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Wii to Wii U System Transfer Detailed


Well, after spending half an hour on the phone with two different poorly trained Nintendo customer service reps, and after explaining 500 times over and over to each of them that No, I'm not still trying to play VC games on my old system and that the actual problem is that I can't launch VC games from my SD card after transferring to my Wii U, they finally decided to open a trouble ticket with a supervisor who will hopefully get back to me tomorrow.

That's pretty much their code for "I'm hanging up now. Bye." I'd be shocked if you got a call tomorrow.
Well, after spending half an hour on the phone with two different poorly trained Nintendo customer service reps, and after explaining 500 times over and over to each of them that No, I'm not still trying to play VC games on my old system and that the actual problem is that I can't launch VC games from my SD card after transferring to my Wii U, they finally decided to open a trouble ticket with a supervisor who will hopefully get back to me tomorrow.

I sent you a PM, I guess you didn't see it.

I got my Wii U today and did a Wii to Wii U transfer. None of my games worked when I tried to use the original copies on the SD card, but after I formatted the card on my computer and deleted everything from it, downloading new copies of the games worked!

I hope you are able to get all of your games working! Let us know if you get to try anything new.
Stupid question guys,

I have been redownloading all of my VC games back onto the Wii U, and my Comcast keeps disconnecting from the Wii u (reading posts on GAF, it seems to be happening to everyone). It's getting to the point that the system was freezing...

I switched to the manual IP method as posted on this site (as well as joystiq). The connection speed is blazing...except when the actual games are downloading. NES games usually take 30 secs, on this manual method, it takes over 2 minutes. Fuck, it took me over. 5 minutes to grab Super Smash Bros.

Has this happened to anyone else?
Stupid question guys,

I have been redownloading all of my VC games back onto the Wii U, and my Comcast keeps disconnecting from the Wii u (reading posts on GAF, it seems to be happening to everyone). It's getting to the point that the system was freezing...

I switched to the manual IP method as posted on this site (as well as joystiq). The connection speed is blazing...except when the actual games are downloading. NES games usually take 30 secs, on this manual method, it takes over 2 minutes. Fuck, it took me over. 5 minutes to grab Super Smash Bros.

Has this happened to anyone else?

I'm on Comcast downloading my games right now too! It's really slow, but the Wii Shop has always been slow for me.


Is there any way to use the VC games on the Wii console after transferring everything to the Wii U?

Besides my own files and everything, my Wii also has games that my 5 year-old plays on it. I'd like to do the transfer to have all of my items over, but I'd like him to still be able to play the Mario and Zelda games on the Wii. (and keep the Wii U's gamepad to myself lol) Will they still work if I keep them on the SD card and them move them back onto the Wii if I disable the internet connection right after the transfer?

I'd try to use the NAND backup, but I'm not really too big on the home brew scene and don't want to get my system banned or anything.Stinks that you can't pick what gets moved over...would my only alternative besides that be to copy over miis and save files with an SD card and then repurchase the games I'd want moved?

If I do that, would it be possible to copy saves & miis back to the Wii?
That's pretty much their code for "I'm hanging up now. Bye." I'd be shocked if you got a call tomorrow.

Really? Wow, that's pretty lame. When did Nintendo Cust Svc go down the tubes? They used to be really solid and knowledgable. I've worked a lot of customer service/tech support jobs over the years so I can definitely more than sympathize with the reps' side of things but the people I talked to tonight were terrible, it's like they were in another world and barely paid attention to anything I said. I had to explain countless times over and over again to each rep that I've already done the transfer and wasn't trying to use my old Wii. The second person I talked even tried insisting to me that it's no longer possible to purchase and download Wii Ware titles from the Wii Shop menu and that Wii Ware content is now stored in the eShop, total lack of simple, basic info. When you can give a support rep way more info than they can, that's a huge problem. Must be outsourcing to some cheap call center with dumb kids now I guess.

I sent you a PM, I guess you didn't see it.

I got my Wii U today and did a Wii to Wii U transfer. None of my games worked when I tried to use the original copies on the SD card, but after I formatted the card on my computer and deleted everything from it, downloading new copies of the games worked!

