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Witcher 3 sold 4 million copies in the first 2 weeks!


Yeah, but the Steam version already had after 2 week about 540 000 copies sold.. and many retail copies of the PC version of W3 were sold in Europe and I think that about 400 000 copies were sold of the GOG version.. so atleast 1 mil. PC copies sold is a pretty good guess

I love how it always turns in to a big dick contest.

The game did well yet the pettiness comes out as if it matters what platform sold the most, it isn't a contest there is no grand prize for someone's favourite platform out selling another.

It really doesn't matter.


That's vastly overstated. If you look up figures for the share of PC vs Console SW (including both retail and digital) markets in Europe, there's quite a big gap.

PC 13% (2% retail, 11% digital) vs Consoles 40% (31% retail, 9% digital) in France (2014).

Even in Germany where PC gaming is higher than anywhere else in Europe, it's almost a 3:1 ratio.

If you follow the PAL charts, in the UK you'll see a big hitter on PC chart fairly high every now and then, but just vanish very quickly.
Most recent one: The Witcher 3 weekly rankings since release:
PS4: 1 - 1 - 1
XB1: 2 - 2 - 2
PC: 3rd on first week, and then gone from the top 40.
Splits on first week were 63 (PS4) - 32 (XB1) - 5 (PC)
Yeah...we will hopefully see, if they release breakdown data. I dont think 1.3 mil on pc is overstated, on the contrary.


With only 570K sales on steam we're looking at 25% of sales on PC at best.
How did you arrive at this conclusion?

The Steam version was more expensive, more restrictive (DRM), and only sold on one store.
The GoG version was cheaper, DRM-free and sold on many stores.

And then there is retail, which made up a large portion (>50%) of Witcher 2's initial PC sales.

I mean, you could be right, but you could also be way off. Saying "at best" is most certainly unwarranted.


Real talk though I'm gonna need a TeamTriss/TeamYen percentage breakdown of that 4 million.
In the middle of reading the books (on Time of Contempt), and I'm actually not a fan of Yennefer. Triss is better but I haven't seen a lot of her. Geralt is servicable, but I like Dandelion and Ciri is my favourite.


Great news. I've not been this engrossed in a game in ages. I can't get it off my mind; always looking forward to my next play session.

Congrats, CD Projekt Red! Well deserved sales for an amazing product.

Mr Git

It has to be noted how generous they are with their physical copies. The extra stuff that comes as standard for the regular price would be an expensive special edition for most games.


With only 570K sales on steam we're looking at 25% of sales on PC at best. And this is from a PC friendly, pc gamer darling developer that produced a game that is superior to the console version on all counts. Safe to say the PC renaissance is over.

With 570K sales just on Steam it's possible the entire sales of PC version are over 2 mlns though, judging by how Witcher 2 performed.
Oh and Gwent > Hearthstone

Come at me.

/fist bump

Honestly, I'd be down for a stamdalone version with online play a la hearthstone, that would be amazing.

That said, good for CDPR. It has been a while since a game grabbed me like TW3 has.
It has made me that much more excited for the expansion content and their next project.


I really doubt that Steam only contributes to less than a third of PC games sales.

Yeah I doubt that's right.

At best, given POland seems pretty absent from Steam numbers, I'd say another 300,000 is more likely. About 800,000 sales on PC would be my, well, really nothing more than my gut guess.

But those numbers are going to continue to grow long after the console version has stopped selling, and we've also got a Steam sale coming up in a few days!

This is only good news for CDPR, I think this game will continue to sell on consoles into the holiday, and on PC until well into 2016.

This game has been nothing but fantastic so far, now 43 hours + into it.


I really doubt that Steam only contributes to less than a third of PC games sales.
I agree that Steam most certainly contributes the vast majority of the sales for most PC games.

But The Witcher 3 is not like most PC games.
Between retail sales in central and eastern Europe and the fact that all digital copies not on Steam did not include Steam codes I wouldn't be surprised if it did more than half of its numbers outside of Steam.

Witcher 2 sales in the first 6 months on PC were 75% retail, 25% digital. Even I was very surprised when I read these numbers.


Yeah I doubt that's right.

At best, given POland seems pretty absent from Steam numbers, I'd say another 300,000 is more likely. About 800,000 sales on PC would be my, well, really nothing more than my gut guess.

But those numbers are going to continue to grow long after the console version has stopped selling, and we've also got a Steam sale coming up in a few days!

This is only good news for CDPR, I think this game will continue to sell on consoles into the holiday, and on PC until well into 2016.

This game has been nothing but fantastic so far, now 43 hours + into it.

Witcher 3 has a long life ahead of it.

Nov/Dec Shopping Season
"Game of the Year" editions
PC mods
Steam sales


Witcher 3 has a long life ahead of it.

Nov/Dec Shopping Season
"Game of the Year" editions
PC mods
Steam sales

PC mods could be huge, but I don't know how mod friendly the game is...

Wait, I think one fo the Skyrim modders mentioned something about mod tools being released for the game? Maybe I dreamt it.

If that's true, this game could have Skyrim level of legs on PC.



Sold at 4.50 around TW2 launch. Fuck my life.


PC mods could be huge, but I don't know how mod friendly the game is...

Wait, I think one fo the Skyrim modders mentioned something about mod tools being released for the game? Maybe I dreamt it.

If that's true, this game could have Skyrim level of legs on PC.

CDPR will release mod tools, hopefully faster than they did for 2.


I really doubt that Steam only contributes to less than a third of PC games sales.

For Witcher 3 I doubt it's any more. Steam version is expensive as hell and lacks the physical bonuses.
Also...people often don't realize that a big reason for a high Steam numbers is because retail versions include Steam keys. Here they don't. It's all GOG keys. Every third-party DD store is also selling GOG keys.

Honestly..it just doesn't make sense to buy Witcher 3 on Steam in most of countries it's sold. Even in Germany retail version is 15 euros cheaper than Steam one. Buying W3 on Steam is essentially flushing money down the toilet at this point.


PC mods could be huge, but I don't know how mod friendly the game is...

Wait, I think one fo the Skyrim modders mentioned something about mod tools being released for the game? Maybe I dreamt it.

If that's true, this game could have Skyrim level of legs on PC.

Yes, they said they're planning on releasing the tools for modding.
PC mods could be huge, but I don't know how mod friendly the game is...

Wait, I think one fo the Skyrim modders mentioned something about mod tools being released for the game? Maybe I dreamt it.

If that's true, this game could have Skyrim level of legs on PC.

CDprojekt red plans to release redengine 3 tools for creating mods. We already have minor mods for the game. There will probably be custom mod tools before cdprojekt red releases the official modding tool. Took a year or more to release for witcher 2.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Wel deserved, the game is awesome and I've played probably ~40-50 hours and I'm still very far from seeing the end of it. Still so much to explore in Velen and barely started Skellige.


Four million? Wow, that is a fantastic result for CDProjekt Red. Now I just need a new video card so I can enjoy my copy the way it was meant to be enjoyed.
With only 570K sales on steam we're looking at 25% of sales on PC at best. And this is from a PC friendly, pc gamer darling developer that produced a game that is superior to the console version on all counts. Safe to say the PC renaissance is over.

Wow. Just wow.

Great news for CDPR, game is fantastic. Just need to plug some more time into it.


Considering Microsoft/ CDPR marketing deal and money involved, I seriously doubt we'll see PS4/ Xbox One sales breakdown.
Maybe (and only) if retailers release these numbers.
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