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WaPo: British Conservatives complain that May bungled election.


Link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/worl...1da88e-4e1b-11e7-987c-42ab5745db2e_story.html

Prime Minister Theresa May reshuffled her cabinet a bit Sunday and mostly kept out of the public eye as she worked to strike a deal with a small party of hard-right unionists in Northern Ireland to prop up her government, which lacks a majority in Parliament.

As May and her representatives wrangled with the Democratic Unionist Party, based in Belfast, her fellow Tories were grumbling that the Conservative prime minister had not only bungled the campaign, but also was performing poorly in the days after its surprising conclusion Thursday.

On the Sunday talk shows in Britain, former Tory chancellor George Osborne, now editor of the Evening Standard and a sharp-tongued critic of the prime minister, called May “a dead woman walking” and suggested that she would be out of office by next year.

It’s just a question of, Osborne told Sky News, “how long she is going to remain on death row.”

Anna Soubry, a Conservative member of Parliament, said she could not predict when May might go but called the prime minister’s position “untenable.”




I thought it was a given she was going to have to step down as PM during the thread Thursday, even though Labour lost. What happened?


I thought it was a given she was going to have to step down as PM during the thread Thursday, even though Labour lost. What happened?

It doesn't help the tories for now, and they don't want an election with Corbyn looking good.


With Cameron putting Brexit up for vote and May with this early vote, British politicians sure have had issues with big egos misleading them.

As an American, I hope Trump's hubris will come back to bite him.
I thought it was a given she was going to have to step down as PM during the thread Thursday, even though Labour lost. What happened?
She went ahead and formed minority government anyway. It's yet to be seen how long this lasts. If I were a betting man, I would say not very long.
Are these the same fucking idiots that think Boris Johnson is a good idea to be next prime minister?

Jesus, do it.

They lost the election because they in their infinite wisdom decided to propose initiatives that would hurt their core base of voters: old people.

And in their haste to acquire UKIP voters they alienated the moderate voters, mostly middle age.

Then that lead to a liberal backlash from the grassroots, young folk.

They couldn't of fucked themselves over any harder, and it shows.
It doesn't help the tories for now, and they don't want an election with Corbyn looking good.
The problem is that the entire reason for the election in the first place is because Corbyn had a terrible year or so, which reflected in the polls. Indeed, the needle didn't move that much until the release of the Conservative manifesto. Said manifesto basically was an attack on everyone, including the elderly. Considering said elderly are the primary support for the Tories, that was a really dumb move. I can't remember any party gaining or losing that much political ground in a two week period. That was a legendary fortnight for Corbyn, and a monumentally terrible fortnight for the Conservatives.


OP, you wanna cut down on the thread numbers? Currently you're averaging 1 an hour.

Also, as insights go this article is incredibly superficial. Re-reporting widely-available days-old news from other outlets.


The full headline of this article that couldn't fit into the title was:

British Conservatives complain that May bungled election and is now bungling aftermath
This is also the end of the Tories in this country.

10 more years if that, the Tories and this current strand of Conservatism will be dead and gone forever.

No one wants to hear from crusty old cunts that have been shat out of the Etonian production line anymore. They aren't reflective of the reality of this country.
Was in her own bubble with her 2 advisors.

Let's be fair, the polls at the time painting a picture of her winning a strong majority, but then people actually saw her speak and interact with the general public in non controlled environments and her carefully crafted image of a competent leader crumbled.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I'm amazed that she is still sitting there.

But I was also amazed the Britain voted for Tories at all after Thatcherism was revealed to be a completely empty intellectual and philosophical exercise that did more harm than good. The Tories have long been a party based on a 1950s image of the UK's Home Counties.

Tony Blair was both the best and worst thing that ever happened to the UK and Labor. That's the danger with True Believers versus pragmatists. And Blair was slowly revealed as a true believer. Intractable even in the face of evidence.
This is also the end of the Tories in this country.

10 more years if that, the Tories and this current strand of Conservatism will be dead and gone forever.

No one wants to hear from crusty old cunts that have been shat out of the Etonian production line anymore. They aren't reflective of the reality of this country.
it's amazing that 3 months ago people were talking about the death of labour and a 20+ year reign of torries
I'm amazed that she is still sitting there.

