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Welcome to the end of American civilization: $4 a gallon gas on the way.

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The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Musashi Wins! said:
Buddy we're there. We have the worst economy in the country and the highest unemployment besides. I'm in real estate and it's been slowing and probably about to crash. Of course, the bubble is probably coming for everywhere.

I love all the jealous young idiots from other countries and their pre-school sociological debates that start in every thread about the US. Your teenage socialism and angst besides, you don't know shit. You have nothing, you know nothing and your wisdom about the economy and world is just more tin plated bullshit. Get a job a family and a house and come back and tell me about your war against suburbia.

Sometimes a post is so good it just needs to be quoted...

Musashi Wins! said:
Buddy we're there. We have the worst economy in the country and the highest unemployment besides. I'm in real estate and it's been slowing and probably about to crash. Of course, the bubble is probably coming for everywhere.

I love all the jealous young idiots from other countries and their pre-school sociological debates that start in every thread about the US. Your teenage socialism and angst besides, you don't know shit. You have nothing, you know nothing and your wisdom about the economy and world is just more tin plated bullshit. Get a job a family and a house and come back and tell me about your war against suburbia.


Musashi Wins! said:
Buddy we're there. We have the worst economy in the country and the highest unemployment besides. I'm in real estate and it's been slowing and probably about to crash. Of course, the bubble is probably coming for everywhere.

I love all the jealous young idiots from other countries and their pre-school sociological debates that start in every thread about the US. Your teenage socialism and angst besides, you don't know shit. You have nothing, you know nothing and your wisdom about the economy and world is just more tin plated bullshit. Get a job a family and a house and come back and tell me about your war against suburbia.

and again....


Ok Suburbia lovers, I have a challenge for you. Explain to my socialism addled brain exactly how suburbia is not a waste of resources.
DarienA said:
Sometimes a post is so good it just needs to be quoted...


and again....

The problem is Musashi hasn't really argued anything. He's just saying he knows best and the others are just children.

It's a pretty weak argument.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Raoul Duke said:
Ok Suburbia lovers, I have a challenge for you. Explain to my socialism addled brain exactly how suburbia is not a waste of resources.

First explain to me how moving everyone in to crowded downtown poorly served by the local economy, drug-filled, crime-ridden, poverty-struck neighborhoods is a better idea?


chaostrophy said:
Biodiesel is great, right now it's a better solution for fuel shortages than hydrogen for several reasons:

-It can be used in current-tech, proven reliable diesel engines with little to no modifications

-It can be distributed with our current infrastructure of tankers and gas stations

-It's a good use for America's currently unused agricultural capacity, may make farms less dependent on subsidies

Something I have asked yet...or seen explained: is it safe to mix diesel and biofuel? I'd assume not...but if it were that would make transitioning great, and a great way to ween from diesel to bio.


And reading through Wiki, yes it can be mixed with normal diesel.

Musashi Wins!

Raoul Duke said:
Ok Suburbia lovers, I have a challenge for you. Explain to my socialism addled brain exactly how suburbia is not a waste of resources.

because resources is just a shell for some marxist dictator to move around for the common good, right? there will always be waste. and pain. and want. but I've got an idea for you...get 5-6 comrades to move in with you for a year and see if everybody cleans the communal bathroom on time, or if you're about ready to kick some free riders right out on their ass in 2 months. capitalism wastes, and it grows and wanes.

and I'm too angry about the state of our world, country (hang in LA!) and state to debate today. sorry for my "angst".
Instigator said:
The problem is Musashi hasn't really argued anything. He's just saying he knows best and the others are just children.

It's a pretty weak argument.

It actually isn't even an argument at all. It's an ad hominem fallacy.


Instigator said:
You move closer to where you work. Problem solved. If you really have to live 50 miles from where you work, something is wrong. There should be somewhere in between where you can move to. Might not be as nice, might not be where you grew up, but it's a compromize you make to be closer.
If everyone from Pittsburgh tried moving near or into the city -- well, they couldn't. Surrounding apartment buildings and the like would not be able to support it. It's too small of a city. Furthermore city life is indeed expensive - parking and rent especially. If you can make a good living (and by that I mean, like $50,000-70,000+/yr), then good for you, live in the city. Most of us could never afford to. And, like I said, even if we COULD there wouldn't be enough room for it. The city was never built for it. And the same story applies to so many other cities.


