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Wii U Speculation Thread 2: Can't take anymore of this!!!

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Actually, I imagine it more like this.

Behind closed doors, Nintendo shows the Wii U and its possibilities. Right after they're done, Reggie hears one developer say to his colleague: "Man, I can't wait to tell my friends about this".

Everyone in the hall turn silent, and Reggie walks up to him, pulls up a knife point it to his face and says: "If you can't keep your little mouth shut, you and your family are in big fucking trouble". Then he makes a deep cut in the developer's hand. Everyone in the hall remains silent, and the only sound you can hear is the heartbeats of frightened video game developers.

Reggie also uses a british accent.


I have a feeling that that this will be the last generation we have a conventional 3 console race, someone will have to bow out. Considering Sony's financial predicament and the rise of tablets, I wonder who will go.

In terms of nintendo situation the Wii set it self aside this generation with motion control and at a price where consumers felt they could purchase this and a HD console along with it. I find it hard to believe Nintendo will be able to shake off its image "kiddie" among the 18-39 year old demographic. I mean the Wii was justifiable as a social/party console, whereas the WiiU is conventional gaming with an Ipad in the middle. I find it hard to believe mainstream male gamers will budge from their PS/Xbox loyalty and casual gamers now have more options due to Kinect/move(lol). Nintendo is going have to throw some huge amounts of cash about to change public opinion or it will be relegated to the console that parents feel comfortable purchasing for their kids. I don't knows if that's enough to be sustainable, it probably is but clearly nintendo wants to core gamer.


Also Nintendo was always contrary to the trends, at its time it was FMV, Nintendo didn't like it, include VA at the games, Nintendo didn't like it, now is make cinematographic games and Nintendo is not embraced with that either. Nintendo philosophy has always been opossed to developers trends, 3rd party just don't feel connected with that philosophy.

If they have decided by that time to do something different hmmm seems they have done right that time.
They are HW-/SW-Producer and show what great Software they can deliver with their consoles.
Normally each developer could do nearly as good as Nintendo did on their HW but, they seem to be kind of lazy to learn new things (only to this ones who constantly deliver crapware).

What Nintendo has learned out of it (eventhough they didnt do wrong) they have to become *western*developers bi**h...that is the reason why they will try as many engines running on WiiU as possible.
So the devs can go on being lazy...


My source is my ass!
I wouldn't doubt they already are. Like you said before, Nintendo was trying to stabilize "a popular engine" to run on the WiiU's V5 dev kit. I still think it's the cryengine 3, though I am aware that even if right, you can't tell me. Still, I feel that Epic is who is pushing Nintendo do even attempt that, Nintendo in the past, wouldn't give a shit about game engines from 3rd parties. So someone is pushing them.

For the engine story, it was lherre :)

Yeah, they already have contacts with Big N, but i only hope the wider "cultural gap" between them & Nintendo in comparison with Microsoft is not making them push harder the Redmond company than the Kyoto one.

For what it's worth, a bit of vague info related to all this engine talking:
- I think that the Wii U will be quite capable once optimized everywhere (hardware components, "consumption" of the padlet, optimization of the OS, etc.).
- A game that put the emphasis on the rendering on the main screen and avoid intricate uses of the padlet will have access to noticeable power. This "stretching of the Wii U capabilities" factor must be considered in all our speculations, it's really often overlooked.

And the UE4 and other "truly next gen" engines can surely run at 720p, 25fps, with moderate AA and other IQ settings + of course some trimming here and there without modifying too much what is displayed on the screen.

The main question is: are there graphical features, required or heavily recommended for U4, that are not present in the Wii U GPU and could prevent its "proper" use on it ? The lack of a modern tesselator perhaps ? I don't know what the UE4 is made of at all, and i don't have the details on the Wii U GPU so no teasing.
Well, I don't really know how "big" GameCube games are and how much you can store on Wii U. Or something.

As you can see, I'm quite the expert on technological stuff.
I think its 1.5 GB discs, or maybe a little more. Shouldn't be a problem with an external harddrive.
Yeah, considering the BC situation and the relative sizes of external storage available, GCN on Wii U shouldn't be much more a problem than GBA on 3DS.


