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VRFocus: Big Morpheus push at Sony presser, half of their booth devoted to it


You what? That was a horrible, horrific choice. No, many people will get sick from playing games that weren't designed for VR. A number of different effects can cause such sickness, and only some of them will be eliminated with better hardware. Some are inherent to how experiences are designed, and
that means shoehorning normal videogames into VR experiences will be nausea inducing for many.


Hehe, I once calculated what the movement speed in Half-Life 2 was, because I was creating a total conversion mod as a serious game and needed to make it a bit more realistic. Turned out Usain Bolt ain't got shit on Gordon Freeman. (Sadly making it realistic also made the game pretty tedious.)

Pair that speed with your peripheral vision cues and vection is off the chart. I hope Sony has some kind of seal of quality in place that those games don't get ported, because that's a surefire way to kill off Morpheus.


Can't help but feel Morpheus won't be anything special because bottlenecked by how powerful the PS4 is. I mean, the truly impressive Rift stuff still requires pretty beefy hardware, right? What games can the PS4 do if it doesn't have the power for anything special?

I feel the same way. I was on the VR train before, but as time goes on, it's starting to feel more and more like a fad. I can't even imagine the PS4 running good looking games in VR much less a mid range PC as of now.

I can't imagine them speaking too much about it at the conference though, since there's no good way to show the audience what's happening inside.


Last year a lot of the booths weren't being played most the time anyways while the line for Morpheus was always long.

I could see the conference being 30-35% Morpheus tops. Too many first and third party non Morpheus projects to talk about.


i don't see how morpheus is going to be anything but a gimmick with a few games made exclusively for it and then its shelved like most of sonys accessories,

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member

I'm all for VR, but I'm not sure a lot of third party companies want to make games for it.
It'd be exclusive unless they port to PC and they'd have to rely on people buying an expensive add-on.

I liked Move, but the support was embarrassing...if Sony doesn't get a lot of partners to add some VR tweak or extra in there, I see another PS move coming.


Weird that it looks so similar to the Oculus touch.

Not so weird actually. Oculus touch just looks like a dualshock split in half with a band of plastic around it for tracking.

I'm expecting a move redesign for morpheus and there have been a few move patents banded about including one that features splitting a dual shock in half with 2 tracking orbs.

I think it's more likely to keep the wand shape and feature a touch pad like vives controllers.

Ran rp

So stupid to devote any more than 10mins to VR at a press confrence. The audience cannot relate to what's going on, they're looking a TV showing the image the user is experience...sometimes twice to show what each eye is seeing. This means they're watching something that's actually worse than a normal videogame being demo'd.
It's boring. It's awkward. It's a waste of time.
Giving up half your booth space is a great idea, as you want as many people to experience it 1st had as possible.
Giving up half your confrence for it is stupid and will backfire.

so stupid to spend a decent amount of time at their conference explaining everything people need to know about their new platform? especially if it's a significantly different experience to what people are used to? okay

what does that say about your revolutionary new platform if you only dedicate 10 minutes of your 1-2 hour presser to it? people need a clear message first (unlike what we got with the Oculus event) as well as solid hands on experience at the booth. a few diagrams that clearly illustrate the difference between 2d/3d gaming and virtual reality and a quick demo or two could go a long way in clearing up the confusion.



I'm all for VR, but I'm not sure a lot of third party companies want to make games for it.
It'd be exclusive unless they port to PC and they'd have to rely on people buying an expensive add-on.

I liked Move, but the support was embarrassing...if Sony doesn't get a lot of partners to add some VR tweak or extra in there, I see another PS move coming.
I think you'll find that most VR content will actually come from PC. So porting would be -> console, in which case there's obviously only one platform to choose from. And since PS4 seems to be collecting much of the indie support from the PC anyways and leaving XB1 out, it would basically be normal service from how it is now.


I just hope Sony don't price themselves out of the market.

£400 Nope
£350 Nope
£300 Nope
£250 Getting there
£200 Sort of

£199.99 You got yourself a winner.


How does Morpheus compare to Oculus and Vive?

If you put aside the machine driving it, then surprisingly well.

Morpheus has a low persistence, 1080p screen which from impressions was up there with the rift and Vive prototypes. That suggests some nice optics to reduce screen door too. Arguably a more finished product with nicer ID because, well, Sony. Demoed with move controllers which - assuming they ship as standard, will be a step up from oculus rift's Xb1 controller, and a step down from vive's motion controllers - both should have similar accuracy, but Vive will be less susceptible to occlusion due to their lighthouse tech, and can be used in a larger space (for those that can dedicate a room to it)


I just hope Sony don't price themselves out of the market.

