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What's the most recently-released game that hasn't aged well?

What the fuck is this thread? OP had the right idea of what an outdated game is but people saying Wolfenstein: The New Order and Fallout 4 are nuts. Games are allowed to sacrifice graphics in order to make other aspects better, calling them outdated just because of that is ridiculous. Plus the art design of Wolfenstein and Fallout totally make up for sub-par graphics and make them look great.
Was resistance ever considered a good looking game? because it looks like shit now


That game never looked good to me and I bought it day one on PC(sucks that refund wasn't there at times)

No, it was never considered good graphically. It was criticized a lot even back then.

But it was given a bit of leeway for having 40 player online matches which was pretty much unheard of for consoles at the time


Junior Member
What the fuck is this thread? OP had the right idea of what an outdated game is but people saying Wolfenstein: The New Order and Fallout 4 are nuts. Games are allowed to sacrifice graphics in order to make other aspects better, calling them outdated just because of that is ridiculous. Plus the art design of Wolfenstein and Fallout totally make up for sub-par graphics and make them look great.

different people have their own interpertation of ''not aging well''. graphics, fidelity, gameplay,voice acting etc... graphics are a reasonable metric for not aging well


What the fuck is this thread? OP had the right idea of what an outdated game is but people saying Wolfenstein: The New Order and Fallout 4 are nuts. Games are allowed to sacrifice graphics in order to make other aspects better, calling them outdated just because of that is ridiculous. Plus the art design of Wolfenstein and Fallout totally make up for sub-par graphics and make them look great.

I won't say anything about Wolfenstein but Fallout 4 is nothing close to being looking great.


What the fuck is this thread? OP had the right idea of what an outdated game is but people saying Wolfenstein: The New Order and Fallout 4 are nuts. Games are allowed to sacrifice graphics in order to make other aspects better, calling them outdated just because of that is ridiculous. Plus the art design of Wolfenstein and Fallout totally make up for sub-par graphics and make them look great.

I just clicked on this thread and appearently all games are shit, big popular titles in particular.
Lol wolfenstein is aa FUGLY game. How the hell can you call it "great art". And then you have a guy calling out Shadowfall , which still looks fantastic. That game has great art.

Wolfenstein' grimy retro-futurist art direction is way better than Shadowfall's bland as fuck generic pretty sci fi stuff. Once you add in all the environmental storytelling, unique details and sense of place and character to the environements Wolfenstein has and it's not even a contest.

I mean, Uncharted 2 I can definitely understand, but I dunno how people can say the first Uncharted.

That game makes me a little nauseous when I play it now.

Idk how the OG holds up but the remastered Drake's Fortune still looks really good.


Wolfenstein' grimy retro-futurist art direction is way better than Shadowfall's bland as fuck generic pretty sci fi stuff. Once you add in all the environmental storytelling, unique details and sense of place and character to the environements Wolfenstein has and it's not even a contest.
Can you show me an example of all the environmental storytelling? I don't recall that being such a notable part of its design.
you know
it actually does kinda look like a ps2 game

that guys tag should be updated

You're fucking nuts. MGS4 blows MGS 2 and 3 out of the water in terms of graphics, you obviously haven't played a PS2 game recently. To the guy who said Dark Souls 3 ROFL. I'm play SOTFS on PS4 and it looks like amateur hour compared to DS3. Still love the game, but the difference in terms of graphics is stark. A lot of choices in this thread are highly suspect.



the voice work is pretty mediocre, the cooler moments (e.g. I AM LIGHTNING RAIN TRANSFORMED) are pretty cringeworthy in hindsight, and the game looks like ass considering the fact that it runs sub 720p and 30fps

textures are pretty muddy and there's so much bland flat shit everywhere

I always believed MGS4 was a 1080p game... and a technical marvel for its time...
Its still one of the better looking ps3 games. Its not like there were many that were 1080p 60fps.

That's never been a metric for what looks good imo. You can find PS1 games that run at 1080p and 60fps on PC and maybe PS4. They still look low poly and have low res textures.
Homefront: The Revolution: It plays, looks, performs and sounds like the Freedom Fighters sequel we should have gotten in 2006 and it just came out last week.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.

the voice work is pretty mediocre, the cooler moments (e.g. I AM LIGHTNING RAIN TRANSFORMED) are pretty cringeworthy in hindsight, and the game looks like ass considering the fact that it runs sub 720p and 30fps

textures are pretty muddy and there's so much bland flat shit everywhere

The immediately obvious answer is Fallout 4.

