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What was the first game you ever beat?


It was Raiders of the Lost Ark (Atari 2600, 1982). The first arcade game I ever beat was Dragon’s Lair (1983).

I actually prefer games with no end and rely on scoring to judge mastery, like Galaga, Asteroids, and so on. The act of “beating” a game was in the minority during the Golden Era of Arcades (which I was fortunate to grow up in).


I can't really remember - but it was probably The Legend of Zelda on NES. But the first game I actually remember beating was The 7th Guest.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
I like the thread idea.

I think the first game I ever beat straight out without cheats or warps was Kirby's adventure in the NES.


Gold Member
Pitfall 2 on the Atari 2600.

This was before we bought a Nintendo and none of the other games we had for the Atari had endings.
Pokemon Blue for the Game Boy Color.

There are games that I progressed through but never actually completed back then, such as Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, Crash Bandicoot, and Final Fantasy IX but then I did go on to complete them in subsequent playthroughs a couple years later.
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A Sheep
The first game that had battery backup (I think). NES Legend of Zelda. Game was hard as hell!!


The first console I owned (actually my parents...) was an ATARI 2600.
I can remember precisely the games but two of them must have been Moon Patrol and Space Invaders (one was also a fly simulator extremely complex where you have to use the switch on the console. We never succeed to take off....) I remember we were making some "competition" with my parents and my brother to get the highest score.
But I am not sure I ever beat one of them.

The first beaten was probably either Sonic / Ecco the dolphin or Tiny Toon Adventures on Sega Mega drive. EDIT : I forgot Batman on Megadrive. What a great game !
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Neo Member
Super Mario Bros at 3 years old. Next was Dig Dug 2 at 4 years old. Played some games between there that didn't really have endings, like Duck Hunt. I'm also not including games we played as a family, like Anticipation.

Now, to be fair with SMB, someone had shown me how to do the infinite 1-up thing with the koopa troopa, and I still died like 100 times in 8-4. Took me forever to figure out the maze. Dig Dug 2 was more of me just playing it to death.


Shinobi in arcade.
One coin with 8 lives left after beating final boss.
No i could never do it again .
Too old.

WTF ? I wonder how many hrs/tries/Money you´ve spent to get to that Kind of mastery Level on an Arcade machine ? O_O

on Topic:
My first actually finished game would be ROCKET RANGER on the Commodore AMIGA back in 1989. Since games back then had no saves or checkpoints that was some serious DarkSouls type difficulty. Y´know, taking HOURS to get to that ONE final Endbattle and failing over and over… having to Restart the entire game AGAIN...

Still one of my favorite Games from Back in the Day... next to LORDS OF THE RISING SUN and IT CAME FROM THE DESERT. CINEMAWARE where the true KINGS of my gaming youth... and most likely the trailblazers for cinematic AAA Games.

Orenji Neko

King’s Quest back in good old 1984. First console game to finish was Super Mario Bros which was like a little over a year later. I think the first arcade game I finished was either Space Harrier or Outrun but I honestly cannot remember

We also had an Atari and a Pong way back when, but I rarely touched them and had no interest in video games as presented by those two. The arcade and PC is what got me going, and of course the NES was added to that list.



Had played on Atari2600 but don't remember any game with an ending, though it helped build muscle memory. First game I finished was SMB1 on another kids NES. I had watched others play the game few times to understand how to play. Still remember the scene because my little brother was so excited that he kissed me on the cheek

Pitfall 2 for me. Pitfall Harry just jumps at the end lol.

Edit: Damn I'm old :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Probably my first 1coin beat of Golden Axe in the arcades. Because i don't remember owning any system before that.

Handy Fake

Wizball on the C64.
I was so good at it I beat it eight times on the bounce* without turning the computer off.

*pun unintended


4-Time GIF/Meme God
I guess that it was Sonic on the Master System. But maybe the first episode of Doom. Not sure
Probably :


(Adventure 2600)

I also remember rolling over the score on :


Chopper Command 2600. (I can't remember if it maxed @ 999,999 or rolled over, but I got to the max either way.)


