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Chiropractors are amazing.

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Because most of the posters are in America, where most people are always looking for alternatives to going to actual doctors in fear of massive bills.

Not sure how much it costs in the States, but a fifteen minute thing with my chiropractor in Canada costs $40. I'm covered under extended health insurance though.


I've been seeing one for the past two months and my back is much better. I agree that their projected regiment of 5 months of seeing them twice is ludicrous since I consider myself 90% and I'm not even half way through.

Everyone says they're con artists, but I will vouch for them.

Acupuncture is another thing that gets a lot of flak, but a few years I sprained my ankle and couldnt run on it for several months. After 2 months at an acupuncturist, the swelling had subsided and I could run just fine.
Because it healed on its own after two months.
Because it healed on its own after two months.



Lmao, acupuncturists and chiropractors. Biggest quacks that somehow have been ingrained in society under the pretense that they alleviate pain.

There's many other methods to help with your back pain before even resorting to a major operation, or even worse, a chiropractor. Do some physical therapy. Trigger point injections (although debatable). Epidurals. Hell, you can even buy a foam roller or do some yoga.

I work for one and it's scary how little he knows about actual medicine. I'm not generalizing to say that every chiropractor is uneducated or something, but I would be lying if I said I don't feel sorry for the smarter ones since they can use their dedication to medicine in a career that doesn't revolve around complete fraudery.


Anecdote unquantifiable evidence and Placebo effect, how do they work?

Hint: They don't

You know what... This is fucking bullshit, and it's bad for you.

I work in pain management (I'm a PA in interventional pain management), and the entire field really lacks the concrete evidence of efficacy found in other disciplines, simply because pain is subjective- There isn't a blood test that assesses it, there isn't a magical pill that will cure a herniated disc, etc.

All you have to go on is how people feel, and I have found that for a good many people that chiropractic can work wonders if the chiropractor knows what he/she is doing. I can also say that surgical intervention is one of the worst treatment options available for someone with chronic back or neck pain. And by the way, the best that most pain management doctors can do for someone is write for narcotics or give some injections, to varying degrees of success. Sometimes chiro/PT/acupuncture/massage therapy can work wonders where other western medical interventions have not.

TL;DR- People without experience in the field shouldn't be shitting on something they know little to nothing about, or even worse- Telling people that they're wrong when they have little to no evidence that what they're suggesting is right.


For short term lower back pain relief, they are the best.

Unfortunately, they quickly overstep their bounds by offering nutrition advice and other quackery.

There are actually very few who want to reform and promote the scientifically sound principals, but the whole still keeps pseudoscience shit like vertebral subluxation around.


My neck locked up once. It was scary as hell. Went to the chiropractor and she said my muscles were too tense. After a super-relaxing massage, my neck was free to move around again. She talked to me for a bit and determined that I was letting workplace stress get to me without realizing it, so... pay attention to that shit and reduce it. She also showed me some neck-and-shoulder stretching exercises.

A couple years later, I had some lower back pain. Massage loosened it up, and after another talk, she figured out that I was spending too much time on the internet with a bad computer chair. Upgrade the chair, and try to get out of the house and ride my bike. Also, leg stretching exercises.

The most my "doctor" ever did for me was prescribe yearly antibiotics to fight the cold and flu.



Guess what? If you look clinical studies on traditional western pain management procedures (epidurals, for example) you'll see the same thing. Works for some, doesn't work for others. I see it all the time. As I said, the problem with pain management is that it's difficult to assess how effective treatment modalities are, because all we have to go on is subjective information.


My neck locked up once. It was scary as hell. Went to the chiropractor and she said my muscles were too tense. After a super-relaxing massage, my neck was free to move around again. She talked to me for a bit and determined that I was letting workplace stress get to me without realizing it, so... pay attention to that shit and reduce it. She also showed me some neck-and-shoulder stretching exercises.

A couple years later, I had some lower back pain. Massage loosened it up, and after another talk, she figured out that I was spending too much time on the internet with a bad computer chair. Upgrade the chair, and try to get out of the house and ride my bike. Also, leg stretching exercises.