Mark Rein said:
"The only way they're going to go away is if they don't stay true to what they are. The console gaming experience is about delivering something that's way out past the bleeding edge and subsidising it through the software royalty model - just like Apple does with the phones. It's not that much different."

Ummmm.... before Mark Rein goes and starts telling people what to do, it's best that he realize that his comparison is shit. Apple doesn't have a software royalty model, the subsidy price difference on the iPhone is paid upfront by the carriers, which CARRIERS then recoup via contracts. Apple makes practically nothing on software through the App Store at the end of the day.

We get ONE generation where hardware is on the bleeding edge, and now it's the MO for the entire damn industry? What a moron.


Funny story about the dentist. Every time I schedule an appointment, I make sure it's not during E3 week or Evo weekend. One time the receptionist was like "So... how about June 5-NOPE BUSY. Good times.

As for GC play on the Wii U controller... I don't see it happening, unfortunately. Games like SSBM and Super Mario Sunshine are unplayable without analog triggers. Surely Nintendo is aware of this and will release a Classic Controller Pro +, upgraded for GC play.


It takes almost a whole hour to update my PS3 with a 500mb update.
I got 16.000mb/s here.

If you have a 16.000 connection then thats arround 1.6-1.7MB/sec.
means you should only need 5 to 6 minutes for that...
check your connection, look if you have to open a port in your router or is something running on your PC same time using the internetconnection?
For the engine story, it was lherre :)

Yeah, they already have contacts with Big N, but i only hope the wider "cultural gap" between them & Nintendo in comparison with Microsoft is not making them push harder the Redmond company than the Kyoto one.

For what it's worth, a bit of vague info related to all this engine talking:
- I think that the Wii U will be quite capable once optimized everywhere (hardware components, "consumption" of the padlet, optimization of the OS, etc.).
- A game that put the emphasis on the rendering on the main screen and avoid intricate uses of the padlet will have access to noticeable power. This "stretching of the Wii U capabilities" factor must be considered in all our speculations, it's really often overlooked.

And the UE4 and other "truly next gen" engines can surely run at 720p, 25fps, with moderate AA and other IQ settings + of course some trimming here and there without modifying too much what is displayed on the screen.

The main question is: are there graphical features, required or heavily recommended for U4, that are not present in the Wii U GPU and could prevent its "proper" use on it ? The lack of a modern tesselator perhaps ? I don't know what the UE4 is made of at all, and i don't have the details on the Wii U GPU so no teasing.

This is where I think all the mixed opinions/reports come in.
With the machine rumoured to now have 2GB RAM (possibly...), and considering it's other factors, it may be that with little to no use of the tablet, the Wii U is actually a very powerful machine.
Yet when developers choose to incorporate the tablet into their games in a more complex, power hungry sense (maybe even giving a second camera angle of a real time game), then the raw processing power has to be shared between the device and the main console output to the TV.
This is why we hear complaints and praise - it appears it's up to the developers on whether to nerf the graphics and go for intuitive tablet use, or to stick a map/menu below and wow us with visuals up top.

Thinking about it, it really makes sense.


Wait a sec: 512MB * 4 = 2048MB and not 4096MB

EDIT: Oh wow, Splinter Cell would be fucking amazing! *.* You could do so much with the uPad, the gimmicky stuff would really work in a game like that. Solving puzzles via the touchscreen, moving the uPad around for all the different cameras. Sending a drone somewhere and watching a live feed of the stuff it's recording o the bottom screen,...

thanks n sorry you are right I'm to damn tired and was confused earlier, have to check now if I have not written wrong quotation prices for our clients....


It takes almost a whole hour to update my PS3 with a 500mb update.
I got 16.000mb/s here.

Sorry to go off topic here, but it's relevant to Nibel's situation...

Do you own one of the original model ("fat") PS3s and are you connecting via WiFi? A few weeks back there was a thread about this and it was pointed out that there is a defect with some the older model PS3s that cripples WiFi download speed. Hardwiring (or in my case, wiring it to my Wireless "N" bridge) corrects the problem. My PS3 used to take up to 45 minutes to download and install a typical system update. Now it's done within 10-15 minutes. I had always thought the issue was with PSN itself.

