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Well, looks like I have cancer.

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Jesus that's pretty fucked up, who on earth thought that would be a good idea? Regardless, glad to hear it's not cancer, I hope they figure it out soon for you. Not knowing is in some ways worse than having a definitive answer.


I can understand why you're experiencing so many conflicting emotions. When you've been suffering for an extended period of time, a life-threatening illness can almost seem like a relief. It has the potential of letting you off the hook.

I don't have any answers there but I hope you're able to find some sense of peace in your life, some purpose.


Why would you tell me to get ready for chemo and radiation therapy if I wasn't going to need it.

Presumably there was a good chance of you having cancer, so you would have to be prepared and ready to go right away. I wouldn't blame the doctor here.

Now you can focus on actually getting better.


Holy shit man, I'm glad I read that update before posting. Fuck those doctors and keep hanging in there. Hopefully there'll be more good news in the future.


Great to hear that you don't have cancer, but I still don't get why you're expected to pass away in the next 5 years. What health issue resulted in that estimate?


Ah, it's good you were in the all clear! Different doctors have different ideas is what they should tell people, but, imo doctors probably should have kept it a bit more under their hat in this case...

It's funny, my primary care doctor (who's internship was in oncology) who picked up my cancer, he told me straight up as soon as he got results that I had lymphoma, and told me where my lumps were. I'm a medical science student so he often tells me the full picture. My haematologist, the first day I met her, told me that it could also be sarcoma and to not panic about cancer yet until my biopsy results came in, and only talked about the one lump that was poking out of my neck. I remember feeling really talked down to that time but, I know she was trying to calm me down while we went through the biopsy/diagnosis stage (and, she didn't know my background of study/what my primary care doctor had told me)


I run a print-on-demand book machine at work that people use to self-publish.

if you ever finish, let me know and I'll print a copy and send it to you free of charge.
Update 9/7/2016.

Biopsy results finally came in, and I kinda want to murder my doctors.

I apparently have no cancer, and that everything they told me was a precaution...

A precaution for what, scaring me half to death? Telling me to tell people and make peace...

Why would you tell me to get ready for chemo and radiation therapy if I wasn't going to need it.

You know what there has been so much shit the past few days I'm just exhausted.

The bad news is they still have no idea why I am sick, at least cancer would have been a fairly simple answer instead of Sorry we told you to tell everyone you had cancer, because whoops we thought you had cancer, but at least you don't have cancer now right?

Yay, I honestly don't know what to feel, I guess I should be relieved in a way, but I still don't know why I am so ill in general.

So now we are back to waiting 5 years to die instead of a few months and some really terrible treatment that wouldn't have been paid by medicaid anyway apparently so if I did have cancer, I probably wouldn't have been able to save myself because of the busted health system.

I thank everyone for their well wishes and their condolences, you showed me if that no one around me really cares about my problems and struggles at least GAF does.

Like the rest of NeoGaf, I just want to echo my sentiments and sympathy to you and your family. I'm glad I read this update, but I don't know what to make of it. I hope the doctors are able to determine why your health is degrading and possibly find a way to help you.

How long have you been on NeoGaf? I rarely post, but I just wanted to come out of my "lurker" mode to wish you luck and hopefully good news will come to you and your family.


Those damn doctors and their Kojima ruse.

Seriously though, I'm glad to hear things aren't as dire as predicted. I only just saw this thread today but I've followed your posts in the mental health OT and have been rooting for you all the way. I hope you're able to determine what is making you ill soon and get to work on crushing it.

I'll definitely pick up your book too!
Wow, I'm glad it's not cancer, dude.

I would be pissed as hell too if a doc tells me something like that without being 100% sure about the diagnostic.

Great news, anyways :)


Seriously though I'm glad to hear you don't have it, as seeing this thread come up again had be worried. But hopefully they'll figure out what it is.
To everyone reading the update, and giving me their well wishes, pledging to buy my book(once it releases, should I make a progress thread?), and genuinely expressing relief at my recent news.

Thank you to everyone who has said so many kind things, I am pretty much going things alone here and things are complex between my family and I.

GAF has been there through so much of the rougher spots of my life, and to see the community come forward like this, to have people reach out to me through private messaging and steam...

Thank you.

God Bless you, and God bless Evilore and all the hard working moderators of this community.

I will remember this forever.