The most my "doctor" ever did for me was prescribe yearly antibiotics to fight the cold and flu.

Is this a joke post?


Maybe you got bronchitis, or another bacterial infection following a cold?

I doubt it. I'd just catch the yearly cold, my mom would take me to the doctor, and he's all "Yep, you have a cold. Here's a piece of paper with an unintelligible scribble on it." Then we go to the pharmacy and buy a bottle of pink liquid.

There's a reason why superbugs got created, and why the public needed "not all bugs need drugs" advertising campaigns.


I don't trust doctors. The only thing they see is money and they'll do anything to extract as much of it as possible from you.

People who do chiropractic medicine are those people who aren't driven by money. Of course there's bad apples in every profession, but I sincerely believe chiropractors are in this field to help their ailing patients as best as they can.

Western medicine is founded on an extremely unhealthy devotion to science, science, and more science. We need to have skepticism in our lives and we can't just trust everything just because someone happens to have weaseled their way through a PhD.

When you think about it, our ancestors had a lot of successful treatments for illnesses like medicinal bark which "doctors" even now do not understand the effects of. What's to say that chiropractioners are not going back to our roots when we were healthier and stronger individuals?

If we do not accept alternative medicines, we will quickly reach our ceiling as a species and will not be able to evolve into the cosmos. It'd be a tremendous shame.


I don't trust doctors. The only thing they see is money and they'll do anything to extract as much of it as possible from you.

People who do chiropractic medicine are those people who aren't driven by money. Of course there's bad apples in every profession, but I sincerely believe chiropractors are in this field to help their ailing patients as best as they can.

Western medicine is founded on an extremely unhealthy devotion to science, science, and more science. We need to have skepticism in our lives and we can't just trust everything just because someone happens to have weaseled their way through a PhD.

When you think about it, our ancestors had a lot of successful treatments for illnesses like medicinal bark which "doctors" even now do not understand the effects of. What's to say that chiropractioners are not going back to our roots when we were healthier and stronger individuals?

If we do not accept alternative medicines, we will quickly reach our ceiling as a species and will not be able to evolve into the cosmos. It'd be a tremendous shame.

Holy shit LMAO


I realize that it's all quackery and does nothing but damn those back cracking videos make it seem like it would feel so good and satisfying. Nothing like a good back crack.

I just spent 20 min watching cracking videos and am now feeling that all too familiar mixture of satisfaction and shame 8(...


If we do not accept alternative medicines, we will quickly reach our ceiling as a species and will not be able to evolve into the cosmos. It'd be a tremendous shame.

Wow, how can be people be this misinformed?

It's on a whole other level, jesus christ


Because it healed on its own after two months.

Several months as in probably around 8. Here is an old picture of how it looked during that time: http://i.imgur.com/E3uM5K2.jpg

I literally could not run and even walking hurt. After going to the acupuncturist a few times all that swelling went down and I could move my ankle freely again

Not sure how much it costs in the States, but a fifteen minute thing with my chiropractor in Canada costs $40. I'm covered under extended health insurance though.
I go twice a week for an hour and it's a $30 co pay each time. When I did physical therapy for my rotator cuffs, it was a $50 co pay each time


I only went to a chiropractor once. Even when I was a kid all my joints would crack like crazy, just from normal use. It freaked my grandma out and her chiropractor said he could fix it. He gave me a full cracking. Back, neck, knee, elbow, wrist, ankles, the works. I felt incredible for days. He wanted me to keep going back, but I never did. After a few weeks, my joints started cracking like they always do. But whenever my joints are aching from my arthritis, I go to YouTube and watch the videos of people getting alignments and live out their pain relief vicariously.
I think chiropractors are amazing! I just went to one about 3 months ago and I feel like a new man.