I bought MotorStorm RC the other night. I believe the file size was between 600MB and 700MB. When I was running wireless this download would have taken close to an hour (maybe a little longer). It was downloaded and installed in about 5 minutes.
As for GC play on the Wii U controller... I don't see it happening, unfortunately. Games like SSBM and Super Mario Sunshine are unplayable without analog triggers. Surely Nintendo is aware of this and will release a Classic Controller Pro +, upgraded for GC play.

No doubt, and this would be the controller of choice for most of the hardcore Smash crowd. Hell they could even bundle the controller with Smash U.
As for GC play on the Wii U controller... I don't see it happening, unfortunately. Games like SSBM and Super Mario Sunshine are unplayable without analog triggers. Surely Nintendo is aware of this and will release a Classic Controller Pro +, upgraded for GC play.

There've been rumors circulating since the end of summer that the final version of the controller has been updated to include analog triggers.
As for GC play on the Wii U controller... I don't see it happening, unfortunately. Games like SSBM and Super Mario Sunshine are unplayable without analog triggers. Surely Nintendo is aware of this and will release a Classic Controller Pro +, upgraded for GC play.

New Touch Control: Super Mario Sunshine - a virtual touchspace along the right edge of the controller sets the "strength" of FLUDD for when you click the R button (ie, touching the lower-right means that when you click R, it fires at minimum strength, touching the upper-right means that R is pre-set to full blast, and so forth -- the visual indicator for this can be minimized or even done away with when playing only on the controller). This is kind of a terrible idea, but I can't think of any examples where it would prevent getting through the game.

Out of curiosity, what did the analogs do in Melee? Reading up, it says it turns on the shields. Could you modulate shield strength?
And the UE4 and other "truly next gen" engines can surely run at 720p, 25fps, with moderate AA and other IQ settings + of course some trimming here and there without modifying too much what is displayed on the screen.
But does it mean much? Most of the new engines are also optimized for ample spectrum of devices such as mobile platforms, tablets or even flash.

Anyway, the WiiU will still be quiet behind the other 2 in processing (not as much as the Wii case) the only thing Nintendo should try hard, i mean try very hard, to help its hardware its put enough RAM in there, not to fall 2 far behind the other 2.
Nice post!!

Edit: (cos my day at work seem to long and I did a mistake)

Ok if you take a custum build PC (bold part) for testers use it has 4GB RAM running UE3 Games
PS3/X360 have 512MB RAM running UE3. (1/8 th of it)

If you take a custum build PC (bold part) for testers use it would have 8GB RAM running UE4 Games (that should be the case)
Then simple math is telling us what???
WiiU/PS4/X720 will need to have a minimum of 2GB RAM for running UE4. (1/4 th of it)

So if Nintendo is doing everything to not only double the RAM of the HD twins and it looks like it then it should be fine running UE4

2GB -> WiiU ... sounds like I have heard that ...haha

UE4 on WiiU = confirmed :)))

Not that I agree with your logic, but by your logic shouldn't simple math tell you WiiU/PS4/720 only need a minimum of 1gig of ram to run UE4? Why does one system only require an 8th and the other requires a 4th? You are only doubling the Ram, not quadrupling it :p
Yes, as you'd need less memory and processing power for 720p. So it once again comes down to the featureset. If Wii U supports the features UE4 requires, it should be able to run it - even if there's a substantial performance gap.
The point still stands, if there's any interest for Epic, Unreal Engine 4 will support the WiiU. Crytek, Epic among other engine vendors are making their new engines capable of supporting a vast array of platforms even if that implies making sacrifices.

So in conclusion saying that UE4 supports WiiU isn't saying much since all of it's features might not be possible to exploit in the console.
Ah...the return of the digital click.

Let's hope it's true.
But he did not sugested digital click is back, just the triggers will be analog.

