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Worst game-breaking bug you've personally experienced?


I've been lucky so far in that I can't think of any bug I've experienced that completely broke something in a game for me. The worst thing I can think of off the top of my head is a glitched quest in Witcher 3 (Dirty Funds) that I can't complete. Other than that, I've managed to steer clear of anything bad like losing save files, characters, etc.

So what have you guys gone through that really killed a game for you, or at least really put a sour taste in your mouth for said game?

Edit: I also asked this cause I recently went back to The Division and remembered back to when people lost access to their characters for a good bit. It made me wonder how many people really get affected by major glitches like that.


Dead Island's save corrupted in the third act for me on two different platforms. This wasn't fixed until the GOTY edition, and they even let you transfer your broken saves from the original as acknowledgment.


KotOR2 (new, "fixed" Steam version) character can't move after battles on a 144hz monitor

Only fix I found was to enable vsync, which didn't work for me so.... $2.50 down the drain yay


I had a Madden 25 franchise that locked up in the 4th offseason no matter what I did. I kept backups for each off season and kept retrying it from earlier and earlier backups but nothing.

I was tracking every single player on my team and where they went and how they preformed there. I was also importing NCAA 14 rosters up to Madden. So it's like prolly 200-300 hours of football stat keeping and player tracking because I'm a nerd like that

I've yet to play Madden since. I don't know if I ever will. <_<


I did that glitch that fuck up the colors in Super Mario World back when I was a kid.

Didn't really understand what happened


My character not doing any damage in the Ni-Oh beta and me complaining everywhere that the game was too unfair and impossible to complete, and getting bashed in return with "git-gud", "learn to play the game", "it isn't even difficult" comments when in reality it was a bug/glitch that was fixed when I re-installed the game.


I had a Madden 25 franchise that locked up in the 4th offseason no matter what I did. I kept backups for each off season and kept retrying it from earlier and earlier backups but nothing.

I was tracking every single player on my team and where they went and how they preformed there. I was also importing NCAA 14 rosters up to Madden. So it's like prolly 200-300 hours of football stat keeping and player tracking because I'm a nerd like that

I've yet to play Madden since. I don't know if I ever will. <_<
No matter what you did, the game would simply never progress from the 4th off season and beyond? Was this something that many people experienced? Not a sports gamer myself so not sure how far in something like this is for a typical player. Either way, that sounds terrible... :(
Although not caused by the game: my dad erasing my 500h Pokemon Silver file because he was curious what the game was like.

Caused in-game: A2 Racer III had three speed rankings (A, B, C). At first the highest (A) got corrupted, so I could no longer play it. After a week the same happened to B. Then little me could only play the slow as hell C class.

Also, I have managed to get stuck in the crane game in Link's Awakening. Although that counts more like an accomplishment, because I must have been trying for 3 hours straight.


Fallout 3 on 360. Game locked up a few seconds after loading a save file. It even happened on the older save files I kept along the way.

Lost about 60 hours of progress and never went back.


Well, me and everyone else who bought Space Station Silicon Valley couldn't 100% it. Impossible without modifying memory contents somehow. Also, RIP DMA Design.


Little Big Adventure on PC-DOS. Does it count even if it's not a console game?
At any point during the gaming, you are given a specific objective and the main character's dialogue when interacting with NPCs reflects that.
Straying away from those objectives and accidentally triggering later events will make it that some useful NPCs' crucial flags will no longer get activated...
That stupid red card bug got me stumped so many times until I realized that the game wants me to proceed with the story in a linear fashion, even though the game seems very nonlinear...


No matter what you did, the game would simply never progress from the 4th off season and beyond? Was this something that many people experienced? Not a sports gamer myself so not sure how far in something like this is for a typical player. Either way, that sounds terrible... :(

My hypothesis was some sort of unexpected glitch from importing rosters from NCAA and the various patches that hit the games between saving my NCAA rosters and the Madden games.

I imagine it would be fine if I started from scratch with either no updates or all updates but I just simply wasn't interested in restarting all of that stuff.


Thief, just after leaving the Asylum which was amazingly scary, game froze, last save kept freezing. Lucky had a previous save before leaving the Asylum but the game never played out the script so I was basically stuck in there not able to progress or freezing outside. Never played that game again.


