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Funniest Games


it's been years, but I remember having a few laughs with:


That is such a great game.. gameplay, characters, story, weapons (shark gun! black hole gun! :D ), the humor was fantastic..
Truly a classic

Vampire Bloodlines was many times funny.. some great references (Zapp Brannigans sexlexia :D), great funny lines in dialogs, chat between enemies, some funny characters, and the cherry at the top of the cake - playing as Malkavian :)

Red Hood

204 posts in and I've seen just ONE (not including myself) mention of the N64 Banjo games.

You all oughtta be ashamed of yourself GAF.
My first experience with a funny game was Jak and daxter, i think i was like 10 back then. Before I was introduced to jak by my friend, i only had gran turismo and some sports game.


Saints Row IV.

Some of the dialogue and missions are funny as hell, it may be stupid humour most of the time but it's still funny as hell.


Battlefield Bad Company 1&2, the Borderlands series and Sunset Overdrive come to mind

EDIT: how can I forget about Saints Row lol
Yume Penguin Monogatari for the Family Computer!

The player takes the role of a penguin named Penta, who is getting dumped by his girlfriend Penko, because he has become far too obese for her liking. Penta originally appeared in Antarctic Adventure and Penguin Adventure, and he is the father of "Pentarou" who appeared in the Parodius series. The game follows Penta's quest to win back his ex-girlfriend by losing weight via collecting diet drinks and avoiding enemies. Penko's new boyfriend, Ginji, is trying to block Penta's attempt by dispatching enemies sent to force-feed him back to obesity.

It's pretty hilarious when you manage to defeat the final boss and save her but didn't get enough diet drinks....she just says thanks but you're STILL too fat for her


I tried to be funny when I developed my last videogame.
It was an interesting and hard thing to do, being funny.
Some people loved it, others hated it. As expected.

Secret of Monkey Island is up there for me as a very funny game.
Stanley Parable is also very good at making you laugh with the stupid comments from the narrator.


I haven't played Stick of Truth, but flipped over to Amazon US and it's $14.99 new for the PS3 and X360. Ordered and will give it a try..


Ninja Theory impresses me with their subtle humor.

Heavenly Sword's guard password of "monkey peaches."

Pigsy: "Whoa, this machine is more incredible than my wettest dreams!"
Trip: "What did you just say?"
Pigsy: "Uh..this machine is more incredible than my wildest dreams."
Monkey: "That's not what you said."
I haven't played the Tales game yet, but I did think Borderlands 1 was actually funny. 2, not so much - they just tried too hard or something.

The thing I really like between those 3 games (Borderlands 1,2 and Tales) is that they do a completely different take on Comedy.

1 did a lot of dark humor

2 was just the internet. Yeah, it had it's moments but it definitely was trying too hard and just became all about dumb meme references and dubstep.

I really recommend Tales, as I think it's probably the best of both worlds with the take of also being more light hearted. There's no dumb meme references (at least none that I know of) and it's just better written in general.

The humor is, at the very least, cute.
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