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Who has disappointed you this gen?


I wasn't replying to you specifically, I was replying to the general disdain for Nintendo I have seen throughout this thread. Also, many of their games don't even require motion controls, and I'd go as far as to say Wario Ware, Mario Kart, Excitebots, Skyward Sword and Sin & Punishment were improved by them. Many other franchises weren't even effected by them - in fact I struggle to think of an example where I was like, "Damn, these motion controls are really souring my experience with this game!"

Motion controls definitely helped a lot of games in my list, but they completely ruined Donkey Kong Country Returns. Thank god for homebrew and the classic controller codes.
It blows my mind how so many posters' gaming abilities are so handicapped that they think having to shake a controller instead of mashing a button can "ruin" a game.


Motion controls definitely helped a lot of games in my list, but they completely ruined Donkey Kong Country Returns. Thank god for homebrew and the classic controller codes.

I unlocked mirror mode on that game with the default controls, it was a non-issue for me. But do I think they could have made that a button? Yes, the more options the better.


It blows my mind how so many posters' gaming abilities are so handicapped that they think having to shake a controller instead of mashing a button can "ruin" a game.

Because half the time, the roll in DKCR didn't fucking work.

When you're racing through various moving platforms, in a state of zen, and then you literally get CRUSHED by a pillar because the goddamn controller didn't recognise your shake, it's hard not to get frustrated.

A button press works 100% of the time.


Gold Member
coming off of a huge binge week of diablo 3.... i'd have to say Blizzard.

i love the game 100% but theres just too much wrong/different with it to be considered the sequel everyone was looking for.
Because half the time, the roll in DKCR didn't fucking work.

When you're racing through various moving platforms, in a state of zen, and then you literally get CRUSHED by a pillar because the goddamn controller didn't recognise your shake, it's hard not to get frustrated.

A button press works 100% of the time.

The roll worked 100% of the time for me. Either your controller or your gaming skills are defective.
Count me in for Kojima Productions. I was the biggest MSG fan, and was so so hyped for MSG4. While I was pretty much loving what was going on, everything went to shit after Liquid Ocelot revealing that what Snake trying to stop him was part of his plan. And after that, the whole ludicrous Big Boss segment. That only got me thinking of how, actually, the entire game was a piece of piss. Story beats that made me go "meh, okay. I'll buy it" now make me go WTF. There's too many to name, its all just crap.

I'm incredibly disappointed in the destruction of Rare, by far one of my favorite dev teams of the earlier gens. Damn you, Microsoft. I'm still waiting on a proper Banjo-Kazooie sequel!

Also, Team ICO.

'Nuff said.
I found DKCR a lot more responsive with Nunchuk/Wiimote than just the Wiimote turned sideways. The game was still immensely enjoyable, but not including CC support is moronic.


Like a lot of people I wanted to post "everyone" but that isn't true. I think a lot of the genres I enjoyed became more niche this generation. Added to the problems many Japanese game studios have had this generation, my knee jerk reaction would be to say a lot of the big games this gen aren't for me. This comes from the fact that there seems to be such a focus on military shooters this gen, all trying to replicate the success the COD franchise has had. While these games are well designed, it just isn't a genre that I have tons of interest in.
The idea of these games dominating the shelves this generation comes more from a marketing perspective though. Anecdotal evidence leads me to think that that the only games that receive any sort of advertising are COD games, which I know isn't true. They are the only ads I seem to see constantly though, and when I mention other games to my friends they don't seem to have heard of them.

When I sit down and think about it, there have been FANTASTIC games in each genre I like.

Platformers have had the Mario games on the Wii, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Rayman Origins, Rachet, etc.

Racing games had Burnout Paradise, and Hot Pursuit

Shooters have had games like Uncharted, Bioshock, Resistance 3, Halo.

Western RPGs continued to be great this generation, and if you look to the DS and PSP, there have been tons of great Japanese style RPGs.

It just feels like a lot of the experiences I had on one console last generation (PS2) seemed to be spread out over all three of the home systems this gen. The more esoteric titles seem to have simply moved from disc releases to digital ones.

Overall I'm actually quite happy with this gen, but I am constantly feeling like I'm being marginalized the "mainstream" gaming this generation. Like if I didn't have other sources to learn about games, GAF, websites, etc. I wouldn't be able to find out about these lower profile games.

In all honesty I think there are lots of diappointments this generation, but it is no where near as bad as I thought it was.


Everybody at one time or another. Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo and nearly every dev and publisher, it's been a long generation.
For whom? Are you one of those who think the lack of new First party hardcore games are directly related to the Kinect? I'm pretty sure MS was cleaning first party up, re-organizing, before they even knew Kinect would be a hit. Otherwise, it's given the 360 a 2nd wind, and hardcore games are still coming to the 360, and XLBA is flying to new heights. Who cares of those games are also on other platforms?

