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when/if the Last of Us sequel emerges, how should the story be & multiplayer evolve?


There is definitely going to be a TLoU2. I only wish Sony took care of their IP's as Nintendo does. Give them a 5 year rest.

Maybe they could focus on someone else's story, another characters survival story. They could even run into Joel and Ellie.
The multiplayer should push the genre of survival. You have a single life and have to join clans by actually finding them in game and getting them to let you into their group. If you die, you are permanently banned from multiplayer. Eating, drinking, defecating, sleeping, and sex to continue to species are all required. Getting too hot or cold can cause you to overheat or get a cold. Diseases are delivered to players through RNG but can be resisted by taking care of yourself. If you don't get some free time your character will become depressed. The depression rating of your character affects whether your character will sudoku. Trauma is also a thing. The higher your trauma rating, the higher your chance of developing mental disorders. Aside from all this, your character is given arbitrary health stats that determine their chance of developing various genetic disorders. Not to mention a randomized chance of actually being resistant to the virus itself.

Easy. Fun. Family friendly.

Single player is easy too. We skip the foregone conclusion phase and get right to what everyone cares about. In the Last of Us 2, you'll play as new and unique character set within the world of TLOU1, but 150 years in the future. The virus has been cured and life has returned to normality. You are Joey, a stock broker working for one of the biggest firms in NYC. Moving into the future of the survival horror genre, you must survive the most terrifying environment known to man - Wall Street. Day in and day out, you'll sit at your desk and try to avoid carpal tunnel, mental breakdown, or even poverty!
Gigantic fan of the first game and loved the ending and so I say make it a separate story. I doubt they'll do it, but I feel like I was "lucky" in getting out of the first game with both characters being relatively fine and a sequel with them might harm their chances, so I don't want it lol.

Multiplayer wise... MAKE IT WORK! The MP is super fun sometimes, but other times the molotovs hitting you while you are a mile away or smoke bombs stunning you while you are so far out it is insane... just so much stuff needs to be fixed. That and I wouldn't mind in a normal match having clickers and whatnot come in at times just to throw something else in there. Not at set times of the map, like the weather system is on the current MP, but at random and sometimes not at all so it is always looming as a possibility.

Mikey Jr.

For me, bring back Ellie. But older. Mid to late 20's. Don't mention Joel, or what happened at the end of tlou. The whole point of the ending is for you to ponder what happens after that. The way it just ends is perfect.

I say Joel dies somewhere between both games, and Ellie maybe visits his grave once in a while. But we really don't know how their relationship turned out after tlou.

But anyways, there has to be a good reason to play as Ellie again. Problem is, I just cant think of it.


Fuck this thread is gonna make me wanna play TLOU for the 27th time.

For single player, honestly I don't care where they go. Naughty Dog has proven relentlessly that they know what the fuck they are doing in regards to story.

For MP, just give me more. Gameplay is already amazing. Definitely need some coop and some zombies in the PVP. Maybe flesh out that settlement meta game thing they had going. Maybe throw in a dash of DayZ and call it a day.


It was way too linear. The areas need to be open and the combat more interesting. The game play was weak, so whatever they can do to improve it on that front.


They just need to rip everything from Gears for the multiplayer. Add horde mode, monsters vs humans, guardian, execution, warzone, and some type of king of the hill or domination. Though that maybe too many modes in the PvP section.

I would like to see character creator, then earn cosmetic items, perks and weapons as you rank up.


IMO a sequel shouldn't exist. TLOU ended perfectly:
The story of how one man's selfishness led to the end human civilization
. No need to go any further than that.

If you have to make another game, just make the game about Marlene's struggle from the outbreak until her meeting with Ellie. But unfortunately I guess that's impossible. I doubt any company would allow such a massive game star a black female character.


I think a great storyline would be:

The game starts with Ellie, who's older now (in her late 20's or so) burying something, the camera pans around her and you see her stick a cross in the ground with Joel's name on it.

After this she sets off on her journey to try and track down someone that can use her to try and find a cure. She realized that
Joel wasn't telling her the truth
but knew how much he cared for her, so she stayed with him, but now that he's gone she sets her sights on this goal.

In leavingi she come across another guy that she ends up teaming up with, who is this guy? Ish.

The same Ish that you read about from the Last of Us. We alearn more about his story and what happened to him after the area in TLOU and they get to know each other over the course of the game and he tries to help her find what she's looking for.

Heck even if there's no tie in to Joel/Elle I think a story with Ish would be great, just pick up a little after the events from the first game and let players slowly uncover his character, don't tell people off the bat "This is Ish" and let them slowly find that out over the course of teh game and his storyline.


Multiplayer wishlist:

  • I want multiple factions, vying for control of a big map! (Pittsburgh?)
  • Each faction each with its own upgradable home base, expanding, invading, and defending their territory from other factions and the infected.
  • I want resources raiding in infected territories, and stealing, sabotaging resources in enemy territories.
  • I want to be able to herd multitudes of infected towards other factions.


I liked the kid idea from the first post, maybe do a grave of the fireflies thing. 2 siblings trying to survive, make us fall in love with them then ....


Wasnt there an article sometime ago that druckmann said he wanted to create the ultimate female protagonist in ellie and the first game is the 'origin' story?

I think thats most likely whats gonna happen. Older ellie, now with potential lesbian love interest partner and joel appearing halfway through the game (their relationship soured when she found out the truth off scene) and does some shit to get back with ellie.

Id love some kojima style bait and switch ala mgs2. But naugthy dog has always played it super safe.

Not Spaceghost

I think it would be super cool if the game was 6 or so separate acts, each act had a new charcter or group to follow and seeing all sorts of people living in the world. We could play as a remorseful bandit, and family trying to make their life work out in the middle of no where, as a kid whose family was killed, as a guard in the security zones, as a firefly, as some one who in the past had something to do with the breakout and so on. Each would be a 2-6 hour micro story with some elements woven through all the narratives that would paint a bigger picture that would reveal something crazy about the world.

Totally a pipe dream though, doubt anyone wants something like this. MP could even build off of it by being a based off a side story, maybe a mini coop campaign or something


For me, bring back Ellie. But older. Mid to late 20's. Don't mention Joel, or what happened at the end of tlou. The whole point of the ending is for you to ponder what happens after that. The way it just ends is perfect.

I say Joel dies somewhere between both games, and Ellie maybe visits his grave once in a while. But we really don't know how their relationship turned out after tlou.

But anyways, there has to be a good reason to play as Ellie again. Problem is, I just cant think of it.

Older Ellie would certainly be my preference. I also think Joel's story arc is done and dusted.

Maybe a reason to play as Ellie again is something like that she has cancer. So if she figures she is going to die anyhow, may as well find the fireflies so her death has a purpose
(I dont believe for a second that she believed Joel at the end)

The only thing that would concern me is how to have a companion. It needs an 'Ellie' for Ellie
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