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wuh buh duh? "Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer"

Campster said:
So much for a realistic drama about a couple falling apart.



Campster said:
So much for a realistic drama about a couple falling apart.

Yay ridiculous thrillers and shitty attempts at shoehorning narrative while preserving a bullshit illusion of choice?

Isn't it kinda cliche now to have stories of lovers saving one another from some bad guy? I hope there's some psychological twist here that makes it deep and thought-provoking and not some lame Hollywood shtick.
Midna said:
Isn't it kinda cliche now to have stories of lovers saving one another from some bad guy? I hope there's some psychological twist here that makes it deep and thought-provoking and not some lame Hollywood shtick.
I bet the husband is the killer all along! Which is also lame.


Midna said:
Isn't it kinda cliche now to have stories of lovers saving one another from some bad guy? I hope there's some psychological twist here that makes it deep and thought-provoking and not some lame Hollywood shtick.

I bet the husband has double personality and he find outs he was been his own wife all along, and he also has amnesia and its a ghost.

Still better than Indigo's ending.


Why even guess with so little info?

Anyway this game was shown a long time ago, and with the PS3's current situation I expect it to go multiplatform and on PC.


Ether_Snake said:
Why even guess with so little info?

Anyway this game was shown a long time ago, and with the PS3's current situation I expect it to go multiplatform and on PC.

it is multiplatform. ps3, 360 and pc.
Zenith said:
btw I just bought Omikron. I've played the demo. what can I expect from this game?
A cool mix of FPS, adventure, city exploration and beat'em up. Not to mention a killer soundtrack by David Bowie.


May contain jokes =>
Ether_Snake said:
Why even guess with so little info?

Anyway this game was shown a long time ago, and with the PS3's current situation I expect it to go multiplatform and on PC.

It was always multiplatform.


Can this game just please hurry up and come out? Please? Ever since I saw that teaser video (which, from how I understood it, didn't necessarily have anything to do with the final game), I've been wanting whatever they're ready to give me.

Just give it soon.


Prime crotch said:
A cool mix of FPS, adventure, city exploration and beat'em up. Not to mention a killer soundtrack by David Bowie.

Omikron the Nomad Soul?? I thought that game was a stinker? Then again Deathtrap Dungeon was supposed to be one and I liked that game, go figure.

I hope Hard Rain turns out to be good though, I still need to get around to playing Fahrenheit.


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
Oh god please don't be full of QTE, am sorry I don't see the fun in having to press buttons over and over while trying to watch what the hell is going on.

But the fact the QTE in Indigo Prophecy (Fahrenheit) went on for god damn ages, like the part were the apartment comes apart or the matrix fighting, sweet jesus it went on for god damn ages.
Why isn't Mary Smith on that list? She seemed like an interesting character.

Maybe that's just familiarity talking.

EDIT: Oh wait, she was "too old for the part". :lol


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
There was a interview on IGN last year that said it was muti-platform.
Chao said:
This image is just creepy for some reason. She looks like a dummy.

That image is also pretty old, if I remember correctly, it was one of the more impressive early next gen showpieces. They've had a lot of time to improve on the subtle details.
I'm going to give Quantic Dream another shot at writing a decent story. The first part of Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy was amazing. The alien shit ruined it. If this is a down-to-earth, emotional story with some good character development, I'll be all over it.
disappeared said:
I'm going to give Quantic Dream another shot at writing a decent story. The first part of Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy was amazing. The alien shit ruined it. If this is a down-to-earth, emotional story with some good character development, I'll be all over it.
The killer folds origami in order to create dimensional portals with pieces of paper, through which he leaps in and out of the phantom zone to converse with his Aztec masters. Press X now to dodge Aztec masters.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
asclepio_gtr said:
You're probably right, but:


Find that on ps3forums.com... But it's probably just a typo... Right?

Was that from OPM? They seem to list 'SONY' as the publisher for alot of the games they preview for some reason.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Uh, I've had this image on my PC for some time. The high res version even.

Apparently they released it in January. Why the hell didn't you post it here then? :D


shidoshi said:
Can this game just please hurry up and come out? Please? Ever since I saw that teaser video (which, from how I understood it, didn't necessarily have anything to do with the final game), I've been wanting whatever they're ready to give me.

Just give it soon.

Cage confirmed it'll be at E3.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
buckfutter said:
The killer folds origami in order to create dimensional portals with pieces of paper, through which he leaps in and out of the phantom zone to converse with his Aztec masters. Press X now to dodge Aztec masters.

Damn! I pressed the triangle. Now I have to reset.