He's probably a multi system owner, so he can get those multiplatform games at the same or better quality elsewhere.
Square Enix - It seemed like they haven't been up to par like they used to be. Final Fantasy XIII was a joke, and don't get me started with its sequel and FFXIV. Best thing from them this gen are two games: The World Ends With You and Dragon Quest IX, both on DS (Granted, I have never played Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, so I wouldn't know).

Capcom - The beginning of their downfall started with the closure of Clover Studios. Since then, they've made lots of stupid decisions that made no sense whatsoever, such as releasing multiple versions of SFIV and MvC3, the Perma-Save File for Resident Evil: Mercenaries 3D, Cancellations of Mega Man Universe and Mega Man Legends 3, Not Localizing Ace Attorney Investigations 2, Having Ninja Theory develop dMc, Lost Planet 3 being developed by Spark Unlimited, Ashura's Wrath Ending DLC, and many others.

I could go on and on with companies like EA, Konami, Ubisoft, and others, but I'd say what's already been said.


I'd say David Braben.

Still no new Elite, The Outsider has been cancelled and I have not seen great thing coming from Frontier Developments.

The two nice Lost Winds can't make up my disappointment.


Motion controls definitely helped a lot of games in my list, but they completely ruined Donkey Kong Country Returns. Thank god for homebrew and the classic controller codes.

This must be one of the most blown out of proportion complaints here in GAF. I mean, really?


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
Development cost rose a lot this gen.. You can't blame it all on Activision
Development costs skyrocketed because everyone, consumers included, threw the top-end market into a goddamned arms race in order to chase the last $0.01 of a $10 margin for production values, special effects, and sales. And like any arms race, it's unsustainable. It just leaves couple of guys at the end with nothing but an expensive arsenal that costs more to maintain than anyone will ever gain from it. They learned nothing from the PC market not 7 years earlier.

And speaking of the PC market, my contribution... I blame consumers (including myself) for tolerating 2nd class citizenship due to developers touting the myths that PCs are "too hard", sales are bad, and everyone with a PC is a thief. So, now we get console ports that devs seem to half-ass in order to prove the point that PCs are hard, sales are bad, and everyone with a PC is a thief. We seem to be happy with just getting crumbs. However, the good thing is that we're now pretty much out of the arms race we were in from 1995-2005, since the developers are trying to maximize performance on hardware that makes our shit look like a Ferrari.


I think I read that a few times now on GAF. What is this about?
I have not played the game, but I don't think I will anytime soon so please elaborate on this, even if this means spoilers.

Also: why people should complain about the DLC and not about the overall quality of that game? :)
This must be one of the most blown out of proportion complaints here in GAF. I mean, really?

*high five* and both camps regarding the shake are overblown. It didn't ruin the game, but the disdain people have for it ruined the game for them. No optional classic cont was a huge mistake. I would've picked it over the shake no question. The shake is an unnecessary movement that isn't fun to make. However, I still love the game. It did so many things right. I prefer it to NSMB by a wide margin.

As far as disappointments this gen go, Capcom. RE5 isn't bad, but it's pretty forgettable and I've only played it twice compared to dozens of RE4 playthroughs. RE as a whole has been disappointing this gen.

They've made a slew of questionable/downright bad decisions this gen. DLC practices and passing off series to questionable devs. Raccoon City is laughable at best. Really hoping Ninja Theory pulls through with DMC, but it looks bad. It hasn't been all doom and gloom, though. SF revival was awesome, as was MM9/10.
And Nintendo with the Wii. Waggle, lack of HD and lack of third party games just blows. It's even more insulting because there are some solid games on the Wii, but the controller just irritates the shit out of me. I had the same problem with the DS and with the Vita. I just don't like touch controls. Especially when it feels like they're shoe-horned in rather than actually thought of.

I'm sure some of the Nintendo fanboys will show up and insult people for not liking waggle, but whatever. Waggle fucking sucks. I'd rather play with a normal controller.


G***n S**n*bi
Team ICO and Square. Definitely.

If someone told me back in 06 that I wouldn't purchase a single Square or Team ICO game by 2012 I would have probably laughed my self in to a coma. (I guess my purchase of DQ5/9 technically counts, but just barely...)

Man oh fucking man... I still can't believe it some times. Shit is just crazy.

Capcom gets an honorable mention as well. They haven't been as bad to me as the above, but they have definitely killed a lot of my trust in them.



*phew* I feel better.

And Square, just terrible.

Sony, seems like they are just flying by the seat of their pants and reacting to everything, not being proactive about anything.

Fuck it, almost everyone. This truly feels like the nickel-and-dime generation and looks like it's not gonna change.
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