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Witcher 3 downgrade arguments in here and nowhere else

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Then it's a shitty comparison, no?

Oh absolutely - the middle shot is likely where a PC with decent settings would be.

Yes, the top one is likely unachievable (the lighting changes are pretty huge) but the extent of the downgrades are being inflated exponentially.


You're still comparing something that may have been played on a high end development machine with a ps4. So until you can tune those variables and checking the scaleability of such options this comparison is moot.

Relax, that was exactly my point. If we can rise LODS and density beyond infinity in settings files, a sweetfx profile could bring interesting similarities.


You're still comparing something that may have been played on a high end development machine with a ps4. So until you can tune those variables and checking the scaleability of such options this comparison is moot.

The PC version isn't magically going to have different assets. The new version is just how the game looks now and no clearer image quality is going to bring back what they had going in the first trailer. That game doesn't exist, it's gone and it's damn disappointing that they had to scale it down to work on consoles but what can you do? Still looks great, just not a generational leap like we all expected.
Final game doesn't look bad, but there is no room for doubt that it was downgraded hard from the 2013. Looks like it's mostly in overall lighting and foliage quality. I guess they just couldn't hit that target.

It's lighting, foliage, some geometry complexity AND the biggest one: massive reduction in clip plane.

The single biggest massive downgrade is that the current clip range and detail isn't even 20% of the one shown in the videos.


Junior Member
I think what the Gamepressure interview is saying about the parity is that, realistically, CDProjekt RED doesn't have the same bandwidth an EA or Ubisoft has to devote an entire team to each version of the game.

That said, I don't see how the PC version won't at least have different settings for things like textures, anti-aliasing, and AO. Object detail will probably be the same across the board though.

Because CDProjekt RED decided on a slightly different art direction for the game that didn't include the 2013 build's sharpening filter and color saturation.

From the interview:

Meanwhile, the quality of the lightning in the trailer remains a matter of taste. We’ve made a mistake choosing to render some shots in dark and greyish colors. To put it simply, that was the option picked by the engine.


I'd wait until the PC enhanced edition several months from now.

It will have all the needed patches + mods will have been released to improve game's assets.

You may wanna see the post directly above mine.

I'm skeptical the PC will be that drastically different from the PS4 version (without mods, at least).

LOD levels are the same, however where they trigger is almost certainly different. The .ini file on PC suggest this is the case. For instance LOD0 transitions to 1 at a further distance at higher settings.

Relax, that was exactly my point. If we can rise LODS and density beyond infinity in settings files, a sweetfx profile could bring interesting similarities.

Sure. I was just pointing it out, given the nonsense that has occurred in this thread.


I dont see even the PC version looking like the fist Gif. It will probably be 10-15% better looking than the ps4 version.

It is still a terrible comparison. Ideally you want to approximate the perfect hardware conditions. That way you can get a clear idea of what exactly has changed.


If the 980 can run this on ultra at 60fps and keep it fairly constant as mentioned then it definitely was downgraded.

It's a nitpick because it was still misleading to show but at least those graphics would have been achievable in the future when people get better rigs or those who had completely ludicrous gaming setups already.

But if a 980 can top it out, no amount of DSR is going to increase draw distances, higher quality everything shit!, lighting, vegetation, particle counts, so many shadows like on the grass etc, everything that made it look unbelievable for next-gen. Full on downgrade :/


If the 980 can run this on ultra at 60fps and keep it fairly constant as mentioned then it definitely was downgraded.

It's a nitpick because it was still misleading to show but at least those graphics would have been achievable in the future when people get better rigs or those who had completely ludicrous gaming setups already.

But if a 980 can top it out, no amount of DSR is going to increase draw distances, higher quality everything shit!, lighting, vegetation, particle counts, so many shadows like on the grass etc, everything that made it look unbelievable for next-gen. Full on downgrade :/

Isn't being able to max out all new games at ultra settings the whole point of getting a top of the line video card? If it's "downgraded" for the purpose of optimization on the current high end rigs then I don't see a problem at all. The Witcher 2 was the same way.


Isn't being able to max out all new games at ultra settings the whole point of getting a top of the line video card? If it's "downgraded" for the purpose of optimization on the current high end rigs then I don't see a problem at all. The Witcher 2 was the same way.


Games often used to come with settings that you couldn't take full advantage of until later generations of hardware.

