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The Trial Of Peter Molyneux by RockPaperShotgun


We'll never know if a KS promise is legally enforceable until it is taken to court.

Just looking at a single solitary promise from the KS:


Linux stretch goal was achieved.
Engine used does not support linux: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marmalade_(software)

Does that count as a lie?


You should read more of their terms of service. Maybe the part about the creator being legally obligated to deliver the promised rewards?
A Kickstarter case has not yet been brought to court. It's generally unclear how a judge would rule, despite the ToS.


They are still working on the game are they not?

In actual fact, no as illustrates by the video they released on Monday; only Konrad (intern, now lead designer) and Pavle (intern programmer) are working on it.

The other people called out in the interview by PM supposedly working on the game:

Peter Molyneux: So the people who aren’t working on Godus are the people who wouldn’t be busy on Godus most of the time. So at the moment, I’m just looking over them now. We’ve got Dave, Pavle, Konrad, Andy, Martin and Conor, and Michelle just stuck up her arms as well. [to Michelle] You’re not working on Godus.

And then Peter on the art side, and on the Trail we’ve got Sara, who’s a concept artist so there’s not much work for her to do on Godus, we’ve got Paul, who did all the sculpting stuff so there’s not much for him to do on Godus at the moment, Tony’s working on the Trail, Demetri and Tom, and then on the art side the new artist is learning Maya and we’ll have to see how he gets on. And Paul McLaughlin is working on Godus and he’s the head art. I think I’ve covered everyone that I can see.

Dave is a community manager, 1st time ever doing that job but it doesn't contribute to development of product
Pavle is a programmer, started as an intern.
Konrad is intern, now lead designer
Andy no idea but I think he's a producer (joined after I left)
Martin is a tester
Conor is a tester
Michelle is a PA but not working on GODUS

Those are 7 people he says explicitly are 'working' on GODUS but for the exception of two (Konrad and Pavle) are support staff and not development. As by his own admission, the rest of the team are on The Trail. It's also interesting to see how he omits key staff in his answer, such as Gary Leach who was the lead engineer on GODUS. He's also on The Trail now.
Everyone did it better. Hence the near-universal condemnation from writers that are interested in informing their readership instead of serving as a blunt object through which the angry throngs can inact vengeance. Walker misses the point entirely, but I doubt he cares all that much.

Walker does provide something no one else did: Pages and pages of words straight from PM's mouth that provide empirical evidence that he is an untrustworthy lying liar.


Walker does provide something no one else did: Pages and pages of words straight from PM's mouth that provide empirical evidence that he is an untrustworthy lying liar.

Everyone knows that Molyneux either exaggerates or outright lies all of the time. How is that revelatory? It was just an ugly, little man blowing off steam so that other ugly, little men can feel vindicated. If people enjoyed that then that's one thing but it certainly isn't good journalism.
I did read it. I know how it works. It's not as cut and dried as you are making out. There's a fair bit of wriggle room there.

Seems pretty cut and dry to me.

A Kickstarter case has not yet been brought to court. It's generally unclear how a judge would rule, despite the ToS.

But there is a ton of case law on basic contract law, which this falls under. I don't see where a creator would NOT be legally responsible for delivering the promised rewards.

Also, let's not forget the Washington State case against Asylum Playing Cards.
In actual fact, no as illustrates by the video they released on Monday; only Konrad (intern, now lead designer) and Pavle (intern programmer) are working on it.

The other people called out in the interview by PM supposedly working on the game:

Dave is a community manager, 1st time ever doing that job but it doesn't contribute to development of product
Pavle is a programmer, started as an intern.
Konrad is intern, now lead designer
Andy no idea but I think he's a producer (joined after I left)
Martin is a tester
Conor is a tester
Michelle is a PA but not working on GODUS

Those are 7 people he says explicitly are 'working' on GODUS but for the exception of two (Konrad and Pavle) are support staff and not development. As by his own admission, the rest of the team are on The Trail. It's also interesting to see how he omits key staff in his answer, such as Gary Leach who was the lead engineer on GODUS. He's also on The Trail now.

So they are, just not dedicating all resources to it. I wouldn't be surprised if they did reassign some people to the project after this weeks shenanigans.
Everyone knows that Molyneux either exaggerates or outright lies all of the time. How is that revelatory? It was just an ugly, little man blowing off steam so that other ugly, little men can feel vindicated. If people enjoyed that then that's one thing but it certainly isn't good journalism.

