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Will Sony make another Syphon Filter?


Not sure how many people here have played Syphon Filter. Aside from its ridiculously cool name, it's getting fairly "old school" in the grand scheme of things.

It starred on PSone and had a brief, but enjoyable romp on PS2, with arguably the best entries then appearing on PSP.

I miss this franchise and every E3 I'm left disappointed that they don't announce a new mainline entry. Still the best action secret agent series, IMO, not starring Solid Snake.

Any rumours out there of another one being cooked up? Am I alone in my love of Gabe Logan's adventures?

The thought of how great this could be on PS4, makes me sad knowing it may never happen.
I played and loved the first game. Never played the others, I am down for a rebooted Syphon Filter.

Gimme the taser!



Doubt it, seeing as Bend is now working on Days Gone. Following interviews at E3 the team seem very attached to the IP still so I doubt Sony would get anyone else to make it. Also, I don't think many people are asking for it.


Sorry to dissapoint, but no rumours as of late, to my knowledge.

We're right there with you, though. We hoped some E3s ago that a new one was in the works.
I would love it if they completely rebooted the franchise. I am starting to doubt they will, however, with their 1st/2nd parties all tied with original IPs and likely other Marvel properties besides Spiderman.


Almost 100% no. The old games were fun but it's pretty dead in terms of brand recognition and I think it would be hard for them to make the case that they should reboot Syphon Filter rather than just start a new series.


Junior Member
If they never made a game during the PS3 generation, they wont do it anymore. Weird though, because I remember Syphon Filter being as big as Metal Gear Solid during the PS1 days. Then we got the handheld reboots, but it never got the Metal Gear treatment from Sony.
Almost 100% no. The old games were fun but it's pretty dead in terms of brand recognition and I think it would be hard for them to make the case that they should reboot Syphon Filter rather than just start a new series.

I think a B-tier or mid-A tier Syphon Filter reboot could do well. Especially if it went full-on on the cheese factor.


Has there ever been a weapon as fun to use as the taser? Bursting guys into flames while they writhed in pain never got old. I loved the stealth, the combat was satisfying and the graphics were pretty damn good, for the era. I also loved how the game wasn't afraid to make use of colour in the environments, lots of NPC interactions and generous use of weather effects and high tech gadgets.

Bring it back, Sony!
Highly doubtful. (But I reeeaaaallly want them to.) I was really hoping they would make on for the Vita since they did 2 or 3 on the PSP but oh well, that dream died along with the Vita.
I miss SF. But I dunno if there's a studio who'd want to inherit all of its baggage and the legal wrangling necessary in place of just making a similar, original property.


The Omega Strain was awesome. One of my earliest online co op memories was playing that game. The mission design was great. Large, challenging, open levels with a variety of objectives that could only be completed by people who had a good plan going into the mission. The amount of time I'd sit on the loadout screen pre-mission and assign who was supposed to take care of what...those were the days.


Doubt it, seeing as Bend is now working on Days Gone. Following interviews at E3 the team seem very attached to the IP still so I doubt Sony would get anyone else to make it. Also, I don't think many people are asking for it.

There were rumors of London doing it but that doesn't sound realistic at all.
I will die if they do.

As it stands now, Bend isn't going to do it with Days Gone in the pipe, and besides, the fact that
Gabe got his ass capped in Logan's Shadow
means that there won't be any games, I remember the manager saying that.

Also, perfect time to plug one of the greatest Let's Play series ever, conveniently revolving around Syphon Filter! Here
I would love that but probably not. I wonder of Bend ever pitched a PS4 SF game in the years between Uncharted GA and starting Days Gone. Wasnt there rumoured they had a bunch of failed pitches post Uncharted?

Set someone on fire with the Taser.

"trophy pop"


Would be cool as a smaller digital game, especially if they wanted to follow the episodic formula, but for the most part the Syphon Filter IP is on ice along with Omega Boost, Ape Escape, Warhawk, Twisted Metal, Wipeout, and SOCOM for the time being.


Unconfirmed Member
One of my favourite videogame series of all time so of course I would but I don't think Sony Bend want to make them anymore and to be honest, it just doesn't have that brand recognition unless of course they did a complete reboot. I wouldn't want anyone other than Sony Bend handling it either and they're doing Days Gone now so the dream is dead. But at least Sony Bend are still kicking about and they're making a game I'm looking forward to so it's all good :)


This is a great read.


Metal Gear Solid actually had nothing to do with the genesis of Syphon Filter. We had been in development for quite a while before we had even heard of it. The idea originally came from a producer at Sony’s (then) 989 Studios who had written a one page synopsis that he called “Syphon Filter” which had zero meaning, i.e. there was no plot, no character, and no story, just an idea for settings, mechanics and gameplay. From the beginning it was to be a “stealth action” game (in the days before there was such a genre) that focused heavily on weapons, gadgets and stealth. Our goal was to make the player feel like a super spy. Our lead designer back then was pretty heavily influenced by Nintendo’s GoldenEye, which was probably the closest you could come to finding a game like Syphon in those days.
Would totally love a new Syphon Filter or even a HD Trilogy or remake. Really enjoyed the PSP games aswell as the originals on PS1.

Makes me crave for a return of more older games from PlayStation's past, like Wipeout, Ape Escape, Destruction Derby, Twisted Metal, Ridge Racer, Jak & Daxter ect.
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