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Wolfenstein II ad "Make America Nazi-Free Again"

So If we make a game about respecting people about their condition, either gender, race or sex... That would be too political and people shouldn't do that because they are only doing it for money?

I think it is sane and healthy to firmly believe that the world is better without nazis in it.

I also think the marketing is kind of weird. Of course the message of the game is that nazis are bad, and that is very fine. But to take such a complex theme as today's neo nazi white supremacists comeback to promote such a simple message that you're going to have fun killing nazis feels weird.

The solution to getting rid of nazis in the game is simple, in real life obviously not so much, so linking the two of them feels a bit opportunist to me.

That being said, that is also a way to tell people how cathartic the game will be for people and specifically americans, and I'm sure they will succeed in that regard.


I wasn't planning on buying it day 1, but I'll do it now just to piss off all the crybaby neonazis.

It's not like I didn't enjoy the reboot, it was great, but pissing off those idiots is a nice incentive,
I remember a friend of mine having this poster of Mulder and Scully back in the 90's. Obviously what they were using as inspiration.


Wow, that poster really does not represent what the X Files is at all.


Redmond's Baby
I will be forced to buy a digital version, no stores will have it on release day around here. Just wondering if I should go for premium one with (future) DLCs included.


I remember a friend of mine having this poster of Mulder and Scully back in the 90's. Obviously what they were using as inspiration.


It looks like A 90's album cover lol.

Mulder's Deadpan expression to being licked suggestively is hilarious.


Some thing unsettling about a game using political strife to sell more copies.

Cool if the developer has a message, and that stands on its own through the game. But a bit weird being part of the marketing campaign.
Wolfenstein has always been about killing Nazi's, genius. What marketing would you suggest they use?
Some thing unsettling about a game using political strife to sell more copies.

Cool if the developer has a message, and that stands on its own through the game. But a bit weird being part of the marketing campaign.

This isn't politics.

This ISN'T politics.




Some thing unsettling about a game using political strife to sell more copies.

Cool if the developer has a message, and that stands on its own through the game. But a bit weird being part of the marketing campaign.

So explain how is it political when it comes to killing Nazis in a video game?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Thank you so much for posting this because yeah that is totally the case I love me some Nazis oh boy yum yum those swashstickers all over my face I'm glad you had the courage to say it what a hero you are wow thank you for doing exactly what you did I bet if you were in germany during WWII you would have stood up to the hitlerz and saved the day god bless your hindsight courage in 2017 #hatenazis #goodperson #doesntkickpuppies

Okay so seriously lets just talk about how playing a video game informs you of the person playing the game

Lets just pick a bunch of games

- Americas Army (2002)
- Criminal Girls (2010)
- Doom (1993)
- Spec Ops The Line (2012)
- Postal (2007)
- Disaster: Day Of Crisis (2008)
- Super Chick Sisters (2007)

So those are some games that have so pretty interesting themes. Do you think that if a game is advertised as such and people buy and play it, it somehow affiliates them with that political view automatically? Do you think that games should be able to piggyback on real-world issues? Do you think these sorts of ideas translate to other mediums like music/movies/books etc? If people don't want to be political and choose to not engage with those games on that ground what does it make them? What if people choose to produce a game with the opposite message of the game?

Basically, I'm just asking people to think of what this game is doing, and the precedent it is setting for the future

But if you're too much of a self-absorbed ego stroking ideologue feel free to call me a nazi/ban me while patting yourself on the back in congratulations.

I just. Okay. Yes. Yeah. You're right.

I know he's banned but I just wanted to point out that whatever point he was trying to meet was completely incoherent and nonsensical.
The nazi sympathizers really outing themselves in this thread aren't they?

Let 'em.

"Nazi who survived the war, when you get home, what are you gonna do?"

"He's gonna burn his uniform."

"We don't like that. See, we like our Nazis in uniform, that way we can spot em. Just like that. You take off that uniform, ain't no one gonna know you a Nazi, and that don't sit well with us."

"So we gonna give you a little somethin you can't take off."


Let 'em.

"Nazi who survived the war, when you get home, what are you gonna do?"

"He's gonna burn his uniform."

"We don't like that. See, we like our Nazis in uniform, that way we can spot em. Just like that. You take off that uniform, ain't no one gonna know you a Nazi, and that don't sit well with us."

"So we gonna give you a little somethin you can't take off."

Oh, Its the best part about this ad campaign. They are doing all the work outing themselves. lmao.


I’m from Italy and I love so much these ads. The fact that some americans are trying to emulate the crime against humanity that was nazism still freaks me out. People who claims that these ads are “political” are normalizing this shit when it’s absolutely NOT normal.

My grandparents suffered directly from nazis and fascists (like most of italian people). My grandad’s brother and his family was executed in the square of their town by nazi soldiers. And today, a bunch of sociopathic jerks go around America with a svastika on their arm and their right hands up in the air.