Look at Doom 3 or Crysis for famous examples.

(You want to talk about downgraded? The whole 900 series from Nvidia is downgraded.)


Isn't being able to max out all new games at ultra settings the whole point of getting a top of the line video card? If it's "downgraded" for the purpose of optimization on the current high end rigs then I don't see a problem at all. The Witcher 2 was the same way.

Sure some people would like to just hit ultra 60fps and call it a day. Many people also want really good graphics, like what was shown originally, or closer to it, possibly capped at 30fps on great rigs. Forget all the settings, the vegetation looks like dragon age:i, which wouldn't be so bad if they didn't show us differently and tell people it'd be like that.

6,451 people currently playing Witcher 2 on Steam. 2011. Slightly less playing Witcher 1.
What graphics cards did people have back then.
Imagine the cards in 4 years, and up to Witcher 4 or 5.


Sure some people would like to just hit ultra 60fps and call it a day. Many people also want really good graphics, like what was shown originally, or closer to it, possibly capped at 30fps on great rigs.

6,451 people currently playing Witcher 2 on Steam. 2011. Slightly less playing Witcher 1.
What graphics cards did people have back then.
Imagine the cards in 4 years, and up to Witcher 4 or 5.

If RED utilized the visuals from the 2013 "build" [I use quotes because it wasn't actually a build to begin with] then in all honesty you'd probably get the same performance, if not better. The models, textures and hair physics back then were lackluster compared to now. If we compare the 2013 build, the only actual build we can compare to the current gameplay, then sure.



Games often used to come with settings that you couldn't take full advantage of until later generations of hardware.

Look at Doom 3 or Crysis for famous examples.

(You want to talk about downgraded? The whole 900 series from Nvidia is downgraded.)

Future proofing rarely happens anymore. Most developers tend to develop for the hardware they have available to them.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Isn't being able to max out all new games at ultra settings the whole point of getting a top of the line video card? If it's "downgraded" for the purpose of optimization on the current high end rigs then I don't see a problem at all. The Witcher 2 was the same way.

For years, people have been looking forward to W3 potentially being the next Crysis, a game that brought top of the line cards to their knees.

Those original graphics made Titans sweat. It's part of the excitement.

Won't someone think of the poor souls in the PC screenshots thread?!

Future proofing rarely happens anymore. Most developers tend to develop for the hardware they have available to them.

Console mindset has taken over.


After changing colors a bit, the main problem is LOD and asset density


This is a punch to the heart.


For years, people have been looking forward to W3 potentially being the next Crysis, a game that brought top of the line cards to their knees.

Those original graphics made Titans sweat. It's part of the excitement.

Won't someone think of the poor souls in the PC screenshots thread?!

Console mindset has taken over.

No, I go by what I see in the industry. Note when I say hardware that's available to them. Case and point...? Current PC hardware. The Witcher 2 was the same way and it still holds up today. Having an unplayable build isn't a prerequisite for a "downgrade". Sorry, but it isn't.


Junior Member
anyone think any mods will come out to enhance the graphics?


Maybe some injector could put the sharpening filter back in. Someone could probably make new foliage assets that look kinda like the old foliage, and someone could almost certainly readjust the color saturation to look more like the old trailers.



Maybe some injector could put the sharpening filter back in. Someone could probably make new foliage assets that look kinda like the old foliage, and someone could almost certainly readjust the color saturation to look more like the old trailers.

That wonderful colour grading, that will have to be adjusted to every scene, every TOD, every weather effect. Likely reason they dropped it.
On the plus side, if there is minimal difference between PC and console versions, aside from resolution, AA, the usual, then the game will hopefully run quite well for a lot of people. Disappointing as that may be to those who sunk a lot of money into their systems (me included). Lol

Edit: I think I've made my way over the hill and onto acceptance.


? Have you seen last gen lately?


Those shots look great. (For PS4 share button shots)

PS4 will be running at full 1080p, in a huge open world with no interior/exterior loading cells, and a very impressive day/night/weather cycle.

I honestly have no idea how people played Skyrim on console at 720p in 2011.

The sad thing is, the Xbox One and PS4 are going to age far worse than their predecessors.


