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Worst Character in a JRPG


Filthy capitalist.


Second Post get it


It (yes IT... it's like a doll that speak more than a girl) had everything that can go wrong with a character in an JRPG.

Loli, annoying, badly written, terrible voice acting and rather creepy

Reading "IT" with the capital letters, I thought of... IT, but even IT wouldn't get close to her !

Came to this thread for Lymle. Am not leaving disappointed. As much as I want a new SO game, I remember the cast from SO4 and think maybe it's not such a bad thing the franchise is inactive.

Hey guys, Alvin is acting all mysterious again.

Aw, I didn't think Alvin was so bad. What was bad was the party's astounding stupidity when it came to him.
I mean, yeah I'd give him a chance to redeem himself after the first betrayal but after the third? Forget that. I'd expect that kind of foolishness from sweet-natured Jude but NOT Milla and especially not Rowen.


I love this game, but Teddie in Persona 4 is seriously my least favorite character in gaming. I consider it a testament to how great P4 that I love the game so much despite having Teddie in the game.

I haven't played enough JRPG's to call him the worst, but still, fuck him. He has zero likeable qualities as far as I'm concerned.


Wait wut?!?! The flirting game with the ladies, the puns, the competition with the boys, come on man Teddie was great!


I don't get the hate for FFXIII's cast, I mean in comparison to some of the really bad casts... every character receives at least some developement, they all have good voice overs (Though Vanille's is annoying as hell) and while some of them wear goofy clothing they are unique which I always appreciate in JRPGs. Lightning, Sazh, Fang, and Hope are cool in my books, Snow... has his moments though mostly he is frustrating. The only one I downright dislike is Vanille.
The only redeeming characters of Star ocean 4 were Faize and Bacchus

Edge Maverick wasn't horrible but was basically a total toolbag.
lymle, serah and miracle are basically the trio of horribleness, terrible voice acting that sounds like a bimbo on helium, an autistic girl and girl power cat lady :(


Makoto from enchanted Arms .. he was embarrassing. kinda reminds me of an ex boss too.


There were maybe one or two characters from Eternal Sonata I hated too... but I don't want to go back to that game...
Star Ocean 4 had the best combat engine of its era.

Nahh, it was a lot of fun, but it was a one-trick-pony. There were quite a few games with better combat than SO4 imo. Still a pretty nice game, except for the cutscenes and the story in general and the endgame disc change thing on 360 :-D
While the absolute worst ones have certainly already been brought up (Lymle), I find that I also really despise the whole robot person that wants to learn how to be human trope. Yes that does include this fucker:


Manbig having good opinions as per usual.

I always find that most female characters in JRPGs in general are pretty bad.


I'll never understand the hate Hope gets, doesn't FF13 take place over a few days.

Isn't he like 15 years old.


If anything it's a bit shit how fast he got over it. Yet everyone hates how he is grieving for his mom and angry that she died. What the fuck? Really?
I think its the whole wanting to kill Snow bit that annoys people, beyond that he's not a "terrible" character at all and to be honest is decently written albeit a bit one dimensional.
I don't think Lightning is the worst. It is the worst how badly SE tried to force her on us. If there was only one FFXIII game and then the company moved on, I would have completely forgotten about her by now.

The absolute worst for me would have to be Agnes and Tiz from Bravely Default. First time I've had to turn a game off in disgust because of how astoundingly obnoxious the dialogue was.

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
The only redeeming characters of Star ocean 4 were Faize and Bacchus

Edge Maverick wasn't horrible but was basically a total toolbag.
lymle, serah and miracle are basically the trio of horribleness, terrible voice acting that sounds like a bimbo on helium, an autistic girl and girl power cat lady :(
Reimi was horrible too.

I especially loved when
she gets kidnapped, and Edge & pals rescue her just in time to save her from getting anal probed. And her first reaction is to slap Edge in the face because he saw her naked while rescuing her.

I honestly think a team of 5th graders could come up with a better plot and cast of characters than SO4's writers did.


This is so wrong because the real answer is the rest of the cast.

I don't see how any of the other answers in this thread could be valid because none of them made me put down a game faster than the shitlords Luke had to travel with.

I came in here to post this. I hated the rest of the cast to the point I almost quit on the game. I loved douchbag Luke and understood him after he tried to make everything right.


I hate Riki in Xenoblade.

Annoying voice, "Heropon this, Heropon that" shut up already, small fatty monster trying to be cute & funny (and failing most of the time) in a party made of humans. He sucks.

The weird thing is how he's portrayed as completely useless in cutscenes but in combat he's great. Highest HP of the party, bind Reyn's heavy armor ability to him and you've got a friggin' tank.
I don't know, man. Lebreau is pretty hot.


I agree with you, she is. I'm also conflicted with her.
She was the one of NORA I kept looking at of course, but it was also what made me realize I dislike pretty rebels what are cool and sexy fighting the power.


I think Tri-Ace never really cared about characters and scenario. I loved Star Ocean I & II but if you look at the scenario : it's a mess.

