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What was your "wow" moment or what caught you by surprise from the PlayStation showcase?

Art direction, narrative direction, main character design.
Doesn't ruin the game for me since I haven't played it, but any 'hype' or 'excite' doesn't exist since it's not really doing anything that interesting, and when applied through the clumsy diabetes riddled hands trying to make a strong female driven narrative under threat of violence, it will likely lack anything very creative or interesting since it's a product of checking boxes from twitter polls.
But hey, I'm ready to be proven wrong.
Why so negative? Have you played/do you know a previous game from that Studio?
Right at the end... I was like:
Thats It Stephen Colbert GIF by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert

I miss the ps3 days... Those mind blowing one more things moments.
First year of PS3 was really really rough. IDK what memoriea you have.

Resistance was nice. I dont remmber anything else.

Dr Bass

First year of PS3 was really really rough. IDK what memoriea you have.

Resistance was nice. I dont remmber anything else.
Yeah I remember PS3 not really getting good until the last few years and the 360 eating it's lunch for the first few.

That's what I'm saying though, between the BC PS4 game upgrades and the PS5 content it's been a killer launch year. There are many, many more years to come and it's just getting started. PS5 is about to get Horizon, GT7, God of War, and other titles like Kena in a few weeks, Stray looks cool, and there are a bunch of other announced games and several we don't know about in the works. They are by far producing more than either MS or Nintendo in terms of quality games that are actually being released. And again! Sony is not my favorite, far from it. But those are just the facts.

I really don't think anything is going to impress people these days if they are actively rooting against platforms. I mean what do they want? We have had people talking the Nvidia marble demo down from what I remember. And then the UE5 reveal, which was absolutely fantastic looking ... was criticized. Ratchet looks like a friggin' animated movie ... and it gets trashed by a certain side. We probably aren't going to get "better looking" games than those this gen, so again, not sure what will ever make people happy.

There is something frustrating about slobby gamers sitting around declaring that the work of hard working, incredibly bright, graphics engineers isn't up to their quality demands. I mean, get real.
Hey Y Yselacrey00

Thank you to everyone in the God of War community for continuing to believe in this project and our team. We can’t wait to share more as we get closer to the 2022 release of God of War Ragnarök on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

Now go curl up in fetal position and shut the fuck up.

boom smile GIF
Wait, I thought this game was going to release this year along with horizon and GT7, weren't they????

Oh so now they are telling the truth? Lmao

But you know what, after seeing the trailer and realizing this game looks like an expansion of the 2018 game, it's really fucking surprising that they needed 4 years of development.


The only thing that surprised me was GTA5 being pushed back to March when it doesnt look much of an upgrade unfortunately


KOTOR. I think there were some rumors but didn't expect this at all. And even timed exclusive. Didn't expect Wolverine too but there is nothing yet.


Spiderman 2 wowed me... 2023 is understandable, they've knocked out Spiderman Remaster, Miles Morales and Ratchet and Clank, so they deserve a break, GOW Ragnarok has been in development for what 4 year's.... Damn shame its not 100% PS5 🤦‍♂️


There was none, most of the stuff was expected and Wolverine is the definition of meh IP.

What would surprise me is if some studio at Sony, any studio, made a proper RPG. But nothing as always.


Gotta Bayonetta vibe from that Eve game although I never played Bayonetta before. Not sure how accurate that is.

GoW is easily day one but diminishing returns really showed in the reveal.
Personally the first thing my mind went to watching project eve was nier automata. I guess it's the assistant drone flying around her and the post apocalyptic vibe.


Gold Member
When they showed Wolverine by Insomniac I was surprised, but not necessarily wowed. I was initially turned off by Project Eve, because the character design was very typical of a game developed by a korean/chinese dev, but I liked the enemy designs a lot and the gameplay looked quite good.


All I saw was, a Bayonetta clone, a Borderlands clone, remasters, sequels, and the same shooters over and over again under a different name and different skin.