I hope you are able to get all of your games working! Let us know if you get to try anything new.

I just saw your PM, thanks! I'll try it as soon as I get home in a few minutes. :)


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Is there any way to use the VC games on the Wii console after transferring everything to the Wii U?

Besides my own files and everything, my Wii also has games that my 5 year-old plays on it. I'd like to do the transfer to have all of my items over, but I'd like him to still be able to play the Mario and Zelda games on the Wii. (and keep the Wii U's gamepad to myself lol) Will they still work if I keep them on the SD card and them move them back onto the Wii if I disable the internet connection right after the transfer?

I'd try to use the NAND backup, but I'm not really too big on the home brew scene and don't want to get my system banned or anything.Stinks that you can't pick what gets moved over...would my only alternative besides that be to copy over miis and save files with an SD card and then repurchase the games I'd want moved?

If I do that, would it be possible to copy saves & miis back to the Wii?

Nintendo can't ban Wiis. There really isn't a "network" on the original Wii to ban you from :p Just a store (and they'd always take your money)

I'll just say that homebrewing a Wii was pretty safe during its life, and it's doubly safe now. I'd just go for it.


Nintendo can't ban Wiis. There really isn't a "network" on the original Wii to ban you from :p Just a store (and they'd always take your money)

I'll just say that homebrewing a Wii was pretty safe during its life, and it's doubly safe now. I'd just go for it.

Thanks...think I am stuck now though since I my firmware just went to 4.3u.

edit - nvm I found out what to do. thanks again!

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Is there a video of the transfer process?

I just want to move my Last Story and Skyward Sword data over to my Wii U....


I ended up copying all of my saves ont he system to an SD...then formatting the system (which it actually froze during, and I force restarted it and everything was gone...).

The transfer was quick after that (about 2 minutes on the Pikmin thing) and then about the same on the Wii U. It's all up and running now (though I find it pretty strange that you can't copy saves over until you have played the game...so I would play, create a save, and then delete the save and transfer my real one over).


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free

Is it possible to transfer content from multiples Wii consoles to one WiiU console ?
(though I find it pretty strange that you can't copy saves over until you have played the game...so I would play, create a save, and then delete the save and transfer my real one over).
To think of it like a computer. It something like the Wii menu doesn't have permission to write directories to the NAND. Or was it something like the certificate isn't actually saved on the SD card (in the public-encrypted save) and so the game itself needs to write the certificate to say its okay to put files in this directory made.

Basically it was a security mechanism as I'm guessing all things copied to SD are one-size fits all (well not really, IIRC VC games are encrypted with the private key; lacking the certificate to launch them, which is why you have to redownload them when you transfer since you've got a different private key now).
I sent you a PM, I guess you didn't see it.

I got my Wii U today and did a Wii to Wii U transfer. None of my games worked when I tried to use the original copies on the SD card, but after I formatted the card on my computer and deleted everything from it, downloading new copies of the games worked!

I hope you are able to get all of your games working! Let us know if you get to try anything new.

Edit: Formatting my SD card before redownloading my content worked, THANKS! :D
Bubble Bobble Plus for Wii Ware and it still won't launch. :( It still goes to a screen asking me to do either auto or manual data management. I only have 114 blocks on my Wii system memory allocation.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but it has always been the case that if you want to launch games from the SD card, you must have enough free blocks of Wii system memory to accommodate the game. Since Bubble Bobble plus is 255 blocks (according to Google) you cannot launch it from the SD card unless you have at least 255 blocks of free Wii system memory allocated.

The solution is to move more games from Wii memory to the SD card and free up enough space so that you can launch anything you want from the SD card.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but it has always been the case that if you want to launch games from the SD card, you must have enough free blocks of Wii system memory to accommodate the game. Since Bubble Bobble plus is 255 blocks (according to Google) you cannot launch it from the SD card unless you have at least 255 blocks of free Wii system memory allocated.

The solution is to move more games from Wii memory to the SD card and free up enough space so that you can launch anything you want from the SD card.

