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Witcher 3 downgrade arguments in here and nowhere else

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Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Current-gen and last-gen animation comparison:



And Next-Gen Lip Syncing. You heard it here first.
Dat "downgrade hyperbole".

Missed the part where I said "Over the Witcher 2" did we?

Understandable, as it wasn't in the post you qu... oh wait....

Also, I cant even tell what the hell is happening in those .gifs. Quality is embarrassing. Lets use proper comparisons please. Of course there are games with better animation, but TW2 to the Wild Hunt is a marked improvement. And even TW2 had a better running animation than that stiff ass one in whatever game that is.


semen stains the mountaintops
No, if you want it to look closer to the 2013 footage you will need to color correct it some more until the grass is more blue than green and then add a large lavender lense flare

I mean, this is the ultimate goal, right?

Only if you ignore all of the other 2013 footage then, I guess?

That gif is the ONLY footage where the game had that color palette. I mean, shit, just look at the OP. That has multiple 2013 gifs.

Current-gen and last-gen animation comparison:


And Next-Gen Lip Syncing. You heard it here first.
Dat "downgrade hyperbole".

I don't think that Witcher 3 gif is sped up enough.



Still cracking up over here that anyone in this thread thinks any of this is relevant. Love the comments like 'How CDPR have fallen' haha.

Lux R7

Current-gen and last-gen animation comparison:



And Next-Gen Lip Syncing. You heard it here first.
Dat "downgrade hyperbole".

oh c'mon this isn't fair.
Dragon's Dogma? Like the best monster animations and battles ever? The best Griffin ever? Leave the gods up there ;)


Missed the part where I said "Over the Witcher 2" did we?

Understandable, as it wasn't in the post you qu... oh wait....

Also, I cant even tell what the hell is happening in those .gifs. Quality is embarrassing. Lets use proper comparisons please. Of course there are games with better animation, but TW2 to the Wild Hunt is a marked improvement. And even TW2 had a better running animation than that stiff ass one in whatever game that is.

Uh, I never said the Witcher 3 wasn't an improvement over the Witcher 2... why are we arguing then?


oh c'mon this isn't fair.
Dragon's Dogma? Like the best monster animations and battles ever? The best Griffin ever? Leave the gods up there ;)

This gif, and this thread just made me remember Deep Downgrade, and how we will probably never see a game like DD again for a very long time, if ever. The best thing we can hope for now is a PC release when they remaster it.

Totally random, but if I could only play one game ever again, it would be a game with:

The scope of Skyrim or TW3
Bioware companions
Dragon's Dogma combat and encounters
NWN2 levels of character customization


Lol that's a great pic, but yeah no I didn't say I'd boycott The Witcher 3. Never did. I'm just a critical thinker. All I meant to say is that I just don't like these double standards where both companies essentially do the exact same thing while the one is eaten alive and the other is still regarded as the prodigal son and saviour of (PC or in general) gaming.

I just want people to be consistent and lose the hypocrisy.

So critically thinking, which sku of the game do you think is going to sell more. Hence them putting more work on that copy to get it up to snuff.

How many copies of the pc sku do you think are going to be pirate day one getting them zero dollars?


Okay I get it.

Going back to the original point, in that case PS4/X1 would not affect the scalability of Witcher 3 either, they are just another mid/low spec system in that scale of yours.

Oh I largely agree, I was mainly focusing on the argument made using Steam statistics and the suggestion that they should in anyway affect how high the game scales.


It looks quite similar to cross gen titles, which often looked great on PC, but could be handled with less foliage and a decrease in character models to work without changing much else. Just doesn't have the side-by-side oomph that other large games on current gen have.


Lux R7

This gif, and this thread just made me remember Deep Downgrade, and how we will probably never see a game like DD again for a very long time, if ever. The best thing we can hope for now is a PC release when they remaster it.

Totally random, but if I could only play one game ever again, it would be a game with:

The scope of Skyrim or TW3
Bioware companions
Dragon's Dogma combat and encounters
NWN2 levels of character customization

but..character customization in terms of...appearence? Because DD has an amazing cc.
In terms of classes and feats i can agree.

Red Hood

So critically thinking, which sku of the game do you think is going to sell more. Hence them putting more work on that copy to get it up to snuff.

How many copies of the pc sku do you think are going to be pirate day one getting them zero dollars?

