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Xbox One blocks used games. Offline Pass confirmed

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Well, we cant say that MS dont showed a Megaton !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is official MS FAQ:


"We are designing Xbox One to enable customers to trade in and resell games. We’ll have more details to share later."

Um, the fact that they have to do something to enable trading and reselling, and it doesn't work the way used games usually work so they have to bring you details later, means THEY BLOCK USED GAMES BY DEFAULT.


the most I cant put up with, is that xbox one will be insignificant in power in general, and weaker compared to playstation.
also, for good times sake, I can put up with buying SHIT like kinect instead of better hardware. also, I can put up paying for a machine whose majority of new features are probably worth fucking nothing because I live somewhere in europe that its not the uk, therefore they dont even work.

any more fuck-ups than that, like drm, used games, always-on spy cameras and bullshit, and dear xbox, I'm sorry to let you know, but you are getting straight out of my living room, even after those 12 years.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Wonder what the truth is. If the system can install and no longer need the disc for a fee but still use discs in general that would be pretty great.

Nevermind, that support twitter is confusing as fuck. Declines to deny? hahaha.
Yeah they said this to me:


So.. notice how fee is in asterisks? It could end up being a part of a Gold subscription to play used games.


Oh look, gaf is freaking out over stupid stuff. How about we wait until E3 to really complain. They specifically said this wasnt going to be a game showcase

What does showing games have anything to do whatsoever with what we're talking about?

Unless this is sarcasm, I can't tell.


Um, the fact that they have to do something to enable trading and reselling, and it doesn't work the way used games usually work so they have to bring you details later, means THEY BLOCK USED GAMES BY DEFAULT.

Bingo. Most folks didn't bother to read the "enable" part of it. you don't have to "enable" something that you have by default.


Um, the fact that they have to do something to enable trading and reselling, and it doesn't work the way used games usually work so they have to bring you details later, means THEY BLOCK USED GAMES BY DEFAULT.

Didn't gamestop do some positive press for Microsoft a few weeks back? It'll be best to wait and see.


Oh look, gaf is freaking out over stupid stuff. How about we wait until E3 to really complain. They specifically said this wasnt going to be a game showcase

First, GAF isn't a hivemind - you should probably learn that at some point.
Second, this is a major show and a discussion forum exists so that we may discuss news as it appears. Therefore, it only makes sense for a discussion forum about games to have users evaluating the console as it was revealed at the show. It just so happens that it was one of the most miserable conferences of all time. Blame Microsoft for that.
Third, it's Microsoft's choice to focus on fucking tv and how smooth windows move in their OS when revealing a videogame console, and so they also have no one to blame but themselves that people are angered at such a light game focus.
Ballsy move if it actually turns out to be true.

I'm OK with a Steam-like setup, so long as said setup comes with Steam-like sales.
Even Steam sales are not that good due to regional pricing, the only possible venture would be allowing DD retailers to sell codes world-wide (don't see that happening though).


Microsoft's sheer greed with this new console is disgusting. I can understand keeping Live going (not that it's right, but it is a big moneymaker for them) but not even being allowed to lend a game to a friend without paying a fee is ridiculous. Imagine not being able to lend out Blu-ray's because of some online check that makes sure you're the real owner. What a bunch of bullshit.

There's no way the fee will be cheap either, otherwise people will just split the game's cost amongst a dozen or so friends. I fully expect it to be 90% of the retail cost. This also allows them to keep games at a higher retail cost for longer now. This move is really going to hurt Microsoft's relationship with retailers and console goers alike.


Yeah they said this to me:


So.. notice how fee is in asterisks? It could end up being a part of a Gold subscription to play used games.

Or the asterisks are for emphasis. The idea that there is a fee if you want to play the same disc on multiple consoles without deactivating, but not one if you do deactivate seems likely.
Yeah they said this to me:


So.. notice how fee is in asterisks? It could end up being a part of a Gold subscription to play used games.

Right. In this case, 'fee' means that you are purchasing the rights to the game. So it's not a fee in that respect. The fact the guy had to put it in quotes is downright depressing.


I really doubt there is any confusion on the matter, just more of Microsoft damage control going on until they can figure out a nice way to frame their decisions. They knew people were up in arms over the whole Adam Orth Twitter fiasco and so far they have not done anything to alleviate concerns brewing for last year.
Then why doesn't their FAQ page explicitly state it under that question? The "We'll allow and share more info on that later" sounds like there is a catch -- that there is another piece of information for this to happen. Why not just state "Yes you can play and resell second hand games"? Why the vagueness?


The confusion hasn't come from Microsoft, though, it came from Wired.

Well Wired seemed like they were directly quoting Microsoft on the fee part.

Then why doesn't their FAQ page explicitly state it under that question? The "We'll allow and share more info on that later" sounds like there is a catch -- that there is another piece of information for this to happen. The tweets above are claiming the reports are false but the reports have come from Microsoft sources.

They are being cagey about it just like Sony. There will obviously be something up with this.
They need to get this under control asap.

Yeah, Microsoft's damage control has been terrible on this issue. We shouldn't have to go to OXMUK for what might or might not be additional information on the system. They should have been out there the minute the Wired article was published with a statement that outlines their activation system; instead of just putting out a boilerplate "We'll reveal our plans later" statement. That's unacceptable, as considering how fast bad news spreads, they need to make some clarifications now, not "later."


Okay...so what about multiple users on the same system? Do you have to pay a fee for that too?

Not that I am going to buy into this whole set-up; I just wonder how it would handle both me and my kid having our own gamertags on the same system.

Also, I find it hilarious that they are saying that the system doesn't have to be online, but it doesn't sound like I can just buy an xbox and play a game on it without ever connecting it to the internet.


I cannot believe there is STILL no definitive answer.

The fact that Microsoft isn't trying harder to dispel this rumor -- which has been around for months now -- makes me think there is some truth to it.

They keep dancing around it.
Um, the fact that they have to do something to enable trading and reselling, and it doesn't work the way used games usually work so they have to bring you details later, means THEY BLOCK USED GAMES BY DEFAULT.

Without details could be everything but with a system that allows to full install and not use the disc not even for startup, maybe is just a matter of connect/disconnect the game key to your account.

For sure used games will be tradable.

And, from official tweetter, seems also without fees.

Shame on MS for using the conference to not make clear the rumors we all were concerned about.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!

Trade-in and resell programs have a clear "benefit and a value" for gamers as a whole and add "residual value" to products, GameStop president Tony Bartel told Polygon.

Speaking with us shortly after Microsoft's Xbox One reveal, Bartel spoke about both the company's resolve to transition gamers from the current generation to the next and the importance of second-hand games. Wired reported earlier that Xbox One will include a mandatory install before games can be played, and that second-time users would need to pay a small, one-time fee. Polygon is currently waiting on comment from Microsoft.

When asked about Xbox One's potential second-hand fee, Bartel said the information came "as a surprise" and declined to comment "on speculation."

"All that Microsoft has said so far is that they've designed the Xbox One to enable customers to trade in and resell games," Bartel said. "That's what I'm going with at this point. I think there's additional details they're going to reveal later on."

More here: www.polygon.com/2013/5/21/4352772/g...-and-microsoft-see-the-value-in-used-games-on
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