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'Trine' (PSN/PC) Announced


Daante said:

"So many questions! To be honest, we don't want to answer all these questions right now. Some of the answers will be revealed in previews and interviews, and others we will later make official announcements about.

But some answers that I can provide:

- Trine uses our own inhouse game engine (the same as in the Shadowgrounds games) but of course it's been improved a lot.

- We're roughly 20 people strong, a bit less currently but some new blood will come in next year to help finish the game in time.

- Once we launch the website next month, there will be a fansite kit and extra screenshots. And possibly a development diary as well.

- Yes there will be easter eggs. I think it's worthwhile reading this blog post again, now that the game is announced.

- Nobilis is the worldwide publisher for the PSN version and almost worldwide for PC version (only excluding Russia and some minor territories). The game will be distributed in retail and online for PC, and we obviously aim to have the game available at Steam and other download channels as well. You can expect a pretty good selection of choices regarding that. So far Trine has only been announced for PSN and PC, other platforms may be announced later or become available after the original release, but there's no news I can say at this point. We know there's a lot of demand for other versions...

- Sony and Nobilis both have been great to work with and we're really happy with them.

- There will be Trophy support, but the full extent is yet to be determined.

- Shadowgrounds for PSN... let's see what the future holds. :D"

Thank you so much for this. Before this, I had no idea these are the same guys that made shadowgrounds.
My excitement for this game level for this game is reaching a critical level.


brain_stew said:
Hopefully someone comes out with a Wiimote mod for the PC version as that looks to be the ideal control method if you ask me. Navigating a pointer with analog stick sounds like my idea of hell, so something which incorporates a mouse or pointer looks damn near essential if you ask me. The only problem is of course that a keyboard isn't ideal for a platformer.

Actually, come to to think of it, there's no reason you couldn't just use the left half of a Saturn USB along with a mouse. My MX518 has plenty of buttons so that's not a problem and sice the Saturn pad's are so light, holding it one handed isn't an issue. Sure as hell beats trying to precisely draw shapes with an analog stick.

Is that a legitimate possibility? Playing this on a HTPC with a Wiimote seems like the ultimate setup.


Great news that a demo is coming but this is one of those rare games where I dont need one. The youtube trailer was enough to sell me on this one.
1-D_FTW said:
Is that a legitimate possibility? Playing this on a HTPC with a Wiimote seems like the ultimate setup.

Of course it is, heck I doubt you'd even need a game specific mod to be made. With GlovePIE a Wiimote can already emulate a mouse just fine, and you can map its buttons to any key you like, so it shouldn't be too difficult to implement at all. Heck, for those lacking bluetooth on their PC, this little $2.50 (delivered) microscopic gizmo is all you need:



New Interview! (i think)


- The heart of Trine is the three characters, who are bound to this mysterious device we call the Trine. Only one of the characters can be outside of the device at time, but the player is able to choose freely which one he has outside, given that the character is alive. The various puzzles, action sequences and other challenges are built in a way where many characters can solve them, but each puzzle usually favors one or two of the characters. Ultimately, the play style is created by the player but a single repeatable tactic is not possible due to the vast diversity of the encounters

- A very heavily modified Shadowgrounds engine is used for Trine. All of the PS3 code has been written specifically for Trine, and it's completely new. We also rewrote the graphics engine to run better on PS3 and now it runs like a dream. All programming is made in C++ (and shaders in HLSL as far as I know), and we use the most common programming software such as Visual Studio, along with our own tools

- Sony has been awesome with all the feedback and support. Their comments have been very constructive and we have actually improved the game with their help, which is really cool. We can't wait to have Trine published on PSN.

- We have a simple yet strong story, and great-looking art supporting it. The end goal will be included in both the story and in the final level. Trine is definitely a game with a story and a goal.

- The player characters can get killed along the way, but the player is able to continue with the remaining characters, and reaching a checkpoint will revive all dead characters. This feature of the game allows us to also boost the challenge level a bit, because losing a character doesn't automatically require loading to the previous checkpoint.

- Our testing sessions have shown that it should take approximately 10 hours of gameplay for the first completion of the game. Completing the game once unlocks not just new difficulty levels but various other play modes. We have also a strong replay value feature still to be announced, and it's hopefully announced soon. :)

- We have planned all kinds of additions to Trine and I would say it's quite sure that there will be at least an add-on pack, but ultimately the add-ons and the possible sequel are decided when we see the initial sales numbers of Trine. That's just the harsh reality but judging by the signs and all the positive comments, it looks like we have nothing to worry about!

- Development is going great. It's the final stretch now, although for us that means that new cool stuff is still added, instead of just fixing some minor bugs. We're a little unorthodox in our development methods but it has worked well in the past, at least if we look at the quality of the games!
So if all goes well, Trine should be released on PSN and PC in June this year.