I do wish the digital clicks to be back, lot's of wasted potential from the developers. I also wish that Nintendo would wise up an include thumb clicks. :)


The only way to make GCN VC possible is making analog shoulders on the subscreen, however it still will have the problem with multiplayer games, maybe they could create a classic controller with analog shoulders.
The only way to make GCN VC possible is making analog shoulders on the subscreen, however it still will have the problem with multiplayer games, maybe they could create a classic controller with analog shoulders.
Other way, that would make a ton more sense to Nintendo financialy, is bring those potential GC games as remasters with proper WiiU controller tweaks.
Other way, that would make a ton more sense to Nintendo financialy, is bring those potential GC games as remasters with proper WiiU controller tweaks.

Perhaps a "Super Mario 3D All-Stars" would be in order. I'd buy it for a high price, if it had Mario 64 (with optional DS additions) + Mario Sunshine + either big-screen 3D Land or the Galaxy games. I would want them playable on the controller, though.

(the proper reply to this post is "Keep dreamin', boyo!")


Membero Americo
I have no doubt that Nintendo will do HD Remasters. Zelda, Mario, why not the Prime games? Loved to see F-Zero GX HD.
I have no doubt that Nintendo will do HD Remasters. Zelda, Mario, why not the Prime games? Loved to see F-Zero GX HD.
Of course they will, they've done it many times in other platforms and watching Sony, Ubisoft, Konami, etc doing HD remasters of previous gen games at 30 dollars, most have them salivating at the potential cash pool.
Does anyone knows or stopped to consider why the camera can't be reoriented?

I mean we all assume we can use the camera for videoconferencing while playing, in that case it means the controller also has a fast way to transfer information/video other than bluetooth and not just a decoder for the incoming feed. The controller is a good match for AR type of games or applications which Nintendo seems so fond of lately, like we see on the 3DS. So what reason could they have to say... not allow the camera to be rotated outwards?


New Touch Control: Super Mario Sunshine - a virtual touchspace along the right edge of the controller sets the "strength" of FLUDD for when you click the R button (ie, touching the lower-right means that when you click R, it fires at minimum strength, touching the upper-right means that R is pre-set to full blast, and so forth -- the visual indicator for this can be minimized or even done away with when playing only on the controller). This is kind of a terrible idea, but I can't think of any examples where it would prevent getting through the game.

Out of curiosity, what did the analogs do in Melee? Reading up, it says it turns on the shields. Could you modulate shield strength?

Yes, the less force you apply the bigger the shield.


An interview from CVG of Epic's Mark Rein about the next gen console performances, their interaction with manufacturers to push them in the hardware department, etc.

Not really fresh news, Rein stated that multiple times, but it's still a reminder and worth a quick read.

Its catch-phrase "If next-gen consoles aren't bleeding edge, Apple will beat them" lack of wisdom, but we could hope that Epic has a convenient & easy & usable channel (through NOA, US Big N studios, Epic Games Japan, etc.) to apply this kind of pressure to Nintendo, it's not too late.

I'm not much of a fan of Rein but I do like how he wants to push the platform holders to go further and further. We know all the arguments against bleeding edge in a console, and quite frankly I think Nintendo aren't too interested in that, but there is truth to his statement about Apple blowing past them. The iPad 3 is the first real contender and with yearly iterations it will get better and better.

As I've said a million times, as soon as Apple enter the space with a console, or bundled controller with their Apple TV or iPad or whatever, things will start to change. In fact if Apple simply branded a controller their own, and pushed it, I think gamers would start to move slowly. I know I would.

Edit: Oh and I'll add: GIVE US SOME INFO IDEAMAN!.................pretty please mon amis.


How do you think is Nintendo going to start to talk about Wii U at E3?

Since it's the big thing, I expect them to start with 3DS talk and Iwata speech. And then? Maybe Iwata includes the re-reveal of the Wii U, new desgin, new name, who knows? After that I expect to talk about the system's UI, NN and other possiblities with apps. And then they reveal some casual title, Pikmin 3 and have a live demo. Then an ACIII live-demo and trailers for games released at launch, plus a few trailers for new games coming out in the future. Both Nintendo titles (Mario) and 3rd party games. If we're lucky we'll get launch date and price and one more thing is Retro Studios' new game.
How do you think is Nintendo going to start to talk about Wii U at E3?

