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Without naming the game, write its plot in one sentence.

An amnesiac boy washes ashore on an island where he must dive into the dreams of the townsfolk in order to save them from dying.


Look for your sister in a strange house before you get hurt cause it would be a shame your adventure ended here.
You take the role of an adventurer in a land fraught with conflict, in which you sometimes fight alone but often join with a large group of allies to defend your world from threats of demons, the undead, ancient evils, and the ever-present war between two factions.


Ready yourself against natural and super natural disasters such as aliens, forest fires, and floods, all while trying to decipher numbers and graph to figure out why the fuck your creation is failing so badly.


"You are a teenage lamb that plays guitar in a garage rock band and must face your fears of womanhood in attempt to arrive at the gig on time."

Um Jammer Lammy.

You and your compatriots must save Japan from a force that wants to turn it Western for an opera.
I hope someone will find this one :

"you are memory loss student with a strange cat , going on with adventures to succeed at your school while preventing chaos & mayhem along the way".

^^^this shouldn't be too hard.


A solemn boy and a hotheaded girl each arrive at a small port town where they begin their search for an ancient artifact that can grant their deepest desires.


Banamachines ruin a man's digestive system, he is caught shitting in the weirdest locations throughout the game, but he still gets the chick with a man-jaw and manly shoulders in the end.

Your father pretty much destroyed the universe - except for Earth's solar system - and it's up to you to recreate it all using only the stuff found on Earth.


You are a brave soldier who must save the galaxy from a great threat, then you sort of just chat with it and kill yourself.


As a child you're abducted, trained, experimented on and augmented beyond natural human conditioning. You're humanities last hope in preventing a coalition of religious alien zealots from wiping out all life in the galaxy.


You are a group of teenagers with spiky hair that saves the world because you are for some reason the only teenagers that can save the world.


A spy must navigate the murky waters of clandestine agencies, PMCs and organized crime in order to take down his former employer after being set up to instigate a new cold war on his first mission by a multinational corporation.

The Hermit

1- The story starts with 2 giants fighting that end in a tie and the whole world is their bodys, yet it manages to get even crazier than that

2- Platformer + Time control = puzzle
The goddess puts her heart into her most suicidal enemy as well as choosing a young girl who then sees all of time then keeps dying because of seeing “paradoxes” such as a random mirror, a giant blob and math mini-games.


A nerdy boy goes through a life-threatening maze full of monsters, fire, tanks, and traps so he can take a nerdy girl to the prom (or "join her computer club" if you use Windows).

You enslave animals both to become the best animal enslaver, and to fight an organization that enslaves animals in order to stop animal enslavement.

You are a disgusting blob who jumps over saws and syringes in order to save your also-disgusting girlfriend from an equally-disgusting villain.
"Detrás de ti imbécil"


Specially trained agent gets on mad spaniard villagers to rescue the presidents daughter, who afterwards requests intercouse.

Yes, I found the part after the coma to be very relevant to the plot and character development.


A semi cyborg with the help of his brother with no past but a well written future is going through America, Asia, Europe and again America to make an important decision for the entire humanity.
An amnesiac boy washes ashore on an island where he must dive into the dreams of the townsfolk in order to save them from dying.


Young rebel raises up an army of destined warriors to oust a corrupt empire and bring peace to war-torn land.

Suikoden ( can't resist this one )

One of the local mad scientist's monstrous creations has gained super intelligence from a slime dump, and your attempts to go back in time to stop him have failed, so now you must try to regroup, despite two of your three party members being stranded in a timespan of 400 years.

Secret of evermore ????
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