Yeah, but I only had 114 blocks left at this point because I temporarily moved a Wii Ware title into system memory as a test to make sure it would launch there since I was having so much trouble with the card menu. Before that, I had over 300 blocks open and it was still giving me that error even there. In any case, after formatting the card and deleting the test title everything works fine now. UltimateIke had the same issue before he formatted.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Hmm, after all the attention this received I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was. Run the transfer utility on WiiU, setup the SD card, run the same thing on your original Wii with the SD card in that slot, wait for 3-4 minutes, pop it in the Wii-U and let it do its thing. Of course, I only have four items on my original Wii as I never trusted Nintendo enough to use Wii-ware all that often so perhaps that explains the ease of transfer. All of my saves are in tact as well, which is great.


It's good to hear that the process isn't too painful. I remember the 3DS one being pretty painless when I was upgrading from my original to an XL. I haven't gotten a chance to run the transfer for my Wii and Wii U yet, I was waiting until I got the Wii component cable I just bought on ebay (I used my original for the Wii U). Now I have both systems set up; it's kind of funny having two sensor backs stacked on top of each other. :)
I'd like an answer to this as well.

I've read several people say it is not possible.

But Nintendo's FAQ says it is? http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/systems/wiiu/en_na/system_system_transfer.jsp?menu=how_to&submenu=wup-transfer-gi-data-multiple

Can I Transfer Data from Multiple Wiis to a Single Wii U console?


Yes, Wii Shop purchases and Wii Points will be combined. However, there are numerous items that will be replaced during this transfer process:
Download content and save data for software titles that exist on both systems will be replaced by the save data and add-on content from the last system to perform the transfer.
Mii characters in the Wii Menu of the target Wii U console and the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection ID of the target Wii U console will be replaced with the Mii characters and the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection ID of the last source system to perform the transfer.

Ein Bear

I'm assuming the Wii mode is still region locked, right? I'm in the UK and only have two US games, but it'll be a bit of a pain having to hook the Wii back up every time someone wants to play Smash Bros.


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
I'm assuming the Wii mode is still region locked, right? I'm in the UK and only have two US games, but it'll be a bit of a pain having to hook the Wii back up every time someone wants to play Smash Bros.
You know the answer.


was thinking of transferring but i never bought anything from the eShop and i have my Wii softmodded so i'll start brand new on Wii U.
Sorry for the bump.

I just finished downloading all my WiiWare/VC games to the new Wii U (7 pages, it's a pain :( ) and tried a game, if all went okay (Driiftmana) and the save was there.

Now I wanted to continue playing Skyward Sword but the game asks me to start from scratch? WHAT? Did something go wrong? Is the save not transfered? I can't remember there was a Mii involved though.

Does this affect Xenoblade as well? I'm dying here :(


It should copy. I didn't try Skyward Sword, but Xenoblade definitely copy for me.
Take a look if your Zelda save is still on your Wii and if it is you should be able to manually copy it, I don't think it's locked.
I just checked the Wii U Save "Folder" and Xenoblade is listed. YAY!

Also listed is Wii Fit (Plus). Why is that? This does use Mii-Data, doesn't it? I don't get it.


Your "normal" Miis should have been copied. It's just the additional Miis from your Mii Plaza (from people on the internet, etc.) that didn't get copied. So there shouldn't be any problem with your save games even if they are linked to a Mii.
I figured it out for Zelda. I played this exclusively on my black Wii I bought later due to a dying drive in the release one. Copied all of the saves over. Fine.

Fun Fact: I could not copy NSMB cause I "never played the game on this console before". This seems to be some kind of additional "security".


Can I Transfer Data from Multiple Wiis to a Single Wii U console?


Yes, Wii Shop purchases and Wii Points will be combined. However, there are numerous items that will be replaced during this transfer process:
Download content and save data for software titles that exist on both systems will be replaced by the save data and add-on content from the last system to perform the transfer.
Mii characters in the Wii Menu of the target Wii U console and the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection ID of the target Wii U console will be replaced with the Mii characters and the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection ID of the last source system to perform the transfer.
Has anybody tried this? When it says that Mii characters will be replaced, does it mean that Miis of the two systems will be merged and Miis of the same name will be replaced, or that all Miis on the Wii U from a previous transfer will be removed and replaced with the Miis from the new system?