£400 Nope
£350 Nope
£300 Nope
£250 Getting there
£200 Sort of

£199.99 You got yourself a winner.

You should get nice round numbers with £ out of your head. If they price it neatly, it'll be dollars and euros, then we'll get whatever random currency conversion that is.

So £179 or £229 are more likely than £199 IMO. As an example - I'm not guessing the actual price.
PSY・S;167798078 said:
so stupid to spend a decent amount of time at their conference explaining everything people need to know about their new platform? especially if it's a significantly different experience to what people are used to? okay

what does that say about your revolutionary new platform if you only dedicate 10 minutes of your 1-2 hour presser to it? people need a clear message first (unlike what we got with the Oculus event) as well as solid hands on experience at the booth. a few diagrams that clearly illustrate the difference between 2d/3d gaming and virtual reality and a quick demo or two could go a long way in clearing up the confusion.

Only takes 10-15mins to show the facts and figures, release date plans and possible pricing strategy. Maybe even a 5min movie of devs talking about how exciting it is as platform.
..going over that 15mins means they'd probably showing a live demo...and that is indeed a stupid move.
Someone flailing about with a mask strapped to their face in front of a few thousand people watching a normal feed of what they're seeing is absurd.

Ran rp

Only takes 10-15mins to show the facts and figures, release date plans and possible pricing strategy. Maybe even a 5min movie of devs talking about how exciting it is as platform.
..going over that 15mins means they'd probably showing a live demo...and that is indeed a stupid move.
Someone flailing about with a mask strapped to their face in front of a few thousand people watching a normal feed of what they're seeing is absurd.

publicly demonstrating how your head and hands can be tracked and interact with objects and the environment isn't absurd. part 1. explain how virtual reality literally places you in the game world instead of simply having it pop out of a screen like a pop-up book and stress that it is an experience that is impossible to fully grasp unless you try it yourself. 2. now that the audience understands that, demonstrate tracking and object interaction with a side by side comparison of the player's position and movements and the game feed. sure they wont truly know how it feels to see the game world in vr but they'll know how they'll be able to look and move around and interact with it. 3. have them try it for themselves at the E3 booth and elsewhere so they finally have a solid understanding of what virtual reality is and how Morpheus will enable it. simply talking about it is not enough. if they don't demonstrate it in some fashion people will probably think it's all talk and that they're just trying to sell what they believe is basic 3D gaming again but with a "3d tv" in front of your eyes and waggle controls.


Cuz there wont be games in VR?

Anyways, boo hoo. I'm really completely unsympathetic towards the 'I just wish gaming would remain in a creative rut for the rest of existence' plea.

Seriously.. I mean I get the skepticism since I was in the same boat before getting my DK2. But some of these comments really are something else.


I think this is a reverse 'comfy couch'. Consoles seem like such a poor companion for vr helmets. Nobody with a sociable family life is going to pick this up.
I think this is a reverse 'comfy couch'. Consoles seem like such a poor companion for vr helmets. Nobody with a sociable family life is going to pick this up.

I've seen this argument quite a bit and I just don't agree - many of the games we play aren't very sociable to the people we live with (my missus quickly got sick of me playing driveclub all evening talking to my mates) but it doesn't stop us buying them. Morpheus also displays on the TV as well as the headset so other people in the room can talk to you about what's going on or even interact too. It also means you can play without hogging the telly for the evening...


Cuz there wont be games in VR?

Anyways, boo hoo. I'm really completely unsympathetic towards the 'I just wish gaming would remain in a creative rut for the rest of existence' plea.

I suspect many (not all) who share that opinion have either never tried it themselves, or game primarily on platforms that so far do not really have VR as a potentially viable option. But that's just an assumption on my part….

Lets be honest though, from an outside perspective it does sound and look stupid. Having what is essentially a helmet on, just to play games. That is, until you actually experience it, then it suddenly becomes revelatory.
The fact that you're so concerned about 'the competition' and who is gonna win, and constantly trying to cheerlead for one side while downplaying the others when possible - this isn't you just being fair and noting what you think the landscape is, it's you plain old participating in platform wars crap. Sorry if I'm not impressed by it.
On the contrary, that's precisely what I'm doing. Yes, I generally prefer console gaming to PC gaming, and yes, I think Sony make the best consoles, but I think you're the one letting bias cloud their judgement here.