Gas just rose from $2.49 yesterday to $3.09 this morning....IN FUCKING KENTUCKY. I'm not going anywhere but class. Fuck that noise.




no more suburbia is bad thread.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Raoul Duke said:
Ok Suburbia lovers, I have a challenge for you. Explain to my socialism addled brain exactly how suburbia is not a waste of resources.
where the fuck else are we supposed to live?


Luckily South Carolina tends to stay well below the peak areas' gas prices so if the high point hits 4 we'll probably see gass in the low 3s... I filled up my tank for $2.34 the other day, where as my cousin in New York payed $3.19.


Diablos said:
If everyone from Pittsburgh tried moving near or into the city -- well, they couldn't. Surrounding apartment buildings and the like would not be able to support it. It's too small of a city. Furthermore city life is indeed expensive - parking and rent especially. If you can make a good living (and by that I mean, like $50,000-70,000+/yr), then good for you, live in the city. Most of us could never afford to. And, like I said, even if we COULD there wouldn't be enough room for it. The city was never built for it. And the same story applies to so many other cities.

And most people don't want to move back to the cities. That's what happened with Detroit. The city could easily hold another 1.5 million people, if not more. It would empty half of the suburbs. But the way that the city portrays and acts to the suburbs, there's no way even a tenth of the suburbs would even consider moving any closer to Detroit than they have to.

That and a total lack of a viable mass transportation system (SMART and DDOT are terrible).


they call me "Man Gravy".
why does everyone assume that everyone who lives in suburbia drives to their jobs in downtown? Have any of you ever actually been to Boston? I know for a fact that at my office everyone who lives in the suburbs takes the commuter rail in, save 2 people (the boss and another high executive). It's not like building commuter rail systems is impossible, it's just something that city's need to put money into (and I imagine it's something we'll be seeing more of soon if gas prices keep going up).

WedgeX said:
And most people don't want to move back to the cities. That's what happened with Detroit. The city could easily hold another 1.5 million people, if not more. It would empty half of the suburbs. But the way that the city portrays and acts to the suburbs, there's no way even a tenth of the suburbs would even consider moving any closer to Detroit than they have to

even safe cities have their own share of problems. I have to deal with walking by people rooting through my trash every day for leftover food (that the animals haven't already gotten into) or bottles and aluminum cans to take for the 5 cent deposit you get. I don't want to raise a child in that environment, and I live in a very safe section of town.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
This is from Fark but is equally applicable here

aoi tsuki

On a semi-related note, do any Michiganders remember shortly after 9/11 when gas prices jumped two or three dollars (IIRC ~$4/gallon) in a matter of hours due to the rumor that Saddam was destroying oil fields? It's surreal to think that those are the prices we're paying now.


Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Update: $3.15 a gallon (87), 3 gas stations are out of gas in the myrtle beach area... :O :O wtf


East Clintwood said:
Please shut up, ok? Americans are the biggest wasters of naturals resources, they should start paying at least the same prices the rest of the world is.

I believe Canada has the highest energy consumption per capita in the world. Or at least, higher than the USA.
Qatar has some mind-boggling energy consumption. What do they use it for? Air Conditioning everywhere?

I believe Iceland's is partly the result of thermal energy, a virtually limitless source of power for them.


my life has been shaped by the good and bad of suburbia. don't tell me my type of environment is *all* bad.


An email I just received -


I hear we are going to hit close to $3.00 a gallon by the end of the summer and it might go higher!! Want gasoline prices to come down? We need to take some intelligent, united action.

Phillip Hollsworth, offered this good idea: This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the "don't buy gas on a certain day" campaign that was going around last April or May!

