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What if Switch 2 is not BC with Switch 1. Hypothetically.

If Switch 2 is not backwards compatible would it affect your buying decisions?

  • 1.) It makes no difference, I will purchase.

    Votes: 51 26.7%
  • 2.) Nintendo will anger me, and I will not be purchasing

    Votes: 93 48.7%
  • 3.) Honestly, depends on Software, pricing, and if they "Re-release" big Switch titles as 4k edition

    Votes: 59 30.9%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Yes ? Maybe ? Why not ?

They changed the CPU but what's the gain when Bayonetta 3 is uglier than Bayonetta 2 ? Switch is the very incarnation of "diminishing returns".

Nobody is asking for free ports. Ports suck and should not exist. There is BC for this, and it should be a given. We got fantastic BC for free on Xbox. Wii U was BC with Wii and even GC... Cross platform should be a given. These are services that should be provided for people who paid to enter your ecosystem.

Maybe you should have better standards as a customer.
Regarding what they won: Portability, which alongside the possibility play on TV is putting Switch close to be the best seller console of all times.

And I'll ask for ports of games I haven't played. I mean, I'd like to have infinite BC but I'll appreciate if I can't for technical reasons and am offered an alternative...

Next Switch will have BC btw, I don't think the recent Miyamoto words say what some people think they say, specially after years of Iwata and Kimishima calling out the importance of keeping same user base with the current account system and consumers trust across generations in order to "avoid starting all over again" each time.


putting Switch close to be the best seller console of all times.
As a consumer, I don't care at all if their console is the best selling of all time. Nintendo was offering more to me on Wii U than on Switch, as far as I am concerned.

The Switch is not a proper handheld console by the way. It is a handheld device that displays pictures calibrated tor TVs on a tiny screen. This is not what I call a quality handheld experience.
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Gold Member
As a consumer, I don't care at all if their console is the best selling of all time. Nintendo was offering more to me on Wii U than on Switch, as far as I am concerned.

The Switch is not a proper handheld console by the way. It is a handheld device that displays pictures calibrated tor TVs on a tiny screen. This is not what I call a quality handheld experience.
Well, I don't use it portable so I don't know about that... I get what you're saying but I'm just trying to comprehend why they do things regardless of if I like it or not


Nintendo fans: we are angry
But… we will buy it nevertheless.

Same for WiiU ports. Name any Nintendo gan who had a WiiU without any fullprice WiiU port on their Switch. We fans suck…


Gold Member
As long as one of the Switch consoles I have is still working I probably won't care. When the library for the next one has enough games I wanted I'd buy one. Keeping the carts compatible would be awesome and might convince me to upgrade sooner.


There are quire a few local multiplayer games that I would totally buy except that they have terrible performance on Switch. If the Switch 2 is BC, Nintendo will get a few more software sales out of me. If not, they won't.

I'll buy the hardware if their next crop of games looks good. BC is a nice bonus (and it's about time they got with the program... should have started with the Wii, honestly) but not an ABSOLUTE requirement for me.


I get what you're saying but I'm just trying to comprehend why they do things regardless of if I like it or not
No issue with this. It makes sense.

Even if I am not satisfied with what they did with Switch, their strategy is evidently excellent to make as much money possible. If it makes more money, giving the middle finger to your previous consumers is a valid strategy. You simply have to be sure that the new buyers will be numerous enough.

From an "old" consumer perspective, which is strictly subjective (or only for a smaller number of persons), it sucks and I don't want to support a company doing this. Iwata had a sense of respecting the consumers actually. They were still Nintendo, so greedy as fuck, but it was better overall. I find that Wii U and 3DS were pretty respectful. There was the Ambassador program, BC, converting some VC games for cheap, awesome manuals on the consoles, Miiverse, free online etc... Not amazing, but still something.

Despite the situation, I still bought the Switch this time, I was hoping for more. I quickly stopped supporting them though and only have a few games on it. I won't be buying their next console. Vita was the same situation by the way. Their behavior towards the consumers was awful. Almost unbelievable actually. I didn't give them another chance though, it was the last time I gave Sony a dollar.
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Probably wouldn't make a different for me but I'd still want to know pricing and everything. I waited over 5 years to finally get a Switch, so I have more than enough patience to wait a while lol.
I have such a huge backlog of Switch games that unless it is backwards compatible I’m gonna hold off.

I’ve made it my number one priority in 2023 to hammer out the switch backlog so we will see how that goes and when the next Nintendo console launches where I’m at.


Gold Member
No BC means it will be a couple of years down the road before games really start cranking out. I bought a Switch at launch but sold it a few months later for this reason. I bought Switch again a couple of months ago and now there is a ton to play. So if Nintendo does cut out BC then I'll wait a while before jumping on board.