Ive had this hip pain i got from sleeping on a bad couch futon in college for over a decade. I lost the ability to sleep on my right side as a result. Eventually i started getting a really bad knot in my muscles under my shoulder blade, a loose knee, middle back spasms, and general neck pain. I pretty much settled on saving up some funds to get hip replacement surgery later in my life.

Friend recommended me Franco Columbu from Pumping Iron fame http://columbu.com/ and literally in 3 sessions my life was changed forever.

He told me I had a pinched nerve in my spine, which in turn caused the the knot in my back. The knot was tightening up so hard over the years that it was pulling my neck and hip muscles inward. While my calf muscles got too strong and it over compensated by pulling out downwards the other way causing the looseness in my knee. My right leg ended up being shorter than my left compounding the damage over the years.

After a couple of refreshing cracks here, pulls there and rolling around. The knot in my back was gone after the first session, hip pain dropped by half, and knee problems were gone. Second session he was doing some fine tune realignment of my hip and spine and neck problems were gone and hip was probably around 75%. Sleeping on it still felt a bit soft but at least walking for more than 60 minutes was possible. Last visit was more adjustment of hip realignment, and ill be honest its not 100% but I can definitely carry on an active lifestyle and sleep on both sides of my body now.

Sure there are a lot of haters for chiros, but if you find a good one - it might possibly be the best decision in your life. If i knew a chiro could of fixed a decades worth of hip pain without surgery over 10 years ago, I wouldnt of had a second thought putting down that money. I will be surely visiting one annually for realignment in the coming years.


You know what... This is fucking bullshit, and it's bad for you.

I work in pain management (I'm a PA in interventional pain management), and the entire field really lacks the concrete evidence of efficacy found in other disciplines, simply because pain is subjective- There isn't a blood test that assesses it, there isn't a magical pill that will cure a herniated disc, etc.

All you have to go on is how people feel, and I have found that for a good many people that chiropractic can work wonders if the chiropractor knows what he/she is doing. I can also say that surgical intervention is one of the worst treatment options available for someone with chronic back or neck pain. And by the way, the best that most pain management doctors can do for someone is write for narcotics or give some injections, to varying degrees of success. Sometimes chiro/PT/acupuncture/massage therapy can work wonders where other western medical interventions have not.

TL;DR- People without experience in the field shouldn't be shitting on something they know little to nothing about, or even worse- Telling people that they're wrong when they have little to no evidence that what they're suggesting is right.
Erm, I think everyone believes in physical therapy, because that's an actual medical field.

Also, if you actually have experience in the field, then you definitely shouldn't be telling people that you're right when you know that there is little to no evidence that what you're suggesting is right.


Erm, I think everyone believes in physical therapy, because that's an actual medical field.

Also, if you actually have experience in the field, then you definitely shouldn't be telling people that you're right when you know that there is little to no evidence that what you're suggesting is right.

That's my entire point. There's little evidence to conventional medical treatments as well. Find me evidence that narcotics/muscle relaxants bestow long term relief- Because oftentimes that's the extent of what orthopedics or physio has to offer. Much less surgery or epidurals... Which are completely hit or miss. Neck/back surgeries can be disastrous. Find me concrete evidence that these work, because I haven't found any.

And as I said, it's hard to be 'right' or 'wrong' when pain is so subjective. Either it makes you feel better, or it doesn't. Personally, I've seen epidurals do less for pain relief than massage therapy, chiro, or any other modality. Again, not easy to definitively prove the efficacy of pain management therapies when there is no test or diagnostic modality that can prove it without question.


Nah dude, it was the acupuncture re-aligning the chi perfectly!

Take a look at my ankle above. It was like that for the entire 8 months. Then I got acupuncture and it was gone in 2 months and I was back to running and having a normal looking ankle.

But I guess you two are experts on my recovery and everything I say is wrong because you think acupuncture/chiro is bullshit. Chances are you neither have ever gotten either done and are talking out of your ass.


I don't know..I guess there are people that graduate at the bottom of the class in all fields.