The oil companies just laughed at that because they knew we wouldn't continue to "hurt" ourselves by refusing to buy gas. It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them.

BUT, whoever thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can really work. Please read it and join with us! By now you're probably thinking gasoline priced at about $1.50 is super cheap. Me too! It is currently $2.43 for regular unleaded in my town. Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to think that the cost of a gallon of gas is CHEAP at $1.50- $1.75, we need to take aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control the market place....not sellers. With the price of gasoline going up more each day, we consumers need to take action. The only way we are going to see the price of gas come down is if we hit someone in the pocketbook by not purchasing their gas! And we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves.

HOW? Since we all rely on our cars, we can't just stop buying gas. But we CAN have an impact on gas prices if we all act together to force a price war.

Here's the idea:
For the rest of this year, DON'T purchase ANY gasoline from the TWO BIGGEST COMPANIES (which now are one), EXXON and MOBIL. If they are not selling any gas, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit. But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of Exxon and Mobil gas buyers.

It's really simple to do!! Now, don't whimp out on me at this point... keep reading and I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!!

I am sending this note to about thirty people. If each of you send it to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300) ... and those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000)...and so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth generation of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers. If those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends each, then 30 million people will have been contacted!

If it goes one level further, you guessed it..... THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE!!! Again, all You have to do is send this to 10 people. That's all.

How long would all that take? If each of us sends this e-mail out to ten more people within one day of receipt, all 300 MILLION people could conceivably be contacted within the next 8 days!!! I'll bet you didn't think you and I had that much potential, did you! Acting together we can make a difference. If this makes sense to you, please pass this message on.


hmmm...might be worth a try, folks....nothing else has worked..... Get on board????

Wanda Rojas - Secretary to Salvatore A. Giampiccolo, Esq. and Nicole DiBello, Esq.
McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP.

40 West Ridgewood Avenue
Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450
(201) 493-3716
(201) 445-5376 - FAX


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Just checked online and the highest price for regular gas around Madison WI is $3.25. Fucking. Insane. I think I'll be riding my bike around a little bit more, but what the fuck am I going to do in the winter?


demon said:
Just checked online and the highest price for regular gas around Madison WI is $3.25. Fucking. Insane. I think I'll be riding my bike around a little bit more, but what the fuck am I going to do in the winter?


Musashi Wins!

aoi tsuki said:
On a semi-related note, do any Michiganders remember shortly after 9/11 when gas prices jumped two or three dollars (IIRC ~$4/gallon) in a matter of hours due to the rumor that Saddam was destroying oil fields? It's surreal to think that those are the prices we're paying now.

yes. a lot of those same people still own gas stations, too. Does this mean you live in MI, aoi? Are you engaging in sexual deviance with MI women?

To think I passed on filling up my tank last night because it was $2.87


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
studio810 said:
An email I just received -
poorly thought out chain letter ensues
the problem is that NON-Exxon and Mobil chains don't have nearly enough gas to supply an area. So they will eventually get business from those who are left with no alternative. Even worse, this then encourages a supply/demand fiasco where no one else has gas so those chains can raise prices even further. They then raise prices and the other chains see people paying this so those chains raise prices as well.

The only way to protest the gas prices is to not buy gas. The letter is right though that this would hurt us.. or would it?

cut out unnecessary trips
use mass transit
walk or bike more
in cars with compressor based air conditioners don't use the AC

there are plenty of ways we can cut down on gas. THAT is how we tell the oil companies we don't want to pay as much. the letter is SORT of right. If you get 300 million people to cut out 10-20% of their weekly gas usage, oil companies will feel that.

the flaw with the original plan was it said don't buy gas. none of us can do that. what it should have said was cut down your usage. we all should be able to do that.

aoi tsuki

Musashi Wins! said:
yes. a lot of those same people still own gas stations, too. Does this mean you live in MI, aoi? Are you engaging in sexual deviance with MI women?