If that's what this gen has to offer I am out.
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I don’t get how can you be excited by a Wolverine CGI with expected launch date sometime 2024. Anyway, in my opinion, the best was GOW (even though it looked more like an expansion than a new game).


Nothing was shown that really got me interested in owning a PS5. They're really falling flat on their face this gen. Not that MS or nintendo are doing any better this year. Maybe it's just a bad year.
I guess I'll have to wait 3 more years before I consider to get one.
Videogames care becoming the new Hollywood. Super heroes crap.


Project Eve was my surprise of the show. Ass shots and jiggle aside, the gameplay and world looked like a lot of fun. These non Japanese Asian studios are really impressing me with their foray into the AAA space.

God of War looked good. They aged up Atreus and the variety of enemies as well as the somewhat new Chains of Chaos moves look awesome.

Wolverine was a huge surprise. I loved Wolverine Origins on PS3. Hopefully the game has a lot of cameos. Given Wolverine's history, I hope Insomniac goes nuts and we get some solid cameos from other heroes. Personally would like to see Captain America.

Alan Wake remastered looked kinda like the PC game I already own. Bit disappointed there.

Forespoken was my second surprise of the show. Looked kind of like inFamous in that it has a fast traversal system and some shooty combat. Looking forward to that one.

Outside of all that, I'm also looking forward to Spiderman 2. Shame that some of these games are so far away.


Wolverine for sure. I'm curious to see the outcome, Wolverine simply has to be brutal, rated M, just like X-Men Origins or Prototype on PS3/X360, and IG's output throughout the years was mostly targeted towards wider, younger audience. Just borrow the tech from TLoU2 and it's gonna be fucking amazing.

What wowed me was the total lack of different styles of games.

Yeah, when Hulst keept saying story/storytelling/storytellers literally every single minute, you know not much is going to change in the portfolio.
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I didn’t have a wow moment but I liked the GT7 trailer. I felt very nostalgic while hearing the music. Reminded me Gran Turismo 3 for some reason.


Nice surprises....

-In Deathloop shooting the gumball machine and seeing an enemy trip on them.

-In Project Eve, the Lovecraftian monster on the space station with feathers - wow!

Nasty surprises...

-What they've done to Rainbow Six (looks terrible).

-God Of War on next gen, just looked like more of the same


I was surprised that GOW Ragnarok looks more like ps4 pro expansion for GOW 2018 than a big sequel that will showcase ps5 power..

Felt the same but have to remember its a crossgen game and we're also starting to see diminishing returns. Its not that the game looks bad, just not in line with expectations imo.


I first thought the Wolverine reveal was a Punisher game, i recall an amazing bar fight in the last season, i was like yer, Punisher 100% then seeing it was wolverine i was initially disappointed, seconds later it dawned on me and i was like err, fuck yer Wolverine.

To be honest, seeing its insomniac doing the game, i have 100% faith it's going to be amazing.


I first thought the Wolverine reveal was a Punisher game, i recall an amazing bar fight in the last season, i was like yer, Punisher 100% then seeing it was wolverine i was initially disappointed, seconds later it dawned on me and i was like err, fuck yer Wolverine.

To be honest, seeing its insomniac doing the game, i have 100% faith it's going to be amazing.

A Punisher game would be sick af too. Insomniac seems like the Marvel making machine after how great Spiderman turned out.

I hope they get the ip if it comes up before anyone else.


Only thing about which I said wow was in the context - wow this is bad. If it wasn't for GT7, this showcase would be a total failure for me.

But don't get me wrong, I understand that people like Marvel stuff etc. and I don't feel entitled that it should cater to me. Thankfully GT is coming to PS4, so no rush to get PS5.


Them spending 3 minutes on Deathloop... it's really a meme at this point.

I didn't get to watch the show. I just skimmed through announcements and literally went straight for the Wolverine link even before the GoW link.

I had no idea they still showed Death Loop. Makes no sense considering we've gotten so much on it already and its due soon anyway.
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