Dark Souls 3 feels and looks like a game from 5 years ago.

you know
MGS4 actually does kinda look like a ps2 game

that guys tag should be updated


I don't think these games look bad at all even today. Technical marvels? Maybe not, but terrible? MGS4 a PS2 game? Dark Souls 3 looking 5 years old? Hyperbole city up in here.
The Darkness felt quite stiff and archaic, even at the time of release.

The locations are tiny, the dark spawn AI's are terrible, and there isn't much variety in the darkness upgrades or combat in general.

Definitely has not aged well, though I can cut it some slack, seeing as it was an early PS3/360 title.
Pier Solar and the Great Architects. Though, it was doomed from the start, given that it had some of the good of Genesis RPGs, but all of the BAD of Genesis RPGs. There's been a lot of necessary advancements in RPG design since then it completely ignores. That damned encounter rate... The lack of spell explanations (Come on, even RPGs released during the Genesis's lifespan had them)... The poor menu design... Oh yeah, and all the versions of the game having controls mapped around an emulated Genesis controller with false button prompts.

No, it was never considered good graphically. It was criticized a lot even back then.

But it was given a bit of leeway for having 40 player online matches which was pretty much unheard of for consoles at the time

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the gameplay for Sony and most everyone at the start of 7th gen essentially "PS2-quality games at 720p/60FPS with AA"? Until, of course, Gears happened and 7th Gen became a studio-destroying graphics arms race black hole of stupidity. Think the only series that stuck to that idea was Call of Duty :(

Homefront: The Revolution: It plays, looks, performs and sounds like the Freedom Fighters sequel we should have gotten in 2006 and it just came out last week.

I ought ask, is it a genuinely bad game, or is it the product of the developers trying, but getting screwed over by Crytek's downward spiral and corporate-politics following the disasters of Crysis 2 and 3?


Junior Member
The idTech 5 engine games, Wolfenstein and RAGE, in my opinion can still look good but in different ways. That engine doesn't seem to use any fancy modern lighting effects and thus can look dated by some standards, but the way it handles textures seems to really let art direction shine. In a way the look of it feels more similar to PS2 games.

Probably worth narrowing the scope to games which were well received graphically upon release, otherwise you could have things like Deadly Premonition which is mostly enjoyed in spite of its graphics.


I don't think Dragon Age Origins, Uncharted 1, or Human Revolution looked that great at the time each of them came out. Human Revolution's character models and animations always looked pretty bad.
It's not nearly as polished as Bloodborne.

I've got to disagree, I'd say it's just as polished as Bloodborne. It's not like Bloodborne was completely polished throughout. Byrgenwerth was pretty dissapointing, the chalice dungeons all looked the same and invasions were need as to be practically pointless. Bloodborne is the better game IMO, but it ouldnt go so far as to say it's that much more polished than DS3.
What's everyone's thoughts on KZ Shadowfall at this point? It was seemingly a mediocre shooter held up ever so slightly by its visuals at the time.

This visual appeal three years later has to have eroded the value of the game away.

Some of you may have forgotten how Shadow Fall looks. It has been 3 years, but the game still shines. Ryse and Second Son haven't aged either. Beside exclusive games and a few multi-platform titles such as Battlefront, these games remain visually impressive. In my opinion, Shadow Fall still has the best texture work I have seen in a console game. The Sci-Fi art can be pretty neat too.

Unfortunately, I don't have much SF screenshots. Moreover, the PNG option wasn't available back then.

I agree to say that some levels weren't as impressive.


I would agree with others who said Skyrim. It looks so dull now and the grass textures... don't get me started on those.

Additionally, the Wii as a whole. The entire library is hampered by the lack of HD. Heck, some games, like Mario Party 8 and Wario Land don't even have true widescreen support! You better hope you like borders!


What's everyone's thoughts on KZ Shadowfall at this point? It was seemingly a mediocre shooter held up ever so slightly by its visuals at the time.

This visual appeal three years later has to have eroded the value of the game away.

I played it through recently for the first time. It's a perfectly competent game. That is occasionally spectacular. Especially towards the end with the gravity mechanics and star fox lite drop sections. I liked that it tried to be an all round action game, not just a dull shooter. However playing it so soon after finishing vanquish probably hurts my opinion of KZ:SF since they are practically the same game.

Most Shooters Before CoD4MW are basically unplayable nowadays due to terrible controls. Kill zone 2 and the Resistance series particularly are games that have aged terribly


He touched the black heart of a mod
I played it through recently for the first time. It's a perfectly competent game. That is occasionally spectacular. Especially towards the end with the gravity mechanics and star fox lite drop sections. I liked that it tried to be an all round action game, not just a dull shooter. However playing it so soon after finishing vanquish probably hurts my opinion of KZ:SF since they are practically the same game.

practically the same game.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the gameplay for Sony and most everyone at the start of 7th gen essentially "PS2-quality games at 720p/60FPS with AA"? Until, of course, Gears happened and 7th Gen became a studio-destroying graphics arms race black hole of stupidity. Think the only series that stuck to that idea was Call of Duty :(

From what I can remember, most games in that 05-07ish period, particularly on the ps3, ran sub 720p and not too many hit 60 outside of COD even then.