To think I passed on filling up my tank last night because it was $2.87
No, i moved to North Carolina almost three years ago. i used to live in Detroit. Across the street was Dearborn. God i miss living there. ;(


aoi tsuki said:
No, i moved to North Carolina almost three years ago. i used to live in Detroit. Across the street was Dearborn. God i miss living there. ;(

I live in good ol' Dearborn...

I rmemeber when it shot up. I wasn't driving quite yet, but my parents weren't happy at all.


Dearborn Hgts? I have family in that area, on Ann Arbor Trail... Man, has the neighborhood gone to shit in the last 5-10 years. The shopping center a few blocks down is now half boarded-up, as are a lot of houses. In general, homes looks rundown and property values must be plunging

It was such a nice neighborhood when I was growing up too. :(


demon said:
Cocky, not funny.
Cubsfan is giving subliminal dating advice!
By using a bunch of cute doggies as your transport throughout the day, you will be an instant chick magnet! All you need is a pimpin' coat, fashionable hat and a smile!
Try ~6 bucks for a gallon. That's what we are paying in denmark right now.

This is the day that we can prove that german car engineers are much smarter than american ones. You think an american car ever would do 70 miles on a gallon? Heck what about 50?


Pimped out Lupo ftw!


Hang out with Steve.
RonaldoSan said:
Try ~6 bucks for a gallon. That's what we are paying in denmark right now.

This is the day that we can prove that german car engineers are much smarter than american ones. You think an american car ever would do 70 miles on a gallon? Heck what about 50?

Absolutely, if the auto manufacturers felt there was a market for it -- a condition that over the past several months has become increasingly likely. Engineering has nothing to do with it.


Gas Guzzler
Musashi Wins! said:
Buddy we're there. We have the worst economy in the country and the highest unemployment besides. I'm in real estate and it's been slowing and probably about to crash. Of course, the bubble is probably coming for everywhere.

I love all the jealous young idiots from other countries and their pre-school sociological debates that start in every thread about the US. Your teenage socialism and angst besides, you don't know shit. You have nothing, you know nothing and your wisdom about the economy and world is just more tin plated bullshit. Get a job a family and a house and come back and tell me about your war against suburbia.

I love you.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
RonaldoSan said:
Try ~6 bucks for a gallon. That's what we are paying in denmark right now.

This is the day that we can prove that german car engineers are much smarter than american ones. You think an american car ever would do 70 miles on a gallon? Heck what about 50?


Pimped out Lupo ftw!

Your average American wouldn't get caught dead driving a car that looked like that. As Steve said, our markets are (or at least were) distinctly different.

Musashi Wins!

tedtropy said:
Your average American wouldn't get caught dead driving a car that looked like that. As Steve said, our markets are (or at least were) distinctly different.

I think plenty of us might get caught in it dead or alive if we're paying $4.00 a gallon for an extended period. Goodbye retro muscle car design fetish! We hardly knew ye!


Honorary Canadian.
aoi tsuki said:
On a semi-related note, do any Michiganders remember shortly after 9/11 when gas prices jumped two or three dollars (IIRC ~$4/gallon) in a matter of hours due to the rumor that Saddam was destroying oil fields? It's surreal to think that those are the prices we're paying now.
Yeha, I remember. Luckily, Granholm brought the hammer down on most of those gas stations for trying that crap. We won't be so lucky this time.

Musashi-- you needn't preach to me about the real estate shit, either. My parents just sold their house in suburban detroit and both moved into apartments, and they sold it for roughly $60 grand less than what the real estate guides said we should, and that was after sitting on it for four months or so. The worst thing of it all is that I feel they were lucky to even get rid of it, cuz now that this fuel stuff is starting to hit, I'm afraid that the housing bubble is next.

Anyways, nobody is even looking at my question. Is this the beginning of the end for America? Will it all cascade upon itself, and just get worse and worse, one problem by problem? I mean, if this is gonna be a world-changing thing, afterall, I think I'm gonna head out and buy an issue of Time to give to my grandkids someday.


RonaldoSan said:
You think an american car ever would do 70 miles on a gallon? Heck what about 50?

Of course not. Clearly this technology only exists in countries outside the United States...
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