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What have you done to improve your life this year?

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it's 4th of July in my asshole
Smoked a heap of weed, which I think has helped me get over some anxiety issues which has led to me talking to a girl I like a lot and her saying she would go on a date. Started doing gym again as well.


The Good

  • Got a new job at the end of Nov 13 (I'm counting it as it was the catalyst).
  • Joined the gym first Monday in January. 3 times a week. I've never missed a session yet.
  • Bought myself a house. My first one. I'd been back at my parent's place since I split from my ex.
  • Embraced my receding hairline and just shaved the fucker off. Should have done it ages ago cos it looks great.
  • Got a promotion coming up at work.

The Bad

  • Not lost enough weight considering how hard I'm working at the gym. I need to control my diet!
  • I started a very stupid relationship with an girl who was already in a relationship. Out of it now though.


- I got my first job
- I learned how to build a PC

I'm not entirely convinced the job has really done anything to improve my life from a personal development perspective, but it's nice to have money.
Lost some weight, tried to not beat myself too much about not reaching my personal professional goals.

I am providing for my loved ones and am healthy. I remind myself about that and it helps with my stress.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
- In January I got surgery to remove my gynecomastia that I've been extraordinarily self-conscious about for many years. Glad I didn't wait any longer.

- I'd been going to the gym and lifting weights for a few years now but I'd been getting kinda chubby, so I finally slimmed down to a level that I'm aesthetically pleased with

- Last spring I got into fishing, something I'd never done before (hey I needed new hobbies)

- I got into cooking several months ago, at least to an extent that I've never been before

- Started going to therapy a couple weeks ago, which I probably should've done a decade ago.

- [hopefully before the year is up I can insert 'Found a new job' here, might end up happening which would make me ecstatic]

If I can manage to get a new job before the year is up then this will officially be one of my best years in a long time, although hopefully next year I'll start actually enjoying the fruits of that


I continued to lose weight from last year. Lost 150 pounds total. Gained some back (mostly on purpose) and smashed a shit ton of lifting PRs throughout the year.


Junior Member
I started running. Although I wasn't overweight (if anything, I'm too skinny), I was terribly unfit with a completely sedentary lifestyle. I also needed to get fit for a physical test for a new job. I started the Couch to 5K program back in August which lasted 9 weeks, finished about 3-4 weeks ago and now run 5K three times a week. I'm happy with that.

I also have been in the recruitment process for a job since April and have passed all of the interviews, tests and assessments needed. Now I just have to wait for all sorts of background checks and security vetting. It's a nervous wait as everything is out of my hands now...hopefully won't be unemployed for much longer. Fingers crossed.


moved out of my parents place and went back to school (albeit a community college, but it's a start)

Don't knock the community college route. I have a 4 year University degree, and the best I could do with it was $27K a year. I went to a community college years later and got a 2 year degree and a new job starting at $40K. Now with random overtime, I'm making between $85-100K a year. Never would have happened if I didn't take a chance on the local community college.
I've not done much this year except focus on my young nephew who came to stay with me two years ago, since my sister is a drunk and drugged up loser. He was treated like shit, and his younger brother was treated like a god while he was isolated and locked away by her and her many bfs. Well we already had one of her boys who is all grown up now and doing good, apart from his Cystic Fibrosis that is. So the little one is a bit troubled, I've however started to bond with him and he is very happy now, I help him with homework, game with him, read to him and generally spoil him. He is doing well at school and no longer as disruptive, that's kept me busy all year. Now that I think of it its improved my life a lot too, seeing him so happy and giving me a hug every day has been a huge boost to my own self esteem. After reading the mails you have been getting in the truth thread, I'm not surprised you wanted to hear something better.
I went low key. I stopped trying to "be somebody" and kept my focus on what do have as opposed to what I don't have. Learned that I don't even want what I don't have.

Curbed my expectations. Not in a cynical way either, just understanding that this is what the real world is and there is nothing wrong with it, it was my thinking of what the world should be that was wrong. Fuck being bitter.

Also bought a Wii U.
Got a nice paying job out of college, started dating an amazing girl, adopted a kitten, moved into an apartment of my own, bought a new car.

It's been quite a year.


- Finished first year of college in april, started second year in september.

- Got some good work experience this summer (may to august) with a job heavily related to my field of study.

- Been more frugal/smart with my money, I spend it sparingly.
Completely changed my life. Have lost about 8 different people I cared deeply about over the last 5 years or so and the most recent two broke me in a major way. I suppose you could call it a midlife crisis, but somewhat earlier than most.

  • Got stupidly fit
  • Taken 7 holidays in the last 9 months.
  • Entered numerous cycling events.
  • Got back to learning a language.
  • Spending money like water (can't take it with you).
  • Given up on many pointless aspects of my life.
  • Done a lot more for charity.
  • Expanded my business to make it significantly more profitable.
Still plenty to improve, not least wasting less time on pointless shit like NeoGAF!
I love positive GAF threads.

Top ones that come immediately to mind:

- Spent more time playing with my son and taking walks with my wife.
- Got a new job that paid 150% from my last one.
- Finished a round of p90x3, I now weigh almost what I did when I got married and almost have a 4-pack. Gonna do another round and try for all 6.
- Started playing games to enjoy them again like we all did as kids, stopped focusing on grinding and chasing achievements.
I started a new position at my job that pays the same but makes me much happier because I like what I do and I like the people I work with. I lost a lot of weight since last fall (100lb). Trying to lose another 30 or so in the next 4-6 months. As a result, I gained a large amount of self-confidence and landed myself an awesome boyfriend. I also don't stay in as much and have been way more social. I am also actively hunting to buy my first home. It has been a year of positive changes that I hope continue into next year as well.
About three years ago, I was sleeping in a chair (not a couch - a chair) in my father's house. Didn't have a bed. A year later, I moved into my first 1BR apartment. This year, I moved into my first 2BR apartment. I'm renting out the living room and spare bedroom, got internet and cable. Also got my first unsecured credit card this year, which has already saved my ass too many times to count.
In late 2013, I enrolled in a paid job skills course and aced it. However, I failed the more important part: placement.

