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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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This may be a bit off subject but......

Person of Interest is like the Ultimate Batman. It's so fuckin good, much better than Arrow or Flash. Everyone should watch this show.

Man I wish anime had a show like this, maybe one day.
I was thinking maybe Capcom would fit that role pretty well because FMP appears to be getting the same treatment as Mega Man nowadays.

Fans to Capcom: Make a new console Mega Man game!
Capcom to fans: How about this nice Mega Man mobile game instead?

Fans to KyoAni: Make a new FMP Season!
KyoAni to fans: About some nice movies of Beyond the Boundary instead?

lol wut?

KyoAni wishes it had a fraction of the great IPs Capcom has produced.


Subete no aware
This may be a bit off subject but......

Person of Interest is like the Ultimate Batman. It's so fuckin good, much better than Arrow or Flash. Everyone should watch this show.

Man I wish anime had a show like this.

From the man who wrote Interstellar! Amazing isn't it? lol
Parasyte: The Maxim 14

The previous one was a bit weak, but this one is even weaker. Sloppy, mundane direction with bad, sudden cuts, or with scenes lifted straight from the manga without any thought of how it meshed all together.

The good part is the plot iself, in this case how ambiguous is presented the female Parasyte ex-teacher.
-She seems a bit more human, having ticks or laughing. But... she laughs manically, lol.
-She is interested in learning human behavior and social evolution in the University, but both the shadow of infanticide and the notion of altruism is presented.
-She uses her own kid as shield, but she isn't interested in fighting the hero and run away, only being interested in information.
I was thinking maybe Capcom would fit that role pretty well because FMP appears to be getting the same treatment as Mega Man nowadays.

Fans to Capcom: Make a new console Mega Man game!
Capcom to fans: How about this nice Mega Man mobile game instead?

Fans to KyoAni: Make a new FMP Season!
KyoAni to fans: About some nice movies of Beyond the Boundary instead?

Except KyoAni doesn't own the FMP franchise, so they couldn't make a new season of it even if they wanted to.


Gundam Build Fighters TRY 14





Opening: Not bad. Not bad at all. Love that shot with the kid following after Ash's footsteps.

I now understand the purpose of that Goomy thread I posted in awhile back.

That little badass is adorable.

Glad it seems Ash will finally evolve a Pseudo all the way.

Even if I have to use SafeSearch whenever I look up a picture.

And being miff that he never evolved his Gible.
Kancolle 02


The price of being a carrier.

A nice little training episode for Fubaki while also meeting some of the other shipgirls around the base. All and all enjoyable. Much love for the OP and the ED is fine too. I've now come to the clear conclusion that is is very much made with already fans in mind considering all the jokes, references to the game and references to things common in the artwork fanbase. While yes it certainly isn't directed at those who knoq nothing about the universe I'm not sure there's a better direction to take. I think its totally fine that this is something for the fans to enjoy. Reminds me of why there's yet to be a true Touhou anime as well.


Golden Boy - had not seen it before. Was a surprise given some people calling it 'the one harem I like'. Didn't look like a harem at all to me. Reminded me of shows like the incredible Hulk and The Pretender. Also really surprised by its length. Could have watched lots more.

Wow so this is your first time witnessing Goldenboy? What a treat. Im legit jealous!
You did right watching the dub for once here. Its excellent and completely hilarious.
The show isnt a harem but feels like it because Kintaro is so smooth with the ladies.
So educational!

Fight the infection! Say no to Cross Ange!

B-but I have heard amazing things about it!

NeoGAF user JoeFu lost a watchbet on this day.

Do not be too cruel about his new avatar.

Noted. Cant wait to see it!

Inou Battle numbers make me sad. Surprised and glad for the Shirobako numbers though. Figured that would sell poorly.

Inou battle, along with other chuuni things, dont seem to sell quite as much as I was expecting them too. Inou battle itself is kind of average, with only a few memorable characters and episodes, and really just sort of came and went without much incident. I can see why it didnt sell well. It was still wonderful when the MC got told by Hatoko and Mirei was a huge part of the enjoyment of the show as well.


Parasyte Episode 14:

Ah, it is good to see the series get back to what it is best at, ruminating on the nature of humans and parasites.


Kantai Collection 2

First five minutes were actually really great then the clock struck midnight and it turned back into KanColle. Actually it got better again but the initial practice and bathhouse scenes were all so very ????????


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Rolling Girls:
Tonally and visually, this reminds me of Yozakura Quartet but with 100% less loli pantsu. Will continue to watch as long as it doesn't get boring.