The consoles ones, obviously. What are you getting at? Just like Ubisoft, but they've gotten shit on all over themselves. Why? What's the difference between the two, from reveal to retail? I've very clearly stated in my previous post, which apparently you didn't read, that I don't hold a grudge on the downgrading per se (we were fools to think that would've been real), but it's people like you who I'm having a hard time understanding.

The downgrade is significant, that's a fact. Do I mind? Yes, perhaps. Does that mean I'm never going to play TW3? No absolutely not, I've pre-loaded it on GOG and I'll be all over it this midnight to have a definitive judgement of my own. Does that mean CDPR is the prodigal son, the lost lord and saviour of gaming, like a lot of people said prior to the visible downgrading? No. And that last part is what my rant is about. Not about the studio itself, but the unreasonable fans trying to protect these very shady practices.


gaming media

less than 10 hours till the game release and most gaming sites are still ignoring this.

TotalBiscuit just had another surgery so he'll unlikely to talk about it, but where are the rest like Jim Sterling, Kotaku,Vg247, Eurogamer and all the fine people and sites that covered Watch Dogs downgrade?

Probably wishing CDPR success with the game, as the reviewers seems to like the visuals and gameplay a lot. Without enough sells CD-Projekt will probably end up bankrupt, or at least leave AAA development for good. Not that ignoring this matter by mainstream sites is fair for behemoths like Ubisoft, although not surprising.

I'm wondering if they will work some more on upgrading the PC version now with console versions finished and performing relatively well.


Probably wishing CDPR success with the game, as the reviewers seems to like the visuals and gameplay a lot. Without enough sells CD-Projekt will be probably end up bankrupt or at least leave AAA development for good. Not that ignoring this matter by mainstream sites is fair for behemoths like Ubisoft, although not surprising.

I'm wondering if they will work some more on upgrading the PC version now with console versions finished and performing relatively well.

Fucking lol. Expert analysis by internet_commenter_00012.

How can you guys persist with this drivel?


woah, thanks, found this interesting making of: http://www.cgmeetup.net/home/making-of-unreal-engine-4-the-kite-demo/

snip from the important part:

  • better LOD with less pop ups
  • better shadows and lighting on vegetation
  • some weather effects now have a slight blur at the horizon
  • again better shadows
  • water is now more dynamic because of tessellation - it reacts to Geralts magic signs and other influences
  • different color grading at the same time and weather when compared between pre and post patch
  • less colourful
  • they conclude that the graphical differences between both versions equals to another detail level, like from "very high" to "ultra"

Why is everyone ignoring this?

Isn't this essentially stating that Ultra settings were messed up in all builds we've seen so far and that the patch will add in some of the stuff (grass shadows) that people have been pointing out???


Probably wishing CDPR success with the game, as the reviewers seems to like the visuals and gameplay a lot. Without enough sells CD-Projekt will probably end up bankrupt, or at least leave AAA development for good. Not that ignoring this matter by mainstream sites is fair for behemoths like Ubisoft, although not surprising.

I'm wondering if they will work some more on upgrading the PC version now with console versions finished and performing relatively well.

Tales from my ass 2.0


  • better LOD with less pop ups
  • better shadows and lighting on vegetation
  • some weather effects now have a slight blur at the horizon
  • again better shadows
  • water is now more dynamic because of tessellation - it reacts to Geralts magic signs and other influences
  • different color grading at the same time and weather when compared between pre and post patch
  • less colourful
  • they conclude that the graphical differences between both versions equals to another detail level, like from "very high" to "ultra"

Could any of this make it to the PS4 version?
There is literally a thread called:

"Witcher 3 downgrade arguments in here and nowhere else"

I'm sure it gets tiring harping on the same shit for 140 pages, but can we please leave this thread for the people who actually want to talk about enjoying the game and its content rather than bitching over the grass or clipping on Geralt's bootheels.

I... think you're in the wrong thread? This reply reads like you think you're in the |OT|. Unless that same post was posted in the OT and you're crossposting in here.


I... think you're in the wrong thread? This reply reads like you think you're in the |OT|. Unless that same post was posted in the OT and you're crossposting in here.

I totally am in the wrong thread, my heart skipped a beat and I rushed to edit! Sorry sorry sorry sorry


Fucking lol. Expert analysis by internet_commenter_00012.

How can you guys persist with this drivel?

Should I add that it's an opinion not analysis before such posts? English is not my mother tongue. The bankrupt assumtions comes from the time when they almost went out of bussiness due to monay lost on Witcher 1 console port. As for my opinion about journalists - media are biased, news at 11. If the company constantly shits on you for years than it's that much easier to write a jaded publication.
Why is everyone ignoring this?