Isn't it crazy how in the 16 bit days we'd pay $50 for beautiful 2D platformers. Nowadays we get them for like $10-$20 dollars (and if you adjust for inflation that's equivalent to something like $7-$14 dollars).


Some interesting tidbits from today's Finnish business magazine Kauppalehti:

- Frozenbyte plans to release atleast one downloadable game per year
- Development has cost 500.000€ sofar of which Frozenbyte has paid half
- Frozenbyte owns the name, story and characters
- Proprietary engine
- 2008 turnover 400.000€, plans to double it this year
- Plan to produce additional levels and new game modes, sequel not out of the question, depends on sales
- Needs to sell around 100.000 copies to make it on their own.
- 25 people working in the company on two projects and the other project will be out in 2010 the least


The bloom effects look great. Wish more games used them. I'm tired of traditional boring hyper realistic PC looking games

Princess Skittles

Prince's's 'Skittle's
Oh, this game looks great (love me some side-scrolling hack and slashers) but it needs a more interesting visual style. This one just looks like cheap "next-gen" lighting effects overload. Blech. Also, enough with the physics gimmicks, people. STILL, if the gameplay is awesome I'll be in.
sentry65 said:
The bloom effects look great. Wish more games used them. I'm tired of traditional boring hyper realistic PC looking games

Bloom is like THE most overused effect of this generation and really what in the hell does that bolded part even mean? Its from the same stupid school of thought that 600p actually benefited GTA4 PS3's visuals.

Oh, and incase you didn't realise, this is a PC game, dude.
sentry65 said:
The bloom effects look great. Wish more games used them. I'm tired of traditional boring hyper realistic PC looking games

Halo 3 alone used enough bloom for all of the next ten years of games combined.


brain_stew said:
Bloom is like THE most overused effect of this generation and really what in the hell does that bolded part even mean? Its from the same stupid school of thought that 600p actually benefited GTA4 PS3's visuals.

Oh, and incase you didn't realise, this is a PC game, dude.

it's nicer to look at than your typical non-post effect look. IMO it makes images look softer and more vibrant....not to mention it's a little more like how your eye sees light exposure - ever stare at a bright light?


Found a little more.

” oh ok, so I'm assuming that in co-op you would share the 3 characters, meaning I could play as the wizard and my buddy could be a warrior, but we both couldn't play the same guy.”

- That's right. But you and your buddy can still freely change between the characters =)

"Same system co-op." So that means no LAN coop isn't planned? Meh... If you made a LAN coop people would have had an online coop too. ;P
Don't under estamate the power of Hamachi. ^^"

- We know this is an issue, but we think it's better to deliver a solid single player and single system co-op at the first place. As the game is distributed in PSN, we never know what DLC's there might come =)

“Very interested in this game, and so is my friend; she wants to know if those are the only character models (ie. I think she means are there any female characters?) My question, will the game release more classes? Or is it simply the Wizard/Warrior/Rogue?”

- As someone noticed already, the Thief character is a female
Also, the game will have three characters which you are able to switch on the fly to the one fits best for each situation or puzzle.

Will there be a limited edition for the PC version?
Will a soundtrack be avaible for purchase?

- The soundtrack will be available separately

Hey there, this game is pretty intriguing and I was just wondering if the game would have a level editor.

- We have not yet decided shall we release the level editor with the PC version. Most likely, if it ever happens, the tools will be released after initial launch.

"I'm also wondering if its too early to tell if this would be available on Steam? Curious since most people I play on PC with play on Steam."

- We are definately aiming to have Trine on Steam, and if there's no surprises I'd say it will be there when the PC launch comes

Also it seems their homepage is updated http://trine-thegame.com


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Wait. No online coop? I thought it was there.

Memo to devs: to most grown up players (with work and family) offline coop is useless. We play at night and we don't have consoles at the office.


No but it still looks awesome and they seem to be blatantly hinting at it being added in all of the interviews I've read.


I'm happy to hear it seems to be primarily a single player game.
Visually I'm getting a bit of a Folklore vibe and gameplay seems to go in the direction of Lost Vikings - that combination should be pretty great.

Lord Phol

TTP said:
Wait. No online coop? I thought it was there.

Memo to devs: to most grown up players (with work and family) offline coop is useless. We play at night and we don't have consoles at the office.

Hell no! Offline co-op is always apprciated!
Game looks stunning!


he does have a point. For me, it is pretty rare that I get to have friends over to play video games. Hopefully it will do well enough to warrant the add on. I can't imagine any reason not to include it other than waiting to see if the sales are good enough.


TTP said:
Wait. No online coop? I thought it was there.

