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Which entry in your favourite video game series has the best visuals?


As technology evolves, newer entries to a game series look graphically superior compared to the older games. However, that doesn't mean that we can't prefer how older entries in a game looked, and think that the newer games look worse in comparison. There's a lot that goes into making a game look good, whether you prefer the art style, aesthetic, or just appreciating small little details that go a long way for you. For example, a lot of people prefer the look of Super Mario World to New Super Mario Bros.

The currently active Pokémon Sun/Moon thread made me realize how much I appreciated the Generation V Pokémon games on the Nintendo DS. Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 are my favourite looking games in the series because of many reasons. There's a nice marriage of 2D and 3D, and its select fixed camera angles that give nice vignettes throughout the game. There are flourishes to the overworld that make the game feel alive and each area distinct. The game also looks beautiful in different weather conditions, as well as during different seasons (something that was exclusive to the Generation V games). To me, they look far superior to Pokémon X and Y or Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

Here are some examples of what I mean:









So, which entry in your favourite video game series do you think has the best visuals? It doesn't necessarily have to be an older one! You could bring up multiple game franchises and talk about any particular entry in each of them, but if you have time, please include images or videos showcasing what you appreciate about that particular entry.


I agree with you on Pokemon. Gen 4 was also really good.

To take another example, in Zelda, The two N64 games plus Wind Waker all really work well to accomodate the atmosphere of those games. With TP and SS, a far worse effort was done.
Legend of Zelda is my favorite series, and IMO, Majora's Mask 3D has the best visuals


Yeah, it's jaggy, but beneath all the aliasing lie some of the best texture work in the series yet, as well as some of the best character designs, environments, and more. The remake looks fantastic and added a ton of detail over the original.

Wind Waker (the original) gets second place from me.



Rainbow and Canvas Curse make this tough, though. Oh. And especially Dream Land 3. Boy. It's a close one between that and Epic Yarn.

What makes you prefer MM3D to MM64 in the visual department?

DNAbro just answered your question :) It's downright gorgeous. If Nintendo made an HD console port for NX they'll have a tough time topping it for me.

The original game is of course one of the best looking (if not THE best) looking game on the N64. I think it's aged well visually, given its age. But the 3DS remake took all that low-res beauty and blew it up to its full potential.
Halo Reach. Obnoxious motion blur, low-resolution, and so-so frame-rate aside, every map and set of armour just oozed personality and deft artistry. It felt worn and lived in. It was appropriately colourful, with lots of variation in material and setting, and so easy on the eyes that it could be played and watched for hours. I find 343i Halo a lot uglier to look at, despite more modern lighting.

Uncharted 2. I loooove how the colors pop, and I'm just a sucker for the Nepal and snowy environments and the color palettes they work with. 3 is still fucking gorgeous though, and technically the graphics are quite a bit better. I'm hoping 4 will take the throne though.

El Odio

I gotta give it to Kirby and the Rainbow Curse. The game has a beautiful art style and perfectly mimics that claymation effect in the animation:



Gen 5 really does have some nice overworld stuff for the series, but I'm still a sucker for the GSC sprite work.

Black and White kind of ugly with its jaggy shapes and blur. Soul Silver looks better in comparison.

I haven't played later entries in mine, so I can't comment, but I assume the newest ones are.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Uncharted 4 is definitely gonna be technologically superior, but even after seeing more than enough footage of it, I'm still head over heels for UC2's color palette.



DNAbro just answered your question :) It's downright gorgeous. If Nintendo made an HD console port for NX they'll have a tough time topping it for me.

The original game is of course one of the best looking (if not THE best) looking game on the N64. I think it's aged well visually, given its age. But the 3DS remake took all that low-res beauty and blew it up to its full potential.
I disagree, I think they made many of the areas way to bright, thus loosing much of the mood the original wanted to portray. And of course there's the 3DS graphical jaggies...
I LOVE the visuals in Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. While I'm glad the series did move on to 3D, the 2D style will always hold a special place in my heart and AJ nailed it. Everything is a bit more detailed than the original trilogy, and I love the colors.