As long as one of the Switch consoles I have is still working I probably won't care. When the library for the next one has enough games I wanted I'd buy one. Keeping the carts compatible would be awesome and might convince me to upgrade sooner.

I'm wondering if the current cartridges will be able meet the requirements of the new device. With 3DS they were able to bring the DS cartridge format forward so hopefully they can at least do that again.


Gold Member
No BC means it will be a couple of years down the road before games really start cranking out. I bought a Switch at launch but sold it a few months later for this reason. I bought Switch again a couple of months ago and now there is a ton to play. So if Nintendo does cut out BC then I'll wait a while before jumping on board.

I'm wondering if the current cartridges will be able meet the requirements of the new device. With 3DS they were able to bring the DS cartridge format forward so hopefully they can at least do that again.
I hope they can keep the same carts and don't do something weird but this is Nintendo and sometimes they make weird decisions.


Gold Member
The same people who bought a Switch will buy the Switch 2, doesn't matter how shitty it is or how bad online services are or whatever. The only thing that sells Nintendo hardware at this point is their exclusive first party software.


Gold Member
Recently with more speculation that new Nintendo hardware could launch in 2023 or 2024. I was reviewing the older threads on different sites talking about potential hardware from Nvidia, which leads me to this question.

This is not a flame war, or anything. Just a hypothetical.

IF Nvidia hardware is changed and current Switch is not BC on the next hardware, would it affect your decision to purchase?

Hypothetically, if it is not possible to have BC...I could see Nintendo releasing certain titles from Switch as "Deluxe 4k" editions on Switch 2. Similar to how Wii U games were ported to Switch. I think it would both satisfy some consumers and also make some consumers angry. Which, leads me to wonder how the more educated in GAF, ERA, etc would feel if it was NOT BC?
I'd be utterly fucking pissed off. Then i'd ditch my entire physical Switch library and not bother starting another.

But thats just me.


This is what I meant. The Wii U was super respectful of the players and previous purchases, as well as having many nice services/features, like the Miiverse, manuals ec... Switch threw everything away. As well as being poor quality and barely a technical upgrade.
From this point forward I won’t accept Nintendo throwing away old purchases. switch would be my last console from Nintendo
It would piss me off drastically, to the point I'd wait a year or two for big titles. If it is BC however, it's easily a day one purchase for me. I have a shit ton of those little cartridges and I love 'em.


They have to do bc. Imagine nintendo selling us mario kart 8 ultra deluxe on switch 2. I surely won't get another console without backwards compatibility.


Like they bought 100+Mi Wii Us?
It's not the Nintendo community that rushs to buy shit weak hardware with no BC.


That's basically the Switch tho.


Gold Member
That’d be a bummer but wouldn’t deter me from buying it.

I’m fairly sure they’ll have b/c on the next system though, unless they suddenly change back to using discs again.


It could be BC. The bigger problem is any digital purchases you make will either not be on the switch 2 or will require a fee to convert them over.


4-Time GIF/Meme God
First of all, there's no reason to be the Switch 2 if the hardware is not an evolution of what already exists. PC is doing basically since ever, smartphones have almost no exclusions too, the PS5 and Xbox are full into into... If they don't choose this path, it's a loss almost as crazy as the Wii U


I think people would still buy it but it would be a huge PR blow now that people got used to the wonders of what good BC can do to your old collection, kinda like "auto remasters" with the PS5 and XSX. I would end up buying it at some point but with a way smaller grin on my face.
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Nintendo accounts, purchases and subscriptions will carry over to Switch 2. They'll want people to carry on subscribing and downloading games, so bringing over Nintendo Accounts are in their best interest.

They have said the Accounts will carry over, and improving the accounts is one of the reasons they created the Nintendo Systems joint venture with DeNa.


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
Nintendo fans bought even weaker hardware without BC. (Switch)

And the PS4 was the most powerful home console in 2013.

You're contradicting yourself, lol.
Not for a handheld.

Most powerful console doesn't mean powerful hardware. PS4 gen was the gen with the biggest disparity in hardware available at the time for a "table" console.


Not for a handheld.

Most powerful console doesn't mean powerful hardware. PS4 gen was the gen with the biggest disparity in hardware available at the time for a "table" console.

