culminates into the clone wars and then Order 66.

Also why does Padme need to be younger than Anakin now?
The Jedi Order shouldn't be a magic Catholic Church. The whole "no relationships" thing is stupid.

How about we completely delete the prequels and start over?


Get rid of the entire "Chosen One" bit. Turning Darth Vader into Force Jesus felt way too self-aware to Vader's popularity with fans.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
The Jedi Order shouldn't be a magic Catholic Church. The whole "no relationships" thing is stupid.

How about we completely delete the prequels and start over?

What I don't understand is how someone could be too old to be a Padawan.

I thought the whole point was that these force sensitive people would have problem caused by having this power but not knowing how to control it. What do they do just leave the kids on a planet if they are too old? How was Anakin even close to too old if most of the kids they find are on random planets (ie a lot of them wouldn't be found at age 4 or something)? Some force sensitives like Luke don't show any powers but another kid could be shooting lightning out of his fingers. I thought the whole point was to get them off a world that might recognize their powers as witchcraft, leading to possible persecution, and at the same time prevent the Sith from getting another disciple?
The biggest thing for me would be to have Anakin be older in the first movie. He should be "the best star pilot in the galaxy" and a Han Solo level badass. If the viewer loves the character, it makes his turn much more meaningful.
Make them adult movies instead of poorly done kid movies.

You mean just like Peter Jackson made The Hobbit 'adult' movies?
That didn't work out so well.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with an all-ages adventure that caters more to kids (like the original trilogy). The problem is Lucas lost touch with his own creation and didn't have Marcia Lucas around to save his ass.
It's not salvageable. You'd have to tear down several frameworks of garbage including stuff that hasn't been mentioned yet like the Senate, Trade Federation, the Blockade, which culminates into the clone wars and then Order 66.

Also why does Padme need to be younger than Anakin now?

That's what I said in the OP, the changes I suggested would naturally result in some of the framework being torn down or rewritten, like the political stuff which you expanded on.

Also, Padme doesn't 'need' to be younger. Being close in age is where I was mainly going, not which is the older character.

Get rid of the entire "Chosen One" bit. Turning Darth Vader into Force Jesus felt way too self-aware to Vader's popularity with fans.

Agree, too much emphasis was placed on Anakin's importantance in the grand scheme of the universe. It definitely was based around Vader's pop cultural relevance.

What I don't understand is how someone could be too old to be a Padawan.

I thought the whole point was that these force sensitive people would have problem caused by having this power but not knowing how to control it. What do they do just leave the kids on a planet if they are too old? How was Anakin even close to too old if most of the kids they find are on random planets (ie a lot of them wouldn't be found at age 4 or something)? Some force sensitives like Luke don't show any powers but another kid could be shooting lightning out of his fingers. I thought the whole point was to get them off a world that might recognize their powers as witchcraft, leading to possible persecution, and at the same time prevent the Sith from getting another disciple?

This makes sense too. You would think that rejecting a force user for being too young would potentially lead that person open to corruption, without the teachings as to how to use their powers 'for knowledge and self-defense, never for attack' etc. The Sith seem to have no such boundaries, which would indicate that any of-age strangler hanging about with force ability is a ripe darkside candidate,since the Jedi have age restrictions. Both Yoda and Mace use the 'too old' argument, but I don't recall it being explained as to why.


It's not salvageable. You'd have to tear down several frameworks of garbage including stuff that hasn't been mentioned yet like the Senate, Trade Federation, the Blockade, which culminates into the clone wars and then Order 66.

Hey, I did!

Also why does Padme need to be younger Anakin now?

Yeah, I have to say, I can understand closing the age gap a bit, but I rather like Padme being older than Anakin, it's a bit of a trope otherwise.

I don't think that has anything to do with fixing them having a convincing relationship - giving them an exciting love at first sight meeting and not splitting them up for a decade does that.

Padme should relocate to Coruscant at the end of Episode 1 so their relationship happens between episodes, and doesn't feel like it happens in four minutes.
I still don't get the sudden shift to the celibacy angle of the Jedi since it wasn't even hinted at in the originals. Seemed to me that it was one more pointless plot device that Lucas threw in for no good reason. Besides Jedi were originally modelled after Samurai, not some shitty Shaolin Space Monk they ended up being.

