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Wikileaks documents claim Hillary Clinton 'thinks Saudi Arabia and Qatar fund Isis'

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Wait...this is a revelation?
Well, it is significant because previously this was just speculation. Contrary to the headline, Hillary didn't say she thought Saudi Arabia and Qatar were funding ISIS. She said, "We need ... to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL [Isis] and other radical Sunni groups in the region."

Hillary, with the intelligence and information she was privy to until 2013 (and probably afterward), said Qatar and Saudi Arabia are funding ISIS and other radical Sunni groups (probably referring to Al-Qaeda's offshoot Al-Nusra), which means it is almost definitively true. This has major implications. Qatar and Saudi Arabia fund a wide variety of media outlets, thinktanks, lobbying groups, and reporters in the West. Paid liars like Charles Lister (https://twitter.com/Charles_Lister) and the entire staff of Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya are being paid by the same people who bankrolled ISIS. ISIS has carried out attacks in the West, which means Qatar and Saudi Arabia are funding terrorist attacks in Europe, the United States, and Canada.
Well, it is significant because previously this was just speculation. Contrary to the headline, Hillary didn't say she thought Saudi Arabia and Qatar were funding ISIS. She said, "We need ... to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL [Isis] and other radical Sunni groups in the region."

Hillary, with the intelligence and information she was privy to until 2013 (and probably afterward), said Qatar and Saudi Arabia are funding ISIS and other radical Sunni groups (probably referring to Al-Qaeda's offshoot Al-Nusra), which means it is almost definitively true. This has major implications. Qatar and Saudi Arabia fund a wide variety of media outlets, thinktanks, lobbying groups, and reporters in the West. Paid liars like Charles Lister (https://twitter.com/Charles_Lister) and the entire staff of Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya are being paid by the same people who bankrolled ISIS. ISIS has carried out attacks in the West, which means Qatar and Saudi Arabia are funding terrorist attacks in Europe, the United States, and Canada.

I remember a video of an al jazeera host calling for the genocide of minorities in Syria while talking to a rebel commander that didnt think that was a good idea.



Also this :

They made a poll so the viewers can vote if Alawites should be genocided or not.
This, hopefully Hillary will be different to Obama in this matter.

Doubt it despite what might be going on, it is better to have the Saudis working with us than them doing absolutely what they want. It is better for us to pressure them to stop and it seems that worked somewhat as they have taking some measures against ISIS( not directly) and ISIS isn't getting a lot of their funding outside anymore I think. However, privately she might be tougher than Obama, but I doubt to the point of risking the alliance.
Golly, those shackles coming off really made things crazier, huh?

It's almost like Hillary has



Didn't the Obama admin or someone else already say this, like years ago? I'm pretty sure Qatar was like the largest financier of ISIS.


Lol these leaks...

I almost feel bad for people looking forward to them ruining Hillary Clinton. Can't imagine what that kind of disappointment feels like

A fair bit of them, like this one... makes me support her more.
Didn't the Obama admin or someone else already say this, like years ago? I'm pretty sure Qatar was like the largest financier of ISIS.

I remember something like that too. Makes it even more of a joke that Qatar is hosting the World Cup. I hope a lot of people boycott it.


There was support coming from people in those countries, mostly back when ISIS first started. But since then the Saudi government has cracked down on it hard. ISIS is responsible for many terrorist attacks in the Kingdom and they consider the Saudi Government to be their enemy. There is no way they would turn a blind eye to ISIS support now.

But they definitely do support other groups in Syria in their proxy war against Iran.
Let me be clear - just because I think HRC shouldn't get a pass on this doesn't mean I want to MAGA.

This is shit that needs to be talked about and should not be swept back under the carpet. As a queer man, this is incredibly disheartening to read.

This is 100% wrong.

The "she and her husband believe it" refers to her claim that there was a threat of a constitutional amendment if Clinton veto'd DOMA, since it passed with veto-proof majorities. It was a minor issue during the primaries.

The immediately preceding email to the one you're referencing says:

The most recent Blade article has Elizabeth Birch quoted as saying there was no amendment threat in 1996. Hilary Rosen has already tweeted the same. I'll ask on the call, but my sense is that there aren't many friends who will back us up on the point. That's why I'm urging us to back off as much as we can there.

Then the next email:

I'm not saying double down or ever say it again. I'm just saying that she's not going to want to say she was wrong about that, given she and her husband believe it and have repeated it many times. [that there was a threat of constitutional amendment] Better to reiterate evolution, opposition to DOMA when court considered it, and forward looking stance.
Parenthetical and emphasis mine.


The angle is that she took donations from them so she took money from people she thinks are funding terrorists.

I think it's stupid but that's what I'm seeing out there in the nets.
October Surprise:

Hillary uses logic to deduce something.
In private emails that are not intended for the public but were hacked to undermine the leadership and safety of our country. If the intention is to produce evidence of criminal activity related to HRC then all they're doing is showing how mundane and expected her communications are.


LOL ok. So common sense is bad?

Meanwhile we have a guy on MSNBC saying that "all candidates are sinners" and "all people are sinners" so it is ok for religious people to go ahead and vote for Trump.


Clinton thinks Kickstarter for Terrorists funds actual Terrorists.


I can't handle all these revelations.


I hope people are looking at the disgraceful behavior of Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks. She is unfit to run.

I got nothing.
There's a reason they're releasing them drip drip like this. There's nothing terrible unless it's massively taken out of context and that leads hard to do unless there's only few things to focus ob
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