But I was also amazed the Britain voted for Tories at all after Thatcherism was revealed to be a completely empty intellectual and philosophical exercise that did more harm than good. The Tories have long been a party based on a 1950s image of the UK's Home Counties.

Tony Blair was both the best and worst thing that ever happened to the UK and Labor. That's the danger with True Believers versus pragmatists. And Blair was slowly revealed as a true believer. Intractable even in the face of evidence.

The knives will come out after she bungles Brexit. No-one,apart from May it seems, wants their name attached to that trainwreck


The knives will come out after she bungles Brexit. No-one,apart from May it seems, wants their name attached to that trainwreck

I think that's actually helping her stay in. None of the serious politicians who want a future career want to touch that with a ten-foot pole. Let someone else take the fall and step in afterwards.

If the current political climate was business as usual and they'd just had a simple bad election, she'd have been knifed in the back already.


She is going to be the sacrificial lamb for the Tories if(when) Brexit fails, the Tories will try and just blame her, hopefully Corbryn is smart enough and attach Brexit as the failure of the Tory party and not just May. Im hoping in the next 4-5 years we have Labour and Lib Dems as the two main parties.
it's amazing that 3 months ago people were talking about the death of labour and a 20+ year reign of torries

Well, they're still in charge though, lol! And so are the Republicans.

But it doesn't mean they aren't going to die off. It's a demographic thing, the Tory party base is literally on life support. And aren't going to get refreshed by a younger generation that feels like they've been cheated out of a decent future due to brexit and the Torys party bold embrace thereof (due to courting the kippers).
Well, they're still in charge though, lol! And so are the Republicans.

But it doesn't mean they aren't going to die off. It's a demographic thing, the Tory party base is literally on life support. And aren't going to get refreshed by a younger generation that feels like they've been cheated out of a decent future due to brexit and the Torys party bold embrace thereof (due to courting the kippers).

I'm fairly sure you can find similar political commentary around 1997, with "Brexit" replaced with "Thatcherism". Subsequently, this is a dumb line of reasoning.
Can't wait till Boris Johnson will be the new UK President

Him and Trump will make for some crazy photo ops

I doubt the guy would even take the job at this point, if it was offered to him on a silver platter. That lazy buffoon is an even worse fair-weather politician than Cameron and the latter resigned immediately when (Brex-)shit hit the fan (and Boris took himself out of the running rather quickly as well).

He only wants to be PM to stroke his ego, not to do the frankly impossible task of leading the UK's most complicated foreign negotiations since WW2. Boris is a wanker, but he's not stupid. He knows that Brexit negotiations will go tits up within the next 12 months or so and nobody would want to be PM when that happens.
Well, they're still in charge though, lol! And so are the Republicans.

But it doesn't mean they aren't going to die off. It's a demographic thing, the Tory party base is literally on life support. And aren't going to get refreshed by a younger generation that feels like they've been cheated out of a decent future due to brexit and the Torys party bold embrace thereof (due to courting the kippers).

They, like the Republicans, will have to change or die. That means becoming socially progressive. There probably are many pro-business voters who might see themselves voting for them but are disgusted by social conservatism. That means the Ken Clarkes and the liberal wing of the Conservatives will take power in the future, whilst the dinosaurs die off slowly.

Ultimately there have always been centre-right parties. They're ultimately going to have to move with the times to stay relevant. Give it a decade and I'm sure I might even see an up and coming Conservative politician say "we should go back into the EU".
I'm fairly sure you can find similar political commentary around 1997, with "Brexit" replaced with "Thatcherism". Subsequently, this is a dumb line of reasoning.

Thatherism actually yielded a lot of wealth into the general public at large it's just we're now paying for it.

Thatcher released about 1/4 or so of the housing in the UK to the public for a pretty easy price.

That's partly the reason why there is such a glaring disparity in the wealth of the middle class in their 70s here in contrast to the middle class in their 40s/50s.

My parents back then made out like absolute fucking bandits.

Whereas Brexit, offers absolutely zero benefits to anyone except placating a few fringe elements.
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