I've gone to one before. A couple of times, I twisted myself up pretty good lifting weights, before I really used proper form. Both times, I was back to normal within a day, after having pain for several days. It wasn't a pain that gradually subsided over the several days, and then just happened to be gone the day after treatment..it was a flat pain that was gone the day after I went.
Take a look at my ankle above. It was like that for the entire 8 months. Then I got acupuncture and it was gone in 2 months and I was back to running and having a normal looking ankle.

But I guess you two are experts on my recovery and everything I say is wrong because you think acupuncture/chiro is bullshit. Chances are you neither have ever gotten either done and are talking out of your ass.

Hey man, great for you that it worked. But good luck in convincing people to trust acupunc/chiro on a whole, you'll need to bring a bit more scientific evidence than just one person. And no, I'll never try it unless if it's free. Like my universal healthcare :)


Only go if you have a very specific reason to. They can definitely help though, especially if you put your back under a lot of stress.


Take a look at my ankle above. It was like that for the entire 8 months. Then I got acupuncture and it was gone in 2 months and I was back to running and having a normal looking ankle.

But I guess you two are experts on my recovery and everything I say is wrong because you think acupuncture/chiro is bullshit. Chances are you neither have ever gotten either done and are talking out of your ass.
You're assuming your ankle wouldn't have healed at the same rate had you forgone acupuncture. I'm not an expert, but I imagine most medical professionals would recommend Ibuprofen before acupuncture.


I don't trust doctors. The only thing they see is money and they'll do anything to extract as much of it as possible from you.

People who do chiropractic medicine are those people who aren't driven by money. Of course there's bad apples in every profession, but I sincerely believe chiropractors are in this field to help their ailing patients as best as they can.

Western medicine is founded on an extremely unhealthy devotion to science, science, and more science. We need to have skepticism in our lives and we can't just trust everything just because someone happens to have weaseled their way through a PhD.

When you think about it, our ancestors had a lot of successful treatments for illnesses like medicinal bark which "doctors" even now do not understand the effects of. What's to say that chiropractioners are not going back to our roots when we were healthier and stronger individuals?

If we do not accept alternative medicines, we will quickly reach our ceiling as a species and will not be able to evolve into the cosmos. It'd be a tremendous shame.

C'mon, this has GOT to be a gag post.

We "accept" cures that are proven to work based on rigorous scientific principles. We ignore anecdotal claims as they are just that, anecdotal.

"Western medicine is founded on an extremely unhealthy devotion to science, science, and more science. We need to have skepticism in our lives and we can't just trust everything just because someone happens to have weaseled their way through a PhD. "

This has to be the most amazing thing ever written on GAF EVER.


Amazing con-artists and frauds.

There, fixed it for you.

Yeah.. No.

With the help of one I was able to get rid of Sciatic pain which was crippling. Haven't had an issue for over a year now. It was so bad that any movement or pressure was pure agony.


Brian Burke punched my mom
I had a chiro snap my neck back into place after fucking it up one day. I woke up and cracked my neck at a weird angle and couldn't get it back into place.


You're assuming your ankle wouldn't have healed at the same rate had you forgone acupuncture. I'm not an expert, but I imagine most medical professionals would recommend Ibuprofen before acupuncture.

Yes, I always recommend anti-inflammatories as a staple in treatment.

Oftentimes, that isn't enough.

Really is amazing how closed minded people can be, especially with something that is nebulous and subjective like pain management.

I'm medically trained, and it's how I always begin treatment... I want imaging, and I start on anti-inflammatories. Imaging is just a formality, though. Unless there is a severe protrusion or herniation, treatment is similar throughout. People don't want to be on painkillers (which I agree with, unless absolutely necessary), and surgery is probably the worst treatment option for people with chronic neck or back pain.

Anecdotally, I've seen a combination of chiro, massage therapy, PT, and trigger point injections work better than giving someone an epidural or cortisone injection every 3-4 months and calling it a day. Doesn't matter, people will believe what they will. And I'm aware that there is questionable evidence of these treatment methods, but they're as successful as the other, more traditional methods that people expect from a medical pain management team.
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