Yuri Kuma Arashi 01-02

What the flying fuck? I'm truly in SHOCK.

Rolling Girls 01

I have no idea what is happening but holy hell that animation.

Death Parade 01

That was pretty interesting, I'll keep watching.

Overall this is a pretty interesting season, even if Yoru no Yatterman still takes my price of best first episode.

So to sum it all up "I have no idea wtf just happened, but it was AWESOME!"

Yuri Bear Storm 2

I can't say I'm fond of the direction this show is going. The show needs to do something to make us care about the characters, but right now everything is getting overwhelmed by Ikuhara-isms and plot twists. His weirdness only works if it's applied to interesting characters that we're invested in, and right now Kureha is failing that test. And I think the pacing is just too frenetic- there's not enough time spent on establishing mood and atmosphere.

Certainly a very pleasant space to live in. The pink is prevalent but not too overstated to be gaudy.

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha 5

Nanoha sure is philosophical for a 3rd-grader.

Wow, Suzuka's family really pampers the help, sending them to an onsen.

Oh, also, onsen episode.


ANYWAY, seems like Nanoha's dad has a secret.

And we meet an orange-haired woman. With a jewel in her forehead. Who's telepathic.

Fate and Arf. I really hope these are codenames. That they're using in a private telepathic conversation. Crap.

Who exactly is the target audience for this show?
Don't answer that.

Holy fish-eye lens, Nanoha!

So yeah, this series is starting to get mofu.

Welp, seems this episode's budget all went to the Bardiche transformation scene.

Also, a bit ironic that the onsen episode skips the lewd magical girl transformation.

Huh, Fate (ugh) is pretty ruthless. And I'm actually surprised at how melanchoy this series is getting.

The show is about to explode. Be prepared for it.

Ok not this has my attention. Very cute artwork and a slice of life about seiyuus? This hasnt really been done before! I look forward to much squeeing.


Kantai Collection 2

First five minutes were actually really great then the clock struck midnight and it turned back into KanColle. Actually it got better again but the initial practice and bathhouse scenes were all so very ????????


The shamelessness of the Admiral character being the player self-insert in Kancolle is amazing too. He's this nebulous entity making decisions and the one time one of the girls reports to him, it cuts to a first person POV and the camera tilts as if the Admiral was nodding his head. It's as if the viewer is the Admiral himself!


The shamelessness of the Admiral character being the player self-insert in Kancolle is amazing too. He's this nebulous entity making decisions and the one time one of the girls reports to him, it cuts to a first person POV and the camera tilts as if the Admiral was nodding his head. It's as if the viewer is the Admiral himself!

Paving the way for VR harem anime.


The shamelessness of the Admiral character being the player self-insert in Kancolle is amazing too. He's this nebulous entity making decisions and the one time one of the girls reports to him, it cuts to a first person POV and the camera tilts as if the Admiral was nodding his head. It's as if the viewer is the Admiral himself!
I have seen it on some super interesting anime recently.

Paving the way for VR harem anime.
The logical conclusion of the CG future.


I'm reminded of my proposed theme tune for the show:

Excellent work sir.

You are an evil bear.

Negative. He is AWESOMEBEAR.

Got some stuff today:

Ok..Im legit jelly that yall got Higurashi Kai. We never did :(

I dunno, Tharja was a total creep but not really much of a yandere.

Her daughter on the other hand...

She seems cute. Im ok with this.

Rolling Girls

Did they blow their budget on the first episode? Show is a lot of fun and the characters are likeable as well. I have a feeling that the show might focus on the Rest instead of the Best though :/

Im worried about that too but I have faith!

Today on gaming side, we discuss how we both love and hate Nintendo.

For like the 100th time.

Im so sick of this shit really. but I just got a nice raise at work so Im not concerned with prices. I want that MM 3ds!

Zachy will be thrilled. Finally I can watch this too.
Hey, is anyone here a fan of Shin Kibayashi? I'm looking at some of the stuff he's credited as original creator for and I'm pretty intrigued.

I say this because he's going to write the story of the new Fire Emblem game that was just announced, and I wanted to know what the general consensus was on him.


Slightly OT, but does anyone else having any issues with Funimation PS3 app?

I can't seem to play a single episode without it buffering for 2-3 secs every 10 minutes :-\
Stiens;Gate 14

I can't imagine the mental toll it must have on seeing
your childhood friend die right in front of you over and over.
Thankfully you have best and second-best girl to help you prevent it.
As well best girl's A.K.A John Titor's time machine. Two bucks says she's also Okabe's future daughter.

Oh how I wish I could watch Steins;Gate for the first time again.
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