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Video of a group of black people beating a white person for voting Trump is terrible

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Look, I'm just saying I've heard things. In this very thread. This video might not be the full story. We can't be sure, someone should look into it.


Look, I'm just saying I've heard things. In this very thread. This video might not be the full story. We can't be sure, someone should look into it.
People want to think otherwise, so they will think otherwise. We probably won't ever have the full story.
This video has likely reinforced the beliefs of many people, what a shame.

Look, I'm just saying I've heard things. In this very thread. This video might not be the full story. We can't be sure, someone should look into it.

True, we don't have the full story. While the video paints a damning picture, things are often not what they seem to be initially

Hopefully we can find something that points one way or the other.
Jesus fuck, I just watched this video and then I can't believe the responses in this thread.

"Morons on both sides," "I can see how they're upset because they're provoked."

That's fucking ridiculous. WHat is that one guy getting his ass kicked being a moron...? He's getting beaten up by multiple people. And how do we know if he voted for Trump or not...? And even if he did, which is nobody else's business but his own, that's not how you respond.

Christ........ Beyond that, this video will be posted all over websites that look for shit like this, and they'll say, "Watch these young black people beat someone up for voting for Trump, this is what we're fighting against."

People equivocating between voting and assault and battery are disgusting idiots. Where does it end? Should a woman who voted for Trump deserve to be raped in the streets? Or beyond that, should a woman who may or may not have voted for Trump deserve to be raped in the streets? "Morons on both sides."


Editing my post because the person who originally commented "Morons on both sides," wasn't suggesting that the person getting beaten up in the video was a moron.


Jesus fuck, I just watched this video and then I can't believe the responses in this thread.

"Morons on both sides," "I can see how they're upset because they're provoked."

That's fucking ridiculous. WHat is that one guy getting his ass kicked being a moron...? He's getting beaten up by multiple people. And how do we know if he voted for Trump or not...? And even if he did, which is nobody else's business but his own, that's not how you respond.


He voted trump, in some eyes he is the devil.
Begining of what? Is there a threat of a race riot somewhere? I've not heard tell.

This is a little disturbing:

Violence is the only language that fascists understand, so BLM needs to get well-armed, and soon.
They will lose and competely destroy race relations forever. Is that what you want?

You are not going to out gun white people and the government too.
I want them to know that their actions have consequences. I want them to live in fear, for once.


Yes it does.

Equating it to a white sheet is a bit much but at the very least they're implicit in installing/reinforcing a white supremacist society.
Do you have any hard facts that everyone who voted for Trump is a racist? Including the minorities who voted for him?
For some reason, many Gaffers refuse to believe that not everyone who voted for trump hates black people, it's no use mate

According to PoliGAF he's probably an evil racist that burns crosses in his front yard.
Damn, y'all are out in full force today huh.

You can be racist without being intentionally malicious. Look up the definition of racism.

It isn't just white people calling black people niggers and hanging them from trees.


Yes it does.

Equating it to a white sheet is a bit much but at the very least they're implicit in installing/reinforcing a white supremacist society.

When you say "reinforcing", do you mean to say that white supremacy is the norm at this moment? Or do you mean that Donald Trump will install white supremacy in the same way that we had it just a few decades ago?
When you say "reinforcing", do you mean to say that white supremacy is the norm at this moment? Or do you mean that Donald Trump will install white supremacy in the same way that we had it just a few decades ago?
It is absolutely 100% the norm at this point but obviously a Trump presidency will make it worse. Most likely not pre civil rights act worse but definitely worse. Listen to his response on police reform.


What have you heard?
Enlighten us.
Just that we aren't getting the full story here and there may be good reasons for their self-defense:
Nice to see people hitting all the dog whistles. Thug, animal...good job.

As for the video, I want to see what triggered it. For all I know he got out of his car, called them niggers and other racial slurs because he felt emboldened by the vote.
They've had about 400 years of beating and exploiting black and brown bodies with nothing resembling a conscience or real fear of retaliation to justify and solidify their disgusting prejudiced views. The shit in this video is nasty but it's not some singular tipping point. Trump won office, we're already in the worst case scenario. This video is just going to be a beacon for all the closet racists that can't wait to scream about "animalistic thugs" and other coded language they think is going to fly under the radar here.
While the actors in THIS particular case are from the left, the incitement comes strictly from the right...to be specific from the President Elect. lets not forget this. Can't talk to a group with police dog, water hose, and lynching language and expect them not to feel that their very rights are being violated and lash out.
Verbal abuse, physical abuse, the threat of physical abuse, intimidating behaviour. We don't know, which is why I said I won't take the video at face value.
Oh look a group of black people assaulted a white man, now we can hand wave all of the things whites are doing to other minorities across the nation.