For the life of me I also don't understand why Lucas didn't focus expanding on pre-existing themes and character's form the originals?
Why not centre ep.1 around the badassery of the Hutts and all their bounty hunters, like lizard dude, towelhead guy, and the killer robot thing?
Come on, killer robot thing is far more interesting then a fucking blockade by some stupid trade fish with Japanese accents.

Where are the Solo's in all of this?
What is that family's story?

Why did Maul have to die to be replaced by some old as shit geriatric diaper wearing Jedi retiree?
What was Dooku's fucking motivation anyway?
Did he just wake up and decide his goddamned jedi pension wasn't cutting it anymore and picked up a second job doing the sith equivalent of a Walmart Greeter?
What the shit did he even do? Didn't Grevious turn out to be the fucking leader/General anyway?
What was his story? Why didn't Lucas expand/explain him and his motivations?
Speaking of motivations who the fuck was Maul and what was his deal (shuddup bout clone wars anime)?

Hey and also since Anikin was suppose to be the all powerful space Jesus, why the shit didn't the Jedi counsel focus more time and energy on him?

Imo episode's 1 - 3 should be burnt to the ground and sacrificed to the space gods for their sins.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
I still don't get the sudden shift to the celibacy angle of the Jedi since it wasn't even hinted at in the originals. Seemed to me that it was one more pointless plot device that Lucas threw in for no good reason. Besides Jedi were originally modelled after Samurai, not some shitty Shaolin Space Monk they ended up being.

The whole "no attachments" rule for the Jedi was to show how flawed the Jedi Order had become, and how it led to Anakin's turn to the Dark Side and their destruction. Considering that it was Luke's love for his father that ends up redeeming him is proof that the rules of the Jedi were wrong and that Luke caring for his friends and family is the more balanced path.

Though I admit that The Force Awakens may throw all that out the window.


Anakin should have had some horrific accident from battling against Darth Maul. He's halfway to the dark side and he's starting to get elements of the Darth Vader look we all know, like the body piece or a bit of the mask, rather than just some random new outfit at the end of EP 3. Put this in ep 2 or something
Hey, I did!

Yeah, I have to say, I can understand closing the age gap a bit, but I rather like Padme being older than Anakin, it's a bit of a trope otherwise.

I don't think that has anything to do with fixing them having a convincing relationship - giving them an exciting love at first sight meeting and not splitting them up for a decade does that.

Padme should relocate to Coruscant at the end of Episode 1 so their relationship happens between episodes, and doesn't feel like it happens in four minutes.

Anakin and Padme's love should have been established at the end of Ep1( going with the idea of them being close in age). The fact that Lucas chose to make Anakin so young in Ep1 means he had fast-forward the time to ep2, 10 years, losing a ton of relevant onscreen character development for the main characters.


First ideas that come to mind:

- Show Anakin's first days at the Jedi Academy. Show him not fitting in, and his aggressive tendencies slowly coming out. Follow this with a much more nuanced and slow development of his fall to the dark side.

- Leave the midi-chlorians in, but have it acknowledged that not all members of the Jedi Council believe in them. This would show the schism in the Jedi Council in those that are maintaining the purely faith-based approach to The Force, and those that are attempting to rationalize some of it with science.

- Rewrite Palpatine entirely. Have two old men that look a little similar that could each end up becoming Emperor Palpatine (in this case, Palpatine would be his ruling name he changes to when he assumes the title of Emperor, not his birth name). Builds more mystery and a bigger climax when one is finally revealed to be the one who becomes the Emperor. Keep Darth Sidious, but show much less of him, and not make it clear who he is.

- Remove C3PO from the prequels. We already have R2-D2 as a connection and mirror of Luke and Anakin. We don't need another.


41 > 38
I've always thought that Star Trek '09 would have been a good template for a proper Episode 1. Clearly the actual story would have to change, but from Obi-Wan's description in the original trilogy, I had always imagined Anakin as more of a hotshot and reckless Kirk-esque character to Obi-Wan's more level headed and rational Spock.

Start it off with Anakin excelling as a young (20-ish) pilot, identified by the Jedi as a powerful force user and paired off with Obi-Wan for training. Make the background of the first movie be all about the kickoff of the Clone Wars, but have the focus be on the relationship between the two. They clash big time like Kirk and Spock in Star Trek '09, due to similar differences in personality and tactical strategies, but come together by the end and figure out how to work with each other and respect each other.

Episode 2 is full-on Clone Wars drama, including some defeats which piss Anakin off because he knows that they could have won if he had let loose a bit with the dark side. Maybe they let the big bad guy (who should be the same across all three movies) go because they would have to take out a bunch of civilians in order to kill him, or something like that.