SO I :
Why does
the final boss is so angry against
humans ?! Never explained.

Who created the
Sages and designed them to destroy the universe
? And why ?

So we were
in The Matrix
the whole time ?! Or not ? Or... WTH ?!

Infinite Undiscovery (I loved this game despite all the flaws) :

Resonance of Fate :
Err, I didn't finish it. Too hard for me (that damn statue level !).


Oh. My. God. I thought I could put every characters of this game into Oblivion. In fact, I thought I could burn the whole game :

I came in here to post this. I hated the rest of the cast to the point I almost quit on the game. I loved douchbag Luke and understood him after he tried to make everything right.

Exactly. The rest of the cast could have taken the time and not be utter assholes and explain what's up to Luke in about 3 sentences but they simply didn't because Luke was supposed to be the asshole. It was incredibly badly written and annoying. Seriously, I have no idea how anyone could not see that. The rest of the cast simply kept things they knew from him. They handled him, from the beginning, like trash, didn't trust him, didn't explain anything to him and were generally arrogant assholes because...what? It's like the writers couldn't manage to empathise with a character they created.


Exactly. The rest of the cast could have taken the time and not be utter assholes and explain what's up to Luke in about 3 sentences but they simply didn't because Luke was supposed to be the asshole. It was incredibly badly written and annoying.
Well, when I first played Abyss, I sided with the other characters too. I mean, pretty sure the game wanted me to, Ambassador Luke was infuriating. It's only the context of what Luke is that makes it sympathetic again. They had no reason to trust him with anything, he was acting like a spoiled brat.


I am pretty sure Riki was intented by the creatora to be a jerk/obnoxious to conflict his appareance.

Either way I likes everyone in the party of Xenoblade, except Sharla.
Well, when I first played Abyss, I sided with the other characters too. I mean, pretty sure the game wanted me to, Ambassador Luke was infuriating. It's only the context of what Luke is that makes it sympathetic again. They had no reason to trust him with anything, he was a spoiled brat.

Except being a "spoiled brat" at 17 is a matter of upbringing (and actually quite natural). If you're not an asshole, you try to *change* that behaviour and not look down on someone who is essentially a kid. Jade, the "cool guy", was supposed to be 35 ffs and he expected a 17 year old kid, without any effort to educate him, and in fact handling him like shit to know everything and understand everything he didn't inform him about. If anyone acted like a spoiled brat, all the way through, it was Jade. Seriously, that self-satisfied asshole was the worst character in the game by far. Thankfully, they sort of realised some of this during the game...although not all.

I don't know how old you are, but if you're over 30, do you believe you'd handle someone in highschool in the same way? Wouldn't you take their age and upbringing into consideration?

And yeah, the game wanted you to, pretty clearly - as it simply directly told you, despite only actually presenting Luke as an average spoiled kid, that he's super bad. But that's just bad writing. You shouldn't form an opinion on a character based on what other characters tell you to think about them but based on their actions. That's, you know, pretty much common sense. If you can't do that, you have no job writing fiction. Thankfully it didn't really ruin the game completely for me, although it could have been my favourite Tales if it was only a little better written (meaning not offensively badly - I can take bad writing as long as it has the cliches and tropes I like :) ).

Anyway, a character in a JRPG has to be really offensively extremely bad for me to dislike them which is and it's only the ToA cast that does that to me. The SO4 and IU stuff may be embarrassing and badly done (I wouldn't play these games in front of others anyway :-D) but I fundamentally like stupid anime cliches and tropes combined with nice JRPG combat so usually it doesn't really matter at all. It's just that the stupidity of the cast in super badly written ToA almost ruined it for me and that is the closest I got to emotional involvment with game characters :-D


Dude with the top hat is Chopin, which sounds like it should make for an interesting game.

It doesn't.

That makes sense, the resemblance is uncanny

Jk. Now that you mention it, I remember reading about the game and its premise and thought it was pretty interesting. Shame it didn't deliver.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Except being a "spoiled brat" at 17 is a matter of upbringing (and actually quite natural). If you're not an asshole, you try to *change* that behaviour and not look down on someone who is essentially a kid. Jade, the "cool guy", was supposed to be 35 ffs and he expected a 17 year old kid, without any effort to educate him, and in fact handling him like shit to know everything and understand everything he didn't inform him about. If anyone acted like a spoiled brat, all the way through, it was Jade. Seriously, that self-satisfied asshole was the worst character in the game by far. Thankfully, they sort of realised some of this during the game...although not all.

I don't know how old you are, but if you're over 30, do you believe you'd handle someone in highschool in the same way? Wouldn't you take their age and upbringing into consideration?

And yeah, the game wanted you to, pretty clearly - as it simply directly told you, despite only actually presenting Luke as an average spoiled kid, that he's super bad. But that's just bad writing. You shouldn't form an opinion on a character based on what other characters tell you to think about them but based on their actions. That's, you know, pretty much common sense. If you can't do that, you have no job writing fiction. Thankfully it didn't really ruin the game completely for me, although it could have been my favourite Tales if it was only a little better written (meaning not offensively badly - I can take bad writing as long as it has the cliches and tropes I like :) ).