I don't care if it counts as 'journalism' at all. I care that PM's bullshit gets exposed and pointed out. As many times as it needs to be before he stops doing it or people stop believing him. (Because, as evidenced by Godus, enough people still believed his bullshit.)
It always a gamble. Publishers also gamble when they fund a game. Sometimes the game doesn't even get made. Sometimes studios close as a result.

Game development is a huge gamble for anyone financing it. That's why we get constant re-hashes of the same games, rather than original IP.

Sure, but publishers, unlike Kickstarter backers, can potentially get profits and new IP ownership from such risks.


So they are, just not dedicating all resources to it. I wouldn't be surprised if they did reassign some people to the project after this weeks shenanigans.

No they winded down in December 2014 as evident by the recent press coverage and their own admission. Out of the 22 people working there, 2 are on GODUS the rest are on The Trail.


I tried to. I couldn't get much beyond Walker's agenda.

Molyneux is easy to interview. He'll answer everything. And he'll elaborate when it's necessary. It's really shooting fish in a barrel.

I got the sense Walker thought the interview was more about John Walker's righteous indignation than Molyneux's accounting for Godus. And the piece suffers accordingly
So you did not read the interview, thus making your opinion invalid. The entire interview is filled with really good questions, and Walker did give Peter credit for the good things he does.

And no, Peter does not provide good answers. Making himself come out as the one being hurt the entire damn interview, even when Walker keeps telling him he's not trying to push him out of the industry or making him look bad. He just wanted some good answers.


Is an insulting question, especially for setting the tone of the interview, regardless of what you think of the person it was asked to, or what this person has done.

Who decides who deserves to be shafted in an interview or who doesn't? You guys? RPS? Kotaku? What would you say if a developer you respect only got insulted in an interview just because of the reporter's beliefs?

There is a line that must be drawn somewhere. Which is why journalists who remain respectful even when asking tough questions are those who are deemed professional in their conduct.

And this interview could have been much more effective if he restrained from insulting PM while still slapping his contradictions and lies on his face. He probably hates him a lot, and I sympathize with those feelings, but that doesn't make his behavior while conducting the interview OK.

You're trying to draw a flat line, which is absurd, based on the idea that "someone somewhere likes him" is an equally valid defense for "Molyneux, the last game you released feature-complete to the hype and on time required DOS 6.2 and an 80486" and "Kojima, I haven't seen the movie you're referencing" or "Kawazu, I don't like tabletop D&D", which is also absurd.

We're grownups here. We should like things we think devs should do and appreciate devs that do them, and laugh off individual disagreements with our taste, rather than like devs because they're themselves and go on full DEFEND THE HIVE blast when someone else doesn't like something they did - "I didn't know I was being overambitious" was a fair defense for Black and White, sure, but he's had ten MORE post-Bullfrog games and used it on all of them too. Honestly, it's fairly obvious to me that he has Actual Problems, he's a pathological liar in the "you should see a shrink, we're worried" sense rather than the "stop talking to me" sense, and the willingness to tell him that he's actually okay is just contributing to his transformation into a burned-out shell of a man.
Seems pretty cut and dry to me.

But there is a ton of case law on basic contract law, which this falls under. I don't see where a creator would NOT be legally responsible for delivering the promised rewards.

Also, let's not forget the Washington State case against Asylum Playing Cards.

So you don't think you could make a defence of 22 Cans if someone did decide to sue? Honest question. Im not trying to be a smart ass.
Everyone did it better. Hence the near-universal condemnation from writers that are interested in informing their readership instead of serving as a blunt object through which the angry throngs can inact vengeance. Walker misses the point entirely, but I doubt he cares all that much.

Walker is the only that got it right.
Peter has used the press as his free PR vehicle for false promises for years.

I have no problem with the tables finally turning and exposing him through some blunt questions. Good work by RPS.

Bad journalism is grovelling at his feet, begging for scraps. Good journalism asks the questions that the audience wants to know the answer to.
So you don't think you could make a defence of 22 Cans if someone did decide to sue? Honest question. Im not trying to be a smart ass.

If they continue working on it, then they couldn't be sued. However, I think I read something where they were talking about running out of funds - if so, I don't see why they couldn't be sued. There are defenses, sure: Impossibility, Impracticability, maybe others. Whether they would meet the requirements depends on UK law, which I'm not familiar with.

I don't consider this a failed project yet. I just think it is rife with deception and bullshit that gives KS creators a bad name. Feep posted in here - I'm curious what he thinks about shitty behavior like this and how it affects other KS creators.
Wow. His reputation has always been on overpromising, but some of the things in this interview... the man has either lost it, or a scam artist.