Frankly, this idea that Sony is 'gonna win' seems so laughable to me anyways. For one, two different platforms and two different markets. Two, consumer VR headsets aren't even available outside GearVR and you're already trying to proclaim a king of the entire medium? Come on. Three, do you not realize that PC will have exclusive content as well? :/
On your first point, I totally agree, and I never said Sony are going to win, because you're right; their actual competitors aren't actually competing. Sony win VR by default, in the console space. Perhaps I'm a bit salty from the PC crowd constantly dismissing Sony's contributions to VR, and their likely significance in the VR space, but yeah, I actually consider handhelds (and mobile), consoles, and PC gaming to be three largely independent markets. The console market just happens to be a lot bigger than the gaming PC market. Despite that, many seemed to think that PC would be where all of the VR action is. I guess the point of my post was partly to say, "No, as I've been trying to tell you guys all along, if any of these solutions are really going to reach the mainstream, it will likely be Sony's, so you guys should be happy they're participating, because they'll be drawing far more attention than you can draw on your own."

As to your second point, isn't that pretty much what we do here at GAF? Speculate and pontificate? You haven't seen the multitude of posts basically saying, "Sony are a joke; Oculus Valve will destroy them"? How are my posts any different from those? Why don't you get on their case too? I'll tell you how my post are different from theirs; I've never said that VR on PC was a joke, or that it would be crushed by Sony. Why would I? That would be nonsensical, because neither hardware type is a joke, and they don't even really compete with one another. The latter point I've actually made explicitly, numerous times, and in multiple contexts (not just VR).

For your third point, of course there will be exclusive content on PC. I've never said otherwise. Mostly, I was responding to those who'd been proclaiming that all of the VR content worth having will originate on PC, and apart from 1st-party, the most Morpheus owners could hope for would be shitty, poorly performing ports of PC content. Clearly, that's not going to be the case. Contrary to "popular" belief, Morpheus is going to have a ton of exclusive content, from both 1st and 3rd parties. That's all I'm saying.

There's a lot of benefits to a lot of different platforms and I can see them all(console, mobile, PC)co-existing and benefiting from each other in the end. I actually *want* to see VR do well on PS4. I own a PS4 and I'm quite enthusiastic about VR so why I wouldn't I be? I don't see it as this huge competition like you do. That's the difference. The fact that you obviously aren't even in a frame of mind to think it was a possibility I(or anybody) could see things like that is just about as telling as it could be.
Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about. If anything, we're of the same mind here, more or less. The main difference is I'm calling out the PC brigade, and you're just calling out me. I'm trying to clear up some of their misconceptions, and you're just calling me names.

You say you want VR to do well overall, and that you want it to do well on the PS4 specifically. In the summary of the post you responded to, I said, "I really do think Sony are best poised to lead the charge," because it seems like their solution will be the most affordable by far, and they already have enough exclusive content to fill half their booth. Since you say you only care about the overall success of VR, and you give no shits about who wins, then it seems like your response to my post should've been something along the lines of, "Good; I'm glad there's someone with such a strong offering." Instead, all I got from you was, "OMG you're such a fanboy."

Not long ago, everyone thought Oculus would be leading the charge, seeing as how Palmer singlehandedly invented VR. Now, we have people openly mocking Oculus and claiming that Valve will dominate the VR landscape instead. All along, I've been saying, "Umm, Sony are pretty competent, gang, and consoles are way more accessible than PCs…" If you disagree with something I've said, fine. Then disagree, and we can discuss it. What did your post add to the conversation apart from telling everyone else that you've decided I'm a huge dick?

Yeah the Occulus/Vive PC set might end up costing more but you forget that bigger expense is due to having much more powerful specs than the PS4. And those better specs will translate into better graphical fidelity and larger experiences.
I haven't forgotten that at all. In fact, I said so in the post you quoted. I also pointed out that for most users, the graphical bump isn't worth the additional cost. If that's what you want to spend your money on, more power to you. I certainly don't fault you for that in any way. Most people won't make the same decision as you though. That's why consoles are more popular than gaming PCs.