Since it's the big thing, I expect them to start with 3DS talk and Iwata speech. And then? Maybe Iwata includes the re-reveal of the Wii U, new desgin, new name, who knows? After that I expect to talk about the system's UI, NN and other possiblities with apps. And then they reveal some casual title, Pikmin 3 and have a live demo. Then an ACIII live-demo and trailers for games released at launch, plus a few trailers for new games coming out in the future. Both Nintendo titles (Mario) and 3rd party games. If we're lucky we'll get launch date and price and one more thing is Retro Studios' new game.

That all seems likely to me, but replace ACIII live demo with Killer Freaks live demo. However, I feel like they have some sort of secret that none of us could guess. If the tablet controller was their ace in the hole I feel like they wouldn't have revealed it a year and a half before the console's release. They obviously weren't concerned with the possibility that Sony and Microsoft could ape their tablet idea and not three years into the console cycle this time. I feel like Nintendo is using the Upad as a way to draw attention away from something bigger. What that may be, though, is beyond me.
How do you think is Nintendo going to start to talk about Wii U at E3?

Since it's the big thing, I expect them to start with 3DS talk and Iwata speech. And then? Maybe Iwata includes the re-reveal of the Wii U, new desgin, new name, who knows? After that I expect to talk about the system's UI, NN and other possiblities with apps. And then they reveal some casual title, Pikmin 3 and have a live demo. Then an ACIII live-demo and trailers for games released at launch, plus a few trailers for new games coming out in the future. Both Nintendo titles (Mario) and 3rd party games. If we're lucky we'll get launch date and price and one more thing is Retro Studios' new game.

Definitely starting with 3DS and maybe a Last Story trailer. From there, Iwata will take the stage and it will be Wii U for the rest of the conference. Minimal charts and graphs, if any.

around 3 live demos, 1 of which will be 3rd party. Tons of 1st party trailers, a couple for important 3rd party partners, giant 1st & 3rd party games reel.


I have no doubt that Nintendo will do HD Remasters. Zelda, Mario, why not the Prime games? Loved to see F-Zero GX HD.

I think we are going to see Skyward Sword: HD Master Quest at launch. Especially if they are going to include a Wii Motion+ in the box. After the somewhat disappointing sales of the game on Wii and with how much Nintendo loves the game, it'd be a good opportunity to give it a second wind.
I think we are going to see Skyward Sword: HD Master Quest at launch. Especially if they are going to include a Wii Motion+ in the box. After the somewhat disappointing sales of the game on Wii and with how much Nintendo loves the game, it'd be a good opportunity to give it a second wind.

If it can be used with the U Pad I will buy it otherwiseno thanks. That's one reason I am so excited for the Wii U; give me a real controller with analog sticks and no Wiimote controls.
How do you think is Nintendo going to start to talk about Wii U at E3?

Since it's the big thing, I expect them to start with 3DS talk and Iwata speech. And then? Maybe Iwata includes the re-reveal of the Wii U, new desgin, new name, who knows? After that I expect to talk about the system's UI, NN and other possiblities with apps. And then they reveal some casual title, Pikmin 3 and have a live demo. Then an ACIII live-demo and trailers for games released at launch, plus a few trailers for new games coming out in the future. Both Nintendo titles (Mario) and 3rd party games. If we're lucky we'll get launch date and price and one more thing is Retro Studios' new game.

I see them teasing a big Wii U Title before moving into Wii Hardware/Software talk (primarily about what to expect leading up to the Wii U), 3DS hardware/software talk, sizzle reel, and then a full blown Wii U reveal starting with a sizzle reel and followed by live Demos and finishing with expectations.


Rösti;35848697 said:
While it's not that relevant to compare PC system requirements with theoretical Wii U specifications, Nintendo perhaps has had the guidelines for Unreal Engine 3 as a focal point when developing the system. These requirements are:

Minimum PC Hardware Requirements for Developers

Windows XP SP3 (32-bit only) with DirectX 9.0c
2GHz or better CPU
A graphics card with Shader Model 3.0 support, such as nVidia GeForce 7800

NOTE: Windows 7 64bit is currently the mainstream development environment.

