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Waiting for more Xbox 360's to ship..... and I turned on Metroid Prime 2 for


the first time.....

I will admit that I am a huge gaming fan. But for the past year or so I have been working so much that I bought RE4, Metroid Prime2, Pikmin 2, MGS3 and God of War and have not played them yet..... My DS gives me quick gaming when I have time....

But, WOW. After realizing that I probably won't get my Xbox 360 for a couple weeks I saw some games on the shelf in packaging and booted up Metroid Prime 2..... 3 hours in and I can't believe how I missed out on this game. The level design, the lighting when shooting through corridors, the art direction.... Metroid Prime for me was the gamecubes one incredible epic so far (WW was too short for me) and this game is amazingly as good. While the originality and freshness isn't there like the original, the little nuances and gameplay are just phenomonal. I officially mark this series as my favorite this generation (followed closely by Halo and MGS and hopefully Twilight Princess will make Zelda too).

Metroid Prime 2 is amazing for those that haven't played it. Just like the first game, give it about 1 and a half hours (after intital "Searching and scanning") and it hooks you and won't let you go. Incredible....


Running off of Custom Firmware
Kudos, and enjoy. Had it not been for Dragon Quest 8, I'd be replaying it right now. As it is, I might start it up tonight after all. :D


The first was better. Pikmin 2 was also better. You should have played that.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
yeah the game is amazing I like it better than Prime, so I hope you enjoy it.
Mejilan said:
Kudos, and enjoy. Had it not been for Dragon Quest 8, I'd be replaying it right now. As it is, I might start it up tonight after all. :D

I've also been replaying older games while waiting to get a 360... but DQ8 has been taking up most of my gaming time and I must say it's helping me cope with the lack of 360's in stores. :D


Running off of Custom Firmware
brandonh83 said:
I've also been replaying older games while waiting to get a 360... but DQ8 has been taking up most of my gaming time and I must say it's helping me cope with the lack of 360's in stores. :D

Now that the launch frenzy has mostly passed and I wound up without an Xbox 360, I'm not as rushed or desperate for one anymore. Am I going to be calling and scoping out the various stores on Dec 1st and 2nd, when the new shipments are rumored to come in? Sure. But I'm done with refreshing Kmart and Walmart's pages hoping for an online restock.

There is very little on the Xbox 360 horizon until well into next year, IMHO, so it's not like I won't have PLENTY of opportunities to enjoy Kameo and PDZero (online and off) in the coming months.

DQ8 ftw.

MP2e... shit. I may take a break from DQ8 after all! :D


Metroid Prime 2 is VERY underated. There's many times in the game where I feel it surpases the original. The little collection part near the end was a little annoying but it only took about 10 minutes to do..
plus you had the light suit so it was cool
Mejilan said:
Now that the launch frenzy has mostly passed and I wound up without an Xbox 360, I'm not as rushed or desperate for one anymore. Am I going to be calling and scoping out the various stores on Dec 1st and 2nd, when the new shipments are rumored to come in? Sure. But I'm done with refreshing Kmart and Walmart's pages hoping for an online restock.

There is very little on the Xbox 360 horizon until well into next year, IMHO, so it's not like I won't have PLENTY of opportunities to enjoy Kameo and PDZero (online and off) in the coming months.

DQ8 ftw.

MP2e... shit. I may take a break from DQ8 after all! :D

Understandable. But for me, I've purchased two 360 games so far and I stood outside K-Mart for 7 hours (southeast Kentucky, cold) only for the electronics lady to come out and tell us that they only got accessories and no systems. But that's okay, we took a list after that tragic announcement and I'm #5 when they do get them, which should be Monday or Tuesday (a K-Mart near me got some on Friday). So yeah, even though the launch hype is diminishing... I still want one pretty bad. :) But god damn Dragon Quest VIII is so good while I'm playing I forget about the 360. Unfortunately it doesn't last too long.


I'm just wondering why you didn't open RE4 first. I'm not trying to troll. I love both games.

Honestly, I was playing SSB: Melee (the one game I play competitively) and I actually play as samus..... I saw the game and just booted it up. My roomates opened my RE4 and have played and I saw them play it for a while.... I will play it this year.... I know the accolades it has recieved...