But in terms of design, yeah games were much more ps2ish, during that period, with less emphasis on crumbling buildings and constant expensive set pieces exploding the budget. I alway felt like that generation took a massive turn away from where things seemed headed after 08.
How has Second Son aged?

Pretty well IMO. The graphics still look alright (the lighting is really fantastic, but otherwise it's true that there isn't much variety to the textures or geometry). Gameplay's essentially the same as the previous games when it comes to traversal and movement, maybe tightened up a bit, but the power-switching is still tons of fun. Writing's pretty OK too.

I only actually played it a couple months ago and I didn't feel like it had aged all that much, still really enjoyable if a little barebones.

I'm gonna throw my hat into the ring with UC1. Played the remastered PS4 version and while I won't comment on the graphics or some of the gameplay/level design aspects (OF COURSE they've fucking aged, game came out in '07), the writing is where the game feels truly dated. I quite like the writing in UC2-3 but every word out of Drake's mouth in 1 just made me cringe. To me he really sounds like one of those "extreeeeeeeeme" douchey dudebros people thought were cool in the mid-00's for some baffling reason.

Also fuck the AI. Whoever thought having enemies react to being shot at by turning into impossible-to-hit whirling dervishes hopefully got a stern talking-to.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Uncharted 1 hasn't aged well at all.

Played and beat it for the first time last week. It's such a completely mediocre game by today's standards.

After playing the remastered version, I kinda disagree with this. The updated visuals + framerate improvements did wonders for that game, and I really enjoyed going back to it.

tbh I probably had a better time with DF remastered than UC4.


I'm going with Shadow of Mordor. The game looked nice when first unveiled, but once it was released it didn't compare to ther games out there. Monolith really needs to update their in house engine, 6 years on it and you can really see it's age.

Don't know how they'll win people over with the SoM2 trailer. More of that nemesis system plus the base building /army building might do it.

the voice work is pretty mediocre, the cooler moments (e.g. I AM LIGHTNING RAIN TRANSFORMED) are pretty cringeworthy in hindsight, and the game looks like ass considering the fact that it runs sub 720p and 30fps

textures are pretty muddy and there's so much bland flat shit everywhere

I think I am sorry to disagree. I for one think MGS4 is one of the best looking games ever, not just on ps3. Detail is lacking in some places and textures can be muddy, but it is partly intentional to create a modern combat feel and look to the game. Kojima and co went one step further in animations department as always so it creates one of the most cohisive visual pictures of battlefield. I do agree it might not deserve all the 10s it got back in '08, but I still think it looks great.


Some of you may have forgotten how Shadow Fall looks. It has been 3 years, but the game still shines. Ryse and Second Son haven't aged either. Beside exclusive games and a few multi-platform titles such as Battlefront, these games remain visually impressive. In my opinion, Shadow Fall still has the best texture work I have seen in a console game. The Sci-Fi art can be pretty neat too.

Unfortunately, I don't have much SF screenshots. Moreover, the PNG option wasn't available back then.

It's become a bit fashionable to shit on Shadowfall at the moment, but pretty much the one area in which it doesn't deserve that is the visuals (in the campaign, to be specific). Slap one of the more advanced 2016 AA techniques onto it and it wouldn't look out-of-place today.

Heavy rain is awesome.

Infamous second son was never good , never looked good we were blind. Today it looks very unappealing

Mate. C'mon.
Other than that I think I'd have to cast my vote to Dragon Age Inquisition. The game really just looks off, the character models are really gross, and outside of a few vistas the world feels very last gen. The animation's don't do the game any favors either.

The whole game just felt like it was running on an MMO engine that had to compromise all of its visual fidelity.

Hope we all appreciate this is running on Frostbyte, the same engine as Star Wars Battlefront.
I'm not even disagreeing, Bioware must have had trouble (is still having trouble?)with it because man that game didn't look nearly as pretty as it should.


The praise for Heavy Rain is one of the more puzzling things I've seen.

It's very much a Uwe Boll movie in game form.
I think Heavy Rain is actually kinda charming, in a "aww thats cute David Cage, you tried your best" sort of way. If you take the game too seriously, it definitely falls apart but its a fun "B" game.
Mass Effect. So much jank. It felt like it was developed by some ambitious but low budget Eastern European developer and I'm afraid it hasn't gotten better ever since.
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