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Wii U Speculation Thread of Brains Beware: Wii U Re-Unveiling At E3 2012

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AceBandage said:
It'll likely be 100% 3DS/Zelda focused, though.
Maybe they'll sneak in a Wii U question, but he won't tell us anything.

Agree. Maybe two questions with the 'we aren't here to talk about that right now. Certainly we are excited about the machine and the players response at E3, but don't have anything to share right now (although you will be the first to know when we do - wink.).'


PushTheButtonMax said:
Well the description specifically mentions the Wii U, so we're gonna get something...

We have to realise that

1) This is Nintendo
2) It's Reggie
3) We're almost insane with desire for information

Combine all those factors and we are sure to be disappointed no matter what it is.


AzaK said:
We have to realise that

1) This is Nintendo
2) It's Reggie
3) We're almost insane with desire for information

Combine all those factors and we are sure to be disappointed no matter what it is.

I swear to God, if he starts to spin a question around and start's with the phrase "You know, it's great..." I'm gonna blow a gasket.


Maybe they should just scrap this concept and go with something a little more traditional. I just have a feeling that this will fail to capture the hardly core and recapture the casuals like the wii did. :/
Door2Dawn said:
Maybe they should just scrap this concept and go with something a little more traditional. I just have a feeling that this will fail to capture the hardly core and recapture the casuals like the wii did. :/

They clearly aren't going after the exact same audience that gobbled up the Wii.
They've even said as such.
They want a more loyal fanbase that will buy lots of games.


Sucks at viral marketing
He is almost certainly going on the show with the sole purpose of discussing Zelda, Mario 3D Land, and Mario Kart. They may ask questions about WiiU but he'll deflect.

I see December 16 or 17 being the date when we get new WiiU details.


guek said:
I swear to God, if he starts to spin a question around and start's with the phrase "You know, it's great..." I'm gonna blow a gasket.

Shit, your impersonation almost had me raging. :p
AceBandage said:
They clearly aren't going after the exact same audience that gobbled up the Wii.
They've even said as such.
They want a more loyal fanbase that will buy lots of games.

Quotes? I know they have said they want to appeal to people who buy more game, but I don't recall them ever stating they wouldn't be trying to keep the new audience they uncovered with the Wii/DS.
JJConrad said:
He is almost certainly going on the show with the sole purpose of discussing Zelda, Mario 3D Land, and Mario Kart. They may ask questions about WiiU but he'll deflect.

I see December 16 or 17 being the date when we get new WiiU details.
Why such precise dates?


Give BP a break. It's not as if the guy is a drive-by troll. He seems to genuinely want the Wii U to be the greatest machine possible and any news that could possibly be skewed to shatter that dream hits him hard.

He's basically openly admitted as much and he has never been slow to stand down when others point out the errors in his logic or position.

I for one will miss the manic energy he brings to the thread.
11redder said:
Give BP a break. It's not as if the guy is a drive-by troll. He seems to genuinely want the Wii U to be the greatest machine possible and any news that could possibly be skewed to shatter that dream hits him hard.

He's basically openly admitted as much and he has never been slow to stand down when others point out the errors in his logic or position.

I for one will miss the manic energy he brings to the thread.
Eh, he'll be back. Gaf runs on his craziness.
Granted it does get...
AceBandage said:
It gets annoying, I'm sorry.
Ding Ding Ding.
11redder said:
Give BP a break. It's not as if the guy is a drive-by troll. He seems to genuinely want the Wii U to be the greatest machine possible and any news that could possibly be skewed to shatter that dream hits him hard.

He's basically openly admitted as much and he has never been slow to stand down when others point out the errors in his logic or position.

I for one will miss the manic energy he brings to the thread.

BP's problem was that he was, self proclaimed, bi-polar.

Which, I mean, is fine, but it was extreme with him.
He'd post about how Nintendo was awesome in one breath then how they were stupid and doomed in the next.
For no reason at all.

It gets annoying, I'm sorry.


JJConrad said:
He is almost certainly going on the show with the sole purpose of discussing Zelda, Mario 3D Land, and Mario Kart. They may ask questions about WiiU but he'll deflect.

I see December 16 or 17 being the date when we get new WiiU details.
No way they give us more WiiU info a week before the xmas holiday and risk cutting into sales.

If we get any news this year(even though rumors say we will I'm not so sure), it will be after the holiday.

And also...tag quote.


AceBandage said:
BP's problem was that he was, self proclaimed, bi-polar.

Which, I mean, is fine, but it was extreme with him.
He'd post about how Nintendo was awesome in one breath then how they were stupid and doomed in the next.
For no reason at all.

It gets annoying, I'm sorry.

I can understand that point of view.

But I think he really views Nintendo as awesome and wants them to suceed so badly. He just fears that something akin to the use of carts, mini-dvds or being completely out of step power-wise, will once again see Ninty receive less than stellar third-party support, which will doom the machine to obscurity in his mind.