I figured it out for Zelda. I played this exclusively on my black Wii I bought later due to a dying drive in the release one. Copied all of the saves over. Fine.

Fun Fact: I could not copy NSMB cause I "never played the game on this console before". This seems to be some kind of additional "security".
For a second there I thought you were making a mistake with that Wii Remote Plus stuff at the start. Well, at least you sorted it out!

Actually, my experience was similar, except I borrowed a Wii for that and it was due to my GPU getting artifacting. Copied over to my system though in case I wanted to do Hero Mode later, maybe I should give that a shot on the Wii U.
With copying Mii-based saves I meant I don't get why the saves for WiiFit were copied. I thought it was said all games with Miis or online functionality would not be copied.

Anyways. Now I need to start the 3 games I never played on the old Wii once, delete there saves and copy the ones from the new wii to the wii u. What a mess :(
And I hope I'll never have to download 7 pages of games one by one again...

I'm happy with the result though. Zelda does look a bit better imho.
Skimmed the thread and didn't see this question:

Can you use 2 SD cards to have your Wii game saves on both systems? What I mean: copy all your Wii saves to a SD card, use a completely separate SD card to do the transferring (which results in everything getting deleted from the card and original Wii), then use the first SD card with the saves on it to copy them back onto the original Wii?


An update for anyone who is wondering:

My in-laws bought a used Wii which came with a bunch of Virtual Console games they were never going to play. I borrowed it and used the Wii U transfer tool to send all of their games over to my Wii U, which I had already used to transfer over my own games from my old Wii.

I was concerned that I would lose all my Miis during the transfer, but luckily I was able to avoid this.

After you ready the SD card in the Wii U and put it in the Wii, it alerts you that there are Miis on the target system already and asks you if you'd like to replace them. You can select "No" and Miis will be retained on the source Wii and the Miis on the target Wii U will NOT be overwritten. It asks the same thing about your Wii internet settings.

Also of note, if you have the same WiiWare/VC title on the Wii U and source Wii, it will not be transferred and will remain usable on the source Wii. One thing that is unavoidable is transferring saves, so make sure to first copy any saves on either system that you don't want to lose to an SD card. The saves will be deleted from the source Wii and will overwrite any saves for the same game on the target Wii U. Luckily my in-laws only had about five games so I didn't have to worry about backing up too many saves.


Neo Member
So I've got a technical question.

I transferred all my stuff from my Wii to Wii U successfully which brought over all my Wii shop purchases.

I just got a 2000 Wii shop point card as a gift and want to put it in my Wii Mode Wii Shop account.

Doing a little research, I found out that if I put the 2000 points on my Wii mode Wii shop account I won't get the Club Nintendo points for them because either the Shop isn't tied to my Club Nintendo account anymore or it's Nintendo being Nintendo.

My question is, is it possible to set up my account again on the old Wii, link it to my Club Nintendo, put the 2000 points there, use the full 2000 points to buy VC games, get the Club Nintendo points, then transfer everything to the Wii U like I did before and not lose anything on the Wii U in transfer?

Just wondering.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Doing a little research, I found out that if I put the 2000 points on my Wii mode Wii shop account I won't get the Club Nintendo points for them because either the Shop isn't tied to my Club Nintendo account anymore or it's Nintendo being Nintendo.


Who said that Wii U "Wii Mode Shop" doesn't link to CN accounts for points?

This is significant, if true -- but I don't think that it is.
For those of you who did the transfer, how complete was the save data transfer? Did SSBB data transfer? I do NOT want to unlock all the stuff I've unlocked over the years
So I did the system transfer to my WiiU, but I'm not seeing the points that I had in the Wii Shop channel in the WiiU eShop. Expected? I am seeing the points in the Wii shop channel on WiiU (emulation), but I figured that I'd be able to use the points in the eShop instead.


So I did the system transfer to my WiiU, but I'm not seeing the points that I had in the Wii Shop channel in the WiiU eShop. Expected? I am seeing the points in the Wii shop channel on WiiU (emulation), but I figured that I'd be able to use the points in the eShop instead.
Any points you had in your Wii Shop Channel would have been transferred to your Wii Mode Shop Channel on your Wii U, not to your Wii U eShop account.
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