Recommended PC Hardware Specs for Developers

Windows 7 64-bit
2.0+ GHz multi-core processor
8 GB System RAM
NVIDIA 8000 series or higher graphics card
Plenty of HDD space

PC Hardware Spec Used by Epic Games

HW Spec for Epic's Programmers

Lenovo ThinkStation D20 (Model 4158-C95)
Windows 7 64-bit
Dual Quad-Core Xeon Nehalem Processors (3.17GHz)
nVidia GeForce GTX 285 (1 GB DDR3)
3x500 GB Hard Drives (1x OS Drive, 2x Data Drives in a RAID 0 configuration)

HW Spec for Epic's Level Designers

Dell Precision Workstation T7400
Windows 7 64-bit
Dual Quad-Core Xeon Processors (3.0GHz)
nVidia GeForce GTX 285 (1 GB DDR3)
3x500 GB Hard Drives (1x OS Drive, 2x Data Drives in a RAID 0 configuration)

HW Spec for Epic's Artists (same specs as L.D.)

Dell Precision Workstation T7400
Windows 7 64-bit
Dual Quad-Core Xeon Processors (3.0GHz)
nVidia GeForce GTX 285 (1 GB DDR3)
3x500 GB Hard Drives (1x OS Drive, 2x Data Drives in a RAID 0 configuration)

HW Spec for Epic's Testers

Custom built PC's with
Windows 7 64-bit
Intel Core2Extreme Quad Core Processor - Q6800 - 2.93 GHz
nVidia GeForce 8800 (768 MB GDDR3)
1x320 GB Hard Drive (OS Drive), 1x500 GB Hard Drive (Data Drive)

HW Spec for Swarm Farm Servers

IBM BladeCenter HS22 [7870AC1] (14 Nodes)
Spec for one node:
Dual Quad Core Xeon Processors (2.53 GHz)
73GB SAS Drive
Source: http://udn.epicgames.com/Three/UE3MinSpecs.html

As mentioned in another thread, what Stephen Totilo of Kotaku wrote:

I can see Nintendo at first vouching more for Unreal Engine 3 than its successor, as many developers know how to use this engine, and if they have current projects utilizing it, then it bodes well for ports of various kinds. Though for Nintendo to actually not support Unreal Engine 4 would be an unwise decision, as that engine will most likely be, as others have suggested, the most licensed engine next generation. And once developers start to jump shift in 2013-2014, who would want to stick around with eventually arbitrary tools just to have their games for Wii U as well?

I think you are putting too much emphasis on the system RAM but not looking at the -comparatively- small video ram the graphics card has in each case.


That all seems likely to me, but replace ACIII live demo with Killer Freaks live demo. However, I feel like they have some sort of secret that none of us could guess. If the tablet controller was their ace in the hole I feel like they wouldn't have revealed it a year and a half before the console's release. They obviously weren't concerned with the possibility that Sony and Microsoft could ape their tablet idea and not three years into the console cycle this time. I feel like Nintendo is using the Upad as a way to draw attention away from something bigger. What that may be, though, is beyond me.

or maybe they wanted to give microsoft and sony the opportunity to copy so that 3rd party devs won't have an excuse for not supporting the controller when all 3 have screens on them"?


Junior Member
No SS HD, no Wii M+. The console needs originality at Launch at all costs.

Yup, drop the old and busted. We need a console that can support 4 upads playing at the same time. I don't see why you could just drop out subscreen support while playing local multiplayer but still use it for controls and just give up on motion controls. Focus on the screen and stop thinking about the wii mote. I won't miss a thing about motion except for Skyward Sword's implementation.
Now DICE says 2GB is not enough for next-gen.

Nintendo surely won't put more than that in the Wii U.

Keep in mind, Frostbite 2.0 works on CURRENT GEN engines, and that is with only a quarter of that. What did console players lose out on? DX 10+ effects and level size/Multi player counts. merely doubling that on consoles would see improvements, and the "rumor" is that the Wii U will at the very least have over 1 gig, so unless Nintendo is skimping out on the CPU, i continue to wonder what so many people are worried about. 4GB - 8GB in a PC does not necessarily function the same as in a console. Keep that in mind.
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