I guess it's just hard to describe.... My favorite game of all time was OOT hands down... I got it the night before my SAT's and I was just so engrossed in the game.... that year brought me back to gaming hardcore with MGS and Zelda.... i didnt play as much until Majora's mask...

Through college I didn't play as much then their was this holiday season when GTA 3, Devil May Cry, MGS 2, Halo and Rogue Leader came out and I was hooked hard core again..... then the next year with Metroid I was hooked again.....

I hadn't had that feeling for a long time but latley with Mario Kart DS, Castlevania DOS, Sonic Rush I am starting agian... I plan to use this holiday to catch up on RE4, Metroid Prime 2, MGS 3, God of War, SOTC and eventually when Xbox 360's are in.... COD 2 and PDZ.....

I am at that point again where I am getting back into it and Metroid Prime 2 and the DS have been the Catalyst....


Running off of Custom Firmware
brandonh83 said:
Understandable. But for me, I've purchased two 360 games so far and I stood outside K-Mart for 7 hours (southeast Kentucky, cold) only for the electronics lady to come out and tell us that they only got accessories and no systems. But that's okay, we took a list after that tragic announcement and I'm #5 when they do get them, which should be Monday or Tuesday (a K-Mart near me got some on Friday). So yeah, even though the launch hype is diminishing... I still want one pretty bad. :) But god damn Dragon Quest VIII is so good while I'm playing I forget about the 360. Unfortunately it doesn't last too long.

I posted a thread about my Launch night/day horror stories. Hahahah. I'm done with trying hard. When it happens, it happens.


I found MP more fun and accessable. I got lost more times than I could count because so many rooms looked similar in MP2 and I hate that. Plus I enjoyed MP's level design much more. MP2 also had that annoying ammo limit you had to deal with which I didn't feel was a step forward for the series.
Mejilan said:
I posted a thread about my Launch night/day horror stories. Hahahah. I'm done with trying hard. When it happens, it happens.

I'm done with trying hard as well, in the sense that... instead of calling every store from here to the border every 30 minutes or so, it's every 45-50 minutes or so... sometimes up to an hour or two if I slack off.


Been playing Shadow of the Colossus, holy shit what a fantastic game.

I have RE4, MGS3, and MP2 in my backlog still. Waiting shouldn't be a problem. :p


Wellington said:
I have RE4, MGS3, and MP2 in my backlog still. Waiting shouldn't be a problem. :p

How can people have these games in their backlog? These are the kind of games you put OTHER games in the backlog for!
Yeah, I've been playing MP2 as well while waiting for my 360 from EB. I'm basically done with it. I just haven't beaten the last boss (
Emperor Ing
). That dude is a handful.

I've now moved on to Killer 7. Now that game is fucking cool.......


I liked MP2 a lot. My only gripes were the bland dark world and the easy last boss--which was weird, considering how hard the other bosses were (I'm looking at you, Boost Guardian).


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Sounds like things turned out. I know that everyone goes crazy over new systems, but Metroid Prime 2 is much better game than anything you could buy for 360 at this point.

That's hardly an insult either, as games of this quality are rather rare.


Running off of Custom Firmware
dark10x said:
Sounds like things turned out. I know that everyone goes crazy over new systems, but Metroid Prime 2 is much better game than anything you could buy for 360 at this point.

That's hardly an insult either, as games of this quality are rather rare.

Good point. Metroid Prime 2 exudes a polish that few launch games (any console) can hope to mimic.


Gold Member
I love the artwork in Metroid Prime 2. It's amazing. If they just had skipped the dark world. It kinda sucked -_-


I liked MP2, I of course thought the first was better just because it was fresh and unexpectedly great after all the bad press Retro had been getting.

I really can't wait for MP3 and for using the new controller.
I can say that I actually enjoyed the dark world segments in Prime 2. Just very creepy and atmospheric, and the sense of lonliness is quite disturbing to me. The fact that I wanted to NOT be in the dark realm makes me like it.
Francois the Great said:
best game this gen
Agreed. Prime 2 improves upon every aspect of Prime. I was playing it tonight and it's still my favorite this gen (although I spent more time with Mario Sunshine just dicking around and having fun).
dark10x said:
Sounds like things turned out. I know that everyone goes crazy over new systems, but Metroid Prime 2 is much better game than anything you could buy for 360 at this point.