After these ads I bought New Order and I enjoyed it so much. And I’ll be buying the second one for sure. Because it feels so cathartic to kill nazis in every possible way. And because, well, the first one is one hell of a game.


I am not American so hopefully someone can help me with this. How did Nazi became thing? I mean you guys helped to win the damn war against them. They were the shit stains that were killing your soldiers, your fellow countrymen. Makes no sense to me.
I am not American so hopefully someone can help me with this. How did Nazi became thing? I mean you guys helped to win the damn war against them. They were the shit stains that were killing your soldiers, your fellow countrymen. Makes no sense to me.

Because in our country, there are small pockets where people are isolated and stupid.

And these idiots think that now that Trump is saying "both sides have okay people" they can come out and be an openly white supremacist (AKA a Nazi) and not get called for it.

In reality, this is just beneficial. It's better to know who these "people" are so they can be labeled and excluded. Anyone who has the audacity to be a Nazi after we spent years and countless lives to end that plague needs to be easily identified and "corrected."


I am not American so hopefully someone can help me with this. How did Nazi became thing? I mean you guys helped to win the damn war against them. They were the shit stains that were killing your soldiers, your fellow countrymen. Makes no sense to me.

That's because it doesn't make any sense. People are stupid and racist.


I am not American so hopefully someone can help me with this. How did Nazi became thing? I mean you guys helped to win the damn war against them. They were the shit stains that were killing your soldiers, your fellow countrymen. Makes no sense to me.

To put history in a clear light: a lot of Americans were shitty and have always been shitty, and would have sided with the nazis. But World War 2 made the nazis the villains (much deserved) and the young men of America fought the good fight. That sentiment, though, the same one that let nazism succeed in Germany, has always been present in parts of the USA. It's just had times of hiding under the surface, and times of prevalence. Unfortunately, it's becoming prevalent again now.

The racism and white supremacy has always been there and fomenting. After Trump, it's just been allowed to surface.
I am not American so hopefully someone can help me with this. How did Nazi became thing? I mean you guys helped to win the damn war against them. They were the shit stains that were killing your soldiers, your fellow countrymen. Makes no sense to me.
It was always there. Trump and his ilk rising to the highest national stage emboldened them

There was a sizable American Nazi element in the country throughout the 30s. The United States' extensive acceptance of, programs, and literature on eugenics had a major influence on the Nazis; The Rockefeller Foundation even helped fund and found German eugenics programs. Mengele worked at one before Auschwitz
These are all from the Tri-State area btw; NY, New Jersey, etc

Eugenics poster from Philadelphia


Thanks for all the replies. I always assume since the military is so revered in America it would makes no sense to follow the ideology that killed your vets during WW2 but I guess to expect sense from them was a tad niave on my end.
It was always there. Trump and his ilk rising to the highest national stage emboldened them

There was a sizable American Nazi element in the country throughout the 30s. The United States’ extensive acceptance of, programs, and literature on eugenics had a major influence on the Nazis; The Rockefeller Foundation even helped fund and found German eugenics programs. Mengele worked at one before Auschwitz

These are all from the Tri-State area btw; NY, New Jersey, etc

Eugenics poster from Philadelphia

Wait... are you telling me people sent their kids to these camps were they were indoctrinated to revere Nazis in the US?
Wait... are you telling me people sent their kids to these camps were they were indoctrinated to revere Nazis in the US?

I'm not sure if the parents were aware. The camps basically died out after 1940, as the government began investigating and shutting them down
On the surface, these enterprises offered standard summer-camp fare. "But their real purpose," Bernstein says, "was to indoctrinate and raise children to be good Aryans loyal to the Bund, its leader Kuhn, and of course Hitler. They would march about in their uniforms carrying American and Bund flags, singing German songs. Uniforms were modeled on Hitler Youth uniforms."

Bernstein says, "There were forced marches in the middle of the night to bonfires where the kids would sing the Nazi national anthem and shout 'Sieg Heil.' Nazi propaganda was plentiful at these camps as well."


Saying fuck fascists is absolutely political. If someone has a problem with it then chances are it's because they have some horrible political views of their own.

Yeah, the "there is only one side" point is just shorthand for "agreeing with the nazis is severely misanthropic and inherently terrible and obviously wrong". It's a statement appealing to common sense, which is sadly not as common as it should be right now.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
I also think the marketing is kind of weird. Of course the message of the game is that nazis are bad, and that is very fine. But to take such a complex theme as today's neo nazi white supremacists comeback to promote such a simple message that you're going to have fun killing nazis feels weird.

The solution to getting rid of nazis in the game is simple, in real life obviously not so much, so linking the two of them feels a bit opportunist to me.

That being said, that is also a way to tell people how cathartic the game will be for people and specifically americans, and I'm sure they will succeed in that regard.

I think you’re overthinking things a bit.
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