Violence isn't the answer but it is a shame this goes viral and immediately creates a false equivalency. It is no mistake this was being spread by white nationalist groups.
What a bunch of vicious fucks. They should be jailed for a long time. Shit like this is not acceptable. Hate Trump voters all you want you do NOT get to physically assault them.

When you say "reinforcing", do you mean to say that white supremacy is the norm at this moment? Or do you mean that Donald Trump will install white supremacy in the same way that we had it just a few decades ago?

White supremacy has always been the norm, don't get it twisted.

qcf x2

Jesus fuck, I just watched this video and then I can't believe the responses in this thread.

"Morons on both sides," "I can see how they're upset because they're provoked."

That's fucking ridiculous. WHat is that one guy getting his ass kicked being a moron...? He's getting beaten up by multiple people. And how do we know if he voted for Trump or not...? And even if he did, which is nobody else's business but his own, that's not how you respond.

Christ........ Beyond that, this video will be posted all over websites that look for shit like this, and they'll say, "Watch these young black people beat someone up for voting for Trump, this is what we're fighting against."

People equivocating between voting and assault and battery are disgusting idiots. Where does it end? Should a woman who voted for Trump deserve to be raped in the streets? "Morons on both sides."

Because he didn't vote for Hillary, which suddenly absolutely means you're every bad thing ever, for the first time in electoral history. That you should wear a scarlet letter. The only way to be free of this label is to have voted Hillary, which will keep you safe despite her losing the election. This isn't pseudo-fascist thought at all, nope. "I won't tolerate you because I think the person you voted for won't tolerate me." Yeah, that's gonna fix things.


Some of the responses in this thread are quite alarming. The video is terrible and there is no excuse to beat someone like that for voting for someone you don't like.


Can’t stump the diablos
Just that we aren't getting the full story here and there may be good reasons for their self-defense:

GTFO dude.

Nothing about grouping up to beat a single old man and steal his shit while filming it says self defense.


Arguing legalities is neither here nor there. I'm arguing that I can understand, without condoning, why they might have attacked him if he was being abusive/threatening or intimidating.

Do you at least realize your whole argument in this thread is based on 'what if' scenarios that exist only in your imagination and are not supported by facts?
Because he didn't vote for Hillary, which suddenly absolutely means you're every bad thing ever, for the first time in electoral history. That you should wear a scarlet letter. The only way to be free of this label is to have voted Hillary, which will keep you safe despite her losing the election. This isn't pseudo-fascist thought at all, nope. "I won't tolerate you because I think the person you voted for won't tolerate me." Yeah, that's gonna fix things.

Yeah, and not only that, the only reason we believe this guy voted for Trump is because a person who is cheering on 2 or 3 people beating up this guy in the streets and kicking him in his face is cheering "He voted for Trump!!"

Like... that's your smoking gun for people... Someone cheering on someone getting beaten up in the streets and kicked in the face.
Jesus fuck, I just watched this video and then I can't believe the responses in this thread.

"Morons on both sides," "I can see how they're upset because they're provoked."

That's fucking ridiculous. WHat is that one guy getting his ass kicked being a moron...? He's getting beaten up by multiple people. And how do we know if he voted for Trump or not...? And even if he did, which is nobody else's business but his own, that's not how you respond.

Christ........ Beyond that, this video will be posted all over websites that look for shit like this, and they'll say, "Watch these young black people beat someone up for voting for Trump, this is what we're fighting against."

People equivocating between voting and assault and battery are disgusting idiots. Where does it end? Should a woman who voted for Trump deserve to be raped in the streets? "Morons on both sides."

Because he didn't vote for Hillary, which suddenly absolutely means you're every bad thing ever, for the first time in electoral history. That you should wear a scarlet letter. The only way to be free of this label is to have voted Hillary, which will keep you safe despite her losing the election. This isn't pseudo-fascist thought at all, nope. "I won't tolerate you because I think the person you voted for won't tolerate me." Yeah, that's gonna fix things.

Yall got all this fire and passion for people who are beating gays and assaulting women and POC who are Trump supporters tho? Or must it be caught on camera for yall to care?


For some reason, many Gaffers refuse to believe that not everyone who voted for trump hates black people, it's no use mate

I think a lot of people understand that there are a Trump voters who don't hate black folks.

It's just that they went ahead and voted for a dude who hates black folks.


Damn, y'all are out in full force today huh.

You can be racist without being intentionally malicious. Look up the definition of racism.

It isn't just white people calling black people niggers and hanging them from trees.
So you're calling half the population racist without being intentionally malicious because they voted for the other candidate? You saw one man beaten, many million to go, amirite? Damn racists, tar and feather them I say!