Isn't this essentially stating that Ultra settings were messed up in all builds we've seen so far and that the patch will add in some of the stuff (grass shadows) that people have been pointing out???

because based on the comparison screens provided, all they actually did was add a few extra patches of grass and vignetting. hairworks and slightly better lod are still the only differences over the ps4 version.
While I love versions of this video....

What the heck is a "looser".

Ruins the whole video as it shows up multiple times. (rips out hair)

A common NeoGAF misspelling.

Why is everyone ignoring this?

Isn't this essentially stating that Ultra settings were messed up in all builds we've seen so far and that the patch will add in some of the stuff (grass shadows) that people have been pointing out???

You're assuming people will forgive them for that.


Junior Member
PC port of Farcry 3 was leagues ahead of the console version, pretty much a generation apart. The claim that Witcher 3 barely looks any different than a late PS360 game is bogus. Also AC games had absolutely flat lighting until Unity, that alone is enough to put Witcher 3 far far beyond any of the PS360 games. As for Red Dead, it is a very very empty world. It's the main reason why the game has large draw distance (larger than even GTA) because the world is extremely sparse.

I can attest to the bolded. The console version of Far Cry 3 was a disaster compared to the PC version. Basically the difference between a current-gen and last-gen port.


we should have some accurate comparisons in a day or two, and know if the games media are going to acknowledge this or just ignore it.

its a shame they couldnt match their initial vision, the outright denial stance that every publisher seems to take with this sort of stuff is whats most irritating though, fully expect the same situation to unfold with the division.

I totally am in the wrong thread, my heart skipped a beat and I rushed to edit! Sorry sorry sorry sorry

that feel when you come to the wrong thread

gaming media

less than 10 hours till the game release and most gaming sites are still ignoring this.

TotalBiscuit just had another surgery so he'll unlikely to talk about it, but where are the rest like Jim Sterling, Kotaku,Vg247, Eurogamer and all the fine people and sites that covered Watch Dogs downgrade?

More a case of Watch Dogs having a shit game underneath all that so people focused in on graphics stuff more. TW3 seems to be an excellent game so people forget about the visuals a lot faster
"Three HairWorks options are on offer in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: "Off", "Geralt Only", and "All".

It seems they heard my call. But still something is missing. We want: creatures only option and not Geralt only. So we are stuck now with the ugly Geralt hair only, or the usual everything is on + ugly Geralt Hair. We want to have default Geralt hair + animals only option for betetr look and betetr performance.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
"Three HairWorks options are on offer in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: "Off", "Geralt Only", and "All".

It seems they heard my call. But still something is missing. We want: creatures only option and not Geralt only. So we are stuck now with the ugly Geralt hair only, or the usual everything is on + ugly Gerlat Hair. We want to have default Geralt hair + animals only option.

I don't think the Geralt hair is that bad with hairworks on.

And although I haven't seen it in action, apparently with hairworks on Geralts hair can actually get wet. Where as without it, his hair remains dry when swimming/raining etc.
I don't think the Geralt hair is that bad with hairworks on.

And although I haven't seen it in action, apparently with hairworks on Geralts hair can actually get wet. Where as without it, his hair remains dry when swimming/raining etc.

It has to be verified. To my knowledge HairWorks sdk doesn't support fluid shaders and alpha maps yet. If soe, then it must be a custom modification from CDProjekt Red.


if they didnt have an entirely new gen console to develop on, youd have a point

Are you seriously suggesting that decades of programming experience, as well as producing some of the most memorable titles in all of gaming history is easily equalled from a hardware upgrade?

What the fuck?

but..character customization in terms of...appearence? Because DD has an amazing cc.
In terms of classes and feats i can agree.

I guess I could have been talking about character customization in regards to facial features, but that's usually one of the last things I care about in gaming.


If you had a monster rig, this is what you can achieve in reality (pre-final build):


If we color correct that to match the 2013 E3 footage, it's really not that huge a difference. Would be nice to see a shot taken from the exact same position as the trailer though.

Also, I feel the need to see it on motion - my major concern is the LOD. TW2 suffered from bad pop-in and it's my number 1 most hated visual distraction.


If you had a monster rig, this is what you can achieve in reality (pre-final build):


Now can we talk.

So rising LOD levels every house is exactly like pre-downgrade footage. Fantastic.

Please someone take back the PS4 screenshot of that place.
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