I guess what I'm saying is that it comes from the right place. He's not here trying to annoy people or wind them up. He's just emotionally vomitting on his keyboard, probably due to caring too much.


Shanadeus said:
Tech prediction time!

I bet the Wii U will have 2GB of unified GDDR3 along with 24MB of that special nintendo ram attached to the CPU, which will be a quad PPC clocked at 2.8 GHz.
The GPU will be a modifed 5850.

what leads you to believe it'll be a quad core and not a tri-core?

regarding BP, I'm glad we're free of him for awhile. I find it hilarious though that we're talking about him so much. Are you guys sure he's perma-banned and not just temp-banned?
guek said:
what leads you to believe it'll be a quad core and not a tri-core?

regarding BP, I'm glad we're free of him for awhile. I find it hilarious though that we're talking about him so much. Are you guys sure he's perma-banned and not just temp-banned?

No way it's perma, unless he posted like child porn or something.
Probably a 2 week ban, honestly.

Azure J

Shanadeus said:
Tech prediction time!

I bet the Wii U will have 2GB of unified GDDR3 along with 24MB of that special nintendo ram attached to the CPU, which will be a quad PPC clocked at 2.8 GHz.
The GPU will be a modifed 5850.

This would be the greatest engineering feat ever. I'd also never have to step in a Wii U spec discussion thread because this is better than my best case scenario and a full generational leap.
Do we have any word what so ever on whether the wii chips will be in there for full backward compat? Any chance of the system using those chips in addition to its new hardware? Like off loading controller output to the Wii's gpu? Is that even practical? to use different sets of hardware in unison?
Gamer @ Heart said:
Do we have any word what so ever on whether the wii chips will be in there for full backward compat? Any chance of the system using those chips in addition to its new hardware? Like off loading controller output to the Wii's gpu? Is that even practical? to use different sets of hardware in unison?

We don't really know how it'll handle BC.
I'm betting it'll be hardware based, though.
Either through Wii chips in the unit or by the parts being designed to handle Wii games directly.


IceDoesntHelp said:
So if Reggie does give us a hint at something Wii U related this Thursday, what do you guys think it will be?
Lets be rational people.

At best I expect him to say we'll be getting more details before the end of the year. He might hint at some new upcoming titles as well. I fully expect him to at one point say "1080p graphics, check that box." When Geoff asks him about how it stacks up next to the current HD twins and whether or not nintendo is committing to future proofing the console, he'll respond with "you know, it's great, our fans love great looking games and we're committed to bringing them the best gaming experiences possible."
Shanadeus said:
Tech prediction time!

I bet the Wii U will have 2GB of unified GDDR3 along with 24MB of that special nintendo ram attached to the CPU, which will be a quad PPC clocked at 2.8 GHz.
The GPU will be a modifed 5850.
I can't find it but I think I predicted earlier:

CPU - 3 or 4 core OOE 3.125 GHz
GPU - 627 MHz 5870, 512 MB RAM, 24 or 32 MB eDRAM (or whatever is necessary for standard 1080P play plus whatever)
RAM - 1.254 GHz, 1, maybe 2, GB lesser RAM

Yeah I know, detailed and in depth.

bgassassin said:
BurntPork said to forget about him and focus on Wii U.
Done and done.

IceDoesntHelp said:
So if Reggie does give us a hint at something Wii U related this Thursday, what do you guys think it will be?
Lets be rational people.
ARE YOU EXCITED!!!! WII U exists,... with details incoming,... at some point in the future!!!! YEAH, you are EXCITE!!!!
Bending_Unit_22 said:
ARE YOU EXCITED!!!! WII U exists,... with details incoming,... at some point in the future!!!! YEAH, you are EXCITE!!!!
You know the chances of that are highly likely. BUT! I can dream..show me Pikmin 3 Reggie...DO IT!
bgassassin said:
You are alive! Actually I have been trying to with those specs. For example the leaked Thames Pro is 850Mhz, 1408 ALUs and is 90W. The Lombok XL leaked amount is 900Mhz, 768 ALUs and 60W. As you can see my GPU is closer to the Lombok XL. That's also why I focused on a split pool with DDR3. As for the CPU, if the PowerPC A2 can be built with 16 cores at 2.3GHz and be 65W, I would assume the one I'm proposing could be made under 40W.
It's been a turbulent few months. I sort of expect that I'll only really show up when Nintendo makes announcements and such for a while. Am very happy to have a new job though.

I'm mostly just happy that you're keeping it to a guesstimated sub-150w level. That's kind of the litmus test for me on whether or not a build is at all reasonable.

