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What if I replaced soda.... with milk?

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I need to have something to drink besides water, even though I probably like drinking water more than most people. I've been really getting back into drinking milk lately and it's got me thinking I should drop diet soda out of my rotation and go full-on water + milk for all of my liquid needs. Would that be healthy or is milk actually bad for you like fruit?
Too much milk is pretty bad for you. It has a lot of fat in it, even if you drink skim. I'd recommend limiting it.

Personally, I've cut diet soda in favor of seltzer -- the bubbles and slight flavoring are enough to scratch the itch. Plus, it's cheap. I'd recommend it.
Milk has significantly more calories than Diet Soda, so you'd actually be hurting yourself if your goal is to lose weight.

Your teeth will probably thank you though.


Drink not sweetened tea.

I drink only water myself, but if I were to drink something else, it would be that.
Too much milk is pretty bad for you. It has a lot of fat in it, even if you drink skim. I'd recommend limiting it.

Personally, I've cut diet soda in favor of seltzer -- the bubbles and slight flavoring are enough to scratch the itch. Plus, it's cheap. I'd recommend it.

What the hell kind of skim milk are you drinking?


If you can stomach that much milk, no real issues. There are, I believe, many many studies purporting the health benefits of milk. Somewhere. And if you happen to lift, it's a great inexpensive protein source during bulks.

EDIT: If you're drinking diet soda to minimize calories, then best drink low-fat or fat-free milk, or limit your portions, else yes, you will balloon up.
Milk is shown to be pretty bad for adults in large quantities so you shouldn't be drinking too much milk. Have you thought about trying something like tea or flavored water?


Look hard enough and someone will tell you milk is bad, juice is bad, and tea is bad. Best bet is to avoid soda and drink stuff other than water in moderation.


Take it from another soda addict... if you want to cut out the junk but love your sparkly beverages I highly recommend you try with earnest to switch to sparkling water.

Have it plain...


With fruit...


You can get them in flavors...


Those will run you around $1.50 (or less on promo) per bottle. yeah it's not perfect price parity with soda, but this is your health we are talking about :p

even artificially sweetened, if you insist (though you should work yourself up to unsweetened)...


It's not the cheapest solution but for me it has worked and I love sparkling water!

you could also get a soda machine and experiment with some of the unsweetened creations those can create.


I began drinking La Croix (aka methadone for pop). The only big downside is feeling silly for paying for fizzy water.


Yes people, drinking gallons worth of almost anything in a day is probably unhealthy. Let's just get that out of the way. Except tears. We all enjoy tears.


Milk has significantly more calories than Diet Soda, so you'd actually be hurting yourself if your goal is to lose weight.

Your teeth will probably thank you though.

Milk has protein and fat, which help satiety. So it's possible that someone drinking milk might eat less.

There are also those rat studies that suggest that it may be possible that diet soda encourages consumption; we don't really know if they apply to humans, but it's something to consider until there is some data on the subject.


I developed some fairly severe intolerance to dairy after turning 40. I'd be sitting about 20 feet in the air on a diarrhea rocket thruster if I did that.

and now you know.


Milk has actual nutrition, fat is sating (which is like the one thing everyone is missing when they talk about caloric content), plus fat gives you more even energy levels so it's probably not a bad replacement.


I developed some fairly severe intolerance to dairy after turning 40. I'd be sitting about 20 feet in the air on a diarrhea rocket thruster if I did that.

and now you know.

I'm lactose intolerant, it sucks. I tried lactaid, which although better, still gave me stomach pains. Maybe I'll buy some lactose pills to try someday.
Milk is amazing for gaining weight. I used to be 115 pounds but now I'm 130. As for losing weight, I'm not so sure. It's not "unhealthy", people need to stop using that word for whatever makes you gain weight. Weight gain can also be a healthy thing.

edit: yeah, if you're trying to lose weight I'd jump on the tea wagon.

With or without pulp? It's all about moderation.

Lol pulp doesn't make a difference. That's like saying adding peanuts to your coca-cola will make it healthier. Excess sugar is not good. Don't replace pop addiction with orange/fruit juice.


I drink 2.5 gallons of milk a week (about a gallon every 2 days) and weigh 110 lbs on a good day. I must be the anomaly.

Health effects be damned, you should do it. Milk tastes incredibly delicious (only whole though, skim and 1/2% are terrible), which means you should drink it. We're all going to die eventually, might as well spend life eating/drinking what you enjoy.


Junior Member
Juice in general is equivalent to soda in most aspects in terms of being healthful or harmful. The small amount of pulp won't improve that much (albeit, sure, it's better than no pulp by some small margin).

Either you're drinking Sunny Delight or you don't know the difference between refined sugar and the natural stuff.

That's not even taking into mind the vitamins and minerals in juice.


Pulp doesn't matter (that I know of), check out how much sugar is in your juice. It's basically orange-flavored sugar water if you're buying the typical brands.

