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Zoo Vet Mistakes Employee In Gorilla Suit For Actual Ape, Shoots Him w/ Tranquilizer

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Zoo Vet Mistakes Employee In Gorilla Suit For An Actual Ape, Shoots Him With Tranquilizer

A veterinarian at Loro Parque, a zoo and marine park in Tenerife Spain with a disturbing history of animal welfare violations, shot a fellow park employee with a tranquilizer after mistaking him for gorilla. The park employee was actually dressed up in a gorilla costume and participating in a practice drill to simulate the escape of a captive gorilla from one of the enclosures.

The employee was running around the park mimicking an escaped gorilla when the veterinarian spied him and, apparently uninformed about the drill, shot him in the leg with a tranquilizer dose meant to take down a 400-pound gorilla. The employee had an allergic reaction to the dose and was taken to University Hospital of the Canary Islands, where he is in serious condition.

A translation of a report on the incident reads:

The vet, who was only hired at Loro Parque two months ago, was supposed to stop the escaped gorilla. The accident occurred during a police simulation of what should happen if a monkey were to escape the park.

Drills like this are standard procedure at many zoos (at some U.S. zoos that are certified by the Association of Zoos and Aquaria, all the employees carry out various drills for animal escapes or disaster situations several times each year) -- though never has the “escaped animal” actually been shot.

The bizarre story -- almost too strange to believe -- is yet another testament to the lack of safety precautions at parks like this.

Even worse, this isn’t the first time that Loro Parque has been the site of a horrific accident involving a park employee. On Christmas Eve of 2009, an orca whale named Keto (who was born at SeaWorld Orlando) attacked and killed a trainer, 29-year old Alex Martinez, during a training session. The event became a rallying call for many opponents of orca captivity, who say that the practice is dangerous both for people and for animals.

That seems like a totally appropriate response to an escaped gorilla. Though you wonder how much he had to drink that he couldn't tell it was a guy in a cheap costume.


This thread is going places, I can just feel it.

(of course, the actual situation is terrible, and hope the guy is ok)


Shit, not only was he hit with a tranq dose that would probably kill him but he got an allergic reaction to it too? Poor guy :(
The employee was running around the park mimicking an escaped gorilla when the veterinarian spied him and, apparently uninformed about the drill, shot him in the leg with a tranquilizer dose meant to take down a 400-pound gorilla. The employee had an allergic reaction to the dose and was taken to University Hospital of the Canary Islands, where he is in serious condition.

I was laughing pretty hard at the thread title but then I read this. I hope he gets better.


Huge Nickleback Fan
At first, i lol'd (seriously, that thread title alone is enough to make me laugh) then i read how the employee got alergic reaction. Dammit, i hope he got better soon.


Gorillas are scary strong creatures. I mean you face a mean looking escaped Gorilla and what are you going to do about it. I would shit my pants.

I would have shot the animal/man as well. Protecting lives and such.


Gorillas are scary strong creatures. I mean you face a mean looking escaped Gorilla and what are you going to do about it. I would shit my pants.

I would have shot the animal/man as well. Protecting lives and such.

Do you know how strong a monkey is? It would rip your dick off like a celery stalk. Throw that shit in the tall grass, to never be seen again.
-Dave Chappelle


Gorillas are scary strong creatures. I mean you face a mean looking escaped Gorilla and what are you going to do about it. I would shit my pants.

I would have shot the animal/man as well. Protecting lives and such.

Chimpanzee's are also scary strong, they grow to the same average weight and height of an adult male human being. They are built like UFC wrestlers, they move like an olympic gymnast and those fangs.

Would you fuck with this guy?


Or how about this sweet gal?


Nature why you so scary?


Isn't this the park from the Blackfish documentary? If so fuck them, they should be shut down and the owner jailed.

Edit: Just read the last few lines. It is. The people who run this place are cunts.


Gorillas are scary strong creatures. I mean you face a mean looking escaped Gorilla and what are you going to do about it. I would shit my pants.

I would have shot the animal/man as well. Protecting lives and such.
I think the issue here is mistaking a guy in a gorilla suit for an actual gorilla.
Man shot with tranquilliser dart at Tenerife zoo 'was not wearing gorilla suit'

"He did not mean to hit the zookeeper and the zookeeper was not pretending to be a gorilla. He was wearing his normal uniform and had just informed the vet that it was a practice drill. It was simply an accident."

I'll continue believing the gorilla suit version

Also, some good news:

The 35-year-old zookeeper has now fully recovered after being given an immediate antidote to the tranquilliser and treated in hospital.

"Obviously he was sleeping a lot after being shot with a tranquilliser meant for a 200kg gorilla and was under observation in hospital to make sure there were no lasting effects. But he has made a full recovery and is already back at work," she said.

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
Suit or no suit, glad to hear they're doing well.


Pizza Dog
It almost seems more negligent for the guy to get shot by someone while not wearing a gorilla suit though. Why would the guy be pointing a loaded tranquilliser gun at an employee in regular uniform in an empty enclosure?

Edit: The only suit he'll be bringing to work now is a lawsuit.


jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
yeah, i can't really laugh at this. getting hit by such a strong dose of tranq must be awful but i'm glad he's ok now.
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