Gold Member
The Wolf Among Us on Xbox 360. When I first played the game, it wouldn't save. I was wondring why every now and then all the profiles I just read showed "new" again, lost my progress from the beginning twice before it finally saved.

Also on my first time playing, I lost to the huntsman, and spawned inside a wall.


Little big planet 3, a fairly long level just before getting swoop, there were layer bugs where the level with the jet boots simply could not be finished. The game would not recharge the boots and the last boost pad was unusable. No way to finish the level... Which is always fun when trying to play with your kids.

LBP3 is why I refuse to buy anything from sumo interactive
Some B-level military FPS on the OG Xbox. I had just finished a huge skirmish and was so happy....then it froze while I was crossing the bridge to leave the area. I immediately took the game back to Blockbuster and requested something else.
The original Torchlight.
On level 99 out of 100, just before the entrance to the next and final level, during a fight with a miniboss I got stuck in level geometry.
Tried everything for hours, from using skills to get myself unstuck, to using a map and save editor to move my position, all failed. Ultimately said "fuck it" and never touched the game again.
Dead Island. I was pretty late in the game, exploring a building and randomly I couldn't pick any loot up or open the door to get out. Maybe i'll get to finish it with the DE coming out.


The worst I remember is Shadow the Hedgehog crashes.

And pathing errors on really important npc's in Skyrim. Really annoying.

L Thammy

Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge was full of bugs that crashed the game or forced you to turn the system off. Although part of it might just be that the Wii U was so crashtastic at launch. The worst one that I had is this:

Boss fight against... I think it's Cliff Higgin, it was a scientist dude. He has a mode where he causes a texture to appear on the ground. I think it damaged you if you stood on it, I don't remember. For some reason, the game glitched out so that he got stuck in that move. The game actually started to slow down, until it was at a crawl. Then it just froze.


In Oblivion a key I was supposed to fetch fell through the ground in a well. It made it impossible to complete the quest.
The ground simply not existing in a certain part of Boston and doors leading to nowhere but my PS4's dashboard in Fallout 4
La noir, got to a point where the textures on the road I needed to go down wouldn't load and then the game would crash. Kept loading my save file and trying again, trying different routes etc. But it would crash every time so I just quite the game and never finished it even though I was probably 4/5 into it.
Fez's save bug that didn't get patched for ages because of MS's policy of charging for certification of patches. But was extra shitty because apparently certain studios were able to patch without fees. MS then quietly backtracked on it a year later and didn't tell anyone until someone found out and it got news coverage.

That was fun.

Still one of my favourite games of all time, but left a pretty bitter taste for me regarding MS and how they treat indies. No one should forget that there is a reason Sony got so much indie love at the start of this gen.

Edit: the fee was 40k per patch if I'm not mistaken. Big studios like EA can get a waiver or eat those costs, but smaller studios can't really afford that.


In terms of the past, Secret of Evermore. There was this specific part in the game where you already had control of an airship and if you decided to visit the mid-evil/gothic-themed area late in the game, and if you landed and saved there, there was no way of getting back into your airship and leaving. There are no other pathways or options to leave the area other than your airship, so here you are, near the end of the game, wandering and wandering thinking you're doing something wrong, killing so many underpowered enemies and gaining a level or two and thinking that surely, it must be something you as a player are doing wrong.

I didn't find out that was a glitch until years and years later.

More recently though, I was effected by that Arkham Knight glitch where if you decided to be a completionist and do nearly everything before the final encounter, that it would lock you out from even finishing the game normally until you finished finding all of the riddler trophies. Needless to say, I was SO done with Arkham Knight by then.


I lost my save file twice in Fallout 1 when i was going to kill the super mutant master, never got to him both times my file corrupted when i entered his compound for the second time. Never completed Fallout one thanks to that.


While playing The Amazing Spider-Man, the game would never save. It said it was autosaving during the open world but every time I had to replay the first level.

Traded that in for Batman: Arkham Origins and that was not any better. At least there were not any game breaking bug in this. Just a lot of snagging on in game objects.
Halfway through Until Dawn I hit a glitch which prevented me from climbing onto a ledge from a crate. Because of the way the game saves I had to restart from scratch, trying to remember all the choices I'd made on my first playthrough.