That's hardly an insult either, as games of this quality are rather rare.

You've already played all the 360 launch titles? Post some impressions!


Kai said:
But, WOW. After realizing that I probably won't get my Xbox 360 for a couple weeks I saw some games on the shelf in packaging and booted up Metroid Prime 2..... 3 hours in and I can't believe how I missed out on this game. The level design, the lighting when shooting through corridors, the art direction.... Metroid Prime for me was the gamecubes one incredible epic so far (WW was too short for me) and this game is amazingly as good. While the originality and freshness isn't there like the original, the little nuances and gameplay are just phenomonal. I officially mark this series as my favorite this generation (followed closely by Halo and MGS and hopefully Twilight Princess will make Zelda too).

PHEW. My friends and I were worried about this one! Talked about it at lunch everyday. "Which series this generation has been stamped with Kai's official seal of approval?" we'd argue. I was thinking it was Halo, but my friend kept on saying it was Project Gotham Racing. Glad to see the outcome, finally. I'll be sure to go put my dumbass friend in his place later. Pfft, PGR... what was he thinking?


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Hmm, maybe I'll pick this one up again some time down the road. I kind of gave up on it not too long after I got the light suit.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Kai said:
the first time.....

I will admit that I am a huge gaming fan. But for the past year or so I have been working so much that I bought RE4, Metroid Prime2, Pikmin 2, MGS3 and God of War and have not played them yet..... My DS gives me quick gaming when I have time....

But, WOW. After realizing that I probably won't get my Xbox 360 for a couple weeks I saw some games on the shelf in packaging and booted up Metroid Prime 2..... 3 hours in and I can't believe how I missed out on this game. The level design, the lighting when shooting through corridors, the art direction.... Metroid Prime for me was the gamecubes one incredible epic so far (WW was too short for me) and this game is amazingly as good. While the originality and freshness isn't there like the original, the little nuances and gameplay are just phenomonal. I officially mark this series as my favorite this generation (followed closely by Halo and MGS and hopefully Twilight Princess will make Zelda too).

Metroid Prime 2 is amazing for those that haven't played it. Just like the first game, give it about 1 and a half hours (after intital "Searching and scanning") and it hooks you and won't let you go. Incredible....
I'm going to tell you this, and I'm only going to tell you this once: Once you play RE4 and MGS3, it all goes downhill from there.

Play the games in this order: Prime 2 - God of War - Pikmin 2 - MGS3 - RE4 for maximum enjoyment value (I would personally put GoW below Prime 2, but since you've already started Prime 2, meh.)

Have you gotten the three big GC RPGs from 2004? Tales of Symphonia, Baten Kaitos, and Paper Mario 2? If not, you should get those.
Kangu said:
How can people have these games in their backlog? These are the kind of games you put OTHER games in the backlog for!

You would probably cry upon hearing the games I have in my backlog. Some huge releases and AAA titles in there. Some have been sitting there for three years. Dang, I'm getting a little teary-eyed myself just thinking about it.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
GaimeGuy said:
I'm going to tell you this, and I'm only going to tell you this once: Once you play RE4 and MGS3, it all goes downhill from there, until Zelda comes out and you reach a peak that surpasses everything you thought was possible!!!



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
PanopticBlue said:
You've already played all the 360 launch titles? Post some impressions!
I know enough about gaming to know that none of those titles could match Prime 2...

The two Prime games are easily among the greatest games released this generation. Very few games can match their quality. They come up short in no areas. From gameplay to graphics to audio to polish to the experience factor...everything is virtually perfect.

It takes a lot to best a true classic and it's rare that it could be done at a system launch. What's considered the best game on the 360 thus far, anyways? I mean, think about it. Even if there WAS a game of comparable quality, the lack of originality and lack of polish present in most of them (framerates, for example) would still be enough to keep them behind.