I usually drink the Tropicana pure premium kind. It has 22g sugar and about 110 calories. I don't drink it daily though and when I do I usually combine it with some water.


listen to the mad man
Pulp doesn't matter (that I know of), check out how much sugar is in your juice. It's basically orange-flavored sugar water if you're buying the typical brands.

Pulp adds fibre, which is good both for satiety and for how your body processes sugar. This is one of the reasons why eating fruit is less bad for you than drinking fruit juice. But yes I agree that there's no magic bullet for making fruit juice something other than it is--consuming a massive, insane amount of sugar very quickly.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Drink unsweetened almond milk if you have to get milk. Stay away from sugar, friends.


Take it from another soda addict... if you want to cut out the junk but love your sparkly beverages I highly recommend you try with earnest to switch to sparkling water.

This is great advice. Sometimes just having the carbonation helps with the cravings.
Diet? Not diet? It doesn't fucking matter. Look at the god damn ingredients, that shit is nearly toxic. Why? It's acidic as fuck. It's harmful to your teeth and your gastrointenstinal pathway. I mean, I drink soda occasionally. It's fucking delicious. But never, ever convince yourself that soda (diet or regular) is ever a good thing to drink in regards to your physical health. It's either highly concentrated sugar mixed in acid water (regular soda) or it's just plain ol' acid water with artificial sweeteners (in the case of diet soda). The artificial sweeteners seem to be safe as far as any realistic scientific studies have shown, but it's the acid that is the real kick in the ass.

The divine liquid from an animal's tit, forcefully sucked out of it via a vacuum hose strapped around a heifer's udder. Milk has a much lower concentration of sugar than soda, is much closer to being pH neutral than soda, and contains a few other vitamins/minerals that are good for you. It's clearly better for you than soda, no question. But, there are somethings to consider based on new science regarding milk consumption. Basically, more studies are coming out suggesting that the calcium in milk isn't very helpful for developing bone density. It seems that calcium from dark green leafy vegetables are much better sources of calcium. My personal opinion is that within 20 years milk will no longer be considered a healthy food and instead somewhere in the realm of being neither beneficial or very harmful... so basically, if it replaces a shitty food it's a good choice for you, but otherwise, there's not much of a reason to drink it. Besides that, the average human is at least mildly lactose intolerant, so regular milk can be harmful for them to consume in terms of acute responses (upset stomach, diarrhea, etc) But, hey, milk does have CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) which seems like it's perhaps the single best reason to drink milk.

Summary: milk > soda/diet soda, but you're better off just drinking water if possible. Also, just think of juices (apple juice, orange juice, guava-penis-acai juice, etc.) as being 90% as bad for you as soda... they're only a little less bad for you because they probably have some small shit amount of vitamins re-added into them.

Regarding juices with pulp, look it up. How much fiber do you see on the nutrition label? The pulp that is in most commercial juices is so low that it doesn't even count up to a single gram of fiber in a serving. It is negligible compared to what you'd get from eating a whole piece of fruit.


Milk is one of the most caloricly dense foods you can consume. Is that good or bad? Well, it depends.

Milk is very high in protein. A glass (250ml) of milk contains about 7.8g of high quality protein. It also has other stuff in it, like Lactose (about 12g per glass) and as we know, lactose is a sugar which in turn makes it a carbohydrate. It also contains about 8g of fat (whole milk). In short, milk is quite nutritious, which is no surprise, as it evolved to make mammals grow.

For an active person who also does sports, those nutrients sure come in really handy. I lift heavy weights and have done so for several years now and milk is a great tool. It's cheap, it's handy, it's available anywhere, and it's (in my opinion) delicious. A liter of milk contains over 500 calories, and 32g of protein and 48g of carbs. As a post workout meal, there're few things more nourishing and refreshing than milk.Toss in a scoop of whey protein and you get almost 60g of protein that also taste like a milkshake. I can drink a whole liter out of the carton in less than 30 seconds. Sometimesm if I don't have time to get a proper meal, I just buy a liter of milk and chug it down. It sure beats eating junk food.

On the other hand, if you don't lift, and aren't particularly active, or if you'd like to have a six pack, I'd limit consumption to one glass per day. Milk will make you fat if you are not careful. .

Lactose-free if you feel any discomfort after drinking it. Milk can also make you feel pretty groggy since it's so dense, so keep that in mind. I wouldn't drink it before having to do anything that requires your full attention.

Drinking milk regularly isn't that healthy. We kinda weren't built to do it after childhood.

I'd like you to elaborate exactly what's special about milk that forbids adults from consuming it. Sure, not everyone can digest lactose, specially not many adults. I'm lactose intolerant myself. That's why I drink lactose free milk, which is ubiquitous, and which can be digested without issues. No milk farts from lactose-free milk, since the milk-farts are caused by bacteria in the gut which feast on the lingering lactose, producing methane. Since lactose in lactose free milk has already been hydrolyzed into its component sugars (glucose and galactose) which are easily absorbed through the gut. , there's no risk of lactose being absorbed by gut bacteria.

Other than the lactose, there's nothing special about milk compared to other caloric-dense foods.
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