I never even realized they made Omikron too. I really enjoyed that game for the DC. would have been better if the people you posessed didn't just vanish after you left them. And Indigo prophecy was such a tease. The whole scene in the diner was brilliant. They had a great opportunity for a vastly branching story, but turned it into the matrix with aliens.
buckfutter said:
The killer folds origami in order to create dimensional portals with pieces of paper, through which he leaps in and out of the phantom zone to converse with his Aztec masters. Press X now to dodge Aztec masters.
That deserves a :lol.


HR should be an interesting game. Indigo Prophecy/ Fahrenheit was an interesing failure imo. The game did a lot of cool stuff, but pretty much failed to make the whole thing gel. If they could fix that then we're in for a treat.
Midna said:
Omikron the Nomad Soul?? I thought that game was a stinker? Then again Deathtrap Dungeon was supposed to be one and I liked that game, go figure.

I hope Hard Rain turns out to be good though, I still need to get around to playing Fahrenheit.
No it was quite good, problem was that the individual parts of it aren't as good as other games, like the FPS parts aren't as good as Quake for example, but the overall game is very good.


Campster said:
and it doesn't help that he takes himself and his games entirely too seriously.


Serially though, Cage is a egotist and Heavy Rain will be a glorious mess (a beautiful, glorious mess), but a little pretention can go a long way. Heavy Rain: The Acrimonious Divorce, meanwhile, wouldn't be pushing envelopes, taking risks or broadening appeals, not least because it wouldn't be greenlit.

buckfutter said:
The killer folds origami in order to create dimensional portals with pieces of paper, through which he leaps in and out of the phantom zone to converse with his Aztec masters.

I don't know about you, but I'm sold.


Prime crotch said:
No it was quite good, problem was that the individual parts of it aren't as good as other games, like the FPS parts aren't as good as Quake for example, but the overall game is very good.

Well goodness, I need to give this game a try then. I had no idea. Thank you

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
My interest for this game is huge, and in a way, so are my expectations, even though I also expect the worst at the same time somehow. I pretty much completely agree with what Plagiarize wrote earlier in that big post.

Even though Fahrenheit/IP ultimately collapses unto itself and becomes a huge stinking mess, if I only played it's first half and then stopped, I'd think I played one of the best games of all time, that that left me with an impression few games ever did.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I love David Cage's work. Both the Nomad Soul and Fahrenheit had some freshness in it. Although both of them fell short, I really appreciate the vision behind it. It's just that he didn't nail it till now, but the tech is getting better and who knows it might help him make a game that fully realizes his vision.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
If something like Pixar's The Incredibles is an argument for the vast potential of digital acting, this Heavy Rain woman is the argument for the vast inferiorty of it.


The idea behind Farenhiet was really really good, but it was such a wasted opportunity. I have just recently been playing it and some of it is gold, but a lot of it isnt. I love the way its directed, the way the screen is used is really very well done. I am reminded of when you meet Marcus at the cemetary. The game started well and the interaction was good, i wish it had stayed just that with the interaction and forgot about trying to be something its not.

The action sequences really detracted from the game experience and really - in my opinion - shattered any story elements in any specific part of the game they were forced upon. I would much rather sit back and enjoy a cut-scene after id played the game, as more of a reward for completeing something. A cut-scene to help extend the story, but with Farenheit it just wasnt like that, i dont feel like i took anything in from the 'simon says' parts of the game because i was too busy trying to concentrate on the button presses to take any notice to what was actually going on.

Having said that, the characters were endeering and i hope Heavy Rain doesnt try to be something it isnt, and instead it concentraits on letting you play through the story.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
140.85 said:
If something like Pixar's The Incredibles is an argument for the vast potential of digital acting, this Heavy Rain woman is the argument for the vast inferiorty of it.
Well, you won't get interactivity out of real living actors, and I think somewhat unnatural looking digital characters in cutscenes are still better than having real actors in cutscenes and then some characters that look nothing like them during gameplay.

That clip, with all it's flaws, is still the best realtime rendered realistic human I've seen. And if they need realistic humans for their story to make sense, they don't have much choice.


IMHO the only problem with the Heavy Rain problem was the face of the woman, that kind of uncanny valley thing but that's been troubling other games recently too. The animation and voice acting was pretty good.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Munin said:
IMHO the only problem with the Heavy Rain problem was the face of the woman, that kind of uncanny valley thing but that's been troubling other games recently too. The animation and voice acting was pretty good.
To be fair, this game might be affected by that more than anything else I can think of. Even games like Gears, HS, or Uncharted that portray relatively realistic people, all have their characters very stylized, among other things to avoid this unnatural look.

Heavy Rain seems to be going for 100% real look, which is a bold choice, and one that could pay of in a big way if they pull it off successfully.


The animation of the girl needed smoothing out but the biggest problem was her teeth, it was almost freakish.
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