So I have no doubt that PC VR will have their own exclusive games due to the inferior hardware of the PS4.
meh That seems unlikely. How many exclusives does PC get now, simply because it's more powerful? It seems far more likely the split will continue just as it has for years now, with certain games only being "stuck" on PC because of control schemes, preconceptions about the types of games console gamers want to play, and that sort of thing.

Only takes 10-15mins to show the facts and figures, release date plans and possible pricing strategy. Maybe even a 5min movie of devs talking about how exciting it is as platform.
..going over that 15mins means they'd probably showing a live demo...and that is indeed a stupid move.
Someone flailing about with a mask strapped to their face in front of a few thousand people watching a normal feed of what they're seeing is absurd.
Why would it be any more absurd than a few thousand people watching some dude play CoD or Ass Creed? It'll be just like any other demo. The main difference is playing Ass Creed is better than watching someone else play it, and playing a VR game is way better than watching someone else play it. The demos themselves are more or less identical.

I hope Sony's first demo is No Man's Sky, with Sean talking us through an extended gameplay demo. Then at the end of the demo, the curtain drops to reveal the guy playing was wearing a Morpheus the entire time.
Indeed, even though is tough to show demos on 2d and be exciting.
I think this is the key. What they need is a VR games that look exciting to watch even in 2d, just like any other games without vr that make us excited because we see awesome gameplay demo. Not because people keep telling us "trust me guys, it's awesome in vr, you have to try it yourselves and you'll see" argument.

For example. No Man's Sky video make me excited even without vr. We need more like that.


Only takes 10-15mins to show the facts and figures, release date plans and possible pricing strategy. Maybe even a 5min movie of devs talking about how exciting it is as platform.
..going over that 15mins means they'd probably showing a live demo...and that is indeed a stupid move.
Someone flailing about with a mask strapped to their face in front of a few thousand people watching a normal feed of what they're seeing is absurd.
I don't need to experience VR first hand to know that it's amazing. The way a head-tracked camera moves along with the virtual hands in the foreground, while also being able to see the person's physical actions is so much more interesting to me than watching someone with a traditional controller tanking their way through a traditional game.


What if timed exclusivity isn't what Sony are asking for in return for the marketing time? What if instead, they ask developers to create Morpheus-exclusive content for their game?

Interesting proposition. It seems much of the bonus/exclusive content tied up in these deals is trivial or pointless. Your idea at least has the potential to influence purchases that otherwise might not have occurred. Obviously it wouldn't work for every game and even then might be easier and less costly to implement from one title to the next. But it beats just ticking a box; playing dressing up and having reskinned items just for the sake of it.

What I've read about VR seems to suggest it's software that's built from the ground up specifically for VR that seems to work best, so maybe the opportunities for this might be few and far between.

I hope Sony's first demo is No Man's Sky, with Sean talking us through an extended gameplay demo. Then at the end of the demo, the curtain drops to reveal the guy playing was wearing a Morpheus the entire time.

I don't think they would, but a bad shout at all. People are already sold on the game and it seems to lack the kind of fast/twitchy gameplay which might be an ill fit for bolting on VR.

Personally I'm just hoping whatever is shown throughout the entire week, that it's going to be of a standard that makes some reconsider their initial "consoles are not ready/we need 2 more generations" line of thinking. Given the hint the mixedbag guy gave suggesting people might be underestimating VR within a closed platform, I'm hopeful.
Interesting proposition. It seems much of the bonus/exclusive content tied up in these deals is trivial or pointless. Your idea at least has the potential to influence purchases that otherwise might not have occurred. Obviously it wouldn't work for every game and even then might be easier and less costly to implement from one title to the next. But it beats just ticking a box; playing dressing up and having reskinned items just for the sake of it.

What I've read about VR seems to suggest it's software that's built from the ground up specifically for VR that seems to work best, so maybe the opportunities for this might be few and far between.
Right, that's why I was saying it would likely be a stand-alone, DLC-style, side story. A complete — but comparatively short — game set in the same world as the main game.

I don't think they would, but a bad shout at all. People are already sold on the game and it seems to lack the kind of fast/twitchy gameplay which might be an ill fit for bolting on VR.

Personally I'm just hoping whatever is shown throughout the entire week, that it's going to be of a standard that makes some reconsider their initial "consoles are not ready/we need 2 more generations" line of thinking. Given the hint the mixedbag guy gave suggesting people might be underestimating VR within a closed platform, I'm hopeful.
Sorry, what does that mean? =/
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