The first one that stands out was Alice in Wonderland on Commodore 64. It's a really cool platforming adventure game. There were many different characters and screens to keep it interesting, and there were game mechanics like eating something to grow or shrink. It was a very atmospheric setting.

I think you could still have fun playing it now.


Donkey Kong Game & Watch

Though you couldn't exactly beat it as in getting an ending screen but the score would go back to 0 because there weren't enough digits reserved on screen to display any more

If that doesn't count then Bruce Lee on ZX Spectrum

That had a congratulations screen after you beat it. That was with a friend though so if that doesn't count either then it's probably Beach Head 2 on C64


Kung Fu on the NES . The music and sound effects will forever be engrained in my brain. Ah the days of playing a game for a high score that no one else would see and would be erased as soon as you turned the game off..
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Probably Rainbow Islands. I played C64 games before this, but Islands is the first game I can remember beating.


When I started playing the concept of "beating a game" was almost non-existant.

Most games just proposed a gameplay loop made of several levels which repeated increasing the difficulty.

That said, I'd say that the very first game I have properly finished was Yie Ar Kung Fu (1985, I was 9 years old back then).



Well, back in the day you didn't "beat" most games, you just got better scores. But beatable games did exist...

EDIT: oops, I can't believe I forgot the Atari 2600 which was my main gaming system before I got my first computer, the Atari 800. Wow, I'm getting old...

So yeah, the first game I beat would definitely have been Adventure, Atari 2600 1979/1980! Talk about old games!


Adventure was perhaps most famous for having the first easter egg in a video game, i.e. a secret room containing the programmer's name.


I'll leave my previous post below... they were my first computer games that I beat so...


The first games that did have an ending that I can recall beating were probably Bruce Lee (Datasoft 1984) on Atari 800 computer. Great game for its time.


Maxwell Manor, one of the first, if not the first, survival horror games (but no one called them that yet as Resident Evil was still many years away). Also 1984, from Avalon Hill on Atari 800.


And, I also "beat" Ultima III (Origin Systems 1983) on Atari 800 around that same time, but I must admit to hacking the savedata to up my stats for the final boss battle, so yeah, I cheated a bit on that one. :p For anyone who may not know, Ultima was one of the prototypical RPG's that later RPG's like Final Fantasy were inspired by.

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I have no idea, but it would have been a C64 game. Mine came with Mermaid Madness (don't recall ever beating that), Ballblazer (not sure you could beat that) and Little Computer People (don't think you could beat that, either). First one I remember beating is The Last Ninja in '87, but I'm certain it wasn't the first.


WTF ? I wonder how many hrs/tries/Money you´ve spent to get to that Kind of mastery Level on an Arcade machine ? O_O

on Topic:
My first actually finished game would be ROCKET RANGER on the Commodore AMIGA back in 1989. Since games back then had no saves or checkpoints that was some serious DarkSouls type difficulty. Y´know, taking HOURS to get to that ONE final Endbattle and failing over and over… having to Restart the entire game AGAIN...

Still one of my favorite Games from Back in the Day... next to LORDS OF THE RISING SUN and IT CAME FROM THE DESERT. CINEMAWARE where the true KINGS of my gaming youth... and most likely the trailblazers for cinematic AAA Games.

Took a while but given there was only 2 machines in the local dinner and given i was going every day after school with my moms coins (yes i stole it from her little by little) i had all the opportunity i needed to ace this game.
Mastered no shuriken to gain lots of lives . Bonus stage i could do with my eyes closed so yeah .
After this Toki on the genesis was a piece of cake.
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Also i could say centipide on the 2600 but i guess technically i didnt beat any game till i got a c64 as no game ever had an ending other than high scores.


Super Mario Bros 3 :messenger_sunglasses:

Still remember my heart beating like hell when I was getting closer to Bowser in his castle.
Iirc, I think it was contra on the Nes, I was 4 when I beat it with my uncle. I remember that somehow its credits music was a little sad, but didn't understand why.
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