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Victorious Season 1 | OT

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G-Fex said:
Sorry Bro but Deborah > Victoria.

Brunettes > Blondes, but there are rare cases like McCleavage and Blonde Justice.


Subconscious Brolonging
G-Fex said:
I feel betrayed.

My opinion is top notch.

Your opinion skated dangerously close to being in line with Vox-Pop. That's not "top notch", that's "get him in the straight jacket before he bites somebody".


Subconscious Brolonging
G-Fex said:
More Harry Potter talk?Everyone betrayed me, I'm Fed up with this board!

We betrayed you? You were the one who wandered astray, swearing fealty to blonde 80's hasbeens. Your treason can be forgiven though, return to us prodigal son. Return to your family.


Spire said:
We betrayed you? You were the one who wandered astray, swearing fealty to blonde 80's hasbeens. Your treason can be forgiven though, return to us prodigal son. Return to your family.


It's not always being about number one, it's about posting with bravery, honor and respect, and most importantly putting the needs of others ahead of your own, and that's what I've done everyday of my life.

and let's face it, I'm not wrong.


Subconscious Brolonging
G-Fex said:
It's not always being about number one, it's about posting with bravery, honor and respect, and most importantly putting the needs of others ahead of your own, and that's what I've done everyday of my life.

and let's face it, I'm not wrong.

Pffft. Bravery. Honor. Respect. These are the words used by fools to disguise their cowardice. Selflessness earns you nothing on creepy gaf but a cheap funeral and a closed casket. It's every man for himself and putting the needs of others before your own is a spectacular folly. When The Queen banishes you from our lands and creepy gaf leers and spits on you as you stumble out the gates, remember what putting the needs of others has gotten you. When you find yourself cold and alone, the clothes ripped from your back and the rain beating down on your pale, hungry body, remember what putting the needs of others has gotten you. And when the vultures picking at your carcass are scattered as the glorious steeds of creepy gaf trample over you, remember what putting the needs of others has gotten you.

Also you're wrong.


Spire said:
Pffft. Bravery. Honor. Respect. These are the words used by fools to disguise their cowardice. Selflessness earns you nothing on creepy gaf but a cheap funeral and a closed casket. It's every man for himself and putting the needs of others before your own is a spectacular folly. When The Queen banishes you from our lands and creepy gaf leers and spits on you as you stumble out the gates, remember what putting the needs of others has gotten you. When you find yourself cold and alone, the clothes ripped from your back and the rain beating down on your pale, hungry body, remember what putting the needs of others has gotten you. And when the vultures picking at your carcass are scattered as the glorious steeds of creepy gaf trample over you, remember what putting the needs of others has gotten you.

Also you're wrong.

THATS ENOUGH, I don't think you realize how dangerous this thread has become.

I think you forget your place boy, I am the King of games, as well as the King of this thread, check your sources, check your post counts you know this already. I will not have uprising nor competition nor mutiny while I rule. You remember who has kept you in interest through this journey, you remember who has brought attention, you remember, me.

Know your place young Spire, Lest I crush your mind into Oblivion.


Subconscious Brolonging
You are the King of Worms, the King of Pity, the King of Fools. It is not my will that challenges you, but the will of The Queen, which you would be wise to remember.

Queenkai IV

1 And thus the lands trembled and the skies split apart and Mivuel was blinded by the glory which descended from the heavens.

2 This glory was Justice and her splendor blinded all that saw. Trees and plants bloomed in the presence of her splendor and the earth was at peace. Oceans calmed and storms desisted, even the turmoil beneath the earth paused.

3 And thus she spoke, but not with words but with thoughts in the mind of her audience. For any words that pass the lips of Justice are too beautiful a sound for any mortal to withstand and so she treats with their minds to spare them that glorious demise.

4 Mivuel my servant, your current folly is of your own doing. In your years of service to me I had hoped you would be learned in the ways of survival, but it is clear that you are not.

5 But why!? asked Mivuel, I try and do good for others. I give them my grain, milk from my goats, clothes my fourth-wife has sown and yet I suffer! Men rob me in the night, my stores are barren and I struggle to even feed myself, even women view me as weakly.

6 That is your folly! spoke Justice. You must protect yourself from the greed of man or their neediness will consume you! Fight for all that is yours, draw blood if you must. Do not stand idly by letting these thieving rats rape you. Stand for yourself and I will be by your side!

7 Suddenly a vision appeared before Mivuel and he saw himself atop a high tower in the center of a golden city. All that man had ever known or loved stretched out before him and Mivuel knew that it was his. In his joy Mivuel looked down to see his hands covered in blood and that he was not standing upon a tower, but a mountain of his foes, their corpses rotting in the sun.

8 The vision escaped him and Mivuel returned to his knees, grovelling before his Queen. Tears streamed from his eyes, both at the glory of Justice and at that of his vision.

9 I have been made to see! Oh Justice, your glory has shown me the way. I will not rest until all the lands kneel to your visage and weep at the very sound of your name.

10 Justice smiled and wordlessly ascended back into her heavenly realm. Mivuel had seen and now he knew. His road was one of triumph, and one of blood.




I sense that you're watching right now, consider this a warning. Nothing you preach against me will stop me, and when we finally settle our selves, believe me, Victory will be mine. I'll win back the love of the Justice league and rightful leadership of it. And you will pay for all the wrong doings you've done in the name of your sick little game.

I'm coming for you Spire.


I will serve thee that produce the needy that lurk this thread. Justice is demanded. Whom shall deliver thee demands? Twas once G-Fex whom can be counted on. Take up thy command and deliver!

Sheesh, I really needed do something better with my night.
G-Fex said:
What's wrong with you guys? Don't you know a blonde goddess when you see one?

The other posters here just thought that they had a love, and it was a gas.

Turns out they just have hearts of glass.


Subconscious Brolonging
McNei1y said:
I will serve thee that produce the needy that lurk this thread. Justice is demanded. Whom shall deliver thee demands? Twas once G-Fex whom can be counted on. Take up thy command and deliver!

Sheesh, I really needed do something better with my night.

I was this close to writing out some comically epic creepy gaf bible but I realized no one would read it. I really need to find something better to do during my time off.


Subconscious Brolonging
fudgey_lumpkins said:
Hi guys,
I usually just quietly lurk this thread but the fact that this pic was removed makes me curious even though I know it's probably nothing. I'm sure someone snagged the pic; would someone be kind enough to post it?

It was posted earlier, it's this one:


Juicy Bob

I honestly think that if you went through her phone you wouldn't find a single controversial picture or risqué self-shot. I like to think Queen Victoria's got more class than that.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Juicy Bob said:
I honestly think that if you went through her phone you wouldn't find a single controversial picture or risqué self-shot. I like to think Queen Victoria's got more class than that.
I like knowing you are delusional.
Juicy Bob said:
I honestly think that if you went through her phone you wouldn't find a single controversial picture or risqué self-shot. I like to think Queen Victoria's got more class than that.

Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody has those days.

Oh God, I'm quoting Hannah Montana.

What the fuck is happening to me, Creepy-GAF!


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Grover Cleveland said:
Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody has those days.

Oh God, I'm quoting Hannah Montana.

What the fuck is happening to me, Creepy-GAF!
You've just been promoted in rank.
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