Memo to devs: to most grown up players (with work and family) offline coop is useless. We play at night and we don't have consoles at the office.

(neutral) TTP
Have a fun! Enjoy!
(As long as it's not
with someone you live
(Today, 03:34 AM)
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TTP said:
Wait. No online coop? I thought it was there.

Memo to devs: to most grown up players (with work and family) offline coop is useless. We play at night and we don't have consoles at the office.


Will start Demon's Soul tonight... the kids will go to sleep early


Good update. Glad this is local co-op but would have preferred it online as well but ah well. Definitely dll'ing this when it releases.

Ranger X

sentry65 said:
it's nicer to look at than your typical non-post effect look. IMO it makes images look softer and more vibrant....not to mention it's a little more like how your eye sees light exposure - ever stare at a bright light?

If there's something that sure doesn't look like natural is bloom. You might want to have your eyes checked. It's more like when you look through some greasy lenses that light will diffuse like that, sorry.

This is rad. What an unusual game; I'm glad somebody is making it. I also hope the PC release isn't set to come later or something.

Furthermore, I will be playing The fucking Wizard.

Alex P

I've been playing this for the better part of this afternoon.

So goddamn good. The score is incredible, the story is surprisingly interesting, and the visuals are stunning. Strong writing and voice-acting. Doesn't feel like this was made by a tiny independent studio of 20 at all.

Gameplay is fun and hasn't gotten repetitive yet. It really feels like each character is meant to do a specific task though. The thief feels like she's made for platforming, the wizard for puzzle solving, and the knight for combat. I'm kind of torn on whether or not I like it this way or would have preferred that it was a little more balanced. I have to play and think about it some more.

I'll have a more formal preview written by week's end. Maybe some video footage. Not sure yet.

I'll entertain questions for now if anyone's got any.
If possible, could you describe how basic level progression is? Does it seem like a seamless progression, or does it seem like sections(think oddworld)?

How is the balance so far as far as platforming, puzzle, and combat, and does one ever play ontop of another?

Alex P

DMPrince said:
When you're playing alone are the stages different compared to multiplayer?

Doesn't appear so, no.

And in case it's not clear, you can switch between all three at any time (if they're alive; they can die and then you can't use them) if you're soloing.

abstract alien said:
If possible, could you describe how basic level progression is? Does it seem like a seamless progression, or does it seem like sections(think oddworld)?

How is the balance so far as far as platforming, puzzle, and combat, and does one ever play ontop of another?

Moving from section to section is seamless. The camera scrolls smoothly as you pass into the new area. It doesn't magically "switch" to the next area. It's well done.

As for the gameplay, it really feels like it's left up to the player. There are areas that definitely feel like they're best played as the thief, and others that feel like they're best played as the wizard, but other times you feel as though either would be a fine choice.

Swapping between characters can have some awesome unintended side effects. For instance, I was playing as a thief, launched myself off from my grappling hook at a great height, and switched to the knight middair. I fell down onto an enemy standing below me, crushing him into a pile of bones. It was :lol
Alex P said:
Doesn't appear so, no.

And in case it's not clear, you can switch between all three at any time (if they're alive; they can die and then you can't use them) if you're soloing.

Moving from section to section is seamless. The camera scrolls smoothly as you pass into the new area. It doesn't magically "switch" to the next area. It's well done.

As for the gameplay, it really feels like it's left up to the player. There are areas that definitely feel like they're best played as the thief, and others that feel like they're best played as the wizard, but other times you feel as though either would be a fine choice.

Swapping between characters can have some awesome unintended side effects. For instance, I was playing as a thief, launched myself off from my grappling hook at a great height, and switched to the knight middair. I fell down onto an enemy standing below me, crushing him into a pile of bones. It was :lol
cool. The bit about mid-air switching is awesome indeed.

Alex P

abstract alien said:
cool. The bit about mid-air switching is awesome indeed.

Looking back at the two questions I answered from you and DMPrince, the point you both seemed to be getting at is whether or not there's any real difference in the game whether you're playing alone or cooperatively. And as far as I can tell, there isn't, which is a disappointment.

Going into it, I didn't realize you swap between characters when you're solo (I thought the other two were just friendly computer-controlled AI). So the cooperative aspect made more sense in my mind prior to playing.

But it's strange and somewhat disappointing in a sense (if there is in fact no difference between the levels in solo and coop; I can't 100% confirm this yet) when you realize you can solve all the puzzles and finish all the levels on your own. It sort of negates the fun you'd experience from subsequently playing cooperatively.


Also, do you think this would translate well to online co op? They've hinted at adding it, but it seems like it will be tied to it's success. People need to buy this as opposed to sharing it for this reason.
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