Slightly surprised at people angry at the fact that for once an interviewer has gone for blood instead of being the usual lickspittle. Apparently outright lying and swindling more is not that big of a deal, but the needed "harshness" exposing the very same is. Defense force for everything indeed.


Peter has used the press as his free PR vehicle for false promises for years.

I have no problem with the tables finally turning and exposing him through some blunt questions. Good work by RPS.

Bad journalism is grovelling at his feet, begging for scraps. Good journalism asks the questions that the audience wants to know the answer to.

Pretty much all that needs to be said. He needed to be called out on his shit point blank.

No idea why this thread is 45 pages when this is all that is needed to be said.
Here's where we differ: I do not agree that browbeating an interview subject is serving the customer. I believe that clear and comprehensive answers serves the consumer far better.

One reads like a showcase for the writer, the other serves as invaluable aid for the reader.

The thing about the browbeating angle is that Walker really only has one slant: You seem to lie a whole lot and this time it's affecting your fans in a uniquely damaging way. That's the whole underlying through line he's trying to uncover. On the other hand, Molyneux illicits, almost solicits really, sympathies on so many other unrelated subjects it makes you feel sorry for him. You want me to leave the industry, you don't like my games, yes I'm such a flawed human being, etc. These are all initiated by Molyneux but you can see Walker has no interest in any of those angles. But he seems so sad you feel sorry for him anyways and curse the man seemingly kicking him while he's down.

Previously I called it probably half defense mechanism, half genuine vulnerability, but really it's a distraction. Walker is really only pressing him on his honesty. Every time Walker brings to Molyneux's attention a seeming contradiction it feels like an uncomfortable accusation but that's required to find the truth. I like that so many here empathize with Molyneux's exasperation but I don't like that it's distracting from the actual interesting facts we got because of this article.


You're trying to draw a flat line, which is absurd, based on the idea that "someone somewhere likes him" is an equally valid defense for "Molyneux, the last game you released feature-complete to the hype and on time required DOS 6.2 and an 80486" and "Kojima, I haven't seen the movie you're referencing" or "Kawazu, I don't like tabletop D&D", which is also absurd.

You completely misread my post.

I am not trying to draw a line based on "the fact that someone likes him".

I am trying to draw a line based on professionalism, which means that not even the fact that people hate someone, or that someone is known to who done something wrong is grounds for publicly insulting this person while interviewing them.

What I gave was the counter example for a lot of people who are applauding the tone of the interview: if the person interviewed was someone they respect, but the interviewer hates this person for political reasons or whatnot and is thus serving other readers, would you then still find publicly insulting that person acceptable?

I have a feeling a lot of GAF would suddenly change their standards of what professional journalism is on such an instance.

I am saying it is never ok to insult in an interview, and just because you hate that person or you know that they are a bad person, that doesn't make it ok.
If they continue working on it, then they couldn't be sued. However, I think I read something where they were talking about running out of funds - if so, I don't see why they couldn't be sued. There are defenses, sure: Impossibility, Impracticability, maybe others. Whether they would meet the requirements depends on UK law, which I'm not familiar with.

I don't consider this a failed project yet. I just think it is rife with deception and bullshit that gives KS creators a bad name. Feep posted in here - I'm curious what he thinks about shitty behavior like this and how it affects other KS creators.

Thanks. Appreciate the answer.

I totally understand how this is a shitty situation for all involved, and why people are annoyed.

Incidents like this could potentially discourage people from backing Kickstarters, but I can also see a scenario in which creators may be discouraged should 22 Cans be successfully sued.


So they are, just not dedicating all resources to it. I wouldn't be surprised if they did reassign some people to the project after this weeks shenanigans.

They are going to put as little resources as necessary into Godus and then release it saying this is done hurrah.

Thanks. Appreciate the answer.

I totally understand how this is a shitty situation for all involved, and why people are annoyed.

Incidents like this could potentially discourage people from backing Kickstarters, but I can also see a scenario in which creators may be discouraged should 22 Cans be successfully sued.

Maybe some people should be discouraged from doing Kickstarters if they are to incompetent with budgets to actually make something. Alternatively maybe it will make people be more realistic in their pitches even if they might fail at it.
We'll never know if a KS promise is legally enforceable until it is taken to court.

Just looking at a single solitary promise from the KS:


Linux stretch goal was achieved.
Engine used does not support linux: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marmalade_(software)

Does that count as a lie?