On the plus side, if there is minimal difference between PC and console versions, aside from resolution, AA, the usual, then the game will hopefully run quite well for a lot of people. Disappointing as that may be to those who sunk a lot of money into their systems (me included). Lol

Edit: I think I've made my way over the hill and onto acceptance.
Eh, the upgrades won't vanish after Witcher. The Generation has just begun and with these upgrade people should be ok until the next one rolla around. Or at least for a while.
This is where the hugbox, "The devs are my friend" mentality gets you.

I like them. I have never been able to get into the combat. First one or second, but I always wished that I could because the world and lore is so awesome. I may even try and find the books that they are based on. GoG has been awesome since it appeared on the scene.

That being said, this is not ok. But you guys will make it ok, soon enough.
The second screenshot is hideous compared to the first.

Well, one was captured straight from a presumably high-end dev PC and the other using the PS4's apparently shoddy OS capture system. There's no point in comparing them until we have a PC build to use.


If consoles were your only exposure, it's easy really. I've never really had a gaming capable PC so I thought Skyrim looked fine on my 360. Performance felt fine at least.

You're better off for it really. 16 hours game time, probably spent 12 of them modding and trying to improve the graphics before calling it a day, I did not get far :/


Yep, merely showing it off as one and then claiming no downgrade is a downgrade and a slap in the face.

Development is a lot more complicated of a process than you seem to fully understand. What's initially shown isn't always what you get. It comes down to what CD is able to feasibly put into a playable build and sometimes to create such a build you need to make sacrifices for proper optimization.

Oh yeah, and then there's the fact that most of these "downgraded" screenshots are from the Ps4 version, so there's that too. From what I've seen the PC ultra build looks fairly comparable in overall LoD to the 2013 build.


You're better off for it really. 16 hours game time, probably spent 12 of them modding and trying to improve the graphics before calling it a day, I did not get far :/

Yeah, 'cause I'm sure that's the story the majority of the 10 million PC Skyrim players did...


^ Fair enough, I would have been better off with the 360 version.

Development is a lot more complicated of a process than you seem to fully understand. What's initially shown isn't always what you get. It comes down to what CD is able to feasibly put into a playable build and sometimes to create such a build you need to make sacrifices for proper optimization.

Oh yeah, and then there's the fact that most of these "downgraded" screenshots are from the Ps4 version, so there's that too. From what I've seen the PC ultra build looks fairly comparable in overall LoD to the 2013 build.

They'd know better than anyone else what it took to get it looking like that, and how that was never really feasible. Calling it a gameplay trailer on top of that.

Is saying that it's about a generation behind what they showed a fair comparison? I think so.
That looks bad.. like SKyrim bad.

Then there are some PS4 shots that look pretty nice.

I don't know what to think anymore, give me PC ultra shots!!!
I think the lack of AA just hurts the game a lot in screenshots (kinda like how some people claimed Driveclub looked bad before photomode), combined with low res sharing techniques and compression, it can make the game look completely different than the final product.


They'd know better than anyone else what it took to get it looking like that, and how that was never really feasible. Calling it a gameplay trailer on top of that.

Is saying it's about a generation behind what they showed a fair comparison? I think so.

Like he said, Game development isnt always that simple. Yes its shitty they had to downgrade stuff but you don't know what was going on behind the scenes that lead to that choice.


^ Fair enough, I would have been better off with the 360 version.

They'd know better than anyone else what it took to get it looking like that, and how that was never really feasible. Calling it a gameplay trailer on top of that.

Is saying that it's about a generation behind what they showed a fair comparison? I think so.

It does look a generation behind. That is a fair comparison. Don't get me wrong, I still plan to day 1, but damn...


^ I'm probably getting it too.

Like he said, Game development isnt always that simple. Yes its shitty they had to downgrade stuff but you don't know what was going on behind the scenes that lead to that choice.

Behind the scenes in reality where most people don't have quad sli setups and developers can't optimise to make up for that, so graphics are going one way and that's down.
Like he said, Game development isnt always that simple. Yes its shitty they had to downgrade stuff but you don't know what was going on behind the scenes that lead to that choice.

But CDPR lied about there being a downgrade. I think that's what id making people so upset.


I think the lack of AA just hurts the game a lot in screenshots (kinda like how some people claimed Driveclub looked bad before photomode), combined with low res sharing techniques and compression, it can make the game look completely different than the final product.

That ground texture is unfortunate though. Can't expect every inch of ground to look perfect in an open world game, but theres a lot of open world games this gen already that look better than that particular screenshot.
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