Well thats super good news. When you mentioned that the doc said you had cancer based off a polyp removal I was a bit like eh.. since polyps are generally a sign of pre cancer and the biggest issue would be colon wall invasion which is highly unlikely. I went through a similar ordeal to you 3 weeks ago they cut out a 3cm polyp of me (age 25) and my results came back pre-cancer which basically means scope every 1-2 years. Like you the original reason I was scoped was not solved. But dude while cancer is a simple answer you dont want that shit especially colon cancer. So its good news and Goodluck.

Also I'll turn this into a PSA type ordeal if you are having issues with your bowels get checked out, listen to your body and persist. When I first questioned thea possibility if colon cancer with my doctor laughed at me and said you are way to young for that. Do not ever let a doctor tell you its an old peoples disease, ever. If I had listened to my doctor and just accepted it wasnt judging by the size of mine and the type it was chances are I would have had staged cancer withing the next few years.

Fuck cancer.

Damn dude, I'm glad you are okay, they did tell me I wouldn't have to get another endoscopy and colonoscopy until I'm 50 most likely.

Just a prank, bro.

I'm glad it's not cancer, and hopefully you'll know the actual cause of your health issues soon. Good luck man.

Thank you so much, Alienous. I remember you from the MGSV and MGS gaf threads.

Wow. I'm so glad you don't have cancer. :)

I am too, drinking some beers at the moment.

Yay you don't have cancer and you have more time to write books and play games!

Hopefully they find out what is wrong with you.

Trojita, my secret favorite poster and doge.
Dawg will always be my doge. <3 Thanks though Trojita.

You get a signed copy for free. <3 Along with most if not all of the people here. :p

Holy shit dude, that's fantastic. So glad you don't have cancer. Wow, that is super shitty of your doctors though.

I know right, if I was an extremely petty person, I'd be super butthurt.

Anybody got those Archer cancer scare/cancer free celebration gifs?

Anyway, congrats on not having cancer. Hopefully you and your doctors can find out exactly what ails you.

I was just thinking of that episode too. I love Archer.



I hope they find out what is wrong too, I'd like to be able to eat regular food.
ill drink to that, and by drink I mean a glass of milf

You are so baller you drink milfs, not milk, not alcohol.


Spare a glass homie damn, I've never had sex and I'm thirsty.

Thanks buddy, <3.


That reminds me when my dad went to the doctor due to losing strength in his legs. Just starting with the basic checkups the tech says it might be lou gehrig's disease (it wasn't). Why would you tell someone the worst outcome when the testing hasn't even started yet? I was so upset when they told me this.

PK Gaming

It sucks that you're still sick, but i'm really glad you don't have Cancer. It feels like you got another chance of making a comeback in life.

Just gotta find what's wrong with you.
Glad the tests came back negative, that must of been a great relief to you. Keep pressing on with life. Science gets better by the day and hopefully soon they can figure out what else is keeping you sick.
We are all here for you, brother. I am truly sorry to hear about what you are going through and hope like hell you win. :(

Edit: Sorry I got to this late. My Internet keeps going in and out, so I didn't get to change my post in time. I am so happy to hear that you are Cancer-free!!!


Hoping they get onto whatever's still making you sick though but it's definitely great to hear it's not cancer.

What a freaking relief man! Woo! <3


Unconfirmed Member
That's great new, OP!
My question is how is your diet? What do you normally eat? It could be that it's an allergic reaction to something.


Great news. Hopefully you find out what's going on with your health so you could work on getting better soon. Then all you have to do is work on making yourself happier. You deserve it.


Great to hear OP!

What I dont understand is, in your update, that now you wait 5 years then you die? Or am I missreading?
Update 9/7/2016.

Biopsy results finally came in, and I kinda want to murder my doctors.

I apparently have no cancer, and that everything they told me was a precaution...

A precaution for what, scaring me half to death? Telling me to tell people and make peace...

Why would you tell me to get ready for chemo and radiation therapy if I wasn't going to need it.

You know what there has been so much shit the past few days I'm just exhausted.

The bad news is they still have no idea why I am sick, at least cancer would have been a fairly simple answer instead of Sorry we told you to tell everyone you had cancer, because whoops we thought you had cancer, but at least you don't have cancer now right?

Yay, I honestly don't know what to feel, I guess I should be relieved in a way, but I still don't know why I am so ill in general.