I started taking a new type of antidepressant, too, and seeing a psychiatrist. It hasn't really helped, though.
I at least figured out a goal for my life direction to go in.

That's progress after a year of treading water.

And I'm falling in love with hobbies I chose. They work for me.

Lost weight, plateaued, but I think lost more after that, but I haven't checked a scale in a while. Get compliments though. Another 40 or 50 to go before April.
Moved from part-time to full-time at work. Secured a raise in the process. Gained some new responsibilities and shed some that were pulling me down. This year has been more productive than most.
2014 was a great year and it's only getting better. Met someone this past Christmas break who helped me learn more about myself in six months than I had through most of my early twenties, and though we no longer speak, I'll always be grateful for the positive impact she had on my life. I was promoted at work to full time producer, recently started dating an incredible girl, have been studying for LSATs (which I'll be taking in one month's time), and the show I work for was renewed through all of 2015. Life is pretty great.


Got my driver's license, figured out what I wanted to do post-college undergrad (work as journalist).
Edit: I also got to travel internationally for the first time in January. Went to London for two weeks and had a great time there.


I hit the gym pretty hard. I started with writing this down in a notebook which started as my attempt to be able to do 20 pushups:


I started lifting weights seriously for the first time in my life last year 10-24. Been working my ass off.




+Got a part-time job, so I've been able to have a little income for gas money and taking my girlfriend out.

+Trying to communicate better with said girlfriend.

+Finally on track to get my degree and got some great grades this year.

-Terrible at saving money from my job

-Girlfriend goes away to school, and I haven't visited her this semester because of increased work load due to job/school.

-I've been eating extremely unhealthy all year, I haven't gained any weight since the beginning of the year, but I'm sure my insides are gross.

-Haven't gone to the gym more than a handful of times

-Social relationships are deteriorating because I'm turning into a workaholic

All in all, I'm on the right track and the big thing is I'm getting my degree and planting the seeds for my future but it all seems to come at a cost
nothing much, same as last year

= continue education
= continue my part time job

I guess a + is

+ donated a bunch of junk i bought over the years

+ started saving more money
strenghtened my faith in god. i feel totally at peace in my life.

without the good lord in my life i would definitely be having a miserable life.


-Saved a bunch of money.
-Hitting the gym, quietly but surely losing some weight.
-Being more careful about relationships, also more assertive when it comes handling them.

I feel the professional side is lacking tho, especially seeing some of my friends already on their second year of residency.


Unconfirmed Member
I've had my ruts, and I still think things could shatter and break apart any moment. I can't say I'm really much happier, but I guess in some sense I feel like I've "moved forward" some. For me:

-Got a job finally (good and bad)
++Financially independence
++No more guilt
--No free time to do much of anything, including other self improvement activities
--Stress up the wazoo for little compensation

-Moved out (good and bad)
++kinda free besides insanely noisy neighbors
--miss home

-Got a cat finally (good and bad)
--Can't really do anything anymore since I'm at work all day already so it's unfair to make her stay home alone any longer when she clearly misses me.

I'm also taking some steps to try something else I've always wanted too now with my independence, which I'm going to guess the odds are 80% spectacular failure, 20% pleasant surprise. Half a month to go before I find out.
Got a big ass raise at work at the start of the year (getting another at the end)

Got in a relationship

Got an annual pass for Disneyland.

Did LSD with girlfriend. (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=135884194&postcount=181)

She's the first girl I've ever said I love you to because I felt it and I'm not just trying to make someone happy.

We've discussed having children and while it's always been very off putting to me the idea of having a child with her is very comforting.

Pretty great.


-Got an internship in my field. Downside is I can't see myself in a full-time position in said field, but I guess that's what internships are for.

-I've started exercising (though I don't do it enough) and it's done wonders in keeping my anxiety in check.
Uff where do I start.

First I'm so thankful to had started the year with a new job. Is just a minimum wage full time job but is still the biggest salary I've had in my life.

I pay my Bank Debts and Internet debts.
Got high speed internet at home
Bough an used car
Payed up the car
Sold my old piece of shit car
Met a lot of wonderful people at my job
Got a better relationship with my old friends (most of the who disappeared when I lost my job)
Changed from T-Mobile to AT&T, got a GS3
Going to busy spend Christmas with my family for the first time in 10 years
My drawing skills had increased dramatically

I'm very happy, the best year in my life so far. I just wish I could get laid for it to be a perfect year.


Not much honestly, just trying to keep good habits that were already in places. Going to the gym, eating well, working hard on education.

Started drinking tea everyday if that counts lol


This is cool thread heading into 2015...

- got below 15% body fat
- can bench 43% more than my own weight
- reduced going out n sending $ unnecessarily = saving more a month
- really focused on family and long time gf
- got a promotion n new job
- tad over 10 years left on mortgage

What i need to work on:
- lower body n put n 6-8lbs more muscle
- spiritual life
- getting debt to income ratio to .75 to 1
- in 5 years open a salon
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