Couldn't agree more with OP in terms of Pokemon.

My second choice would be Silent Hill 2/3. The gritty image quality looks awesome till today and especially on a good CRT.


Although it never really had many games to call it a franchise.. Soul Reaver. The gothic art style really hit the right notes and immersed me in to Nosgoth.


Uncharted 2. I loooove how the colors pop, and I'm just a sucker for the Nepal and snowy environments and the color palettes they work with. 3 is still fucking gorgeous though, and technically the graphics are quite a bit better. I'm hoping 4 will take the throne though.

Uncharted 4 is definitely gonna be technologically superior, but even after seeing more than enough footage of it, I'm still head over heels for UC2's color palette.

I remember climbing up the buildings in Nepal and seeing the Himalayas towering over the distance. I thought it would be so cool if I could go there...and I did. It was awesome.

Linear games funnel you into a specific direction, and those vistas made me think it was too good to actually happen. I loved spending a good chunk of the game at Tibet. I think the desert and the effects of Uncharted 3 put it above Uncharted 2 for me, though, even if I like the game less.


I think Alpha 2 is the best-looking SF. Better backgrounds & more consistency between animation frames than A3, and I prefer the closer-to-Bengus/Edayan proportions over SF3 (i.e. compare Chun's hands/digits).

EDIT: Decided to add a screenshot showcasing my favorite stage in the game. Like many of the other stages, it has some cute little details (like the cheating couple you inadvertently interrupt), and that platform ride ending in a scenic view of Metro City is a great nod in addition to making it stand out. Reminiscent of that mini-elevator ride in the KOF95 AOF stage.


It's a mix really.

I love the sunny vibrant colors of some of the Mario Sunshine levels, I love the overall design style of Mario Galaxy 2 and I love the HD graphics of 3D World.

For Souls I like the enemy designs of 1 a lot, DS2 has amazing looking areas with actual light and color although they look a bit unfinished and lack the details of Bloodborne. No comment on DS3 yet.


Junior Member
REmake. it has the beautiful backgrounds with character models that still look great today. love the way it looks.


Gen 5 really does have some nice overworld stuff for the series, but I'm still a sucker for the GSC sprite work.


The sprites in Crystal still have the best poses after so many years. They also have more frames in each animation than the sprites up until Generation V.


While GG isn't my favorite series, it deserves a mention. Guilty Gear Xrd. I think that game is the best looking fighting game with 3D models. You're playing a match and by the end of it, you remember that it's 3D.





Guilty Gear Xrd. I think that game is the best looking fighting game with 3D models. You're playing a match and by the end of it, you remember that it's 3D.
I still can't believe it's 3d models. The way the camera pans, how each character have their own lighting, ect. I could go on. This game still amazes me and can't wait for revelator to come out.


Metroid Prime 3 is the most technically impressive game in the series, and I think it also has the best art style. The different planets have such vastly different themes. Norion is pretty standard sci-fi fare. Bryyo kinda combines the standard grass level with the standard ruins level, and throws these weird looking giant spiky mushrooms around, and then there are the giant orbs in the sky that are held down with chains that I believe are air purifiers or something. Then Bryyo also has a cool lava area and a cool ice area. Elysia speaks for itself, all steampunk and awesome. And the Pirate Homeworld is all weird and mechanical.

In the DKC series, it's a tough choice between DKC2 and Tropical Freeze. TF is obviously far better from a technical standpoint, but its art style is pretty standard cartoony fare, while DKC2 has a darker, moodier art style that makes it feel more unique. I guess I'll have to lean towards TF just for the technical aspects, but I'd love to see a DKC game that mixes the darker, moodier style of DKC2 with the HD graphics of TF.


Now for my real favorite. People (irrationally) shit on this game all the time, but Super Mario Sunshine is a beautiful game on the gamecube. The bright color palette is fantastic.

I'm really hoping for an HD remake in the future.

And I liked the bloom in WWHD :p
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