What makes that worse is that he's attached stretch goals to the project when he's admitted in the interview that the money raised from KS isn't enough in the first place. Why attach stretch goals when that extra money gained isn't even going to cover his original project.


Despite all the coverage and the different opinions about it, one reality I'd like to add is this;

Nearly 18,000 people backed GODUS on Kickstarter, those are the people most affected by all of this and they are due some justice.


Their last project update was the 19th December 2014, that's almost 2 months ago. 2 months during which the team was moved off the Project onto the Trial and then some (2 or 3 depending on sources) back onto the project.

IF, and it's a big if, there is any integrity left those (backers) are the people that should be addressed directly and pronto. In fact, since the 1.5 years the project was supposed to be completed (September 2013) there's never been any communication as to a) why it's late and b) what's being done to rectify it and c) how funds raised have been used by creator to achieve rewards. That's never happened.

The only ever attempt was this 'roadmap' - posted in Spring 2014 - which unfortunately turned out to be another delaying tactic as we now know from statements by PM that said time was used for mobile development. And nothing on the roadmap has actually been brought into existence and there currently still isn't a delivery date. There's now all this talk about 'story mode' and 'multiplayer' but what of all the other stuff that was said was going to be done or was said to have been done already?


I mean, all the evidence is out there! Right there, in front of our eyes.
absolutely fucking right.

cannot believe people are shitting their pants because peter molyneux is having his feet held to the fire a little over a totally bungled game funded by consumers.


It seems some people have a conception of professionalism in journalism that involves not insulting interviewees or treating them kindly no matter what they've done. I don't see how asking blunt and difficult questions is unprofessional.

PM enjoyed a ton of press coverage. His reputation and history allowed him to promote his products through the media. He has done well by the media, and now he must be accountable to the media.
I am saying it is never ok to insult in an interview, and just because you hate that person or you know that they are a bad person, that doesn't make it ok.

I don't think he was being insulted. He was having his honesty called into question, which is a valid point to raise.


It seems likely that Molyneaux is trying to manipulate the media and create the narrative that it isnt his fault at all.

He doesnt seem to be doing much to put things right? There's lots of things he could be doing pro actively to make things right and better but he doesnt seem to be doing much along those lines now(I'm not going to outline them any brain dead person can figure out what he should/could be doing). Everything has to wait for these undetermined things in the future which may or may not happen.

He's full of excuses's and apologies it's not his fault he's not very good at this, I try my best, work incredibly hard, please feel sorry for me he's saying. Honestly no one should care about his excuses's just what he is going to do. That doesnt seem to be clear and he doesnt seem to be reliable.


Gold Member
Despite all the coverage and the different opinions about it, one reality I'd like to add is this;

Nearly 18,000 people backed GODUS on Kickstarter, those are the people most affected by all of this and they are due some justice.


Their last project update was the 19th December 2014, that's almost 2 months ago. 2 months during which the team was moved off the Project onto the Trial and then some (2 or 3 depending on sources) back onto the project.

IF, and it's a big if, there is any integrity left those (backers) are the people that should be addressed directly and pronto. In fact, since the 1.5 years the project was supposed to be completed (September 2013) there's never been any communication as to a) why it's late and b) what's being done to rectify it and c) how funds raised have been used by creator to achieve rewards. That's never happened.

The only ever attempt was this 'roadmap' - posted in Spring 2014 - which unfortunately turned out to be another delaying tactic as we now know from statements by PM that said time was used for mobile development. And nothing on the roadmap has actually been brought into existence and there currently still isn't a delivery date. There's now all this talk about 'story mode' and 'multiplayer' but what of all the other stuff that was said was going to be done or was said to have been done already?


I mean, all the evidence is out there! Right there, in front of our eyes.

thanks for your posts...

what some people are having a hard time dealing with is that it's pretty obvious, at this point, that everyone who supported godus are going to eventually, inevitably, find themselves in the same dustbin that the guy who 'won' curiosity was dumped in. i think walker understands this, which is why he took the approach he did...

it's the inevitability of it all at this point. triggered, fundamentally, by one thing & one thing only: godus, after 2 plus years, is no longer the 'next big thing'. & molyneux's very obviously just sick'n'tired of it. meaning, of course - it's time for 'the trail', everyone! time for the 'next big thing'!...

if walker seems ticked off, this's why. it's because he sees the inevitability of all this, of one more of molyneux's 'dreams' being unfulfilled, with those involved simply being left in the dustbin...

again: what happened to the guy who 'won' curiosity was the canary in the coalmine for all of this...