Episode 3 is the point where Anakin decides that he's sick of being held back by Obi-Wan and the light side, and he chooses the dark side in order to reach what is in his mind his full potential and win the war once and for all. He turns heel not for love, or because he was tricked into it, but because he made the conscious choice that it was the better way to go.

Basically, show that Anakin truly believes that the galaxy is a better and safer place for everyone with a Stormtrooper on every corner, rather than making him just the easily manipulated dog at the end of Palpatine's leash.

I'm no writer, but I think that this basic template would have been a much better launch point for someone talented to make an interesting trilogy of movies.


No Jar Jar (allthough I found him funy as a twelve year old) and better charaterisation of Anakin. He doesn't really walk the line between light and dark in the movies, he just sometimes flicks over to the dark side (killing the Tusken Raiders for instance). The whole Padmé died now I have to be evil-plot doesn't make much sense. I think the ruse by Palpatine should more be that he opens Anakins eyes to the Jedi as warmongers, and that without them the galaxy would now piece. Also, Palpatine should more play on Anakins lust for power, and his anger to flip him.

I actually liked the PT (grew up on them offcourse). Thought they got better progresivly and Episode III is even quite good in my book, bar some weird moments and Anakin characterisation.


You mean just like Peter Jackson made The Hobbit 'adult' movies?
That didn't work out so well.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with an all-ages adventure that caters more to kids (like the original trilogy). The problem is Lucas lost touch with his own creation and didn't have Marcia Lucas around to save his ass.

Huh? The Hobbit movies had the exact same problem as the Star Wars prequels. They acted like goofy kids movies with just a touch of seriousness.
I always wished Qui-Gon was Obi's mentor on the council, so more of a background role, but then when Anakin attacks the Temple he has to kill Qui-Gon who is the one defending the Younglings, and then it further shows the difference between Obi and Anakin because Obi doesn't go into the whole angry revenge thing when he sees it on the recording.

Also, explain that Palpatine ordered the clone army to be made, and did so with the Senate's approval. Then have Maul be Vader like the OP said, and leave all the other major villains out. Maul would be the one to take Anakin's arm. No lightsaber for Yoda or Palpatine.
Anakin Skywalker is a 19 year old pod racing champion who gets caught up in a galactic conspiracy when his path crosses with a queen in hiding and her two Jedi bodyguards.

That's where I would start.


I wish Anakin had hints, or just little flashes of darkness like Damian Thorn from The Omen Series, for when he was a Kid with a touch of Carrie for his Teenage years, discovering his Force Powers and using them like how Carrie used her Telekinesis.


Well Belated Media got you covered there

Ep 1:

Ep 2:

Ep 3 coming before VII later this year.

Best rewrites ever put together.

Interesting. I like how he realizes that Obi Wan was underutilized in the prequels, but I'm not sure I'm totally on board with his decision to make Obi Wan the focus of the prequels rather than Anakin. By the end of his Episode II rewrite, Anakin seems further away from being seduced by the darkside than he does in the actual prequels.


The OP has some solid ideas. I honestly think that pushing the political element in the hands of a better writer would be an interesting way to go, though. “Space politics” doesn’t have to be boring and ill-thought-out! I think that was the element that offered up the best reason for Anakin to go to the dark side—the galaxy is in a state of war, the Senate is corrupt and ineffectual, and Palpatine seduces him with the “great man” theory and how they could make everything better if they just got rid of the meddlesome senate. It also works well wit the idea that the Jedi too had become too stultified and inflexible, and failed in their role as protectors. I mean the Council were a bunch of high-minded jerks in the prequel films, so I could completely see Anakin responding to that negatively.


Im actually hoping luke is like this in the new trilogy. As you said, after you've reached a certain level of force mastery youre just above the use of a lightsaber.

Luke + lightsaber is almost too iconic of a thing to abandon though. I could see Luke being at some kind of midway point between his ROTJ self and where Yoda or the Emperor were.

Edit - yeah, he's going to be Obi-Wan like Sanjuro pointed out


Im actually hoping luke is like this in the new trilogy. As you said, after you've reached a certain level of force mastery youre just above the use of a lightsaber.




that's hard because the existing structure (a prequel trilogy) is terrible

the downfall of anakin skywalker is a story that could be told in one film. the first two prequels were pretty much unnecessary.
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