Unconfirmed Member
GTA V on PS3.
Due to a patch my single player got stuck as if Michael died, meaning I couldn't continue the story.
Played it for hours and hours expecting a trigger but nothing. This was caused by a patch, so I started the game from scratch after 30 hours in.


Bethesda Thread?
For me the worst were the PS3 savegame problems on Skyrim. I never finished the game on console
I've tried playing Telltale's Walking Dead twice now. Both times I encountered a glitch where the save gets fucked up and I can't carry along my choices/progress to chapter 3. Fresh installing didn't help. Turning off cloud save didn't help. I spoke (extensively) with a guy on their support forums who tried their best to figure out what was wrong, and we didn't get anywhere after about a week of back-and-forth messages.

This is apparently a pretty common issue, and the fact that they're still selling this game without fixing major issues like this is why I've sworn myself off of buying any Telltale products. They are trash.
In Oblivion a key I was supposed to fetch fell through the ground in a well. It made it impossible to complete the quest.
This too.

Also, don't know if this is a glitch but I've walked into towns and found quest-critical characters dead under mysterious circumstances. Sometimes they got into a fight with somebody else, but in other cases I couldn't even figure out what killed them.


Little Big Adventure on PC-DOS. Does it count even if it's not a console game?
At any point during the gaming, you are given a specific objective and the main character's dialogue when interacting with NPCs reflects that.
Straying away from those objectives and accidentally triggering later events will make it that some useful NPCs' crucial flags will no longer get activated...
That stupid red card bug got me stumped so many times until I realized that the game wants me to proceed with the story in a linear fashion, even though the game seems very nonlinear...

I'm just happy someone else has played the game. My entire network of friends, even those playing games for decades, have never heard of it.


The final portal in Prince of Persia Warrior Within didn't work meaning that I was literally a boss fight (5-10 mins) away from finishing the game.


The Walking Dead 1 fucking my save is the first one that springs to mind, notable because I believe the bug still exists to this day.


I couldnt get FIFA Street to start on my account, no matter what I tried. And it wasn't the disc because it would work on diff. accounts.


In the second level of FEAR when crossing a room I was shot from the floor. I tried restarting the level but it happened again. I quit the game and intended to try it again the next day, but I just got lazy and never came back.

This other one didn't make me quit the game, but I had to restart the campaign. It was XCOM Enemy Unknown, playing in ironman mode. During one of the tutorials in the base the game crashed and when I resumed the game what was I supposed to do wouldn't work so I was stuck. From that day I refuse to play ironman man modes.
Old school but Final Fantasy Tactics: Blade Grasp (PSX edition, dunno if the new additions fixed it).

Basically, it's this Reaction skill. Reduces the accuracy of ANY physical attack on you (not just blades, but arrows, bullets too I think lol) to like below 10%. Attacking magic is pretty much useless in late game unless you're a Calculator, so yea it was straight up broken.


Not a bug, but there's an anti copy system in Spyro 3 that plays dirty tricks on you like removing hard earned eggs. In the final boss battle it becomes brutal and takes you to the beginning of the game, resetting your data, and autosaving. I was 9 years old, puzzled and sad. Never playing an illegally copied game again.


My Gothic 2 save just broke after a lot of hours. Unloadable, hours of progress gone. From that day I started using more than one save slot -.-


Cluster Bomb in Code Name S.T.E.A.M. has about a 75% chance of crashing your game if you use it on more than 4 enemies.
Deus Ex on the PS2 reformatted my memory card. Formatting was a thing for certain games - for whatever reason, and I did so the first time, carefully moving my stuff from one card to another. After I cleaned it off, I put the shit back on (because, frankly, the other card was a madcatz one and was shit).

After getting halfway, the damn thing asked me again. I said no, it said LOL OKAY YOU CANT SAVE, and I got to the start menu before turning it off.

Booted it up again later that day to play something else, and bam, my card was fucking sweeped clean. Hilariously enough, Deus Ex didn't ask to format. Gee, I wonder why.
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