You completely misread my post.

I am not trying to draw a line based on "the fact that someone likes him".

I am trying to draw a line based on professionalism, which means that not even the fact that people hate someone, or that someone is known to who done something wrong is grounds for publicly insulting this person while interviewing them.

What I gave was the counter example for a lot of people who are applauding the tone of the interview: if the person interviewed was someone they respect, but the interviewer hates this person for political reasons or whatnot and is thus serving other readers, would you then still find publicly insulting that person acceptable?

I have a feeling a lot of GAF would suddenly change their standards of what professional journalism is on such an instance.

I am saying it is never ok to insult in an interview, and just because you hate that person or you know that they are a bad person, that doesn't make it ok.

I find confrontational interviews not only acceptable, but BETTER, assuming they're based on relevant facts. Because I have a functioning sense of context, I think I can determine what facts are relevant fairly easily. And I'd feel perfectly fine if someone went balls-to-the-wall on a figure I "like" - that was your suggestion, remember - for something I like that they've done, because I like that they do it, and "Shit yeah, that was me, problem?" is a great answer.

The only time to be worried about a "did you really do (x)?" question is when you did (x), you know you shouldn't have, but you still want to do it again.
Which, coincidentally, is the loop Molyneux has been on since it's been plausible to announce a title as multiplat PC/Mac OS 8/Dreamcast.
if walker seems ticked off, this's why. it's because he sees the inevitability of all this, of one more of molyneux's 'dreams' being unfulfilled, with those involved simply being left in the dustbin...

I think it's also that under a traditional publisher - developer investment relationship, a publisher would be asking all of these questions and in a much more confrontational manner, but under a Kickstarter funded project people who contributed do not have the same rights to demand answers, nor the capabilities to do so.


I don't know guys, he made syndicate. Doesn't that count for something?

But what I feel is getting lost in here (by the people calling him a "snake oil salesman") is what this man has given us as gamers.

- Populous
- Syndicate
- Theme Park
- Magic Carpet
- Dungeon Keeper
- Black & White
- Fable
- The Movies
People really should check the facts first. I posted this in another recent Molyneux thread. If you look at the games Molyneux is meant to have 'made' for a lot of them he isn't even credited as being directly involved with design/development.

Peter Molyneux

Magic Carpet:
Executive Producer
Peter Molyneux

The Movies had 8 designers:

Fable had 4 designers:
Peter Molyneux, Dene Carter, Ben Huskins, Mark Webley

He doesn't deserve all the credit for these games that people seem to think he 'wrote'.


It isn't. Also, it's badly formatted. Also, what's your opinion? And "the bad boys do it worse, nobody is asking them" is no excuse for what Molyneux does.

However, the worst thing about that comment is the lawman psychology. "You are really angry because...." Yeah, tell me what is going on in my head.

The point is, people are applauding this interview not because PM is some bad guy we have been waiting to take down, but because they are so proud that "games journalism" finally had a hard hitting interview that took a known name in the industry down.

They don't care that it is PM, they just care his name is recognizable, now we can all pat each-other on the back and talk about how RPS are real journalists and how they took it to the games industry.

Good job guys. Nothing has changed. PM is small potatoes now and you haven't accomplished shit.
The thing about the browbeating angle is that Walker really only has one slant: You seem to lie a whole lot and this time it's affecting your fans in a uniquely damaging way. That's the whole underlying through line he's trying to uncover. On the other hand, Molyneux illicits, almost solicits really, sympathies on so many other unrelated subjects it makes you feel sorry for him. You want me to leave the industry, you don't like my games, yes I'm such a flawed human being, etc. These are all initiated by Molyneux but you can see Walker has no interest in any of those angles. But he seems so sad you feel sorry for him anyways and curse the man seemingly kicking him while he's down.

Previously I called it probably half defense mechanism, half genuine vulnerability, but really it's a distraction. Walker is really only pressing him on his honesty. Every time Walker brings to Molyneux's attention a seeming contradiction it feels like an uncomfortable accusation but that's required to find the truth. I like that so many here empathize with Molyneux's exasperation but I don't like that it's distracting from the actual interesting facts we got because of this article.

Right. A lot of the uncomfortable parts of the interview are pretty much Molyneux going completely off track.


Hard to read but definitely refreshing. Its rare but its good to see games journalists act like journalist.

He wasn't acting like a journalist at all. He could have asked 90 percent of his questions with far more tact and professionalism, and got a better interview. Just like the Guardian review. Instead he attacked Molyneux, for the cheering masses that hate him.