I do not know the whole story so I can't throw away the possibility that the person beat down could have went and physically picked a fight with them. There's even the possibility that the whole thing was staged to make a specific group look bad. In order to be fair I am keeping those options open.

Looking at the surface it's impossible to deny the video shows a group of people beating up an individual, while being cheered on by onlookers, over what appears to have been a person who supported a candidate which they did not want elected president. This is not the kind of actions anyone needs to take.


It is absolutely 100% the norm at this point but obviously a Trump presidency will make it worse. Most likely not pre civil rights act worse but definitely worse. Listen to his response on police reform.

I don't doubt that Trump will be a disaster for race relations. My concern is that, while Hillary has evolved on the issue since the 90's, if it is the case that under an Obama administration, the status of race relations is white supremacy ... well I'm not entirely sure what the alternative was. The only party running a person of color who made a genuine outreach to black people was the green party and they got 1% of the vote.


Gold Member
Trump didn't win because he got votes, he won because Clinton didn't. He won with fewer votes that Romney lost with. You know why? Democrats and people of color across the spectrum didn't show up.

It's on them as much as it's on white people.


No it isn't....
Trump supporter doesn't = racist.

Sure some racists probably support Trump but that's an awfully big brush to paint them all when it's half the country.

Supporting a racist is being racist. No matter how much you can pressure the fact that you're not racist.

If you voted Trump, you encouraged racism in America.


Trump didn't win because he got votes, he won because Clinton didn't. He won with fewer votes that Romney lost with. You know why? Democrats and people of color across the spectrum didn't show up.

It's on them as much as it's on white people.

I don't think blaming the voters is a worthwhile strategy.
I think a lot of people understand that there are a Trump voters who don't hate black folks.

It's just that they went ahead and voted for a dude who hates black folks.

It's like all this talk about people who voted for him aren't all racist yet a single policy they agree with is never stated...

And if we want to continue, I just find it funny for the sake of millions of people...some of these people couldn't last 4 more years of a mediocre president but could totally sacrifice that for someone who ignited a bigger culture divide costing those millions of people who was riding for that better future for a better candidate next year. Lots of us wouldn't be mad if these people made the ultimate sacrifice for us but no...here we are..they practically rewarded it. I would have done any other candidate but Donald Trump and yall voted for that...so what am I supposed to think. And to think that it's not just him but the huge defeat we take in the SC and his cabinet which are all just awful people but sure....this was just one guy...it's BS
Yall got all this fire and passion for people who are beating gays and assaulting women and POC who are Trump supporters tho? Or must it be caught on camera for yall to care?

The fuck are you talking about? I'm not a Trump supporter. I cared very deeply about defeating Trump in this election precisely because of beating gays, assaulting women, and Trump's racism and sexism (and for a thousand other political issues that I disagreed with him on). I also care about issues of police brutality against people of color and casual and overt racism against people of color, and the 2nd class status of gays and women.

I also don't have any passion for the guy in the video. I feel casual sympathy for him getting beaten up by multiple people as other people stand on and cheer. But beyond that casual sympathy, my only passion is against ignorant idiots in this thread who say things like "morons on both sides..." while one person is on the ground getting kicked in the face. And, really, I'm not even passionate about those posts, I'm flabberghasted that anybody could watch the video and think that what's happening is okay, tolerable, understandable, appropriate, or any other synonym for acceptable.

Not to mention videos like this are going to completely derail any attempts at moving forward.

You're way, way off base about me.


Supporting a racist is being racist.
So African Americans and the minorities who voted for him are racist...to themselves?



Trump didn't win because he got votes, he won because Clinton didn't. He won with fewer votes that Romney lost with. You know why? Democrats and people of color across the spectrum didn't show up.

It's on them as much as it's on white people.
No it on white people, they control the election. It funny that minorities always need record number of people to vote .
So you're calling half the population racist without being intentionally malicious because they voted for the other candidate? You saw one man beaten, many million to go, amirite? Damn racists, tar and feather them I say!
The other candidate is a racist intent on reinforcing white supremacy. Yes I absolutely am.

Step off with this normalizing bullshit.


The other candidate is a racist intent on reinforcing white supremacy. Yes I absolutely am.

Step off with this normalizing bullshit.
Step off with this generalizing bullshit. You're no better than the far right calling every Mexican an illegal or a Muslim a terrorist.


Gold Member
No it on white people, they control the election. It funny that minorities always need record number of people to vote .

Record numbers? Obama numbers would have made this total lock. Again, Trump won with fewer votes than Romney had when he lost. You don't need record numbers to beat that you just need to show the fuck up and they didn't. You have to own that.
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