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Why was Eidos working on this god awful Avengers game instead of a new Deus Ex?


We already had the Bioware Anthem disaster. And now Eidos with that shit.

Eidos makes good single player games. Why did Square Enix think, they should produce something like Avengers or was it Eidos idea?

A new Deus Ex would have at least sold as much and I know, publishers are in love with the game as a service idea, but Fallout 76, Anthem and now Avengers. At which point will they learn something.

Get us a new Deus Ex you morons.

Avengers, as an IP, is approximately 14987519659783817564987583567183945697184567983734578x more popular than Deux Ex.
A new Deus Ex would have at least sold as much
lol no

Back in January, Eurogamer revealed that Square Enix had put Deus Ex on hiatus after the well-regarded Deus Ex: Mankind Divided failed to generate the level of sales needed to grow the series into a mainstream franchise.
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I mean the Avengers game stinks for sure but its not a failure on an Anthem level. Anthem is unmatched in its ineptitude.

The game is a buggy mess right now. Including freezes in single player.

Avengers is also a very expensive IP which has to sell to shit ton more copies than any Deus Ex game in order to break even.

That is the point and it is not doing so well.
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Avengers is also a very expensive IP which has to sell to shit ton more copies than any Deus Ex game in order to break even.
They probably broke even on day 1, dude. Scratch that, they probably broke even on DAY -3, because of the Early Access/Deluxe Edition period.

Back in January, Eurogamer revealed that Square Enix had put Deus Ex on hiatus after the well-regarded Deus Ex: Mankind Divided failed to generate the level of sales needed to grow the series into a mainstream franchise.
There's the answer to the topic.
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We already had the Bioware Anthem disaster. And now Eidos with that shit.

Eidos makes good single player games. Why did Square Enix think, they should produce something like Avengers or was it Eidos idea?

A new Deus Ex would have at least sold as much and I know, publishers are in love with the game as a service idea, but Fallout 76, Anthem and now Avengers. At which point will they learn something.

Get us a new Deus Ex you morons.
Avengers was developed by crystal dynamics. Eidos might have provided a helping hand to CD to help push the game past the finish line. Eidos could very well be working on a major new game.
Sod both of them, I want CD put back on Tomb Raider duty for a next-gen version.
Portions of the Avengers main campaign are VERY Tomb Raider and, unfortunately, it's the closest to a new TR we're going to get for a while.
That is the point and it is not doing so well.
You are delusional if you actually think an Avengers game released in 2020, available on three platforms, is "not doing so well". Even a shitty Avengers mobile game pulls 1m a month.
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We already had the Bioware Anthem disaster. And now Eidos with that shit.

Eidos makes good single player games. Why did Square Enix think, they should produce something like Avengers or was it Eidos idea?

A new Deus Ex would have at least sold as much and I know, publishers are in love with the game as a service idea, but Fallout 76, Anthem and now Avengers. At which point will they learn something.

Get us a new Deus Ex you morons.

LAST DEUS EX did not sell well, nor did it have a great time on PC.

Marvel as a IP/Brand is more marketable.

Boss Mog

Mankind Divided sales were not up to SE's expectations. Of course the fault for that lies entirely with SE since they made Eidos cut half the game so they could instead have the microtransaction infested "Breach" mode.
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If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
SE is a shitty publisher when it comes to the west. For so many reasons of which this is just one.
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You speak the truth Lupingosei Lupingosei ! I was soooooo disappointed they weren't working on the new Deus EX :lollipop_Mr_Smith:

I adored the first one (maybe even best game of all time), loved Human Revolution and really liked Mankind Divided! Admittedly, there's a sliding scale there.. but I think a next-gen Deus EX will resurrect the franchise and blow us all away!


If we get a new DE, I hope it's a new world/reboot rather than another game in the current series. The Eidos Montreal titles were ok, but Adam Jenson was a shadow of the protagonist JC Denton was, and the games overall just felt sterile compared the gritty world of OG Deus Ex...so many great takes on conspiracies in that original game, it'll probably never be matched. It's creepy how prescient the game was in a lot of ways, predicting a 9/11 style event, Patriot Act, the disinformation around a worldwide pandemic, etc. Probably can't make a game with that kind of rawness anymore, imagine hacking a computer and reading a Q or pizzagate email, games journos and social media would collectively lose their minds. Maybe in another ten years.
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Pretty much all the big AAA companies are going that way..... WB Montreal, RockSteady, Bioware, Crystal Dynamics, Bungie and much of Ubisoft are all doing GAAS instead of previous AAA story driven games.
Konami doesn't do any story games anymore either.

Soon Sony will be one of the only ones making them.


So Avengers is shit? Legit shook.

It looked like dumpster fire from the start. The repetitive gameplay, loot system and interface ripped out of Destiny.
Avengers is also a very expensive IP which has to sell to shit ton more copies than any Deus Ex game in order to break even.

Do we have any details on the deal? Did Square approach Marvel/Disney or did Marvel/Disney approach Square? Could very well be Marvel are paying Square to make the game.
People grossly overestimate Deus Ex's popularity. Not that I think it's bad or anything but getting some of that MCU money and throwing it into the mix with Gaas for mega dollar any company would pick that over Deus Ex. Too bad Avengers is trash.


Because, just like some other big publishers, they are less and less interested in games that will make them some money and they are all chasing that game that will make them all the money.

Even if it's sells well, what's a good selling Deus Ex (or regular Avengers Game) against what could possibly be the next fortnite, or destiny or GTA online!!!!


Hoping to make a game as big as Fortnite by selling your soul and passion for a mainstream money grab.


Everyone throwing in the hooks into the GaaS pond hoping to hook a win.

The game design suffers, the market cannot support it. Give up you money hungry studios!


Pretty much all the big AAA companies are going that way..... WB Montreal, RockSteady, Bioware, Crystal Dynamics, Bungie and much of Ubisoft are all doing GAAS instead of previous AAA story driven games.
Konami doesn't do any story games anymore either.

Soon Sony will be one of the only ones making them.
So sad


Snake Oil Salesman

GAAS has a much much higher ceiling than traditional single player games like Deus Ex.
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GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Speaking of Deus Ex, I am still baffled that SE didn't port Human Revolution to current gen systems. They ported almost every damn game from last gen but that one. WTF!!!
It was one of my favorite games from last gen and I would love to replay it and re-earn achievements/trophies!


Big companies making games is no longer about making games that gamers want. It is about making games that can make the most money. They all want to copy the Destiny/MMO model.


Linux User
Avengers is also a very expensive IP which has to sell to shit ton more copies than any Deus Ex game in order to break even.

50 hour+ long RPGs with triple A graphics can't be cheap to make. Because if they were we would be seeing more of them.
Tried chugging Deus Ex for lack of proper digestion. Still ended up vomiting it. That series can stay dead for me. Some things are not meant to be OP.


They own two of my favourite IPs of all time, Deus ex and Thief. Frankly I feel they are wasted on Square.
Maybe neither will be huge sellers, but they are both well known and if done well they will sell. They are more slow burners sale wise but if they made decent games with sequels they could grow big.
I don't think Mankind divided was helped by the delay in release, backlash on the advertising and the pre release add on stuff. It also doesn't help it still feels a little short compared to Human Revolution.

Still the best game franchise there is, for me.
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