Doesn't matter. The PS4 was the most powerful console hardware at the time. And doesn't the Switch count as a console as well? According to Nintendo (and it's fans) it does. Eitherway, The Switch is very weak and has no BC, yet Nintendo fans bought this " weak shit hardware with no BC" in droves without hesitation.
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I've used Nintendo (portable) consoles as a back-up to my PS for almost two decades now. If they want to win consumers as me over fast they should definitely offer BC on Switch 2. Otherwise it's all about the software, which has been technically underwhelming on Switch.
BC has never mattered to me. I realize it’s a thing with gamers, but since the NES, I’ve just moved on, yet somehow I survive.
I am curious how the mass audience will react though. Despite Nintendo's improved amount of releases this generation and mostly avoiding software droughts. I still expect the droughts on Switch 2 if it is not BC. I don't believe Nintendo will have enough 3rd party allow for the slower software output. (At least initially). Similar to how Wii U and even Switch were in the first couple of years.

While I think it is a HUGE advantage to BC, if it does indeed go away, then I hope Nintendo makes a huge strategic shift in their thinking with releases and go with Quality over Quantity. Less 1st party and 3rd party releases. But make sure they are excellent from launch. No more Pokemon Violet, Mario Golf Super Rush, or Mario Strikers situations.

IMO, I also hope they get more big 3rd party ports. I am amazed Switch didn't get one version of Madden, NHL, NBA Jam, COD, Fallout etc. Even if they were 360 versions, it seems most of the big 360 ports sold well "enough" on Switch. I suspect *much* of the nintendo consumer base would be satisfied if there was even just one version released on Nintendo, and it was a quality port. I believe that would be adequate to many.

Silver Wattle

Gold Member
I think Nintendo need to bring their A game hardware and software wise next gen.
Steamdeck and it's inevitable sequel will be accelerating their presence in the handheld space.
Valve doesn't charge a sub, Nintendo does, what do you even get for that sub? It's just a cash grab since it's obviously not needed to subsidize the hardware costs.

Before someone jumps on me; No, I do not think that the SD will be a big threat to Nintendo, but the SD/Steam platform has the makings of a future problem.


Big Mistake from Nintendo.

But Wii is BC with GameCube, Wii U BC with Wii (Switch is "special" case).

GBC BC with GB
Nintendo DS BC with GBA (at least, before DSi)
Nintendo 3DS is BC with DS

so, we see...


Sure don't.

And again, Switch is a handheld so not weak at its launch for what it is.

The Switch is a hybrid system according to Nintendo. Stop moving the goal post just because your original comment about Playstation fans didn't make any sense, lol. You said "weak shit hardware with no BC" and that's exatly what the Switch is (and Nintendo fans bought it in record numbers). Doesn't matter if it's a handheld or a stationary console. Hardware is hardware.
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Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
The Switch is a hybrid system according to Nintendo. Stop moving the goal post just because your original comment about Playstation fans didn't make any sense, lol. You said "weak shit hardware with no BC" and that's exatly what the Switch is (and Nintendo fans bought it in record numbers). Doesn't matter if it's a handheld or a stationary console. Hardware is hardware.
Sure. And Steam Deck is also shit weak because is not using RTX4090 + i9 13900k with 128GB DDR5.


The Steam Deck has nothing to do with it.

the Switch had the most powerful mobile chipset of its time.
comparable high end Snapdragon chips not only had less CPU cores but also less powerful GPU cores.

Nintendo literally used the best hardware that was available.

and so did the steam deck :)


Let's be honest here, Nintendo is one of the most anti consumer console makers out there. They hate customers like me. They hate the thought of people backing up their own games and playing them on PC, but that is exactly what I do. They are worse than Sony, and make MS look like the good guys. I am a big Nintendo fan when it comes to their exclusive games, so regardless of their stance on BC, I will be purchasing Nintendo's next console without hesitation. I do not trust them to bring legacy content forward. They will repeat what they have done in the past and that's ok, because I will just buy their games and then eventually back them up, when inevitably their newest console gets hacked.

What I have done in recent years is go back and rebuy some of those old cartridges and discs and just backed them up on my PC to run on emulation. I do this with many consoles and handhelds regardless if it is Sony or Nintendo. I see no reason to own a PlayStation or Microsoft console anymore. I am primarily a Nintendo and PC gamer. Sony's policy on BC is just as bad as Nintendo's, but I have plenty of PS1 and PS2 games I have backed up, and then play through some of the excellent emulators out there. I could care less for modern day console games from Sony or MS because I will just purchase their games on Steam.
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All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
The games it has will be the only thing that I care about. I like backwards compatibility, but manufacturers have shown that they don't care about it. I don't get my hopes up, it's a nice bonus when it happens.


the Switch had the most powerful mobile chipset of its time.
comparable high end Snapdragon chips not only had less CPU cores but also less powerful GPU cores.

Nintendo literally used the best hardware that was available.

and so did the steam deck :)

It's not about that. You have to read his original comment but i think it got deleted.
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