So now we are back to waiting 5 years to die instead of a few months and some really terrible treatment that wouldn't have been paid by medicaid anyway apparently so if I did have cancer, I probably wouldn't have been able to save myself because of the busted health system.

I thank everyone for their well wishes and their condolences, you showed me if that no one around me really cares about my problems and struggles at least GAF does.

Very happy to hear that. Congrats.
That's why i asked when you would get the results.
Having cancer and getting treatment is in no way any fun.
Best to wait until the results are in.

Enjoy, life is short anyway.


Felt apprehension about what the latest news would be when clicking back on this thread but it turns out to be good news! On the whole, at least. It blows that you're still ill, and I hope the docs are able to get on that shit pronto, but it's a major step up from cancer.

Really happy for ya, man.
Update 9/7/2016.

Biopsy results finally came in, and I kinda want to murder my doctors.

I apparently have no cancer, and that everything they told me was a precaution...

A precaution for what, scaring me half to death? Telling me to tell people and make peace...

Why would you tell me to get ready for chemo and radiation therapy if I wasn't going to need it.

You know what there has been so much shit the past few days I'm just exhausted.

The bad news is they still have no idea why I am sick, at least cancer would have been a fairly simple answer instead of Sorry we told you to tell everyone you had cancer, because whoops we thought you had cancer, but at least you don't have cancer now right?

Yay, I honestly don't know what to feel, I guess I should be relieved in a way, but I still don't know why I am so ill in general.

So now we are back to waiting 5 years to die instead of a few months and some really terrible treatment that wouldn't have been paid by medicaid anyway apparently so if I did have cancer, I probably wouldn't have been able to save myself because of the busted health system.

I thank everyone for their well wishes and their condolences, you showed me if that no one around me really cares about my problems and struggles at least GAF does.
Thank God...
This thread was so sad for me lol


Can't believe it, Duke.

Have a good one, mate. I hope you get some solace in coming years.

edit: ^wait, what!!!!

Thank fuck for that!


Update 9/7/2016.

Biopsy results finally came in, and I kinda want to murder my doctors.

I apparently have no cancer, and that everything they told me was a precaution...

A precaution for what, scaring me half to death? Telling me to tell people and make peace...

Why would you tell me to get ready for chemo and radiation therapy if I wasn't going to need it.

You know what there has been so much shit the past few days I'm just exhausted.

The bad news is they still have no idea why I am sick, at least cancer would have been a fairly simple answer instead of Sorry we told you to tell everyone you had cancer, because whoops we thought you had cancer, but at least you don't have cancer now right?

Yay, I honestly don't know what to feel, I guess I should be relieved in a way, but I still don't know why I am so ill in general.

So now we are back to waiting 5 years to die instead of a few months and some really terrible treatment that wouldn't have been paid by medicaid anyway apparently so if I did have cancer, I probably wouldn't have been able to save myself because of the busted health system.

I thank everyone for their well wishes and their condolences, you showed me if that no one around me really cares about my problems and struggles at least GAF does.

Man, I don't know you, but I'm so glad you got those great news.

Hope you use that shitty experience to make the most of your life.
So another update 11/09/2016, things are getting really interesting.

I found out that my mental health is getting worse, so basically one day I will wake up and either not remember who I am, what version of me that I am, or the person that I actually am.

So far my mental case is so complex, that they haven't really given me too many labels officially, even though the notes and everything for the last 2-3 years is there, therapist changes, psychiatry not working, and an extremely unhelpful psychologist later I still don't have a proper diagnosis beyond a litany of labels that no one will confirm or deny.

My Systemic RA is slowly being leaned on as the culprit for me being sick but I won't know since medicaid refuses to pay for Rheumatologists and some important Radioactive die tests I need to take for my stomach and bowels. At the rate it is going, they estimate 4 years maybe less, possibly more but in excruciating pain.

My esophogus is partially eroded which sucks, but with tons of medication that increase my risk of having heart issues by an astronomical amount it might heal somewhat.

The only other news is that I am on the road to potentially getting Disability and SSI, but I am not hopeful they will accept me so I will probably have to figure out a way to fight that too.

So TL;DR I'm sick and getting sicker and medicaid and this fucked up country aren't gonna help me get better.

Either way, I made a thread for my novel.
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