I'm also a supporter of the split memory pool idea. I don't think the benefit on a unified pool is as great as it once was, but I'm very amenable to argument on that one.


guek said:
At best I expect him to say we'll be getting more details before the end of the year. He might hint at some new upcoming titles as well. I fully expect him to at one point say "1080p graphics, check that box." When Geoff asks him about how it stacks up next to the current HD twins and whether or not nintendo is committing to future proofing the console, he'll respond with "you know, it's great, our fans love great looking games and we're committed to bringing them the best gaming experiences possible."

Yup, you're right. He will answer questions without answering them, repeat again and again that "it is 1080p, so you have your high definition graphics right there". Say ad infinitum that it's all about the controller and the unique experiences that can bring to the living room.

We will sit through it with baited breath and we will all come away going "Now I saw his mouth move, but did I actually hear anything of value?".

If I'm being very optimistic he might say that they have some great surprises in store that we want to tell you about but more will be revealed at a later date. That's about as much as I imagine we'd ever get at this stage. It will primarily be 3DS, Mario games and the forthcoming update.


The best and only opportunity for Geoff to get anything out of him would be the following question (but it would still be a Hail Mary pass):

"Reggie, at E3 you said we could 'check the box' for the Wii U online infrastructure and that more concrete information would shortly follow - but we don't know hardly enough to about your online plans. So, can you help us check that box?"


No way Wii-U's GPU can be a 5870 level card. Even with a die shrink from 40nm to 28nm, the total power draw would still over 100W. Just look at 7870, same gflops as 5870, but on 28nm, and a 120W TDP.

I would say a 50W 7570 level GPU with 1.1 teraflops of power is probably the best that Nintendo can do with their current form factor.

My high end guestimate for the Wii-U:

3-4 Broadway processors at 1.5 ghz.
OR A SINGLE power7 core 3-4ghz, with 4 way SMT and OOE architecture.
200-300 million transistors
25-30 gflops
~25W TDP
There is no way Wii would be able to use a full power7 processor with 4 cores as that has 567mm2 die space area and a 150w+ TDP.

7570 Level Custom AMD GPU
500 - 750 mhz
~1 billion transistors
1+ teraflops
~50W TDP

256+ mb Assorted ram including 1T-SRAM, Edram, Caches
1gb GDDR5 main ram

This Wii-U can run the likes of BF3, with optimizations, at 720p, 60fps, with everything maxed out.

The screen on the controller will have minimal impact to overall performance unless Dice wants to do more than UI and 2d graphics on there.
Proelite said:
No way Wii-U's GPU can be a 5870 level card. Even with a die shrink from 40nm to 28nm, the total power draw would still over 100W. Just look at 7870, same gflops as 5870, but on 28nm, and a 120W TDP.
So? It ain't battery powered :)


Dreamwriter said:
So? It ain't battery powered :)

heat is the main issue from what I understand. While I don't subscribe to the notion that the size of the console completely determines it's graphical output, it makes a difference.


-WindYoshi- said:
Wait so do we know that Reggie will mention something Wii U related on thursday, or is that all speculation?

the promo says he "talks Wii U" but that could just mean "he talks about not talking about Wii U"
guek said:
heat is the main issue from what I understand. While I don't subscribe to the notion that the size of the console completely determines it's graphical output, it makes a difference.

They could actually get around this by putting a Kirby in each unit to suck away the heat, thus raising the systems power to well over 3.75 Gamecubes, But rumors suggest they may be using a cheaper type of tape than they used on Wii.


I was resigned to burnt pork being here to stay, I'm gonna miss the crazy bastard.
The tape will be back to GC levels, not worse than Wii. :)

He won't be gone long. ^_^

Proelite said:
3-4 Broadway processors at 1.5 ghz.
OR A SINGLE power7 core 3-4ghz, with 4 way SMT and OOE architecture.
200-300 million transistors
25-30 gflops
~25W TDP
There is no way Wii would be able to use a full power7 processor with 4 cores as that has 567mm2 die space area and a 150w+ TDP.

Everything I've seen in the past indicated the 4-core version of a POWER7 was around 100W. And unless something changes at the last minute (which probably would be 32nm), we know the CPU will be using the 45nm process. Same with it being a multi-core processor. That was all in IBM's press release.

I don't think most are expecting an actual POWER7 (or its cores) being used, but a CPU that borrows from it.


NinjaTehFish said:
They could actually get around this by putting a Kirby in each unit to suck away the heat, thus raising the systems power to well over 3.75 Gamecubes, But rumors suggest they may be using a cheaper type of tape than they used on Wii.

This is ridiculous. It will obviously be maple syrup cooled, and you can use the warm maple syrup to top the delicious waffles it produces.
-WindYoshi- said:
Wait so do we know that Reggie will mention something Wii U related on thursday, or is that all speculation?
I think that's just Geoff Keighley's hopes, honestly. Either that or Reggie will announce a specific timeframe of when to expect concrete info. No matter what, we're probably not getting much from this, in my opinion.

Except maybe Reggie getting flustered and raising his voice at Geoff like during that E3 interview haha.
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