I suppose if you hated the Prime games, though, you might disagree...but that's another argument entirely.

Still, what do we have on 360? A WW2 shooter from the PC? Some racing games (amazing looking games, but mostly more of the same)? A really short horror FPS (seems kickass, but still flawed)? Kameo? Perfect Dark Zero?!

The 360 lineup is actually pretty good right now, when you look at it...but those aren't true AAA classics that will be remembered for years to come for their accomplishments.
Loved Sanctuary Fortress. Really pleased that Nintendo decided to keep at it… I was worried that we wouldn't see Samus again for a while after the god-awful sales of Echoes.
I for one can't wait for MP3. Hopefully it'll end the series with a bang.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
dark10x said:
I know enough about gaming to know that none of those titles could match Prime 2...

The two Prime games are easily among the greatest games released this generation. Very few games can match their quality. They come up short in no areas. From gameplay to graphics to audio to polish to the experience factor...everything is virtually perfect.

It takes a lot to best a true classic and it's rare that it could be done at a system launch. What's considered the best game on the 360 thus far, anyways? I mean, think about it. Even if there WAS a game of comparable quality, the lack of originality and lack of polish present in most of them (framerates, for example) would still be enough to keep them behind.

I suppose if you hated the Prime games, though, you might disagree...but that's another argument entirely.

Still, what do we have on 360? A WW2 shooter from the PC? Some racing games (amazing looking games, but mostly more of the same)? A really short horror FPS (seems kickass, but still flawed)? Kameo? Perfect Dark Zero?!

The 360 lineup is actually pretty good right now, when you look at it...but those aren't true AAA classics that will be remembered for years to come for their accomplishments.
IAWTP first time I ever agree with dark10x

btw thanks for the Sonic Rush soundtrack you rawk.


PHEW. My friends and I were worried about this one! Talked about it at lunch everyday. "Which series this generation has been stamped with Kai's official seal of approval?" we'd argue. I was thinking it was Halo, but my friend kept on saying it was Project Gotham Racing. Glad to see the outcome, finally. I'll be sure to go put my dumbass friend in his place later. Pfft, PGR... what was he thinking?

:lol I didnt mean it like that juice but thanks for the laugh anyway...

But MP2 and RE4 + the DS will keep me warm until some XBOX 360's are available.... On a side note.... I do think just from what I have seen and played so far, Zelda TP will be amazing... I just hope that the overall sense of engrossing environments that the Prime series has had, that OOT had, will be in that game too.

The little nuances about prime with the raindrops dropping on the HUD, or the smoke from the cannon, the lighting of shooting the beam through the corridor.... just amazing....


Gold Member
dark10x said:
I know enough about gaming to know that none of those titles could match Prime 2...

The two Prime games are easily among the greatest games released this generation. Very few games can match their quality. They come up short in no areas. From gameplay to graphics to audio to polish to the experience factor...everything is virtually perfect.

It takes a lot to best a true classic and it's rare that it could be done at a system launch. What's considered the best game on the 360 thus far, anyways? I mean, think about it. Even if there WAS a game of comparable quality, the lack of originality and lack of polish present in most of them (framerates, for example) would still be enough to keep them behind.

I suppose if you hated the Prime games, though, you might disagree...but that's another argument entirely.

Still, what do we have on 360? A WW2 shooter from the PC? Some racing games (amazing looking games, but mostly more of the same)? A really short horror FPS (seems kickass, but still flawed)? Kameo? Perfect Dark Zero?!

The 360 lineup is actually pretty good right now, when you look at it...but those aren't true AAA classics that will be remembered for years to come for their accomplishments.



No additional functions
Kai said:
But MP2 and RE4 + the DS will keep me warm until some XBOX 360's are available....
Don't pass up God of War either. I haven't played MGS3 yet (waiting for Substinance) but all of those games are masterpieces, the best this gen has to offer. GoW is every bit as good as MP2 and RE4.
I've had MP1 and MP2 for some time, but have given them zero time. I don't reckon I'll ever get round to playing them both, as I have a backlog, a job and a stupendous pornography addiciton.

So, which one should I go for?
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