Anyway, a character in a JRPG has to be really offensively extremely bad for me to dislike them which is and it's only the ToA cast that does that to me. The SO4 and IU stuff may be embarrassing and badly done (I wouldn't play these games in front of others anyway :-D) but I fundamentally like stupid anime cliches and tropes combined with nice JRPG combat so usually it doesn't really matter at all. It's just that the stupidity of the cast in super badly written ToA almost ruined it for me and that is the closest I got to emotional involvment with game characters :-D

No one is worse in TotA than Anise. HATE HATE HATE her


Except being a "spoiled brat" at 17 is a matter of upbringing (and actually quite natural). If you're not an asshole, you try to *change* that behaviour and not look down on someone who is essentially a kid. Jade, the "cool guy", was supposed to be 35 ffs and he expected a 17 year old kid, without any effort to educate him, and in fact handling him like shit to know everything and understand everything he didn't inform him about. If anyone acted like a spoiled brat, all the way through, it was Jade. Seriously, that self-satisfied asshole was the worst character in the game by far. Thankfully, they sort of realised some of this during the game...although not all.

I don't know how old you are, but if you're over 30, do you believe you'd handle someone in highschool in the same way? Wouldn't you take their age and upbringing into consideration?

And yeah, the game wanted you to, pretty clearly - as it simply directly told you, despite only actually presenting Luke as an average spoiled kid, that he's super bad. But that's just bad writing. You shouldn't form an opinion on a character based on what other characters tell you to think about them but based on their actions. That's, you know, pretty much common sense. If you can't do that, you have no job writing fiction. Thankfully it didn't really ruin the game completely for me, although it could have been my favourite Tales if it was only a little better written (meaning not offensively badly - I can take bad writing as long as it has the cliches and tropes I like :) ).
Well yeah, it's not that it's not an unusual way for a 17 year old to act but even knowing that, it was still viciously unpleasant and the other characters had no obligation to fill Luke in on anything since he was being a git and most of them they barely knew each other to begin with. They weren't aware about the villain's schemes and relation with Luke so when things actually played out, it was a blindside. Luke's actions presented him as a brat and when people tried to demand empathy from him, he pouted and scowled about how he deserved respect. Even if it is natural for a 17 year old, you had other characters supposedly his age in the party who were acting much more sympathetically which just made him look worse. They were right to shun him based on their experiences and what they presently knew.
I can only think of one of the latest JRPGs i played and will probably get a lot of hate but this bitch was annoying. She made me hate the entire game.



I dont know how I finished the game listening to the countless hours of this fuck.

Guy too?

Even though I like all the characters in TotA, I can understand why some people would hate most of them

But Guy is fucking awesome dude

Joshua was far worse imo

While I think Estelle did get quite a lot better towards the end, this

is also a dumb comment to make


Filthy capitalist.

OK, you're all edgy for these con-TROV-ersial picks, we'll play along.
Well yeah, it's not that it's not an unusual way for a 17 year old to act but even knowing that, it was still viciously unpleasant and the other characters had no obligation to fill Luke in on anything since he was being a git and most of them they barely knew each other to begin with. They weren't aware about the villain's schemes and relation with Luke so when things actually played out, it was a blindside. Luke's actions presented him as a brat and when people tried to demand empathy from him, he pouted and scowled about how he deserved respect. Even if it is natural for a 17 year old, you had other characters supposedly his age in the party who were acting much more sympathetically which just made him look worse. They were right to shun him based on their experiences and what they presently knew.

What the hell are you talking about? They gave him orders and had expectations from him. Yeah they certainly had no "obligations", but they actually demanded shit from him. And nothing changes the fact that HAD they explained things to him, one main event would have been avoided (and btw, this is extremely bad writing).

"Luke's actions presented him as a brat and when people tried to demand empathy from him"

How do you "demand empathy" from someone you handle like shit from the first second you meet them? And again: a 35 year old with half a braincell does not "demand" stuff from a 17 year old kid. An adult and a teenager - who has more responsibility? Luke *was* a brat, and his upbringing actually explains perfectly why it was the case. None of the main characters could "empathise" with such a completely obvious situation, which also makes them dumb beyond belief. But Jade et co put the *entire world in danger* because hey, they didn't want to deal with a brat like adults, they preferred to look down on him etc. Simply put: they had the power to change the situation completely but they did not. All they had to do was not act as idiots but as responsible adults who understand that a 17 year old is still growing up.

"Even if it is natural for a 17 year old, you had other characters supposedly his age in the party who were acting much more sympathetically which just made him look worse. "

No, actually. They all ganged up on him from the start. And again: the writers kept telling you he was a git, but the people who actually *acted like gits* were the rest of the party. Especially Jade.
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