If you think that is a journalist, then you guys deserve bullshit PR reporting too.


The way I see it, the main issue John was hitting on, is the fact that PM clearly knew that the amount he asked for was not going to be enough to fund the entire project. Same thing with the ridiculous 9 months timeline.

I'm no game developer, but I even know that 9 months is not realistic for delivering a game wit the scope of Godus with a team of 22 people.

Saying "game development is hard" and "shit happens" is not an excuse. Especially when you are a 30 years veteran in the industry and, as he himself admitted, none of your previous project were delivered on time and on budget. Why would he think that this time would be any different?
People are talking about justice for the backers here, but as $30 backer of this game, I feel that very little is being accomplished by the whole internet piling up hate towards the developers.

I absolutely hate how the focus was set on the F2P iOS title, but what I want know is to see what the new team can accomplish on the title. And for that to happen, they need to be able to breath. Every single gaming publication running their own character assination of Molyneyx and 22 Cans will not help me the slightest to get something worthwhile of this game.

I'm not interested in a refund here. I payed $30 some years ago with the knowledge that I might get nothing from it. I have now gotten something from it, and I sure hope that everyone feeling the urge to pile up on the team that's there now won't drive them to quit also, when they're trying to salvage this and give me something more then what I have gotten so far.


The way I see it, the main issue John was hitting on, is the fact that PM clearly knew that the amount he asked for was not going to be enough to fund the entire project. Same thing with the ridiculous 9 months timeline.

I'm no game developer, but I even know that 9 months is not realistic for delivering a game wit the scope of Godus with a team of 22 people.

Saying "game development is hard" and "shit happens" is not an excuse. Especially when you are a 30 years veteran in the industry and, as he himself admitted, none of your previous project were delivered on time and on budget. Why would he think that this time would be any different?

I'd also like to refer to the Kickstarter page itself;

22cans said:
We need £450,000 to do this. Yes, games typically cost more than that to make, but we’re sticking to a small, highly effective team and we’ll be employing careful management to keep the project on track and get the most out of our funding.

The challenge is to reinvent a genre and make a great game in a short space of time. We’ll only release GODUS once it’s the fantastic game we know it can be. And we want to get it into the hands of players in less than a year from now.

22cans has a lot of game industry veterans so we know the risks – GODUS will be using new technology and that has to be tested and perfected. Balancing and bug-testing the game will also take time. And there are many other factors; for example, Curiosity – what’s inside the cube showed us what happens when everyone wants to engage with your product online at the same time. We learnt a lot from that in a very short space of time.

Finally, trying Kickstarter is itself a risk. Our backers deserve a great game they’ve funded, seen in through its development and helped create. We can make it if we achieve the amount we’re asking for.
He wasn't acting like a journalist at all. He could have asked 90 percent of his questions with far more tact and professionalism, and got a better interview. Just like the Guardian review. Instead he attacked Molyneux, for the cheering masses that hate him.

If you think that is a journalist, then you guys deserve bullshit PR reporting too.

I dunno, as far as masses go, it seems about 50/50 here on gaf. Actually for the way you framed it, way less than that express any hatred for him. But 50/50 for or against the interview itself. Of course I think it'd be way less against the interview if it wasn't for Molyneux's side excursions into self-pity that are actually way well relevant than our hearts tell us! Damn you heart strings!

Mikey Jr.

I gotta say, good luck with molyneux getting money on kick-starter ever again. He has burned that bridge to a fucking crisp.

Shit, he should be scared for the sales for his new game the trail. You gain nothing by burning your fanbase as much as he has.


Immature journalism

It was adult journalism. Immature journalism is pandering to the interviewee, and just being another arm of their media strategy. Being an adult is about asking the difficult questions, being prepared to not be liked but asking the questions anyway, and not letting the pretence's of politeness get in the way.

lord quas

It was adult journalism. Immature journalism is pandering to the interviewee, and just being another arm of their media strategy. Being an adult is about asking the difficult questions, being prepared to not be liked but asking the questions anyway, and not letting the pretence's of politeness get in the way.

Apparently starting off with an edgy question is now considered adult journalism. Maybe Sorkin should hire John as a writer on The Newsroom.
I still can't get over the fact that people are taking away "The inteviewer was mean!" as the primary thing from this interview. It baffles me. Not to mention the idea that kickstarter is a risk, so you should just roll over when it goes south. What, you don't think you should be upset when a birthday cake you ordered is wrong, or isn't done on time? Or ANY product in ANY service industry?
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